Conservatives sold themselves two lies

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

What they choose to do is totally up to them. At some point I think that they are going to come to same conclusions as I've already come to...that liberals haven't helped them and that liberal policies have actually hurt the black community. So then they can go one of two ways...either change the Democratic Party or take their vote elsewhere.
Yes, that appears to be the GOP approach, so we agree.

So the question then becomes...when is the Main Stream Media going to admit that liberal policies have NOT helped the black community but in many ways have harmed them and that it might be time for a complete "rethink" on what we're trying to do?
I can't imagine them ever doing that. They're biased to the Left and won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Then it comes down to whether or not the black community is sophisticated enough to know when they're being misled...doesn't it? If someone isn't telling you the some point you stop listening to them.
If I were a black person living in the United States...
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
isn't that how Trump won the presidency?? Lied about Hillary and all his republican opponents?

Trump won the Presidency because he wasn't politically correct about his opponents. That's what resonated with the voters. They knew Hillary was corrupt. They knew most of Trump's GOP opponents were all part of the "old boys club".
If I were a black person living in the United States...
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
isn't that how Trump won the presidency?? Lied about Hillary and all his republican opponents?

Utterly irrelevant to the point.

My point stands.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.

I can only conclude that you know I am right, but want to distract from the Truth that you hate.
If I were a black person living in the United States...
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.
We don't have that kind of time. The Left's use of Third World immigration to turn the US into a defacto, One Party, Third World shit hole is barreling at US like a freight train on crack. We have to radically change people's perceptions with results, NOW, or we will be shut out of every having a chance to try again.
I know that's the philosophy - "this can ONLY be done NOW, right NOW" - but the Left could have said the same thing back in the 80's. Instead, they remained consistent and patient and ingrained their message into our very CULTURE.

If there's one thing the GOP can do - and frankly, I think it's too late at this point - it is to stop ignoring (and even mocking) the massive upcoming demographic shift and embrace it.

I know, the GOP doesn't want to play the Identity Politics game, and I sure as hell can't blame you. But if you don't come up with a way to attract minorities, then just punt. And as I mentioned in the OP, this ain't about the unemployment rate or the stock market. This is much DEEPER than that. This is PERSONAL. The GOP has to figure THAT out, TOO.

But the GOP has been playing the identity politics game. Since at least 1964.

The GOP voted for that civil rights bill. YOu knew that right?

A democrat made them vote for the bill and then he signed it. The GOP of that time is not the same as the one now. You knw that don't you? So stop repeating that stupid ass lie over and over and over. We blacks know what's what, we don't extra dumb white boys telling us about who did what for civil rights and we certainly don't need to listen to a racist conservative republican telling us how great we would have it if we joined their party.
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.
What is vile propaganda?
We don't have that kind of time. The Left's use of Third World immigration to turn the US into a defacto, One Party, Third World shit hole is barreling at US like a freight train on crack. We have to radically change people's perceptions with results, NOW, or we will be shut out of every having a chance to try again.
I know that's the philosophy - "this can ONLY be done NOW, right NOW" - but the Left could have said the same thing back in the 80's. Instead, they remained consistent and patient and ingrained their message into our very CULTURE.

If there's one thing the GOP can do - and frankly, I think it's too late at this point - it is to stop ignoring (and even mocking) the massive upcoming demographic shift and embrace it.

I know, the GOP doesn't want to play the Identity Politics game, and I sure as hell can't blame you. But if you don't come up with a way to attract minorities, then just punt. And as I mentioned in the OP, this ain't about the unemployment rate or the stock market. This is much DEEPER than that. This is PERSONAL. The GOP has to figure THAT out, TOO.

But the GOP has been playing the identity politics game. Since at least 1964.

The GOP voted for that civil rights bill. YOu knew that right?

A democrat made them vote for the bill and then he signed it. The GOP of that time is not the same as the one now. You knw that don't you? So stop repeating that stupid ass lie over and over and over. We blacks know what's what, we don't extra dumb white boys telling us about who did what for civil rights and we certainly don't need to listen to a racist conservative republican telling us how great we would have it if we joined their party.

