Conservatives...Smacked In The Kisser!

"political betrayal" is just another word for political hack. Which fits your OPs perfectly :thup:
Not to mention, Trump is about as far from a conservative as Hillary Clinton is.. but hey, fuck reality. Politics is more fun.
As it has been said many times before, all politicians are not perfect, even the Messiah who suckered many people with his Hope and Change(boy you lefties were duped big time). But and there is always a but, Trump didn't run on being a politician who had been in government all his life, he ran on being outside the establishment and guess what? He won, because since George Bush and his Republican Congress and Senate, who increased government like democrats, the "NORMAL" US citizens didn't feel that those establishment pukes on both sides were worth shit. So every time the libs speak bad at Trump, all it does is elevate Trump even higher. So keep up those liberal attacks, and you lefties wont see your side in power, ever again. Trump will make America great again, because with Obama leaving, Trump is going to inherit a country that was fundamentally transformed into a 3rd world nation. Only direction for this country will be up.

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Yet, you are cowed by "Make America Great Again". No sir, orange can't a part of the 'establishment'. He has absolutely nothing to gain as leader of the free world. He's just like us 'regular folks.' His reputation and billionaire status are simply lucky coincidences. We need a 'businessman' as our leader because countries are just giant corporations anyway. If you believe any of this, you are just a dumb as those you dismiss. Republicans got the edge this round, and good for them. Unfortunately, they elected a disgrace whereas Democrats nominated one.

Not perfect? Sorry, your president is a first-class scumbag to me. I'm happy to keep reminding you until impeachment.
3. "Stop calling people who didn't vote for him names."
Anyone who didn't vote for Trump, or didn't vote at all, voted for this:
the collective,
command and control regulation of private industry,
and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life...
..........right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

You sound like a leftist.

No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

Nope, you sound just like the leftists when you post this crap.

Those who didn't vote or didn't vote T gave their vote to no one or someone else; neither equate to them voting for what you posted.
3. "Stop calling people who didn't vote for him names."
Anyone who didn't vote for Trump, or didn't vote at all, voted for this:
the collective,
command and control regulation of private industry,
and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life...
..........right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

You sound like a leftist.

No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

Nope, you sound just like the leftists when you post this crap.

Those who didn't vote or didn't vote T gave their vote to no one or someone else; neither equate to them voting for what you posted.

1. "... this crap....."
Neither you nor any of those who failed in your obligation, can find a single error in anything I've posted.

2. Any instance, a vote for Bill's wife, or a non-Trump vote, was effectively a vote against conservative interests.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.
3. "Stop calling people who didn't vote for him names."
Anyone who didn't vote for Trump, or didn't vote at all, voted for this:
the collective,
command and control regulation of private industry,
and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life...
..........right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

You sound like a leftist.

No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

Nope, you sound just like the leftists when you post this crap.

Those who didn't vote or didn't vote T gave their vote to no one or someone else; neither equate to them voting for what you posted.

1. "... this crap....."
Neither you nor any of those who failed in your obligation, can find a single error in anything I've posted.

2. Any instance, a vote for Bill's wife, or a non-Trump vote, was effectively a vote against conservative interests.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.

Show me, in numbers, how a vote against Trump added to the vote tally FOR clinton.
3. "Stop calling people who didn't vote for him names."
Anyone who didn't vote for Trump, or didn't vote at all, voted for this:
the collective,
command and control regulation of private industry,
and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life...
..........right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

You sound like a leftist.

No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

Nope, you sound just like the leftists when you post this crap.

Those who didn't vote or didn't vote T gave their vote to no one or someone else; neither equate to them voting for what you posted.

1. "... this crap....."
Neither you nor any of those who failed in your obligation, can find a single error in anything I've posted.

2. Any instance, a vote for Bill's wife, or a non-Trump vote, was effectively a vote against conservative interests.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.

Show me, in numbers, how a vote against Trump added to the vote tally FOR clinton.

How close was the election loss that would have doomed America?

To put it another way.....recall how you felt when you realized that Trump beat the Leftist career criminal.
Crushed or elated?
You sound like a leftist.

No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

Nope, you sound just like the leftists when you post this crap.

Those who didn't vote or didn't vote T gave their vote to no one or someone else; neither equate to them voting for what you posted.

1. "... this crap....."
Neither you nor any of those who failed in your obligation, can find a single error in anything I've posted.

2. Any instance, a vote for Bill's wife, or a non-Trump vote, was effectively a vote against conservative interests.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.

