Conservatives...Smacked In The Kisser!

How about you tell them that they're incorrect.

This thread is my way of doing just that.

Here's why it's necessary:

"William "Bill" Kristol (born December 23, 1952) is an American conservative[1] political analyst and commentator. He is the founder and editor at large[2] of the political magazine The Weekly Standard and a political commentator on several networks.

Kristol is associated with a number of prominent conservative think tanks."
William Kristol - Wikipedia

And you say?

Bill Kristol is a "NEOCON"'s an ideological view that resides within the Conservative philosophy as MANY ideologies do. Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology. There are also "social conservatives" but again, this is a particular ideology which finds a home inside the proverbial "big tent" of Conservative philosophy.

Ideologues can often forsake the very philosophy they claim and this is the case with many on the right. I could also include "alt-right-white-nationalists" in the mix... are you one of those? You believe all the racist crap they spew? That's not ME... that's not Trump... but that's an ideology and it largely supported Trump in this election.

I'm going with the colloquial definition as used by wikipedia....
Hence: Kristol, George Will and the other Never Trump Conservatives are entitled to the appellation.

I'm not sure which your argument is...

a. conservatives, Republicans, Rightwingers, Tea Party members, whatever, who didn't vote for Trump aren't deserving of reproach


b. Not voting or not voting for Trump wasn't effectively a vote for the congenital liar.

I dispute both a and b.

Well you didn't answer my question.

No, I don't think you can automatically demonize all who didn't vote for Trump. Somewhere around 4 million Conservatives didn't vote for Romney or McCain. That didn't mean they voted for Obama. Some Conservatives have philosophical differences with McCain, Romney AND Trump. All three of them CLAIM to be Conservative. George W. Bush also CLAIMED to be a Conservative, although many of his policies were antithetical to Conservative philosophy, which gave rise to the Tea Party movement.

I was just as opposed to Hillary as you. I was glad that Trump won and she lost. I hope that Trump impresses me so much that I vote for his re-election. I couldn't vote for him this time because of the policy positions I outlined earlier, which you totally ignored. Those are important issues to me and ones I wasn't willing to compromise for the sake of popularity. Call me whatever names you like, I just wasn't going to attach my name to that and I still don't intend to do so.

My political philosophy aligns closely with Mark Levin. He voted for Trump. He disagrees with Trump on virtually the same issues as myself, and I didn't vote for Trump. Some would argue that if not for people like Levin who simply voted for Trump to keep Hillary from winning, Trump would have lost the election. So now, you seem to want to throw those people under the bus and denigrate them. It's not a "purist" thing, it's a conservative philosophy thing. Now maybe you're not a Conservative? Maybe you're a nationalist-populist? Well, you wouldn't have won this election without Conservatives supporting your candidate.

Trump is well aware of this. As I pointed out before, in the closing weeks of the election, he made some of the strongest Conservative speeches in the last 30 years. He's certainly not out there thumbing his nose at Conservatives and talking about how he smacked them in the kisser. So lay down your Trump pom-poms and stop bashing on Conservatives who you didn't win over and let's all try to hold Trump to core conservative principles so that he expands Conservative support in the future. If you just need a whipping boy, go after the establishment GOP elites. NOT Conservatives!

1. "No, I don't think you can automatically demonize all who didn't vote for Trump."

All I have done is correctly reveal the cowardice and poor judgment to individuals who claimed to endorse individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government...........

...and, instead, worked.....actually turn America over to Leftists, socialists, one-world-governmenters, global warming fools, criminals, opponents of American sovereignty, and those opposed to Judeo-Christian tradition.

Any who fit that description should be despised.

2. "That didn't mean they voted for Obama."
Of course it did. This election was so close that even the act of not voting was a vote for Obama's third term.
Obama said it, and the career criminal said it.

3. "Some Conservatives have philosophical differences with McCain, Romney AND Trump."
Be very clear about what that means. It means 'I'd rather turn everyone's life over to Obama, Soros, Clinton....than made the judgement as to which is worse, that or my 'philosophical difference.'

