Conservatives sold themselves two lies

1. The reality is that white supremacist, like Duke, are a pathetic fringe, with nothing to do with Trump or the GOP.

2. The reality is also, that you and yours will suffer just as much as us, if the regressives get their way and turn this nation into a defacto ONe Party state based on Identity Politics and racial division.

3. We aren't moving on, we're going down. All of US.
But some of those white supremacists are good people???

And vile liars, continue to spread their vile lies.

YOu are doing a good job of tearing the nation apart.

You ever give any thought to the costs of your vile actions, you piece of shit?

Stop lying prick. You are the problem, you are the one keeping the nation divided. Trump did say some of the supremacists were good people.

You are a fucking liar. He said no such thing.

He said people on both sides of the issue of the rally were good people. NOt everyone who showed up were supremacist or antifa.

HE was completely right.
Q The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest —

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group.
You stand with scum you are scum ,,,simple
1. The reality is that white supremacist, like Duke, are a pathetic fringe, with nothing to do with Trump or the GOP.

2. The reality is also, that you and yours will suffer just as much as us, if the regressives get their way and turn this nation into a defacto ONe Party state based on Identity Politics and racial division.

3. We aren't moving on, we're going down. All of US.
But some of those white supremacists are good people???

And vile liars, continue to spread their vile lies.

YOu are doing a good job of tearing the nation apart.

You ever give any thought to the costs of your vile actions, you piece of shit?

Stop lying prick. You are the problem, you are the one keeping the nation divided. Trump did say some of the supremacists were good people.

You are a fucking liar. He said no such thing.

He said people on both sides of the issue of the rally were good people. NOt everyone who showed up were supremacist or antifa.

HE was completely right.
Q The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest —

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group.


"THE PRESIDENT: As I said on — remember, Saturday — we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America. "

" Well, I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family, and this country. And that is — you can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want. I would just call it as “the fastest one to come up with a good verdict.” That’s what I’d call it. Because there is a question: Is it murder? Is it terrorism? And then you get into legal semantics. The driver of the car is a murderer. And what he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing."

" Those people — all of those people –excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. "

"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"No, no. There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee."

"But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, "

The vile lie that the Left is hold to, that Trump said "white supremacists are fine people"

just shows what vile pieces of shit liberals are, especially liberals in the media.
I asked you a direct question, punk.

Have you ever considered the cost of the way your vile lies are tearing this nation apart?
For you Correll

Ann Coulter


So Stormy says she and Trump had sex only once. I guess if you want the guy to screw you repeatedly, you have to be one of his voters.

Says the coward who can't answer a simple and reasonable question.

You are tearing this nation apart, and in doing so causing great harm to your fellow citizens, now and in the future.

The harm you have done, is your responsibility.

The blood is on your hands.
The cost of MY actions??? Shouldn't you be more concerned with the actions of this POS this moron this life long pervert in our WH now?

Nothing he is doing or will do, is as damaging to this nation, as the way vile liars like you have torn this nation apart.

As you well know, which is why you have been unable to even face the question, let alone answer it.
How the hell can you call us vile liars when that POS in the WH can't tell the truth if it killed him? He's F-ed up our relationships with almost every country in the world ,,the most hated man on the planet ,,except for his buddy ,up until a few days ago, Putin

Because you are vile liars, who are using lies to spread mistrust, fear and hate, turning Americans against each other.

It is tearing this nation apart.

Your partisan dislike of Trump, who will be well checked while in office and then gone, is nothing compared to the harm your lies have done and are doing.
But some of those white supremacists are good people???

And vile liars, continue to spread their vile lies.

YOu are doing a good job of tearing the nation apart.

You ever give any thought to the costs of your vile actions, you piece of shit?

Stop lying prick. You are the problem, you are the one keeping the nation divided. Trump did say some of the supremacists were good people.

You are a fucking liar. He said no such thing.

He said people on both sides of the issue of the rally were good people. NOt everyone who showed up were supremacist or antifa.

HE was completely right.
Q The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest —

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group.