Show me, in numbers, how a vote against Trump added to the vote tally FOR clinton.

How close was the election loss that would have doomed America?

To put it another way.....recall how you felt when you realized that Trump beat the Leftist career criminal.
Crushed or elated?

So you've got nothing.

How I felt doesn't factor into the equation.

Isn't it the left that's always so overly concerned with 'feelings'? Why yes, I believe so.
No I don't.

I'm giving you the tough love you need so you don't ever loose sight of the prize again.

Nope, you sound just like the leftists when you post this crap.

Those who didn't vote or didn't vote T gave their vote to no one or someone else; neither equate to them voting for what you posted.

1. "... this crap....."
Neither you nor any of those who failed in your obligation, can find a single error in anything I've posted.

2. Any instance, a vote for Bill's wife, or a non-Trump vote, was effectively a vote against conservative interests.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.

Show me, in numbers, how a vote against Trump added to the vote tally FOR clinton.

How close was the election loss that would have doomed America?

To put it another way.....recall how you felt when you realized that Trump beat the Leftist career criminal.
Crushed or elated?

So you've got nothing.

How I felt doesn't factor into the equation.

Isn't it the left that's always so overly concerned with 'feelings'? Why yes, I believe so.

"So you've got nothing."

Au contraire....I've got you.

Your repeated posts attempting to defend what you've done proves that I've hit a nerve.

That's a good sign: deep down you recognize the mistake you've made, and feel better blaming me for revealing it than looking in the mirror.

Should there be a replay of the scenario, I believe you'll take a closer look at which is more important, message, or, the matter that the messenger, the candidate in question, may not meet your expectations.

Get to that mirror.
Nope, you sound just like the leftists when you post this crap.

Those who didn't vote or didn't vote T gave their vote to no one or someone else; neither equate to them voting for what you posted.

1. "... this crap....."
Neither you nor any of those who failed in your obligation, can find a single error in anything I've posted.

2. Any instance, a vote for Bill's wife, or a non-Trump vote, was effectively a vote against conservative interests.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.

Show me, in numbers, how a vote against Trump added to the vote tally FOR clinton.

How close was the election loss that would have doomed America?

To put it another way.....recall how you felt when you realized that Trump beat the Leftist career criminal.
Crushed or elated?

So you've got nothing.

How I felt doesn't factor into the equation.

Isn't it the left that's always so overly concerned with 'feelings'? Why yes, I believe so.

"So you've got nothing."

Au contraire....I've got you.

Your repeated posts attempting to defend what you've done proves that I've hit a nerve.

That's a good sign: deep down you recognize the mistake you've made, and feel better blaming me for revealing it than looking in the mirror.

Should there be a replay of the scenario, I believe you'll take a closer look at which is more important, message, or, the matter that the messenger, the candidate in question, may not meet your expectations.

Get to that mirror.

Show me, in numbers, how not voting Trump increased clinton's tally count.

If you can't provide proof, you lose.

I'll wait.
1. "... this crap....."
Neither you nor any of those who failed in your obligation, can find a single error in anything I've posted.

2. Any instance, a vote for Bill's wife, or a non-Trump vote, was effectively a vote against conservative interests.

Be sure to come back when you are ready to admit that you were wrong, and deserve the rebuke.

If you don't have the character to do so, it will be evident.

Show me, in numbers, how a vote against Trump added to the vote tally FOR clinton.

How close was the election loss that would have doomed America?

To put it another way.....recall how you felt when you realized that Trump beat the Leftist career criminal.
Crushed or elated?

So you've got nothing.

How I felt doesn't factor into the equation.

Isn't it the left that's always so overly concerned with 'feelings'? Why yes, I believe so.

"So you've got nothing."

Au contraire....I've got you.

Your repeated posts attempting to defend what you've done proves that I've hit a nerve.

That's a good sign: deep down you recognize the mistake you've made, and feel better blaming me for revealing it than looking in the mirror.

Should there be a replay of the scenario, I believe you'll take a closer look at which is more important, message, or, the matter that the messenger, the candidate in question, may not meet your expectations.

Get to that mirror.

Show me, in numbers, how not voting Trump increased clinton's tally count.

If you can't provide proof, you lose.

I'll wait.

Here is the basic rule in life:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Or....if you are not deeply wounded by the thread, and my rebuke of your cowardly actions.....

...why do you keep coming back?
Show me, in numbers, how a vote against Trump added to the vote tally FOR clinton.

