Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about homosexuals

in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

I'm old enough to remember when their cry was “Don't force your morality on us!”

All that they wanted—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick perversions in peace and privacy.

Foolishly, as a society, we granted them that. We gave them that inch, and they took a mile. Now, they force their immorality on all of us, on society as a whole, and even on children. And those of us who object to having this sickness forced on us are told that we're the once with whom something is very wrong.
Is it promiscuity that pisses you off?

Can you think of examples of heterosexual promiscuity? O so you think that is a peculiar aspect exclusive to homosexuality?
No conservative but you need to be more specific.
Some are religious, some is just a personal taste etc.
Or do you mean in a legal way?
That could mean some people dont want to lose their rights so certain groups of people could be special rights.
What are you talking about?
For the record, I'm not Gay.


So how in the hell would you know what an ordinary gay or bisexual person in America needs from their society?
Repression, in all forms, flies in the face of freedom.

So would it count as repression if I went into a Christian establishment demanded they cater to my sexual orientation, then threatened them with legal and financial ruin if they didn't?

Would I not be trampling on their freedoms too?
I've often wondered what it was that made so-called conservatives hate gays so much. There are much more important things to think about than what other people do in their bedrooms. Moreover, nobody picks their sexual orientation. It comes on naturally.

But I have noticed that these "conservatives" have an obsession with sexual matters in general 24/7/365. People can be starving to death, but this is somehow much less important than sex in general and straight women and gays having sex (probably not together) in particular. The "conservatives" just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
I've often wondered what it was that made so-called conservatives hate gays so much. There are much more important things to think about than what other people do in their bedrooms. Moreover, nobody picks their sexual orientation. It comes on naturally.

But I have noticed that these "conservatives" have an obsession with sexual matters in general 24/7/365. People can be starving to death, but this is somehow much less important than sex in general and straight women and gays having sex (probably not together) in particular. The "conservatives" just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

Why do you say so-called conservatives and put the word in quotes as if anyone who has an issue with the LGBT agenda is somehow a fake? It's a no-brainer that social conservatives would be against flamboyant displays of deviant sexuality.
For the record, I'm not Gay.


So how in the hell would you know what an ordinary gay or bisexual person in America needs from their society?
Repression, in all forms, flies in the face of freedom.

So would it count as repression if I went into a Christian establishment demanded they cater to my sexual orientation, then threatened them with legal and financial ruin if they didn't?

Would I not be trampling on their freedoms too?
Not if they are operating a public business.

Unless while you were placing your order as a customer does in public businesses you hindered their right to attend the place of worship of their choice.
For the record, I'm not Gay.


So how in the hell would you know what an ordinary gay or bisexual person in America needs from their society?
Repression, in all forms, flies in the face of freedom.

So would it count as repression if I went into a Christian establishment demanded they cater to my sexual orientation, then threatened them with legal and financial ruin if they didn't?

Would I not be trampling on their freedoms too?
Not if they are operating a public business.

Unless while you were placing your order as a customer does in public businesses you hindered their right to attend the place of worship of their choice.


One is prohibited by law, the other isn't.

If the Constitution says I have a right to express my religion in the 1st Amendment, wouldn't that make public accommodation laws unconstitutional? As in, prohibitive of free expression of religion? Business owners must accommodate the public, but the public needn't not accommodate the religious beliefs of the business owner. Is that fair?

From where I sit, the laws crafted to give equal rights to gay people took rights away from Christians wanting to express their faith through entrepreneurial means.

If a law, in spite of its good intent, stops me from practicing my faith when and where I choose to, that is repression.

I posit that public accommodation laws are repressive.
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

I'm old enough to remember when their cry was “Don't force your morality on us!”

All that they wanted—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick perversions in peace and privacy.

Foolishly, as a society, we granted them that. We gave them that inch, and they took a mile. Now, they force their immorality on all of us, on society as a whole, and even on children. And those of us who object to having this sickness forced on us are told that we're the once with whom something is very wrong.
They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

I'm old enough to remember when their cry was “Don't force your morality on us!”

All that they wanted—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick perversions in peace and privacy.

Foolishly, as a society, we granted them that. We gave them that inch, and they took a mile. Now, they force their immorality on all of us, on society as a whole, and even on children. And those of us who object to having this sickness forced on us are told that we're the once with whom something is very wrong.
They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.

The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
I've often wondered what it was that made so-called conservatives hate gays so much.

this is just one the reasons the left has been derailing themselves .more normies and middle of the roaders scathing thier heads as to what in the hell is wrong with both sides

I like it it wakes people up
it just a constant barrage of the same old tired lies

wanna put on the glasses normals ? ask me some other time im not in the mood lol

its real simple to understand also
we are you and you are us IN MANY WAYs
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

I'm old enough to remember when their cry was “Don't force your morality on us!”

All that they wanted—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick perversions in peace and privacy.