"THE PRESIDENT: As I said on — remember, Saturday — we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America. "

" Well, I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family, and this country. And that is — you can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want. I would just call it as “the fastest one to come up with a good verdict.” That’s what I’d call it. Because there is a question: Is it murder? Is it terrorism? And then you get into legal semantics. The driver of the car is a murderer. And what he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing."

" Those people — all of those people –excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. "

"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

"No, no. There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee."

"But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, "

The vile lie that the Left is hold to, that Trump said "white supremacists are fine people"

just shows what vile pieces of shit liberals are, especially liberals in the media.
Other than neo-nazis: his alt-right base.
Then it comes down to whether or not the black community is sophisticated enough to know when they're being misled...doesn't it? If someone isn't telling you the some point you stop listening to them.

Or they just realize one party villified them with Willie Horton ads, and another party gave them Barack Obama.

Trump won the Presidency because he wasn't politically correct about his opponents. That's what resonated with the voters. They knew Hillary was corrupt. They knew most of Trump's GOP opponents were all part of the "old boys club".

Trump got 3 million less voters than Hillary did. He didn't resonate with the voters. The voters got it right.

Now, here's the part where you start whining about how smart the founding slave rapists were because they didn't really trust the voters.
In what way have the liberal policies of the past sixty years helped the black community? Are you being "led" by liberals? Not really. Are liberals taking your votes and giving you little in return? Oh, yeah! If you weren't wearing political blinders you'd see that. It's been happening for the better part of sixty years.

Um, yeah, let's look at the last 60 years.

Voting RIghts
Affirmative Action
Access to the mainstream economy

By any objective standard, African Americans are better off now than they were in 1958, and Democrats largely were the ones who fought for those things.

Meanwhile, the GOP gave them White Hands, Playboy Mansion, Birtherism, Willie Horton, Welfare Queens and a lot of other racial vilification... that is when they aren't vilifying Hispanics and Muslims.

Now, as a strategy, it works for a while, to play working class people off against each other on race (as well as religion and sexual orientation).

You should be more worried about white people wising up.
I think you know there is no one on this board who is more virulently opposed to PC, Identity Politics and the Regressive Left than I am.

Yes, I'm sure you are ever since that nice Islamic Lady complained about you to HR about your oh-so funny joke about FGM.

What I would like to see is them marginalized, but Trump and his followers are making this easy for them by playing right into their hands.

"Oh, my Gosh, you guys, that racist bigot we elected is totally acting like a racist bigot!!!"

You see why I think you are a silly person?
Do tell. Instead we could have had President Hillary instead and that fascist dreamer utopia she would have forced on us. Trump sucks, true. But if he puts a roadblock in all that weirdo lefty group think gay rights pro illegal alien propaganda, for a while, anyway. I really truly just want America to be American, not weirdo sex perverts illegal aliens pseudo whatever fill in the blanks America. Really truly America.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not their master.
Yeah, you'd think. But this culture is changing rapidly, and we're definitely headed in that direction.

The culture changing rapidly doesn't bother me. Special interest groups using government to manipulate that change does. The Democrats have been guilty of indulging that, and it's cost us. And they don't seem to have learned anything from their mistakes.
Well, that depends on how "culture" is defined. Identity Politics created those special interest groups, and I'd file that under culture because it's now so ingrained in our society.

It's frankly done quite a number on me personally to actually begin to lose interest in our political landscape. Identity politics has simply gone way, way to extremist in this country. The everyday bickering over it has grown beyond tryng. I believe Obama's time exacerbated this issue, and the Orange Virus has actually managed to make it 50 times worse. I think Orange is the beginning of a whole new breed of shitty politician. Blatant ignorance, racism and infidelity in our leaders is not only accepted, but even adored by some of the seriously impaired voters out there. The door is now wide open for a new generation of populist opportunists on both sides of the party lines.
Okay, to put this thread to bed.

Pompous Mac, as always, gets it wrong. The problem is he sees conservatives as a monolithic group. (He does that a lot. Muslims are a hive mind, "Regressives" Liberals who don't agree with his world view march in lock step and don't tolerate disagreement.)

They aren't.