4. "I was just as opposed to Hillary as you. I was glad that Trump won and she lost."
Did you turn out and vote for Trump?
If you didn't...then you were not as 'opposed to Hillary' as I was.

5. "My political philosophy aligns closely with Mark Levin. He voted for Trump. He disagrees with Trump on virtually the same issues as myself, and I didn't vote for Trump."
No wonder you are sensitive to the meaning of this thread.
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

When the fight was on the were found wanting.

6. "Some would argue that if not for people like Levin who simply voted for Trump to keep Hillary from winning, Trump would have lost the election."
Of course that is the case!!!

7. " So now, you seem to want to throw those people under the bus and denigrate them."
You may phrase it in any way that makes you feel better about yourself.
I am cursed with the inability to do other than speak the truth.

8. "Well, you wouldn't have won this election without Conservatives supporting your candidate."
You're edging toward lying.
I've been very clear about toward whom I am directing my abuse:
"...not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."
That would be you.

9. " the closing weeks of the election, he made some of the strongest Conservative speeches in the last 30 years."
Don't you recognize that you've buried yourself in this one sentence?

10. "So lay down your Trump pom-poms and stop bashing on Conservatives who you didn't win over and let's all try to hold Trump to core conservative principles so that he expands Conservative support in the future. If you just need a whipping boy, go after the establishment GOP elites. NOT Conservatives!"
If this is your admission of guilt we can move on.

You are wrong, and let me tell you WHY you are wrong...

Trump has no advocates other than his supporters. He is hated by the media as well as the political establishment on BOTH sides. The ONLY allies the man has are his supporters. What you are on a campaign to do, apparently, is to trash and bash all the people who, for whatever reason, couldn't pull the lever for Trump in the general election....many of whom support Trump now because he won. Now..... there are people on the left who aren't ever going to support Trump, doesn't matter what you say to them. But anyone on the RIGHT who didn't vote Trump is what you might call a "Redeemable" and you need to get off your fucking high horse and at least try to be cordial to them. Continuing this hateful bashing of people Trump can easily win over, is just plain STUPID and MORONIC as fuck!

I honestly do not get your point! What's next? Are you going to go off on Millennials? Yeah... there's a winning idea... let's piss off the largest growing demographic so they don't support Trump! That's a plan! Fucking genius!

Do Trump a HUGE political favor and shut your idiot pie hole!

Vulgarity is the sign that you know you are wrong.
That's why I never have to resort to same.
TN, I read that as a general statement- not directed at you.
"political betrayal" is just another word for political hack. Which fits your OPs perfectly :thup:
Not to mention, Trump is about as far from a conservative as Hillary Clinton is.. but hey, fuck reality. Politics is more fun.
As it has been said many times before, all politicians are not perfect, even the Messiah who suckered many people with his Hope and Change(boy you lefties were duped big time). But and there is always a but, Trump didn't run on being a politician who had been in government all his life, he ran on being outside the establishment and guess what? He won, because since George Bush and his Republican Congress and Senate, who increased government like democrats, the "NORMAL" US citizens didn't feel that those establishment pukes on both sides were worth shit. So every time the libs speak bad at Trump, all it does is elevate Trump even higher. So keep up those liberal attacks, and you lefties wont see your side in power, ever again. Trump will make America great again, because with Obama leaving, Trump is going to inherit a country that was fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation. Only direction for this country will be up.

View attachment 107424
I stopped reading when you called me a leftist. You are obviously an idiot.
Now I never said you personally were a leftist, but if the shoe fits, then wear it. I have been called many names, including idiot, but when it comes to personal satisfaction, I have no problem with myself. I am very sure of myself, are you? I have very thick skin, do you? Trump will be president tomorrow, why is it, that you cant give the guy a break, until he either proves himself, competent or incompetent? You have been listening to the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog media, and you are scared shitless. Maybe you should be.

