Conservatives who falsely insist that Democrats support socialism help Democrats - a lot!

Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Don't fall into the trap of proclaiming that socialism is a bad word.

What it really is is socially responsible government in the world's leading democracies, that's wrongly termed as 'socialism' by most Americans.

Why do conservatives try to make it out to be socialism?

Simply because they have been brainwashed into supporting the very wealthy's agenda of income inequality.

Call it communism and that works even better! fkng losers who have been duped into believing they're FREE!
The definition of socialism has not changed, why not just call it what Democrats want, socialism. Why not be proud of what you demand?
What is socialism? Please be specific with your definition.

Perhaps name a couple of socialist countries and draw comparisons.

Who is "demanding" it? Please be specific with your examples.

You guys spray the word around like water. Some specificity would be nice.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


.What is obvious to anyone with over a double digit IQ, is that socialism does not work, is a failure that produces poverty, not prosperity….yet it is taking over the Democrat Party.


The Democrats are raising to the level of a catechism that what is missing from America is the sense of redistributive social justice, and income equality.

And, what the dopes who vote for this miss, or refuse to admit, is that it requires the complete take-over of the economy by big government.

Socialism can be boiled down to “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It can only be assured by centralization and nationalization of all resources and industries.
Sound familiar? If you vote Democrat, you vote for this.

Ben Shapiro is all over this....
Ben Shapiro On The False Claims of the Socialist Democratic Party

Whom The Gods Would Destroy they first make mad. Soooo….the Democrat Party is racing full bore to, once again, being the Socialist Party….and destroying itself.


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

“It is far more common to believe that [Nazi socialism] represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.

The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.” Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

View attachment 502779

May I call you a communist, as well, the group responsible for the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children, in order to honor Karl Marx???

There really is no difference other than the socialists are communists out of ammunition.

Here's your may ignore it as your masters have trained you to do:

Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

1. The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists, have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, , labor unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television, the movies, the publishing business.

2. In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares:
The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."

How lucky for the Democrat Party that dolts as uneducated and easily duped, as you are, are still around.
nobody in power is pushing the communist manifesto, but you have a push such falsehoods because..

It is always difficult to determine whether your sort is more a liar or more a moron.

The Democrat Party stands for the very same things the Communist Party did.

Check out these dozen aims of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats today...

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.(Obama: "I'll be more flexible after the election...")
2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
3. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

4. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
5. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
6. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

7. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
8. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
9. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

10. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
11. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
12. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

These were the goals of the communist party, as read on the floor of Congress January 10, 1963.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

Still doubt you've been taught to believe exactly what the CPUSA espoused???
Exactly the sort of thinking advanced by Lenin and Marx.

"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.” Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky.

To which of these political philosophies does this quotations apply: communism, fascism, Nazism, Progressivism/Liberalism?

Of course....all of them.

All totalitarians have murder in their hearts.

Now......which are you today?
thats actually the "zionist communist takeover".
How anti-semitic of you, just like the nazis.

another gem from that site: Communism Is Judaism Unfolding

Please just slither away and don't come back.

You must be both a government school grad, and a complete moron.

Here, in America, there is no perennial class of 'the rich.'

"...economic mobility. About 60 percent of the households that were in the lowest income quintile in 1999 were in a higher quintile ten years later. During the same decade, almost 40 percent of the richest households fell to a lower quintile. This is a nation where you can rise or fall. It is a nation where you can climb the economic ladder based not on who you are born to, or what class you are born into, but based on your talents, your passion, your perseverance, and the content of your character."

"Far from having the 21st-century equivalent of an Edwardian class system, the United States is characterized by a great deal of variation in income: More than half of all adult Americans will be at or near the poverty line at some point over the course of their lives; 73 percent will also find themselves in the top 20 percent, and 39 percent will make it into the top 5 percent for at least one year. Perhaps most remarkable, 12 percent of Americans will be in the top 1 percent for at least one year of their working lives.

The top 1 percent,,.... is such an unstable group that it makes no sense to write, as so many progressives do, about what has happened to its income over the past ten year or twenty years, because it does not contain the same group of people from year to year.

... the turnover among the super-rich (the top 400 taxpayers in any given year) is 98 percent over a decade — that is, just 2 percent of that elusive group remain there for ten years in a row.

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that among the allegedly privileged 1 percent, inherited wealth accounts for only 15 percent of household holdings, a smaller share than it does among middle-class families."