Foolishly, as a society, we granted them that. We gave them that inch, and they took a mile. Now, they force their immorality on all of us, on society as a whole, and even on children. And those of us who object to having this sickness forced on us are told that we're the once with whom something is very wrong.
They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.

The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
Nonsense. Gays can not impose society to tolerate their sexual proclivities.
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

I'm old enough to remember when their cry was “Don't force your morality on us!”

All that they wanted—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick perversions in peace and privacy.

Foolishly, as a society, we granted them that. We gave them that inch, and they took a mile. Now, they force their immorality on all of us, on society as a whole, and even on children. And those of us who object to having this sickness forced on us are told that we're the once with whom something is very wrong.
They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.

The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
Nonsense. Gays can not impose society to tolerate their sexual proclivities.

No, they can't. But that doesn't stop them from trying.
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

I'm old enough to remember when their cry was “Don't force your morality on us!”

All that they wanted—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick perversions in peace and privacy.

Foolishly, as a society, we granted them that. We gave them that inch, and they took a mile. Now, they force their immorality on all of us, on society as a whole, and even on children. And those of us who object to having this sickness forced on us are told that we're the once with whom something is very wrong.
They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.

The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
Nonsense. Gays can not impose society to tolerate their sexual proclivities.

No, they can't. But that doesn't stop them from trying.
I'm old enough to remember when their cry was “Don't force your morality on us!”

All that they wanted—or so they claimed—was to be allowed to practice their sick perversions in peace and privacy.

Foolishly, as a society, we granted them that. We gave them that inch, and they took a mile. Now, they force their immorality on all of us, on society as a whole, and even on children. And those of us who object to having this sickness forced on us are told that we're the once with whom something is very wrong.
They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.

The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
Nonsense. Gays can not impose society to tolerate their sexual proclivities.

No, they can't. But that doesn't stop them from trying.

Don't pretend that there's not a concerted effort by powerful lobbies to impose acceptance of the LGBTQ lifestyle on everyone with the threat of social, political and financial ruin.
They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.

The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
Nonsense. Gays can not impose society to tolerate their sexual proclivities.

No, they can't. But that doesn't stop them from trying.

Don't pretend that there's not a concerted effort by powerful lobbies to impose acceptance of the LGBTQ lifestyle on everyone with the threat of social, political and financial ruin.
I didn’t deny any such thing. I asked, so what if they try? That’s their right. What does it matter?
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

Setting aside the two delightful guys who live next door to us and our other gay friends, family, colleagues, associates who are never hateful or obnoxious in their beliefs/opinions, the only thing that gets my ire up is when somebody, gay or straight, gets in my face and demands that I profess the same opinions, sense of morality, agreement with policy etc. etc. etc. as he/she does. If I do not, then I am:

White Supremacist
Fear brown people
Christian sharia
Basement dwellers
Hate the poor
Want to keep the poor in poverty
Violate every person's bedroom and every woman's womb
Smelly Walmart people
Low information
Environmentally irresponsible
Clinging to their guns and religion
and white women vote according to how their husbands, bosses, sons tell them to vote.. . .

or whatever the politically correct talking point of the day happens to be. (I keep adding to that list as they coin ever new descriptive words and phrases.)

Militant gays are just as offensive to me as anybody else when they require me to think, believe, and talk like THEM or else I am scum of the Earth to be ostracized, fired, harassed, driven out of restaurants and theaters, financially ruined, denied any public forum to speak, etc. etc. etc.

I allow anybody to be who and what they are so long as they aren't harassing folks or trampling on anybody else's right to be who and what he/she is.
The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
Nonsense. Gays can not impose society to tolerate their sexual proclivities.

No, they can't. But that doesn't stop them from trying.

Don't pretend that there's not a concerted effort by powerful lobbies to impose acceptance of the LGBTQ lifestyle on everyone with the threat of social, political and financial ruin.
I didn’t deny any such thing. I asked, so what if they try? That’s their right. What does it matter?

Is it really their right to destroy people's reputations because they oppose homosexuality? And by oppose, I mean be critical of it in any way, shape or form. I don't expect you to understand, but some of us find it repulsive.
Nonsense. Gays can not impose society to tolerate their sexual proclivities.

No, they can't. But that doesn't stop them from trying.

Don't pretend that there's not a concerted effort by powerful lobbies to impose acceptance of the LGBTQ lifestyle on everyone with the threat of social, political and financial ruin.
I didn’t deny any such thing. I asked, so what if they try? That’s their right. What does it matter?

Is it really their right to destroy people's reputations because they oppose homosexuality? And by oppose, I mean be critical of it in any way, shape or form. I don't expect you to understand, but some of us find it repulsive.
Not what I said. I said it’s their right to try to impose society accepts their behavior. Since we agree they can’t accomplish that, why do you care?
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.

I just googled the word ‘clueless’ ...and google replied ‘no smoking’.

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