"boy you lefties"
so you are an idiot and you have amnesia. That sucks bro!
TN, I read that as a general statement- not directed at you.
"political betrayal" is just another word for political hack. Which fits your OPs perfectly :thup:
Not to mention, Trump is about as far from a conservative as Hillary Clinton is.. but hey, fuck reality. Politics is more fun.
As it has been said many times before, all politicians are not perfect, even the Messiah who suckered many people with his Hope and Change(boy you lefties were duped big time). But and there is always a but, Trump didn't run on being a politician who had been in government all his life, he ran on being outside the establishment and guess what? He won, because since George Bush and his Republican Congress and Senate, who increased government like democrats, the "NORMAL" US citizens didn't feel that those establishment pukes on both sides were worth shit. So every time the libs speak bad at Trump, all it does is elevate Trump even higher. So keep up those liberal attacks, and you lefties wont see your side in power, ever again. Trump will make America great again, because with Obama leaving, Trump is going to inherit a country that was fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation. Only direction for this country will be up.

View attachment 107424
I stopped reading when you called me a leftist. You are obviously an idiot.
Now I never said you personally were a leftist, but if the shoe fits, then wear it. I have been called many names, including idiot, but when it comes to personal satisfaction, I have no problem with myself. I am very sure of myself, are you? I have very thick skin, do you? Trump will be president tomorrow, why is it, that you cant give the guy a break, until he either proves himself, competent or incompetent? You have been listening to the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog media, and you are scared shitless. Maybe you should be.

"boy you lefties"
so you are an idiot and you have amnesia. That sucks bro!

Yes, directly calling me a leftist is a general statement..
He only called me a leftist because I think the OP is a hack. That's whats really sad.
No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

No, you're being an obnoxious little retard who doesn't understand politics.

You're too weak to admit your guilt, and attempting to blame me for your mistake.

Grow up.

No.. You fucking grow up you self-absorbed obnoxious bitch! I didn't make a mistake. I couldn't vote for Trump and I gave you my reasons which you obviously couldn't address because you lack the mental depth. All you want to do is priss around and yah-yah at people who didn't jump on your little populist bandwagon. You don't have enough fucking sense to realize the ONLY reason your candidate won is because the people you're kicking in the groin had to ignore your obnoxious ass and vote for Trump to keep Hillary out. Well guess what, Einstein? Hillary won't be running in 2020, and if you expect to get the "orange cheeto" re-elected, you best start learning how to win people over to your side instead of being an obnoxious bitch. Of course, you're not going to learn, you're too stupid to learn anything.... we're going to have to HOPE that President Trump does enough in his first term to win those people over in spite of your moronic stupidity.
Vulgarity is the sign that you know you are wrong.
That's why I never have to resort to same.
Aw hell naw... you don't get to "smack me in the kisser" then run away like a snowflake. If you're going to denigrate ME, you're going to catch a flameball to the ass. Homey don't play that nonsense.
No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

No, you're being an obnoxious little retard who doesn't understand politics.

You're too weak to admit your guilt, and attempting to blame me for your mistake.

Grow up.

No.. You fucking grow up you self-absorbed obnoxious bitch! I didn't make a mistake. I couldn't vote for Trump and I gave you my reasons which you obviously couldn't address because you lack the mental depth. All you want to do is priss around and yah-yah at people who didn't jump on your little populist bandwagon. You don't have enough fucking sense to realize the ONLY reason your candidate won is because the people you're kicking in the groin had to ignore your obnoxious ass and vote for Trump to keep Hillary out. Well guess what, Einstein? Hillary won't be running in 2020, and if you expect to get the "orange cheeto" re-elected, you best start learning how to win people over to your side instead of being an obnoxious bitch. Of course, you're not going to learn, you're too stupid to learn anything.... we're going to have to HOPE that President Trump does enough in his first term to win those people over in spite of your moronic stupidity.