You prove that there is a perennial group of stupid folks.......are you their spokesperson?
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Here is a 2019 list of 50 members of Congress who are Democrats and socialists/communists (because let's be real, socialism is merely a step behind communism):

Raul Grijalva (D AZ): Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA since at least 1993. A self-described “Alinskyite.” Travelled to Cuba in 2015.

Ami Bera (D CA): Has used Communist Party USA campaign volunteers in 2010, 2014 and 2016. Also close to Democratic Socialists of America.

Nancy Pelosi (D CA): Very close to several key Communist Party USA allies in San Francisco in the 1970s and ’80s. Also some involvement with Democratic Socialists of America.

Barbara Lee (D CA): Lee has been close to the Communist Party USA for decades. In the 1990s she was a leading member of the Communist Party spin-off Committees of Correspondence. Has been to Cuba more than 20 times.

Ro Khanna (D CA): Very close to Democratic Socialists of America.

Salud Carbajal (D CA): Long history with Democratic Socialists of America members.

Judy Chu (D CA): Was heavily involved with the now defunct pro-Beijing Communist Workers Party in the 1970s and ’80s. Still works closely with former members today. China’s best friend in the US Congress.

Raul Ruiz (D CA): Worked closly with Workers World Party members in Massachusetts in the late 1990s.

Karen Bass (D CA): Was actively involved with the Marxist-Leninist group Line of March in the 1980s. Still works closely with former members. Mentored by a leading Communist Party USA member. Also close to Democratic Socialists of America and some Freedom Road Socialist Organization members. Has been to Cuba at least 4 times.

Maxine Waters (D CA): Long history with the Communist Party USA. Also ties to some Communist Workers Party and Workers World Party fronts. Has employed staff mebers from Democratic Socialists of America and League of Revolutionary Struggle.

Joe Courtney (D CT): Has worked closely with several Communist Party USA leaders.

Rosa DeLauro (D CT): Has worked extremey closely with the Communist Party USA for many years. Travelled to Cuba in 2014.

Jim Himes (D CT): His 1988 thesis “The Sandinista Defense Committees and the Transformation of Political Culture in Nicaragua” was a sympathetic portrayal of Marxist government’s civilian spy network. Has worked closely with one Communist Party USA front group.

Kathy Castor (D FL): Has worked closely with Cuba and pro-Castro organizations to open US trade with the communist island.

John Lewis (D GA): Worked closly with the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA in the 1960s. In recent years has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members.

Tulsi Gabbard (D HI): Has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members through her political career. Ties to some Filipino-American “former communists”. Worked with Communist Party USA affiliated former Congressman Dennis Kucinich to defend Soviet-Russian puppet Syrian leader Bashar-al-Assad.

Bobby Rush (D IL): Former leader of the Maoist leaning Black Panther Party. Has worked closely with Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America. Has travelled to Cuba twice

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D IL): has worked closely with the Communist Party USA for nearly 40 years.

Danny Davis (D IL): Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the mid 2000s. Has worked closely with the Communist Party USA since the 1980s. Also close to Committees of Correspondence in the 1990s.

Jan Schakowsky (D IL): Was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in the 1980s and has continued to work closely with the organization. Has also worked closely with some Communist Party USA members.

Dave Loebsack (D IA): has worked closely with Socialist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America members for many years.

John Yarmuth (D KY): has worked with Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism members. Travelled to Cuba in 2011.

Jamie Raskin (D MD): has worked closly with Democratic Socialists of America for many years.

Jim McGovern (D MA): has supported Latin American socialist and revolutionary groups for 20 years. Has travelled to Cuba at least three times.

Ayanna Pressley (D MA): Has been endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America. Worked with Freedom Road Socialist Organization front groups and with the pro-Beijing Chinese Progressive Association in Boston.

Andy Levin (D MI): Close to Democratic Socialists of America for at least a decade.

Rashida Tlaib (D MI): Democratic Socialists of America member.

Betty McCollum (D MN): Close ties to communist Laos. Has worked with Democratic Socialists of America members. Traveled to Cuba in 2014.

Ilhan Omar (D MN): Supported by Democratic Socialists of America controlled groups Our Revolution and National Nurses United. Reportedly a self-described “democratic socialist”.

Bennie Thompson (D MS): Was close to the Communist Party USA for many years. Also supported one Communist Workers Party organization. Travelled to Cuba in 2000 and worked with Fidel Castro to train leftist American medical students in Cuba.

William Lacy Clay (D MO): Has worked with Communist Party USA fronts for many years.