How close was the election loss that would have doomed America?

To put it another way.....recall how you felt when you realized that Trump beat the Leftist career criminal.
Crushed or elated?

So you've got nothing.

How I felt doesn't factor into the equation.

Isn't it the left that's always so overly concerned with 'feelings'? Why yes, I believe so.

"So you've got nothing."

Au contraire....I've got you.

Your repeated posts attempting to defend what you've done proves that I've hit a nerve.

That's a good sign: deep down you recognize the mistake you've made, and feel better blaming me for revealing it than looking in the mirror.

Should there be a replay of the scenario, I believe you'll take a closer look at which is more important, message, or, the matter that the messenger, the candidate in question, may not meet your expectations.

Get to that mirror.

Show me, in numbers, how not voting Trump increased clinton's tally count.

If you can't provide proof, you lose.

I'll wait.

Here is the basic rule in life:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Or....if you are not deeply wounded by the thread, and my rebuke of your cowardly actions.....

...why do you keep coming back?

Correct. You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?

Reality is: no vote for Trump, or a write in, increases neither Trump's nor Clinton's tally. What that says is you believe your write in would do a better job. You're smart, why you don't grasp this is a mystery.
how is that rescinding executive amnesty going for you fools who bought his bull from the begining? I voted against Clinton I sure as hell will not be quiet when trump is shown for the liar he is. Yes I voted for him and dammit that doesn't give him a free pass.
How close was the election loss that would have doomed America?

To put it another way.....recall how you felt when you realized that Trump beat the Leftist career criminal.
Crushed or elated?

So you've got nothing.

How I felt doesn't factor into the equation.

Isn't it the left that's always so overly concerned with 'feelings'? Why yes, I believe so.

"So you've got nothing."

Au contraire....I've got you.

Your repeated posts attempting to defend what you've done proves that I've hit a nerve.

That's a good sign: deep down you recognize the mistake you've made, and feel better blaming me for revealing it than looking in the mirror.

Should there be a replay of the scenario, I believe you'll take a closer look at which is more important, message, or, the matter that the messenger, the candidate in question, may not meet your expectations.

Get to that mirror.

Show me, in numbers, how not voting Trump increased clinton's tally count.

If you can't provide proof, you lose.

I'll wait.

Here is the basic rule in life:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Or....if you are not deeply wounded by the thread, and my rebuke of your cowardly actions.....

...why do you keep coming back?

Correct. You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?

Reality is: no vote for Trump, or a write in, increases neither Trump's nor Clinton's tally. What that says is you believe your write in would do a better job. You're smart, why you don't grasp this is a mystery.

1. "You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?"
Sure I do.
Your vote was aimed at Trump losing.

2. Now...why would you want us to keep going over what is clear, and you have admitted...that you were a sell-out who worked against a Trump victory, and for that of the Leftist congenital liar and career criminal?

Guilty conscience?
So you've got nothing.

How I felt doesn't factor into the equation.

Isn't it the left that's always so overly concerned with 'feelings'? Why yes, I believe so.

"So you've got nothing."

Au contraire....I've got you.

Your repeated posts attempting to defend what you've done proves that I've hit a nerve.

That's a good sign: deep down you recognize the mistake you've made, and feel better blaming me for revealing it than looking in the mirror.

Should there be a replay of the scenario, I believe you'll take a closer look at which is more important, message, or, the matter that the messenger, the candidate in question, may not meet your expectations.

Get to that mirror.

Show me, in numbers, how not voting Trump increased clinton's tally count.

If you can't provide proof, you lose.

I'll wait.

Here is the basic rule in life:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Or....if you are not deeply wounded by the thread, and my rebuke of your cowardly actions.....

...why do you keep coming back?

Correct. You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?

Reality is: no vote for Trump, or a write in, increases neither Trump's nor Clinton's tally. What that says is you believe your write in would do a better job. You're smart, why you don't grasp this is a mystery.

1. "You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?"
Sure I do.
Your vote was aimed at Trump losing.

2. Now...why would you want us to keep going over what is clear, and you have admitted...that you were a sell-out who worked against a Trump victory, and for that of the Leftist congenital liar and career criminal?

Guilty conscience?

PC, that is nothing more than your opinion. Period.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?
how is that rescinding executive amnesty going for you fools who bought his bull from the begining? I voted against Clinton I sure as hell will not be quiet when trump is shown for the liar he is. Yes I voted for him and dammit that doesn't give him a free pass.