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their argument, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.
Vulgarity is the sign that you know you are wrong.
That's why I never have to resort to same.
Aw hell naw... you don't get to "smack me in the kisser" then run away like a snowflake. If you're going to denigrate ME, you're going to catch a flameball to the ass. Homey don't play that nonsense.

I talk the talk...but I also walk the walk.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.
Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their argument, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.

My language falls to the vulgar because reasonable language doesn't seem to be getting through to you. You've not "bested" anyone, you're not even making rational common sense. All you're doing is acting like a world-class ass hat. Apparently, for no other reason than your guy won.

Let me try one more time to get through that thick head of yours... MILLIONS of people who did not cast their vote for Trump are now fully in support of Trump and behind him. They are GLAD that Hillary Clinton didn't win. They WANT Trump to do well. These people are NOT YOUR ENEMY!

Now what is the matter with you? Is it some kind of warped vanity? For what conceivable reason are you on the attack of these people who are now fully in support of Trump in spite of not voting for him? Are you seriously trying to drive them AWAY from Trump and turn them into mortal enemies? Do you not think Trump already has enough enemies? You think you need to run out there and set some more fires and piss some more people off that Trump was elected? What is your fucking deal? I really do think you are taking this "Deplorable" title a little bit too far.

This man has a tough road ahead. As I said, he has NO ALLIES in Washington! The establishment of both parties hate him. The left is going mentally insane over him. The media is on a vendetta against him. In the coming months, he is going to need every ally he can find. Now is not the time for you to be torching people who actually support him. That's just stupid, boneheaded and pointless. I'm sorry you think my language is vulgar but you're being a fucking idiot.
Bill Kristol is a "NEOCON"'s an ideological view that resides within the Conservative philosophy as MANY ideologies do. Conservatism is a philosophy, not an ideology. There are also "social conservatives" but again, this is a particular ideology which finds a home inside the proverbial "big tent" of Conservative philosophy.

Ideologues can often forsake the very philosophy they claim and this is the case with many on the right. I could also include "alt-right-white-nationalists" in the mix... are you one of those? You believe all the racist crap they spew? That's not ME... that's not Trump... but that's an ideology and it largely supported Trump in this election.

I'm going with the colloquial definition as used by wikipedia....
Hence: Kristol, George Will and the other Never Trump Conservatives are entitled to the appellation.

I'm not sure which your argument is...

a. conservatives, Republicans, Rightwingers, Tea Party members, whatever, who didn't vote for Trump aren't deserving of reproach


b. Not voting or not voting for Trump wasn't effectively a vote for the congenital liar.

I dispute both a and b.

Well you didn't answer my question.

No, I don't think you can automatically demonize all who didn't vote for Trump. Somewhere around 4 million Conservatives didn't vote for Romney or McCain. That didn't mean they voted for Obama. Some Conservatives have philosophical differences with McCain, Romney AND Trump. All three of them CLAIM to be Conservative. George W. Bush also CLAIMED to be a Conservative, although many of his policies were antithetical to Conservative philosophy, which gave rise to the Tea Party movement.

I was just as opposed to Hillary as you. I was glad that Trump won and she lost. I hope that Trump impresses me so much that I vote for his re-election. I couldn't vote for him this time because of the policy positions I outlined earlier, which you totally ignored. Those are important issues to me and ones I wasn't willing to compromise for the sake of popularity. Call me whatever names you like, I just wasn't going to attach my name to that and I still don't intend to do so.

My political philosophy aligns closely with Mark Levin. He voted for Trump. He disagrees with Trump on virtually the same issues as myself, and I didn't vote for Trump. Some would argue that if not for people like Levin who simply voted for Trump to keep Hillary from winning, Trump would have lost the election. So now, you seem to want to throw those people under the bus and denigrate them. It's not a "purist" thing, it's a conservative philosophy thing. Now maybe you're not a Conservative? Maybe you're a nationalist-populist? Well, you wouldn't have won this election without Conservatives supporting your candidate.