1. No one made them vote for it. The gop had and has always supported civil rights.

2. The GOP's support for civil rights is still far better than the dems.

3. You claim that you don't need, "white boys" telling you about what the gop did for civil right? Fine. Support your claim that Johnson "made" the gop vote for the bill, or STFU.

4. I'm not racist here, asshole. YOu are, and you know it., Also, fuck you for calling me such a vile name for no reason.
You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.
What is vile propaganda?

The very act of asking about David Duke, makes the false and very harmful implication, that it is reasonable to ask the person you are asking,

about David Duke.
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.
What is vile propaganda?

The very act of asking about David Duke, makes the false and very harmful implication, that it is reasonable to ask the person you are asking,

about David Duke.
I'm just dealing in reality. This is what they're seeing, and all they get from the GOP are denials and lectures.

Again, this is all fine. If the GOP really thinks it's done all it can do, then we all just move on.
If I were a black person living in the United States...
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

What they choose to do is totally up to them. At some point I think that they are going to come to same conclusions as I've already come to...that liberals haven't helped them and that liberal policies have actually hurt the black community. So then they can go one of two ways...either change the Democratic Party or take their vote elsewhere.

What the fuck makes you whites think you actually can say this shit? Liberal policies have not hurt anything. Certainly conservative policies have not helped anything. So we do not have to come to your conclusion. We see that conservative policies WON'T do anything but hurt worse. This is not about some narrative pushed by anyone , it is about a thorough fucking review of conservative policies. Those policies hurt the entire country. We faced a depression because of it. so we as blacks got hit even harder by the economics. When you working class whites were crying about being left behind while making 20,000 dollars more than the US median income we blacks were really struggling and what fucking Donald the racist had to offer was nothing. He's in his second year of office and he has done nothing. He won't do anything. The Paul Ryan plan is not something that's going to help us. What those like you need to do is shut your mouths trying to tell us what we see, understand that we are capable of reading and analyzing policy and the belief that we are so dumb that we can't think for ourselves but that we are being led by liberals once again shows why no one black should be a republican. I am black and I'm telling you this, it would be wise for you to listen.
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You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

What they choose to do is totally up to them. At some point I think that they are going to come to same conclusions as I've already come to...that liberals haven't helped them and that liberal policies have actually hurt the black community. So then they can go one of two ways...either change the Democratic Party or take their vote elsewhere.
Yes, that appears to be the GOP approach, so we agree.

So the question then becomes...when is the Main Stream Media going to admit that liberal policies have NOT helped the black community but in many ways have harmed them and that it might be time for a complete "rethink" on what we're trying to do?
I can't imagine them ever doing that. They're biased to the Left and won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Nobody is biased to the left. Blacks were republicans for years, but the party disrespected us. When will white conservatives learn that their policies are fucked up and that's why blacks won't join the republican party.
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.

Except that is what Trump did. And before that birtherism.
If I were a black person living in the United States...
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

What they choose to do is totally up to them. At some point I think that they are going to come to same conclusions as I've already come to...that liberals haven't helped them and that liberal policies have actually hurt the black community. So then they can go one of two ways...either change the Democratic Party or take their vote elsewhere.

What the fuck makes you whites think you actually can say this shit? Liberal policies have not hurt anything. Certainly conservative policies have not helped anything. So we do not have to come to your conclusion. We see that conservative policies WON'T do anything but hurt worse. This is not about some narrative pushed by anyone , it is about a thorough fucking review of conservative policies. Those policies hurt the entire country. We faced a depression because of it. so we as blacks got hit even harder by the economics. When you working class whites were crying about being left behind while making 20,000 dollars more than the US median income we blacks were really struggling and what fucking Donald the racist had to offer was nothing. He's in his second year of office and he has done nothing. He won't do anything. The Paul Ryan plan is not something that's going to help us. What those like you need to do is shut your mouths trying to tell us what we see, understand that we are capable of reading and analyzing policy and the belief that we are so dumb that we can't think for ourselves but that we are being led by liberals once again shows why no one black should be a republican. I am black and I'm telling you this, it would be wise for you to listen.

The recession was caused by conservative policies? Really? It wasn't a melt down of the housing market caused by the policy of giving loans to people who should have never in a million years been given a mortgage?