1. Clearly your vote for Trump, against the Leftist, absolves you of the indictment represented by this thread.

2. As for being prepared to reveal any missteps by Trump.....I compliment you on that, and don't see anyone ready to attack you for it.

We on the right don't deify our candidates, as the Left one has called Trump 'the messiah,' or 'god' the Left did the snake, Obama.

3. Sooo....what's your point here?
"So you've got nothing."

Au contraire....I've got you.

Your repeated posts attempting to defend what you've done proves that I've hit a nerve.

That's a good sign: deep down you recognize the mistake you've made, and feel better blaming me for revealing it than looking in the mirror.

Should there be a replay of the scenario, I believe you'll take a closer look at which is more important, message, or, the matter that the messenger, the candidate in question, may not meet your expectations.

Get to that mirror.

Show me, in numbers, how not voting Trump increased clinton's tally count.

If you can't provide proof, you lose.

I'll wait.

Here is the basic rule in life:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Or....if you are not deeply wounded by the thread, and my rebuke of your cowardly actions.....

...why do you keep coming back?

Correct. You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?

Reality is: no vote for Trump, or a write in, increases neither Trump's nor Clinton's tally. What that says is you believe your write in would do a better job. You're smart, why you don't grasp this is a mystery.

1. "You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?"
Sure I do.
Your vote was aimed at Trump losing.

2. Now...why would you want us to keep going over what is clear, and you have admitted...that you were a sell-out who worked against a Trump victory, and for that of the Leftist congenital liar and career criminal?

Guilty conscience?

PC, that is nothing more than your opinion. Period.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

You're smart enough to recognize that our elections are binary, and a vote for any but the two parties is against the better of the only two real choices.

In full disclosure, Cruz was my first choice, as well.
Show me, in numbers, how not voting Trump increased clinton's tally count.

If you can't provide proof, you lose.

I'll wait.

Here is the basic rule in life:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Or....if you are not deeply wounded by the thread, and my rebuke of your cowardly actions.....

...why do you keep coming back?

Correct. You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?

Reality is: no vote for Trump, or a write in, increases neither Trump's nor Clinton's tally. What that says is you believe your write in would do a better job. You're smart, why you don't grasp this is a mystery.

1. "You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?"
Sure I do.
Your vote was aimed at Trump losing.

2. Now...why would you want us to keep going over what is clear, and you have admitted...that you were a sell-out who worked against a Trump victory, and for that of the Leftist congenital liar and career criminal?

Guilty conscience?

PC, that is nothing more than your opinion. Period.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

You're smart enough to recognize that our elections are binary, and a vote for any but the two parties is against the better of the only two real choices.

In full disclosure, Cruz was my first choice, as well.

You didn't answer my question.
Here is the basic rule in life:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Or....if you are not deeply wounded by the thread, and my rebuke of your cowardly actions.....

...why do you keep coming back?

Correct. You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?

Reality is: no vote for Trump, or a write in, increases neither Trump's nor Clinton's tally. What that says is you believe your write in would do a better job. You're smart, why you don't grasp this is a mystery.

1. "You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?"
Sure I do.
Your vote was aimed at Trump losing.

2. Now...why would you want us to keep going over what is clear, and you have admitted...that you were a sell-out who worked against a Trump victory, and for that of the Leftist congenital liar and career criminal?

Guilty conscience?

PC, that is nothing more than your opinion. Period.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

You're smart enough to recognize that our elections are binary, and a vote for any but the two parties is against the better of the only two real choices.

In full disclosure, Cruz was my first choice, as well.

You didn't answer my question.

Of course I did.
Every one of them.
Correct. You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?

Reality is: no vote for Trump, or a write in, increases neither Trump's nor Clinton's tally. What that says is you believe your write in would do a better job. You're smart, why you don't grasp this is a mystery.

1. "You've taken no action to support your pov. Numbers. Got any?"
Sure I do.
Your vote was aimed at Trump losing.

2. Now...why would you want us to keep going over what is clear, and you have admitted...that you were a sell-out who worked against a Trump victory, and for that of the Leftist congenital liar and career criminal?

Guilty conscience?

PC, that is nothing more than your opinion. Period.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

You're smart enough to recognize that our elections are binary, and a vote for any but the two parties is against the better of the only two real choices.

In full disclosure, Cruz was my first choice, as well.

You didn't answer my question.

Of course I did.
Every one of them.

If I wrote in Ted Cruz, how is that me trying to get Trump, rather than Clinton, to lose?

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