Greg Meeks (D NY): Has travelled to Cuba at least 3 times. Was a strong supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

Grace Meng (D NY): Very close to the pro-Beijing Asian Americans for Equality. Was also active in a radical Korean-American organization.

Nydia Velasquez (D NY): Close ties to Democratic Socialists of America. Welcomed Fidel Castro to Harlem in 1995.

Yvette Clarke (D NY): Addressed a Workers World Party rally in 2005. Close ally of a prominent Democratic Socialists of America member. Travelled to Cuba in 2007.

Jerry Nadler (D NY): was a member of Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee in the 1970s and was involved with Democratic Socialists of America in the ’80s and ’90s.

Jose Serrano (D NY): Close ties to the Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America. Was a strong supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

G.K. Butterfield (D NC): Some connection to Workers World Party and Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Also close to the “former” communist led Moral Mondays movement.

Marcy Kaptur (D OH): Ties to Democratic Socialists of America. Travelled to Cuba in 2002.

Earl Blumenauer (D OR): Ties to Democratic Socialists of America.

Steve Cohen (D TN): Close ties to Memphis Socialist Party USA members. Travelled to Cuba in 2011.

Sylvia Garcia (D TX): Elected to the Texas state house with Communist Party USA support. Works closely with a major communist influenced organization.

Eddie Bernice Johnson (D TX): Long relationship with the Communist Party USA. Travelled to Cuba at least twice.

Marc Veasey (D TX): Very close relationship with the Communist Party USA.

Lloyd Doggett (D TX): Has been involved with Democratic Socialists of America since the 1980s.

Pramila Jayapal (D WA): Has been involved with Freedom Road Socialist Organization connected groups for many years.

Mark Pocan (D WI): Close to some Democratic Socialists of America activists. Long-time active supporter of Colombian revolutionary movements.

Gwen Moore (D WI): Has been mentored by leading Democratic Socialists of America and Communist Party USA members.

Eleanor Holmes Norton (D DC): Former Young Peoples Socialist League member. Long connection to Democratic Socialists of America

And let's not forget the loudest - and dumbest - of socialists in the Democrat party and in Congress: AOC. Her own Chief-of-Staff admitted the Green New Deal was created specifically to make America a socialist country. The save the planet crap was added later to fool people even dumber than AOC into buying it. Guess what is being used as a guide by Democrats to write all sorts bills? The Green New Deal.

You have to be a massively ignorant moron to not see how fully the left has embraced totalitarianism. Socialism is merely the tool of choice.
I very much appreciate that rundown, and that you're making a serious and thoughtful reply to my inquiry.

But you've made some serious errors.

The Democrat Party is NOT the left.

The Democrat Party is the OTHER party of criminal corporatism and creeping social control.

That a few dozen Democrat politicians may have at one time - or currently - played footsie with values of the actual left is akin to Patrice Cullors claiming to be a Marxist even as she erects electric fences to protect her growing portfolio of private real estate holdings.

Democrat politicians embrace socialism in the same way that Jimmy Swaggart embraced fidelity.

Which is to say not in any real way, and actually, the precise opposite.

But The People?

They want M4A & UBI & affordable housing & a few other things that might be incorrectly labeled socialist or communist or whatever.

By claiming that the Democrat Party (as opposed to well-meaning rank & file Democrats who may be quite decent) in any way supports the REAL needs of The People, via socialism or any other ideology, is both entirely false, and mistaking a group of depraved & powerful Swaggarts for real people of faith & decency.

It's also WILDLY helpful to the Democrat Party.
I believe everyone is overthinking this issue

We use the term “socialist” for convenience

Lefts believe in equality of results and conservatives dont

And the left looks to government to achieve their goal of equality
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


For several reasons.

They themselves are terrified of socialism and communism.

In a way demonize Democrats to get stupid people to hate Democrats, they use words they believe are the most scariest words to scare people into hating Democrats.

Words like socialism, communism, fascist and a long list of others.

It all it does is show intelligent people just how down right stupid and pathetic the conservatives are.
well communism has killed over 120 million people since it has been applied,,
I would say thats something to be afraid of, wouldnt you??
The problem is right-wingers don't seem to have a problem with slavery and even fought a civil war over it. How many people died so right-wingers could try to keep slavery?
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


You obviously don't know what socialism is if you actually believe Democrats don't support it, Commie Joe
I know what socialism is, and I know the Democrat Party doesn't support it.