In what way have the liberal policies of the past sixty years helped the black community? Are you being "led" by liberals? Not really. Are liberals taking your votes and giving you little in return? Oh, yeah! If you weren't wearing political blinders you'd see that. It's been happening for the better part of sixty years.

But your response is to tell me to shut my mouth? Why? Because the truth is inconvenient?
I'm not quite sure what it is you think the GOP should be doing that they're not? Promise minorities more freebies and then not deliver? Become another variation of the same theme Democrats are using? How does that "work" to make the Party better?
I don't know. But if you don't need them, and that's definitely what they think, then you don't have to worry.

It's not that we need THEM,'s that the other guys haven't done right by them which means it might be time to look elsewhere! If I were a black person living in the United States...I'd be taking a long hard look at who's promised me a lot in exchange for my vote and what they've delivered on those promises. Especially once the Hispanic voting block becomes so large that the black voting block becomes an afterthought for Democrats!

Well I am black and we've been promised no more by the democrats than whites have been promised by republicans. And we would be stupid to join the republican party knowing they don't give a damn but only wants black votes. So if we are going to change a party, we sure don't run from the one who nominated and worked to get the first black president elected twice to the party where the president is endorsed by the KKK. We've taken the long hard look. And it is comments such as yours that are the prevailing sentiment of the republican party, that tells us to stay away.

You find a comment that I've made something to make blacks run from the GOP? Really? What comment would that be? That government dependency has hurt the black community more than it's helped it? That Democrats have used your votes for decades to win seats in government which they used to enrich themselves while your income levels lagged far behind the rest of the country? That the Hispanic voting block is going to become more and more a focus of Democrats and that they will care less and less about your needs going forward? What is it that I've pointed out that isn't true or should in any way be offensive to a black person? I get the feeling you don't want to deal with want to deal with "feelings" like Mac!

Let's start with the freebies. OK? Whites need to shut the hell up about government dependency. Whites have been the major beneficiary of government since 1776. Democrats have not used our votes. We looked at the things democrats stood for compared them to what republicans stood for and made our decision. Republicans want to use our votes. We all know that republicans want our vote then proceed on with their racist agenda of cutting things out that have helped us gain a small semblance of equality. Everything you pointed out isn't true. You don't deal with reality.
...but you're not. And you're assuming that you're making those judgements on the same sets of facts and upbringing and life experiences, but you're not.

And on top of everything else, you have a guy in the White House who is supported by white "supremacists" and white nationalists from coast to coast, a guy who pretended not to know who David Duke is. And you expect them to bring down their defenses and open their minds? Really?

Again, this is an example of my point #2 in the OP: You don't understand their priorities. They think you don't want them here. That overrides any claims, or opinions, or unemployment rate, or stock market level. That cuts to the very core of their existence here. I can't make it more clear than that.

You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

What they choose to do is totally up to them. At some point I think that they are going to come to same conclusions as I've already come to...that liberals haven't helped them and that liberal policies have actually hurt the black community. So then they can go one of two ways...either change the Democratic Party or take their vote elsewhere.

What the fuck makes you whites think you actually can say this shit? Liberal policies have not hurt anything. Certainly conservative policies have not helped anything. So we do not have to come to your conclusion. We see that conservative policies WON'T do anything but hurt worse. This is not about some narrative pushed by anyone , it is about a thorough fucking review of conservative policies. Those policies hurt the entire country. We faced a depression because of it. so we as blacks got hit even harder by the economics. When you working class whites were crying about being left behind while making 20,000 dollars more than the US median income we blacks were really struggling and what fucking Donald the racist had to offer was nothing. He's in his second year of office and he has done nothing. He won't do anything. The Paul Ryan plan is not something that's going to help us. What those like you need to do is shut your mouths trying to tell us what we see, understand that we are capable of reading and analyzing policy and the belief that we are so dumb that we can't think for ourselves but that we are being led by liberals once again shows why no one black should be a republican. I am black and I'm telling you this, it would be wise for you to listen.

The recession was caused by conservative policies? Really? It wasn't a melt down of the housing market caused by the policy of giving loans to people who should have never in a million years been given a mortgage?