Trump is well aware of this. As I pointed out before, in the closing weeks of the election, he made some of the strongest Conservative speeches in the last 30 years. He's certainly not out there thumbing his nose at Conservatives and talking about how he smacked them in the kisser. So lay down your Trump pom-poms and stop bashing on Conservatives who you didn't win over and let's all try to hold Trump to core conservative principles so that he expands Conservative support in the future. If you just need a whipping boy, go after the establishment GOP elites. NOT Conservatives!

1. "No, I don't think you can automatically demonize all who didn't vote for Trump."

All I have done is correctly reveal the cowardice and poor judgment to individuals who claimed to endorse individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government...........

...and, instead, worked.....actually turn America over to Leftists, socialists, one-world-governmenters, global warming fools, criminals, opponents of American sovereignty, and those opposed to Judeo-Christian tradition.

Any who fit that description should be despised.

2. "That didn't mean they voted for Obama."
Of course it did. This election was so close that even the act of not voting was a vote for Obama's third term.
Obama said it, and the career criminal said it.

3. "Some Conservatives have philosophical differences with McCain, Romney AND Trump."
Be very clear about what that means. It means 'I'd rather turn everyone's life over to Obama, Soros, Clinton....than made the judgement as to which is worse, that or my 'philosophical difference.'

4. "I was just as opposed to Hillary as you. I was glad that Trump won and she lost."
Did you turn out and vote for Trump?
If you didn't...then you were not as 'opposed to Hillary' as I was.

5. "My political philosophy aligns closely with Mark Levin. He voted for Trump. He disagrees with Trump on virtually the same issues as myself, and I didn't vote for Trump."
No wonder you are sensitive to the meaning of this thread.
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin

When the fight was on the were found wanting.

6. "Some would argue that if not for people like Levin who simply voted for Trump to keep Hillary from winning, Trump would have lost the election."
Of course that is the case!!!

7. " So now, you seem to want to throw those people under the bus and denigrate them."
You may phrase it in any way that makes you feel better about yourself.
I am cursed with the inability to do other than speak the truth.

8. "Well, you wouldn't have won this election without Conservatives supporting your candidate."
You're edging toward lying.
I've been very clear about toward whom I am directing my abuse:
"...not all of us conservatives....just the sell-out bunch.

1. When Donald Trump...against all probability...won the Republican nomination, one of the most infuriating....or disappointing....outcomes, was the chorus of the "purer then thou" conservatives....dubbed "Never Trumpers."
That would be you.

9. " the closing weeks of the election, he made some of the strongest Conservative speeches in the last 30 years."
Don't you recognize that you've buried yourself in this one sentence?

10. "So lay down your Trump pom-poms and stop bashing on Conservatives who you didn't win over and let's all try to hold Trump to core conservative principles so that he expands Conservative support in the future. If you just need a whipping boy, go after the establishment GOP elites. NOT Conservatives!"
If this is your admission of guilt we can move on.

You are wrong, and let me tell you WHY you are wrong...

Trump has no advocates other than his supporters. He is hated by the media as well as the political establishment on BOTH sides. The ONLY allies the man has are his supporters. What you are on a campaign to do, apparently, is to trash and bash all the people who, for whatever reason, couldn't pull the lever for Trump in the general election....many of whom support Trump now because he won. Now..... there are people on the left who aren't ever going to support Trump, doesn't matter what you say to them. But anyone on the RIGHT who didn't vote Trump is what you might call a "Redeemable" and you need to get off your fucking high horse and at least try to be cordial to them. Continuing this hateful bashing of people Trump can easily win over, is just plain STUPID and MORONIC as fuck!

I honestly do not get your point! What's next? Are you going to go off on Millennials? Yeah... there's a winning idea... let's piss off the largest growing demographic so they don't support Trump! That's a plan! Fucking genius!

Do Trump a HUGE political favor and shut your idiot pie hole!

Vulgarity is the sign that you know you are wrong.
That's why I never have to resort to same.