The best way to understand the Conservative movement is to understand it's divisions. Namely, you have the "Rich" and the "Rubes". The Rich could never get their agenda passed without fooling the Rubes.

Now, the Rich have their issues. Tax cuts that benefit mostly them, deregulation, busting up unions, tort reform that makes it harder for working class people to seek justice.

Guess what, in the last 40 years, the Rich have gotten MOST of what they want in this area. Which is why the top marginal rate has gone from 70% in 1980 to 36% now. Unions have gone from 30% of the workforce to about 11%. To boot they might get the occasional war against some hapless third world country as nice Christmas bonus. not like their kids will be fighting it.

And they couldn't have gotten any of this done without the Rubes.

Now the Rubes have their issues, mostly based on their racial, sexual and religious fears. They'd like to see abortion banned, gays stuffed back into the closet, and live in mortal fear their daughter might fuck a Mexican. They look at the middle class lifestyle their parents had with a high school education and see themselves not getting there, even if they have college.

And here's the thing. They make almost no progress on these issues, and if anything, they see things getting worse.

Because the rich don't really care about it.

I give you one example. Remember back in 2004, when MA legalized gay marriage, and Bush and Cheney, who gave us a fucked up economy and got us into a war over weapons that didn't exist, told us we are going to totally save you from those nasty gay nuptials, because two dudes kissing is icky and it make Baby Jesus Cry?

And the Rubes all said, "Yeah, totally get them ka-weers, Bush and Cheney!!!" and gave them a second term after they stole a first one.

And then after the election, Bush and Cheney totally forgot about the issue. Today gay marriage is legal in all 50 states. But don't worry, Rubes, we'll make sure you don't have to bake them a wedding cake, we promise!!!

Now, Pompous Mac isn't stupid. He knows this to be true. He just wants a Democratic Party to do the same thing. Take care of his investors while quietly fighting the PC Menace and evil Muslims.
An example of my point. The country has changed, in part because the Right did nothing as the Left created a new culture over the last couple of generations.

I still think it's a mistake to use government to force social change, regardless of which side it's coming from, regardless of the change in question. The government is supposed to be the servant of the people, not their master.
Yeah, you'd think. But this culture is changing rapidly, and we're definitely headed in that direction.

The culture changing rapidly doesn't bother me. Special interest groups using government to manipulate that change does. The Democrats have been guilty of indulging that, and it's cost us. And they don't seem to have learned anything from their mistakes.
Well, that depends on how "culture" is defined. Identity Politics created those special interest groups, and I'd file that under culture because it's now so ingrained in our society.

It's frankly done quite a number on me personally to actually begin to lose interest in our political landscape. Identity politics has simply gone way, way to extremist in this country. The everyday bickering over it has grown beyond tryng. I believe Obama's time exacerbated this issue, and the Orange Virus has actually managed to make it 50 times worse. I think Orange is the beginning of a whole new breed of shitty politician. Blatant ignorance, racism and infidelity in our leaders is not only accepted, but even adored by some of the seriously impaired voters out there. The door is now wide open for a new generation of populist opportunists on both sides of the party lines.
Good stuff, thanks.

I go back and forth on this. On one hand, I look at Trump as a primal scream, a last gasp from a group that has realized it has been sleeping as the country passed it by. Maybe we'll see that we can't elect people like this. On the other hand, I do wonder if we're getting used to him, and that the bar just continues to drop. I find myself doing that too, since my expectations of him are so low. And yeah, while it was bad before, it really went south during Obama's time, and the Left lost its mind when Trump shocked the world.

One of the things that bugs me about Trump's presence is that I'm all for a President who is not a creature of politics, a breath of fresh air, a new perspective. But this is not the guy. This wasn't the only way to do it. And now, he may have wrecked it for other non-politicians for generations.
One of the things that bugs me about Trump's presence is that I'm all for a President who is not a creature of politics, a breath of fresh air. But this is not the guy. This wasn't the only way to do it. And now, he may have wrecked it for other non-politicians for generations.

I wonder if Pompous Mac goes to a doctor who isn't a creature of the medical establishment.

Or he goes to a lawyer who isn't a creature of law.