In fact, one of the ways they regained power in 2020 was by slicing socialist throats.

Not only aren't Democrats socialist, they DESPISE socialists.

Just more of your shallow Democrat Nazi propaganda
The problem is right-wingers don't seem to have a problem with slavery and even fought a civil war over it. How many people died so right-wingers could try to keep slavery?






Danielpalos, you were saying?
The definition of socialism has not changed, why not just call it what Democrats want, socialism. Why not be proud of what you demand?
What is socialism? Please be specific with your definition.

Perhaps name a couple of socialist countries and draw comparisons.

Who is "demanding" it? Please be specific with your examples.

You guys spray the word around like water. Some specificity would be nice.

"My" definition of Socialism is the same as the majority of educated people, you'll find the definition in many places.

I am curious as to your definition of the word. Especially since you claim that is not what the Democrats are working to accomplish.
The definition of socialism has not changed, why not just call it what Democrats want, socialism. Why not be proud of what you demand?
What is socialism? Please be specific with your definition.

Perhaps name a couple of socialist countries and draw comparisons.

Who is "demanding" it? Please be specific with your examples.

You guys spray the word around like water. Some specificity would be nice.

"My" definition of Socialism is the same as the majority of educated people, you'll find the definition in many places.

I am curious as to your definition of the word. Especially since you claim that is not what the Democrats are working to accomplish.
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
The definition of socialism has not changed, why not just call it what Democrats want, socialism. Why not be proud of what you demand?
What is socialism? Please be specific with your definition.

Perhaps name a couple of socialist countries and draw comparisons.

Who is "demanding" it? Please be specific with your examples.

You guys spray the word around like water. Some specificity would be nice.

"My" definition of Socialism is the same as the majority of educated people, you'll find the definition in many places.

I am curious as to your definition of the word. Especially since you claim that is not what the Democrats are working to accomplish.
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.

You're a liar and a fool.

Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.

But the options for a solution to that issue, which crosses party lines has been narrowed down to nothing but change to socially responsible government that serves the people.

The wealthy needs to make that out as 'socialism' as their scare tactic.

Canada and the rest of the top ten democracies aren't socialist, but they're leaving America in their dust on the factors that make a contented, happy, and prospering population.

Did Trump ever have any answers that aren't covered in that link's paramaters, which make a country's people better off?
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.

But the options for a solution to that issue, which crosses party lines has been narrowed down to nothing but change to socially responsible government that serves the people.

The wealthy needs to make that out as 'socialism' as their scare tactic.

Canada and the rest of the top ten democracies aren't socialist, but they're leaving America in their dust on the factors that make a contented, happy, and prospering population.

Did Trump ever have any answers that aren't covered in that link's paramaters, which make a country's people better off?
Interesting how far to the Left Canada, Australia and Europe are from us, yet you don't see the Trumpsters calling them communist.

They're so overcome by their ignorance and paranoia that they simply aren't making sense.
It's time for the discussion Mac. The rest of this board's filth is nothing but deflection from having to face the issue.
If the American people don't get what they obviously need from government, some of the threats of violence are going to turn into America's political nightmare.

Americans of both political parties have common issues and needs. They're not directing their frustration and anger toward politicians of both stripes that continue to refuse to deliver.
conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

What makes you think that democrats do not in any way support socialism? Why do you think that is a lie? AND, why do you think advancing that idea helps democrats win elections and hold power? Let's take a look at it:

If one defines socialism as "a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control," then yeah, it is no lie that a significant number of democrats want that. There's a reason why the democrats dumped Bernie Sanders and went with Joe Biden, and that reason is that too many people (voters) don't like the idea of socialism. The democrats tried to distance themselves from that concept by nominating a person who they hoped would be perceive as a moderate (i.e., NOT a socialist) that the public would vote for instead of Trump. So, labeling the democrats as socialists, which they are as we can plainly see now that they are in power, did not help the democrats win. They won by running a non-stop negative campaign against Trump from even before he took office and by denying that they were socialists.
The Democrat Party does nothing to advance causes meaningful to socialists; they merely pay lip service as/when/where/if needed.

Really? I wouldn't say that that most democrats actually want a full-on socialist gov't and economy, although I do think that some do. Mostly the young people who don't seem to realize that much of what they enjoy in life is due to capitalism. A recent YouGov survey that reported that given a choice, 44 percent of young people between the ages of 16 and 29 would prefer to live in a socialist nation rather than a capitalist country. How about we send them to Cuba for a week and see if they change their minds.