Vulgarity is the sign that you know you are wrong.
That's why I never have to resort to same
The "Never Trump Conservatives" have to answer for working to put this into the halls of power:

"Sally Boynton Brown, a white woman running for chair of the Democratic National Committee, said Monday that if she is chosen to lead the party her job will be to “shut other white people down.”
White Candidate For DNC Chair Says Her Job Will Be ‘To Shut Other White People Down’ [VIDEO]

What you need to do is close your pie hole! "Never Trump" is O-V-E-R!

The people who actively worked to sabotage Trump's election are leftists. If they STILL want to undermine Trump, they are leftists. They don't deserve their own special title. About 180 million people didn't vote for Trump. Only about half of them are leftists. The other half are not. A good chunk of them are supportive of Trump but couldn't vote for him. They weren't "never-trumpers" but they couldn't vote for him. But even if they were... so what? If they're not leftists, win them over! It's just politically stupid to try your best to piss off as many of those 180 million as you can.
Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that destroys their argument, their most closely held beliefs, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you.

My language falls to the vulgar because reasonable language doesn't seem to be getting through to you. You've not "bested" anyone, you're not even making rational common sense. All you're doing is acting like a world-class ass hat. Apparently, for no other reason than your guy won.

Let me try one more time to get through that thick head of yours... MILLIONS of people who did not cast their vote for Trump are now fully in support of Trump and behind him. They are GLAD that Hillary Clinton didn't win. They WANT Trump to do well. These people are NOT YOUR ENEMY!

Now what is the matter with you? Is it some kind of warped vanity? For what conceivable reason are you on the attack of these people who are now fully in support of Trump in spite of not voting for him? Are you seriously trying to drive them AWAY from Trump and turn them into mortal enemies? Do you not think Trump already has enough enemies? You think you need to run out there and set some more fires and piss some more people off that Trump was elected? What is your fucking deal? I really do think you are taking this "Deplorable" title a little bit too far.

This man has a tough road ahead. As I said, he has NO ALLIES in Washington! The establishment of both parties hate him. The left is going mentally insane over him. The media is on a vendetta against him. In the coming months, he is going to need every ally he can find. Now is not the time for you to be torching people who actually support him. That's just stupid, boneheaded and pointless. I'm sorry you think my language is vulgar but you're being a fucking idiot.

" MILLIONS of people who did not cast their vote for Trump are now fully in support of Trump and behind him. They are GLAD that Hillary Clinton didn't win. They WANT Trump to do well. These people are NOT YOUR ENEMY!"

Your vulgarity continues...and for the reasons that I pointed out.
You recognize your are guilty of what I have claimed, but haven't the courage to admit it.
Hence...profanity substitutes.

As you are a child, have yet to develop the characteristics of an adult, let me explain your iniquity as I would to a child.

The Tale of The Little Red Hen

In the tale, the little red hen finds a grain of wheat and asks for help from the other farmyard animals (most adaptations feature a pig, a cat, and a dog[1]) to plant it, but none of them volunteer.
At each later stage (harvest, threshing, milling the wheat into flour, and baking the flour into bread), the hen again asks for help from the other animals, but again she gets no assistance.

Finally, the hen has completed her task and asks who will help her eat the bread. This time, all the previous non-participants eagerly volunteer. She declines their help stating that no one aided her in the preparation work.
Thus, the hen eats it with her chicks leaving none for anyone else.

The moral of this story is that those who say no to contribution to a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: "if any would not work, neither should he eat."
The Little Red Hen - Wikipedia

Never Trumpers refused to help with the task.'re coming back with your tail between your legs.

Be gone.
The "Never Trump Conservatives" have to answer for working to put this into the halls of power:

"Sally Boynton Brown, a white woman running for chair of the Democratic National Committee, said Monday that if she is chosen to lead the party her job will be to “shut other white people down.”
White Candidate For DNC Chair Says Her Job Will Be ‘To Shut Other White People Down’ [VIDEO]

What you need to do is close your pie hole! "Never Trump" is O-V-E-R!