BUt man, he totally wants politicians who aren't creatures of politics.

You see, I remember when politicians didn't bad mouth Gold Star Families or mock the disabled because it wasn't just 'bad politics", it defied "Common Decency".

But Pompous Mac considers this sort of thing to be a "breathe of Fresh air".

That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

What they choose to do is totally up to them. At some point I think that they are going to come to same conclusions as I've already come to...that liberals haven't helped them and that liberal policies have actually hurt the black community. So then they can go one of two ways...either change the Democratic Party or take their vote elsewhere.
Yes, that appears to be the GOP approach, so we agree.

So the question then becomes...when is the Main Stream Media going to admit that liberal policies have NOT helped the black community but in many ways have harmed them and that it might be time for a complete "rethink" on what we're trying to do?
I can't imagine them ever doing that. They're biased to the Left and won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Then it comes down to whether or not the black community is sophisticated enough to know when they're being misled...doesn't it? If someone isn't telling you the some point you stop listening to them.
Well, you're doing what the GOP is doing: Standing there, waiting for minorities to realize how wonderful you are, despite all the evidence that you're harboring and enabling people who hate them.

That's one pretty weak come-hither look, believe me.

Okay, maybe blacks and other minorities just aren't smart enough to see how good you would be for them. The GOP could have reached out, it could have admitted its mistakes, it could have challenged its baser elements publicly, but it didn't want to. Okay.

The country is getting browner by the minute, and the clock is ticking. My guess is that this is over the minute Texas goes purple.
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What they choose to do is totally up to them. At some point I think that they are going to come to same conclusions as I've already come to...that liberals haven't helped them and that liberal policies have actually hurt the black community. So then they can go one of two ways...either change the Democratic Party or take their vote elsewhere.
Yes, that appears to be the GOP approach, so we agree.

So the question then becomes...when is the Main Stream Media going to admit that liberal policies have NOT helped the black community but in many ways have harmed them and that it might be time for a complete "rethink" on what we're trying to do?
I can't imagine them ever doing that. They're biased to the Left and won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Then it comes down to whether or not the black community is sophisticated enough to know when they're being misled...doesn't it? If someone isn't telling you the some point you stop listening to them.
Well, you're doing what the GOP is doing: Standing there, waiting for minorities to realize how wonderful you are, despite all the evidence that you're harboring and enabling people who hate them.

That's one pretty weak come-hither look, believe me.

Okay, maybe blacks and other minorities just aren't smart enough to see how good you would be for them. The GOP could have reached out, it could have admitted its mistakes, it could have challenged its baser elements publicly, but it didn't want to. Okay.

The country is getting browner by the minute, and the clock is ticking. My guess is that this is over the minute Texas goes purple.

You know what I've always found amusing, Mac? The GOP is always accused of being this far right...ultra conservative group...and yet when you look at who WE nominate for candidates compared to who the Democrats's pretty obvious that the Republican Party is rather moderate. The truth on the left use the "baser elements" of conservatism to paint the entire GOP in a negative light. We didn't nominate David Duke...we don't have any neo Nazis in Congress. So how can you justify continually making claims that WE'RE extreme when if you look at who your party DOES nominate...they are always from the far left of the Democratic spectrum?
And yes...we ARE waiting for minorities to finally realize that we have more to offer them than Democrats do! The more times liberals are in power and don't follow through on their promises to minorities the sooner that time will come.
Yes, that appears to be the GOP approach, so we agree.

So the question then becomes...when is the Main Stream Media going to admit that liberal policies have NOT helped the black community but in many ways have harmed them and that it might be time for a complete "rethink" on what we're trying to do?
I can't imagine them ever doing that. They're biased to the Left and won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Then it comes down to whether or not the black community is sophisticated enough to know when they're being misled...doesn't it? If someone isn't telling you the some point you stop listening to them.
Well, you're doing what the GOP is doing: Standing there, waiting for minorities to realize how wonderful you are, despite all the evidence that you're harboring and enabling people who hate them.

That's one pretty weak come-hither look, believe me.