Since the democratic party is pushing for an agenda that IS a lot more socialist in nature, they're getting the young people votes. Granted, the democrats pay lip service to everybody to get their support and their votes, and they're not calling for gov't ownership of everything. But I do believe they want ownership of some private businesses and more control of businesses via laws and the regulatory environment. They want free healthcare, right? Free education, right? Free Abortions, right? Universal Basic Income, right? Have you looked at what they want to do with the Green New Deal?

These are all socialist policies to some degree. The gov't decides winners and losers, not us. They would own or control much of what is now considered free enterprise, and that ain't lip service. There has been and continues to be a shift towards socialism in this country. I wouldn't say it's been all bad, but it hasn't been all good either. Look at the national debt we have, future generations are going to go bankrupt just paying the interest on that debt and it's still growing.
Last edited:
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.

But the options for a solution to that issue, which crosses party lines has been narrowed down to nothing but change to socially responsible government that serves the people.

The wealthy needs to make that out as 'socialism' as their scare tactic.

Canada and the rest of the top ten democracies aren't socialist, but they're leaving America in their dust on the factors that make a contented, happy, and prospering population.

Did Trump ever have any answers that aren't covered in that link's paramaters, which make a country's people better off?
Interesting how far to the Left Canada, Australia and Europe are from us, yet you don't see the Trumpsters calling them communist.

They're so overcome by their ignorance and paranoia that they simply aren't making sense.
I assure you, communism and socialism aren't even worthy talking points in Canada, and I suspect the same in the other leading countries.

They are scare tactics that have been contrived to keep the ordinary workingg class in line and doing the bidding of America's very wealthy.
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.

But the options for a solution to that issue, which crosses party lines has been narrowed down to nothing but change to socially responsible government that serves the people.

The wealthy needs to make that out as 'socialism' as their scare tactic.

Canada and the rest of the top ten democracies aren't socialist, but they're leaving America in their dust on the factors that make a contented, happy, and prospering population.

Did Trump ever have any answers that aren't covered in that link's paramaters, which make a country's people better off?
Interesting how far to the Left Canada, Australia and Europe are from us, yet you don't see the Trumpsters calling them communist.

They're so overcome by their ignorance and paranoia that they simply aren't making sense.
I assure you, communism and socialism aren't even worthy talking points in Canada, and I suspect the same in the other leading countries.

They are scare tactics that have been contrived to keep the ordinary workingg class in line and doing the bidding of America's very wealthy.
That's the routine: Misinform to create paranoia.
conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

What makes you think that democrats do not in any way support socialism? Why do you think that is a lie? AND, why do you think advancing that idea helps democrats win elections and hold power? Let's take a look at it:

If one defines socialism as "a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control," then yeah, it is no lie that a significant number of democrats want that. There's a reason why the democrats dumped Bernie Sanders and went with Joe Biden, and that reason is that too many people (voters) don't like the idea of socialism. The democrats tried to distance themselves from that concept by nominating a person who they hoped would be perceive as a moderate (i.e., NOT a socialist) that the public would vote for instead of Trump. So, labeling the democrats as socialists, which they are as we can plainly see now that they are in power, did not help the democrats win. They won by running a non-stop negative campaign against Trump from even before he took office and by denying that they were socialists.
The Democrat Party does nothing to advance causes meaningful to socialists; they merely pay lip service as/when/where/if needed.

Really? I wouldn't say that that most democrats actually want a full-on socialist gov't and economy, although I do think that some do. Mostly the young people who don't seem to realize that much of what they enjoy in life is due to capitalism. A recent YouGov survey that reported that given a choice, 44 percent of young people between the ages of 16 and 29 would prefer to live in a socialist nation rather than a capitalist country. How about we send them to Cuba for a week and see if they change their minds.

Since the democratic party is pushing for an agenda that IS a lot more socialist in nature, they're getting the young people votes. Granted, the democrats pay lip service to everybody to get their support and their votes, and they're not calling for gov't ownership of everything. But I do believe they want ownership of some private businesses and more control of businesses via laws and the regulatory environment. They want free healthcare, right? Free education, right? Free Abortions, right? Universal Basic Income, right? Open borders and total amnesty, right? Have you looked at what they want to do with the Green New Deal?