The people who actively worked to sabotage Trump's election are leftists. If they STILL want to undermine Trump, they are leftists. They don't deserve their own special title. About 180 million people didn't vote for Trump. Only about half of them are leftists. The other half are not. A good chunk of them are supportive of Trump but couldn't vote for him. They weren't "never-trumpers" but they couldn't vote for him. But even if they were... so what? If they're not leftists, win them over! It's just politically stupid to try your best to piss off as many of those 180 million as you can.

"The people who actively worked to sabotage Trump's election are leftists."

No, Quislings.

  1. a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country.
    synonyms: collaborator, colluder, sympathizer; More
Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

I don't admit anything. I didn't vote for Trump and I gave my valid and legitimate reasons which you never did address. I'm sorry you don't understand how people have principles. I'm sorry I messed up your cheerleading session.

So let me get this straight... you want to "rebuke" someone who is now supportive of Trump because...... why? :dunno: See, that's the part I'm having trouble with... I don't get it.

In the words of Clint Eastwood... Deserve's got nothing to do with it. I am going to support Trump in spite of you being an obnoxious ass hat. I am also going to hold him accountable to Conservative principles and speak out when he contradicts them. And I really don't care what you say about that.

My only concern is for the millions of people out there who you seem to be intent on driving out of the big tent because they won't grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness. No one owes you a damn thing, toots.
" MILLIONS of people who did not cast their vote for Trump are now fully in support of Trump and behind him. They are GLAD that Hillary Clinton didn't win. They WANT Trump to do well. These people are NOT YOUR ENEMY!"

Your vulgarity continues...and for the reasons that I pointed out.
You recognize your are guilty of what I have claimed, but haven't the courage to admit it.
Hence...profanity substitutes.

Where was there ANY profanity or vulgarity in that quote??? :dunno:

You're insane.
"The people who actively worked to sabotage Trump's election are leftists."

No, Quislings.

  1. a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country.
    synonyms: collaborator, colluder, sympathizer; More

No, see... this is offensive and obnoxious to me. I didn't collaborate with Hillary Clinton or the liberal left. I didn't sympathize with the enemy and I don't do so now. I am a Conservative who believes in conservative principles and I pointed out the various areas I had disagreement with Trump on those principles.

Trump won the election and I am glad Trump won. I had tears of pride running down my face Friday. I am excited and looking forward to what this administration is going to do and I think it will be ten thousand times better than the alternative would have been or the last administration.

I don't NEED or REQUIRE you approval. If you feel the need to attack me and make me your enemy, you go right ahead and I'll slap you down like the little bitch you are. You didn't earn some kind of special right to talk down to me. Get over yourself and grow the fuck up. Idiot.
Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

I don't admit anything. I didn't vote for Trump and I gave my valid and legitimate reasons which you never did address. I'm sorry you don't understand how people have principles. I'm sorry I messed up your cheerleading session.

So let me get this straight... you want to "rebuke" someone who is now supportive of Trump because...... why? :dunno: See, that's the part I'm having trouble with... I don't get it.

In the words of Clint Eastwood... Deserve's got nothing to do with it. I am going to support Trump in spite of you being an obnoxious ass hat. I am also going to hold him accountable to Conservative principles and speak out when he contradicts them. And I really don't care what you say about that.

My only concern is for the millions of people out there who you seem to be intent on driving out of the big tent because they won't grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness. No one owes you a damn thing, toots.

1. " I didn't vote for Trump and I gave my valid and legitimate reasons..."

I never said you didn't have that right.

I said that you betrayed what you claim to be: conservative.

2. "My only concern is for the millions of people out there who you seem to be intent on driving out of the big tent because they won't grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness."
I've simply explained your inadequacy in the past, and hope you won't do so again, that this exchange of ours has highlighted what you already knew.