Okay, maybe blacks and other minorities just aren't smart enough to see how good you would be for them. The GOP could have reached out, it could have admitted its mistakes, it could have challenged its baser elements publicly, but it didn't want to. Okay.

The country is getting browner by the minute, and the clock is ticking. My guess is that this is over the minute Texas goes purple.

You know what I've always found amusing, Mac? The GOP is always accused of being this far right...ultra conservative group...and yet when you look at who WE nominate for candidates compared to who the Democrats's pretty obvious that the Republican Party is rather moderate. The truth on the left use the "baser elements" of conservatism to paint the entire GOP in a negative light. We didn't nominate David Duke...we don't have any neo Nazis in Congress. So how can you justify continually making claims that WE'RE extreme when if you look at who your party DOES nominate...they are always from the far left of the Democratic spectrum?
I think you're confusing perception with reality.

If minorities are literally RAISED to believe that conservatives are racist, every single day of their lives, 24 hours a day - what do you think they're going to see when Trump pretends not to know who David Duke is? Or when white nationalists from coast to coast back Trump?

Try to put yourself in their shoes for just one moment. All your life you've heard this, and there they are, proving it for you. Why in the world should they believe someone like Oldstyle, when everything they've been told is playing out, right in front of them?

Here's an example from the other direction: You on the Right have been thinking all along that the Left wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment. No, the Left says, bullshit, that's NOT what we want. And then former Justice John Paul Stevens comes along and says "we should abolish the 2nd Amendment". Who are you going to believe? Aren't you going to POINT at Stevens and say SEE? That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about here.

This is about P-E-R-C-E-P-T-I-O-N. And the Right is playing right into the Left's hands for minorities. Does that not make any sense?
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So the question then becomes...when is the Main Stream Media going to admit that liberal policies have NOT helped the black community but in many ways have harmed them and that it might be time for a complete "rethink" on what we're trying to do?
I can't imagine them ever doing that. They're biased to the Left and won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Then it comes down to whether or not the black community is sophisticated enough to know when they're being misled...doesn't it? If someone isn't telling you the some point you stop listening to them.
Well, you're doing what the GOP is doing: Standing there, waiting for minorities to realize how wonderful you are, despite all the evidence that you're harboring and enabling people who hate them.

That's one pretty weak come-hither look, believe me.

Okay, maybe blacks and other minorities just aren't smart enough to see how good you would be for them. The GOP could have reached out, it could have admitted its mistakes, it could have challenged its baser elements publicly, but it didn't want to. Okay.

The country is getting browner by the minute, and the clock is ticking. My guess is that this is over the minute Texas goes purple.

You know what I've always found amusing, Mac? The GOP is always accused of being this far right...ultra conservative group...and yet when you look at who WE nominate for candidates compared to who the Democrats's pretty obvious that the Republican Party is rather moderate. The truth on the left use the "baser elements" of conservatism to paint the entire GOP in a negative light. We didn't nominate David Duke...we don't have any neo Nazis in Congress. So how can you justify continually making claims that WE'RE extreme when if you look at who your party DOES nominate...they are always from the far left of the Democratic spectrum?
I think you're confusing perception with reality.

If minorities are literally RAISED to believe that conservatives are racist, every single day of their lives, 24 hours a day - what do you think they're going to see when Trump pretends not to know who David Duke is? Or when white nationalists from coast to coast back Trump?

Try to put yourself in their shoes for just one moment. All your life you've heard this, and there they are, proving it for you. Why in the world should they believe someone like Oldstyle, when everything they've been told is playing out, right in front of them?

Here's an example from the other direction: You on the Right have been thinking all along that the Left wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment. No, the Left says, bullshit, that's NOT what we want. And then former Justice John Paul Stevens comes along and says "we should abolish the 2nd Amendment". Who are you going to believe? Aren't you going to POINT at Stevens and say SEE? That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about here.

This is about P-E-R-C-E-P-T-I-O-N. And the Right is playing right into the Left's hands for minorities. Does that not make any sense?

What makes no sense is that minorities are literally "RAISED" to believe that conservatives are racist! Ask yourself who is it that's drilling that idea into their heads and what motive they would have to do so?

