Conservatives, what pisses you off the most about homosexuals

This is Kim Davis, with her fourth husband. Straight off the set of Hee Haw.

You remember Kim. She wouldn't let gays come between her and the Bible.

They are forcing you to be gay?? You should be more careful about who you let walk up behind you.

The LGBT lobby wants to impose on society in general a "tolerant" attitude towards their lifestyle. When a lefty says tolerance, what they mean is submission.
Do you have reasons you are intolerant? What form does your intolerance take? Would you repress homosexuals for a reason, and if so, what is that reason.

Have you found it better to be intolerant of other groups? Should intolerance be considered virtuous?

Society should be intolerant of indecent behavior, yes.
What is the noble purpose behind it ntolerance? What are the cirturof intolerance? Why is it good?

Intolerance for that which is harmful to oneself and/or others is a very good thing. Intolerance for people who do not share our beliefs, opinions, values, behavior, however, when such requires no contribution or partcipation by anybody else, is an entirely different thing and is pretty intolerable in itself.
Do you personally believe that homosexuals are harmful to themselves and/or others?
Here's Senator David Vitter with his wife, admitting he frequented hookers and dressed up in diapers. He was also known to call hookers during important floor votes.

The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."
The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Did Jesus say anything about this sort of behavior?
gay pride yay.jpg
Gays aren't perfect. I know gays commit adultery, too. Here's a homosexual who cheated on his wife right here:

Rush Limbaugh with his first wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his second wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his third wife:


Isn't that a charming photo?

Rush Limbaugh with his fourth wife:

The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Did Jesus say anything about this sort of behavior?
View attachment 257506
Oh, look. A tard who thinks straight men don't molest kids!


Do they molest them in public, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of onlookers and call it a celebration of pride?
So...yeah. All gays asked for was equal protection of the laws.

You know, all the same cash and prizes the government bestows on married people. Tax breaks, Social Security death benefits, hospital visitation rights...shit like that.

It had nothing to do with religion, and neither does the opposition to gays. The people who oppose gays don't do it out of a love of God, but out of nothing more than sheer hatred.
The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Did Jesus say anything about this sort of behavior?
View attachment 257506
Oh, look. A tard who thinks straight men don't molest kids!


Do they molest them in public, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of onlookers and call it a celebration of pride?
I don't see anyone being molested, dumbass. And that's not a toddler in your photo.
It's a no-brainer that social conservatives would be against flamboyant displays of deviant sexuality.
Like Mardi Gras...

Also, holding hands in public, kissing in public, talking about their spouses at work and shit.

The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Did Jesus say anything about this sort of behavior?
View attachment 257506
Oh, look. A tard who thinks straight men don't molest kids!


Do they molest them in public, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of onlookers and call it a celebration of pride?
I don't see anyone being molested, dumbass. And that's not a toddler in your photo.

In the background, a toddler in a stroller watches a display of hedonistic debauchery. Are you saying that 9 year old boy is not being exploited sexually?
The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Did Jesus say anything about this sort of behavior?
View attachment 257506
Oh, look. A tard who thinks straight men don't molest kids!


Do they molest them in public, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of onlookers and call it a celebration of pride?
I don't see anyone being molested, dumbass. And that's not a toddler in your photo.

In the background, a toddler in a stroller watches a display of hedonistic debauchery. Are you saying that 9 year old boy is not being exploited sexually?
You claimed someone was being molested, retard.

Would you like to see pics of kids at Mardi Gras?
I've often wondered what it was that made so-called conservatives hate gays so much. There are much more important things to think about than what other people do in their bedrooms. Moreover, nobody picks their sexual orientation. It comes on naturally.

But I have noticed that these "conservatives" have an obsession with sexual matters in general 24/7/365. People can be starving to death, but this is somehow much less important than sex in general and straight women and gays having sex (probably not together) in particular. The "conservatives" just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
Nobody gives a fuck what they do in their bedrooms. It's what they do in public we care about. Keep that disgusting crap in your fucking bedroom.
Did Jesus say anything about this sort of behavior?
View attachment 257506
Oh, look. A tard who thinks straight men don't molest kids!


Do they molest them in public, in broad daylight, in front of hundreds of onlookers and call it a celebration of pride?
I don't see anyone being molested, dumbass. And that's not a toddler in your photo.

In the background, a toddler in a stroller watches a display of hedonistic debauchery. Are you saying that 9 year old boy is not being exploited sexually?
You claimed someone was being molested, retard.

Would you like to see pics of kids at Mardi Gras?

Retard, you're the one who in response to that photo replied "as if straight people don't molest kids". Implying that what's happening there is molestation. I do not disagree.
I've often wondered what it was that made so-called conservatives hate gays so much. There are much more important things to think about than what other people do in their bedrooms. Moreover, nobody picks their sexual orientation. It comes on naturally.

But I have noticed that these "conservatives" have an obsession with sexual matters in general 24/7/365. People can be starving to death, but this is somehow much less important than sex in general and straight women and gays having sex (probably not together) in particular. The "conservatives" just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
Nobody gives a fuck what they do in their bedrooms. It's what they do in public we care about. Keep that disgusting crap in your fucking bedroom.
Yeah, we don't want nobody holding hands and kissing in public. That's disgusting! Keep that shit at home! And don't be talking about your spouses at work! That's gross!

No debauched parades, either! No showing us your tits for beads.

Oh wait...
in an effort to better understand your political ideology, I'm asking a series of questions.

Please list your primary point of offense about homosexuals.
Is this flaming devil faggot your hero? Is this the kind of disgusting queer you want reading to your kids? Please explain to help me better understand...


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