These are all socialist policies to some degree. The gov't decides winners and losers, not us. They would own or control most of what is now considered free enterprise, and that ain't lip service. There has been and continues to be a shift towards socialism in this country. I wouldn't say it's been all bad, but it hasn't been all good either. Look at the national debt we have, future generations are going to go bankrupt just paying the interest on that debt and it's still growing.
Your talking points are on target, but you still are making it clear that you yourself understand that they are exaggerations. And most important, you have no honest and direct criticism of what is working in the top ten countries in my link.

But in fairness to your mindset, if you can't see the need for government run, universal HC for all the people, then you're for the status quo.

It's plainly obvious that neither the Trumpers or the opposition are for that.

Trump promised to fix America's sick HC system. He didn't because there's only one possible fix for it, and that would betray his backers and his corpoorate ideology.

That's a good place to begin the discussion though!
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.

But the options for a solution to that issue, which crosses party lines has been narrowed down to nothing but change to socially responsible government that serves the people.

The wealthy needs to make that out as 'socialism' as their scare tactic.

Canada and the rest of the top ten democracies aren't socialist, but they're leaving America in their dust on the factors that make a contented, happy, and prospering population.

Did Trump ever have any answers that aren't covered in that link's paramaters, which make a country's people better off?
Interesting how far to the Left Canada, Australia and Europe are from us, yet you don't see the Trumpsters calling them communist.

They're so overcome by their ignorance and paranoia that they simply aren't making sense.
I assure you, communism and socialism aren't even worthy talking points in Canada, and I suspect the same in the other leading countries.

They are scare tactics that have been contrived to keep the ordinary workingg class in line and doing the bidding of America's very wealthy.
That's the routine: Misinform to create paranoia.
Task has the talking points down pat, but he quickly turns it into the 'socialist' boogeyman as the usual method of deflecting from the facts that have started to face America's working class.

Supporters of both political bent are saying they've had enough of the ripoff. If it doesn't come in the next year or two, the threats of extreme gun violence will become the reality.
conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

What makes you think that democrats do not in any way support socialism? Why do you think that is a lie? AND, why do you think advancing that idea helps democrats win elections and hold power? Let's take a look at it:

If one defines socialism as "a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social control," then yeah, it is no lie that a significant number of democrats want that. There's a reason why the democrats dumped Bernie Sanders and went with Joe Biden, and that reason is that too many people (voters) don't like the idea of socialism. The democrats tried to distance themselves from that concept by nominating a person who they hoped would be perceive as a moderate (i.e., NOT a socialist) that the public would vote for instead of Trump. So, labeling the democrats as socialists, which they are as we can plainly see now that they are in power, did not help the democrats win. They won by running a non-stop negative campaign against Trump from even before he took office and by denying that they were socialists.
The Democrat Party does nothing to advance causes meaningful to socialists; they merely pay lip service as/when/where/if needed.

Really? I wouldn't say that that most democrats actually want a full-on socialist gov't and economy, although I do think that some do. Mostly the young people who don't seem to realize that much of what they enjoy in life is due to capitalism. A recent YouGov survey that reported that given a choice, 44 percent of young people between the ages of 16 and 29 would prefer to live in a socialist nation rather than a capitalist country. How about we send them to Cuba for a week and see if they change their minds.

Since the democratic party is pushing for an agenda that IS a lot more socialist in nature, they're getting the young people votes. Granted, the democrats pay lip service to everybody to get their support and their votes, and they're not calling for gov't ownership of everything. But I do believe they want ownership of some private businesses and more control of businesses via laws and the regulatory environment. They want free healthcare, right? Free education, right? Free Abortions, right? Universal Basic Income, right? Open borders and total amnesty, right? Have you looked at what they want to do with the Green New Deal?

These are all socialist policies to some degree. The gov't decides winners and losers, not us. They would own or control most of what is now considered free enterprise, and that ain't lip service. There has been and continues to be a shift towards socialism in this country. I wouldn't say it's been all bad, but it hasn't been all good either. Look at the national debt we have, future generations are going to go bankrupt just paying the interest on that debt and it's still growing.
Instead of sending young people to Cuba, send them to one of the world's leading democracies that practice socially responsible capitalism.

This is the alternative to America's greedy style of capitalism, that America's young people need to see and understand.

Why compare America to a heavily US sanctioned banana republic?
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.

I requested your definition of Socialism and, as we all knew, you had no clue. I'll highlight a few things to make it easier for you to learn.


socialism (noun)
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism

I believe you had requested some examples as well. Do you really?

Venezuela, Cuba, more?

You also lied when you said no Democrat wants Socialism for this country. Where are you hiding?


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