Perception isn't reality. Trump has never hung out with white nationalists. So why do so many of you on the left keep trying to claim that he's a racist? That's the main stream media and Democratic leaders misleading minorities. Why WOULD they do that, Mac? Isn't it obvious? If conservatives AREN'T racists and they really do want to make the lives of minorities better instead of perpetrating a system of government dependency that has created generations of blacks in America that are content to tread water right above the poverty level...then that means that liberals have been lying to those very minority communities for the better part of sixty years! You think the GOP is in danger of "losing" minorities? I think the REAL danger here is minorities getting wise to the con game that's been played on them for far too long. The GOP can't really "lose" what they've never had. Democrats on the other hand could very well lose literally half of their base and never see it again. Before you tell me I'm crazy to think that...I'll remind you about how well Trump did in Rust Belt States that have been Democratic "union" strongholds for decades. Those union workers looked at what liberals promised them and what they actually delivered and made the decision to take their votes elsewhere. If it could happen with could happen with minorities as well.
What makes no sense is that minorities are literally "RAISED" to believe that conservatives are racist! Ask yourself who is it that's drilling that idea into their heads and what motive they would have to do so?
I don't have to ask myself. I point out regularly that the Left has cynically leveraged PC and Identity Politics for the last couple of generations for political advantage, and that it has been wildly successful. My point here is that it's all about to pay off for them, as demographics are about to tip everything in their favor, and because the GOP has convinced itself - or, more accurately, allowed itself to be convinced by the wrong voices - that it doesn't have to do anything about it.
What makes no sense is that minorities are literally "RAISED" to believe that conservatives are racist! Ask yourself who is it that's drilling that idea into their heads and what motive they would have to do so? Perception isn't reality. Trump has never hung out with white nationalists. So why do so many of you on the left keep trying to claim that he's a racist? That's the main stream media and Democratic leaders misleading minorities. Why WOULD they do that, Mac? Isn't it obvious?
You're asking these questions as if I'm denying something. Are you not reading what I'm writing? Again, this is all being done for political advantage, because the Left understands that perception is reality when it comes to politics. I don't know why you and the GOP don't understand that. I'm agreeing with what you're saying and you don't seem to realize it. You're arguing against things I'm not saying.

However, you can't bring yourself to admit that there are indeed racists within the party. Good, old fashioned, butt scratching, tooth-missing, Hamm's-swilling, ignorant, racists. You can see them every day right here on this forum. You can't bring yourself to admit that Trump is supported by David Duke and white nationalists. You just deny the obvious, and minorities see that loud and clear. How in the world to you not realize they see this?

Everything you've said in our conversation is a perfect example of my point. You have been convinced that all you have to do is sit there, deny racism, pretend Duke and the white nationalists aren't there, and wait for minorities to wake up to how wonderful the GOP is. Such thinking is delusional in the extreme. It won't work. Minorities aren't buying it, nor will they. And here it comes, whether you understand it or not. Again, when Texas turns purple, this is over.
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You know what I've always found amusing, Mac? The GOP is always accused of being this far right...ultra conservative group...and yet when you look at who WE nominate for candidates compared to who the Democrats's pretty obvious that the Republican Party is rather moderate.

Not really.

Trump- Completely nuts.
Romney- Corporate Raider, belongs to a whacked out cult.
McCain- Warmonger.
Bush Jr. - Warmonger, Religious nut.

Okay compare that to the Democrats.

Hillary- Moderate Centrist.
Obama- Moderate Centrist
Kerry - Moderate centrist
Gore - Moderate Centrist.

so... um, no. You guys don't nominate "moderates".

The truth on the left use the "baser elements" of conservatism to paint the entire GOP in a negative light. We didn't nominate David Duke...we don't have any neo Nazis in Congress. So how can you justify continually making claims that WE'RE extreme when if you look at who your party DOES nominate...they are always from the far left of the Democratic spectrum?

Except the Democrats really don't do that. I mean i know that when Obama says cops shouldn't shoot black children in the back, YOU think this is a radical position, but most sensible people don't.