3. You need not grovel nor beg...simply admit that you did not help elect the anti-Hillary candidate when you had the opportunity.
4. Your numerous responses make clear that I have hit a nerve...and that's a good recognize what you should have done.
Use better judgment in the future.

The fight is for America, against the Left, and there will never be a 'perfect' candidate.
What more is there to say?
Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

I don't admit anything. I didn't vote for Trump and I gave my valid and legitimate reasons which you never did address. I'm sorry you don't understand how people have principles. I'm sorry I messed up your cheerleading session.

So let me get this straight... you want to "rebuke" someone who is now supportive of Trump because...... why? :dunno: See, that's the part I'm having trouble with... I don't get it.

In the words of Clint Eastwood... Deserve's got nothing to do with it. I am going to support Trump in spite of you being an obnoxious ass hat. I am also going to hold him accountable to Conservative principles and speak out when he contradicts them. And I really don't care what you say about that.

My only concern is for the millions of people out there who you seem to be intent on driving out of the big tent because they won't grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness. No one owes you a damn thing, toots.

1. " I didn't vote for Trump and I gave my valid and legitimate reasons..."

I never said you didn't have that right.

I said that you betrayed what you claim to be: conservative.

2. "My only concern is for the millions of people out there who you seem to be intent on driving out of the big tent because they won't grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness."
I've simply explained your inadequacy in the past, and hope you won't do so again, that this exchange of ours has highlighted what you already knew.

3. You need not grovel nor beg...simply admit that you did not help elect the anti-Hillary candidate when you had the opportunity.
4. Your numerous responses make clear that I have hit a nerve...and that's a good recognize what you should have done.
Use better judgment in the future.

The fight is for America, against the Left, and there will never be a 'perfect' candidate.
What more is there to say?

I said that you betrayed what you claim to be: conservative.

Well no... you've not bothered to explain how I did that. You don't get to just CLAIM it.

Use better judgment in the future.

Fuck you. My judgement is fine. I'm a Conservative and I remain consistent with my principles. You don't like it? Tough shit! I don't really care what you like or don't like.

The fight is for America...

Then you need to start acting like you know who your goddamn enemy is. Moron!
Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

I don't admit anything. I didn't vote for Trump and I gave my valid and legitimate reasons which you never did address. I'm sorry you don't understand how people have principles. I'm sorry I messed up your cheerleading session.

So let me get this straight... you want to "rebuke" someone who is now supportive of Trump because...... why? :dunno: See, that's the part I'm having trouble with... I don't get it.

In the words of Clint Eastwood... Deserve's got nothing to do with it. I am going to support Trump in spite of you being an obnoxious ass hat. I am also going to hold him accountable to Conservative principles and speak out when he contradicts them. And I really don't care what you say about that.

My only concern is for the millions of people out there who you seem to be intent on driving out of the big tent because they won't grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness. No one owes you a damn thing, toots.

1. " I didn't vote for Trump and I gave my valid and legitimate reasons..."

I never said you didn't have that right.

I said that you betrayed what you claim to be: conservative.

2. "My only concern is for the millions of people out there who you seem to be intent on driving out of the big tent because they won't grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness."
I've simply explained your inadequacy in the past, and hope you won't do so again, that this exchange of ours has highlighted what you already knew.

3. You need not grovel nor beg...simply admit that you did not help elect the anti-Hillary candidate when you had the opportunity.
4. Your numerous responses make clear that I have hit a nerve...and that's a good recognize what you should have done.
Use better judgment in the future.

The fight is for America, against the Left, and there will never be a 'perfect' candidate.
What more is there to say?

I said that you betrayed what you claim to be: conservative.

Well no... you've not bothered to explain how I did that. You don't get to just CLAIM it.

Use better judgment in the future.

Fuck you. My judgement is fine. I'm a Conservative and I remain consistent with my principles. You don't like it? Tough shit! I don't really care what you like or don't like.

The fight is for America...

Then you need to start acting like you know who your goddamn enemy is. Moron!

You're dismissed.

Come back when you've developed some character.

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