In what way have the liberal policies of the past sixty years helped the black community? Are you being "led" by liberals? Not really. Are liberals taking your votes and giving you little in return? Oh, yeah! If you weren't wearing political blinders you'd see that. It's been happening for the better part of sixty years.

But your response is to tell me to shut my mouth? Why? Because the truth is inconvenient?

Yes conservative policy. It was conservative policy to allow sub prime loans. In the past 60 years liberal policies gave us the right to vote, civil rights. equal opportunity, reduced black poverty in half and ended segregation. Just to name a few things. Republicans want to end policies that did these things. Can the propaganda oldstyle.
If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.
What is vile propaganda?

The very act of asking about David Duke, makes the false and very harmful implication, that it is reasonable to ask the person you are asking,

about David Duke.
I'm just dealing in reality. This is what they're seeing, and all they get from the GOP are denials and lectures.

Again, this is all fine. If the GOP really thinks it's done all it can do, then we all just move on.

1. The reality is that white supremacist, like Duke, are a pathetic fringe, with nothing to do with Trump or the GOP.

2. The reality is also, that you and yours will suffer just as much as us, if the regressives get their way and turn this nation into a defacto ONe Party state based on Identity Politics and racial division.

3. We aren't moving on, we're going down. All of US.
You really think Donald Trump is a racist? That he supports white supremacists? That's a load of crap and I think you know it! So why even bring it up?

If blacks think that I don't "want them here"...then they're idiots. I'm no more of a racist than Donald Trump is! Not only do I want them here...I want them to prosper. So tell me who is the REAL racists the people who have kept large segments of an entire race of people dependent on government handouts?

You keep talking about how blacks don't like the GOP because they "feel" unwanted by them! Do you think it might be time for them to start asking themselves if those "feelings" are based on facts or based on a narrative pushed by liberals that have used the black vote to stay in power since the days of LBJ without really helping the black community at all? Trump is telling blacks he doesn't care about skin color. He wants them to succeed. Liberals have been telling blacks that conservatives hate them for sixty years now but that they love them and the proof of that is that they're going to give them free stuff. So who's REALLY helped the black community and who's hurt it? Be honest about it for once...
That's the perception. I've said this many times now, and I don't know how else to say it.

You can argue about their perceptions, which won't work, or you can do something to change them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

If someone chooses to believe all the lies about you, you can't do stop them.
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.

Except that is what Trump did. And before that birtherism.

IN what way?
True, but it doesn't help when they see a GOP nominee pretending not to know who David Duke is, or when they see white nationalists supporting him.

Those are facts. And for people who are already sensitized to this, those are LOUD facts.

The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.
What is vile propaganda?

The very act of asking about David Duke, makes the false and very harmful implication, that it is reasonable to ask the person you are asking,

about David Duke.
I'm just dealing in reality. This is what they're seeing, and all they get from the GOP are denials and lectures.

Again, this is all fine. If the GOP really thinks it's done all it can do, then we all just move on.

1. The reality is that white supremacist, like Duke, are a pathetic fringe, with nothing to do with Trump or the GOP.

2. The reality is also, that you and yours will suffer just as much as us, if the regressives get their way and turn this nation into a defacto ONe Party state based on Identity Politics and racial division.

3. We aren't moving on, we're going down. All of US.
But some of those white supremacists are good people???
  • Thanks
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The very act of asking such a question, is vile propaganda.

If you, the most reasonable liberal on this site can't see that, there is no hope.
What is vile propaganda?

The very act of asking about David Duke, makes the false and very harmful implication, that it is reasonable to ask the person you are asking,

about David Duke.
I'm just dealing in reality. This is what they're seeing, and all they get from the GOP are denials and lectures.

Again, this is all fine. If the GOP really thinks it's done all it can do, then we all just move on.

1. The reality is that white supremacist, like Duke, are a pathetic fringe, with nothing to do with Trump or the GOP.

2. The reality is also, that you and yours will suffer just as much as us, if the regressives get their way and turn this nation into a defacto ONe Party state based on Identity Politics and racial division.

3. We aren't moving on, we're going down. All of US.
But some of those white supremacists are good people???

And vile liars, continue to spread their vile lies.

YOu are doing a good job of tearing the nation apart.

You ever give any thought to the costs of your vile actions, you piece of shit?

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