You DID nominate David Duke to be governor of Louisania. You DID nominate Arthur Jones to run for Congress in the third district.

And you put Trump in the White House when he called Mexicans rapists and referred to countries inhabited by people of color as "Shitholes".

And yes...we ARE waiting for minorities to finally realize that we have more to offer them than Democrats do! The more times liberals are in power and don't follow through on their promises to minorities the sooner that time will come.

Yup, you have a lot to offer minorities. Look what you did for White People! You took away their good union jobs, their comfortable middle class lifestyle, put their kids in a lifetime of debt trying to get college degrees.

I don't have to ask myself. I point out regularly that the Left has cynically leveraged PC and Identity Politics for the last couple of generations for political advantage, and that it has been wildly successful. My point here is that it's all about to pay off for them, as demographics are about to tip everything in their favor, and because the GOP has convinced itself - or, more accurately, allowed itself to be convinced by the wrong voices - that it doesn't have to do anything about it.

Pompous Mac, you are so full of shit.

The Democrats didn't "leverage identity politics", Republicans did.

Republicans are the ones who talked about "Welfare queens" and "young bucks".
Republicans are the ones who put up scary pictures of "Willie Horton"
Republicans are the ones who said, "The Scary Gays are going to get married!"
Republicans are the ones who screamed Mexicans were going to rape you.

And you know what, it's actually understandable. Because when Straight White People were 80% of the electorate, these kinds of scare tactics worked just fine.

If Republicans went out there and said, 'We want to get rid of your union job, give huge tax cuts to the rich and roll back regulations that protect you from pollution and dishonest business practices", NOBODY WOULD VOTE FOR THEM.

But as long as they say, "That black/Hispanic/Queer person wants some of your stuff!!!" then, man, White people were all for that.

However, you can't bring yourself to admit that there are indeed racists within the party. Good, old fashioned, butt scratching, tooth-missing, Hamm's-swilling, ignorant, racists. You can see them every day right here on this forum.

What? You mean you actually see those people on this forum? Because I never, ever, ever, ever see you condemn them or challenge them.

I mean, not the way you try to condemn anyone who questions our Middle East policy because some Muslim did something that offended your sensibilities once.
You know what I've always found amusing, Mac? The GOP is always accused of being this far right...ultra conservative group...and yet when you look at who WE nominate for candidates compared to who the Democrats's pretty obvious that the Republican Party is rather moderate.

Not really.

Trump- Completely nuts.
Romney- Corporate Raider, belongs to a whacked out cult.
McCain- Warmonger.
Bush Jr. - Warmonger, Religious nut.

Okay compare that to the Democrats.

Hillary- Moderate Centrist.
Obama- Moderate Centrist
Kerry - Moderate centrist
Gore - Moderate Centrist.

so... um, no. You guys don't nominate "moderates".

The truth on the left use the "baser elements" of conservatism to paint the entire GOP in a negative light. We didn't nominate David Duke...we don't have any neo Nazis in Congress. So how can you justify continually making claims that WE'RE extreme when if you look at who your party DOES nominate...they are always from the far left of the Democratic spectrum?

Except the Democrats really don't do that. I mean i know that when Obama says cops shouldn't shoot black children in the back, YOU think this is a radical position, but most sensible people don't.

You DID nominate David Duke to be governor of Louisania. You DID nominate Arthur Jones to run for Congress in the third district.

And you put Trump in the White House when he called Mexicans rapists and referred to countries inhabited by people of color as "Shitholes".

And yes...we ARE waiting for minorities to finally realize that we have more to offer them than Democrats do! The more times liberals are in power and don't follow through on their promises to minorities the sooner that time will come.

Yup, you have a lot to offer minorities. Look what you did for White People! You took away their good union jobs, their comfortable middle class lifestyle, put their kids in a lifetime of debt trying to get college degrees.


Anyone who thinks, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry and Al Gore are all "moderates" is either incredibly stupid or willing to lie through their teeth rather than admit the obvious!

All you have to do is look at their voting records when they were in the Senate. So which are you, Joey? Incredibly stupid...or willing to lie through your teeth?

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