Conservatives who falsely insist that Democrats support socialism help Democrats - a lot!

Government of the People, by the People, and for the People, is Socialism. Government is social-ism. Government is socialism and the private sector is Capitalism.
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.

I requested your definition of Socialism and, as we all knew, you had no clue. I'll highlight a few things to make it easier for you to learn.


socialism (noun)
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism

I believe you had requested some examples as well. Do you really?

Venezuela, Cuba, more?

You also lied when you said no Democrat wants Socialism for this country. Where are you hiding?

Uh, that's pretty much what I said. Government control and ownership of production and distribution.

And socialism is a bit more than one nutter threatening to take over one industry.

Socialism and communism are TOTAL. Do you know what TOTAL means?
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.


Low-wage workers are getting bigger raises than bosses
DECEMBER 27, 2019 / 1:51 PM

  • The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November.
  • That outpaced a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country's highest-paid workers.
  • Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and corporations that are increasing entry-level pay.


Trump Celebrates Lowest Ever Black Unemployment On MLK Day
20 Jan 2020

Donald Trump celebrated the historically low rate of black unemployment on Martin Luther King, Jr. day.

Black unemployment fell to the lowest annual level ever last year, averaging 6.1 percent in 2019. Black unemployment also hit the lowest level ever last year, falling to 5.4 percent in August.

Julia Pollak

Jan 20, 2020

Black Americans saw large labor market gains in 2019—the black prime-age employment-population ratio rose from 75.1% to 77.2% and wages for black full-time workers rose more than 4% after inflation. Here’s to building on those gains in 2020. #MLKDay2020

I assure you, communism and socialism aren't even worthy talking points in Canada, and I suspect the same in the other leading countries.

They are scare tactics that have been contrived to keep the ordinary workingg class in line and doing the bidding of America's very wealthy.

You don't even have free speech in Canada plus you have months-long waiting lists just to see a specialist. That is if you're lucky enough to have a primary care physician.
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.

But the options for a solution to that issue, which crosses party lines has been narrowed down to nothing but change to socially responsible government that serves the people.

The wealthy needs to make that out as 'socialism' as their scare tactic.

Canada and the rest of the top ten democracies aren't socialist, but they're leaving America in their dust on the factors that make a contented, happy, and prospering population.

Did Trump ever have any answers that aren't covered in that link's paramaters, which make a country's people better off?

Not surprisingly, your article, in a Canadian publication ranking Canada, neglected to include the criteria by which they made their choices. All those which have included the criteria had six out of ten items as availability of services. In other words, high marks if it was Socialist and low if not. But, you already knew that, didn't you?
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.

I requested your definition of Socialism and, as we all knew, you had no clue. I'll highlight a few things to make it easier for you to learn.


socialism (noun)
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism

I believe you had requested some examples as well. Do you really?

Venezuela, Cuba, more?

You also lied when you said no Democrat wants Socialism for this country. Where are you hiding?

Uh, that's pretty much what I said. Government control and ownership of production and distribution.

And socialism is a bit more than one nutter threatening to take over one industry.

Socialism and communism are TOTAL. Do you know what TOTAL means?

No, that is not "pretty much" what you said. But, cute try!
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.
Working class Americans are starting to demand change that will allow them a piece of the American pie. Trump's followers were motivated by exactly that, but Trump never did deliver. He obviiously never intended to and he sure the hell couldn't doublecross his corporate backing to do so.

But the options for a solution to that issue, which crosses party lines has been narrowed down to nothing but change to socially responsible government that serves the people.

The wealthy needs to make that out as 'socialism' as their scare tactic.

Canada and the rest of the top ten democracies aren't socialist, but they're leaving America in their dust on the factors that make a contented, happy, and prospering population.

Did Trump ever have any answers that aren't covered in that link's paramaters, which make a country's people better off?

Not surprisingly, your article, in a Canadian publication ranking Canada, neglected to include the criteria by which they made their choices. All those which have included the criteria had six out of ten items as availability of services. In other words, high marks if it was Socialist and low if not. But, you already knew that, didn't you?
Sure: Total government ownership and control of all production and distribution.

There is no one in the Democratic Party advocating for that.

What you are displaying is ignorant paranoia.

I requested your definition of Socialism and, as we all knew, you had no clue. I'll highlight a few things to make it easier for you to learn.


socialism (noun)
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism

I believe you had requested some examples as well. Do you really?

Venezuela, Cuba, more?

You also lied when you said no Democrat wants Socialism for this country. Where are you hiding?

Uh, that's pretty much what I said. Government control and ownership of production and distribution.

And socialism is a bit more than one nutter threatening to take over one industry.

Socialism and communism are TOTAL. Do you know what TOTAL means?

No, that is not "pretty much" what you said. But, cute try!

So you don't know what "total" means.

Not surprising.
Of course Americans want some limited amount of 'socialism' as is practiced in the world's leading democracies.
Even if that is limited to the obvious need for 'social' reform of its health care system.

Do any Americans still believe there's some alternative answer other than what's enjoyed by the world's leading countries in health care?
There are two choices for Americans.

1.Pay the $50,000 bill for your or the kid's appendectomy.
2. Bite the bullet and sign on to a real health care system, that makes you a COMMIE!

We Canadians can give you a clue on the evils of our communist HC system, so you don't make a bad choice when the opportunity comes in ten or twenty years.
And by that time all the world's leading HC systems will have burned in the god's hell fires anyway.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

Because there are hundreds of them in office at all levels who openly define themselves as socialists.

Your question is evidence that we should never underestimate the sheer ignorance of leftist sheep. Your elected leaders are openly calling for socialism and are part of a socialist group. Leftist twits: I don't know why everyone says the Democrats are socialist..."

The real question is what do you morons on the left get from being wilfully ignorant of those you elect?
Last edited:
Of course Americans want some limited amount of 'socialism' as is practiced in the world's leading democracies.
Even if that is limited to the obvious need for 'social' reform of its health care system.

Do any Americans still believe there's some alternative answer other than what's enjoyed by the world's leading countries in health care?
There are two choices for Americans.

1.Pay the $50,000 bill for your or the kid's appendectomy.
2. Bite the bullet and sign on to a real health care system, that makes you a COMMIE!

We Canadians can give you a clue on the evils of our communist HC system, so you don't make a bad choice when the opportunity comes in ten or twenty years.
And by that time all the world's leading HC systems will have burned in the god's hell fires anyway.
Yes, take the power from the federal goverment and return it to the states. Simple tort reforms and allowing competition between insurance providers across state lines (which they can't because of the heavy regulation at the federal level that forced the state level to also heavily regulate).

All done without expecting the federal goverment to get something right for once. All done by simply following the US Constitution.

Leftist twits: But...but...but...fwee stuff! We want big brother to control our lives from cradle to grave!
Of course Americans want some limited amount of 'socialism' as is practiced in the world's leading democracies.
Even if that is limited to the obvious need for 'social' reform of its health care system.

Do any Americans still believe there's some alternative answer other than what's enjoyed by the world's leading countries in health care?
There are two choices for Americans.

1.Pay the $50,000 bill for your or the kid's appendectomy.
2. Bite the bullet and sign on to a real health care system, that makes you a COMMIE!

We Canadians can give you a clue on the evils of our communist HC system, so you don't make a bad choice when the opportunity comes in ten or twenty years.
And by that time all the world's leading HC systems will have burned in the god's hell fires anyway.
America has the highest quality health care in the world, bar none.

Where do you get the notion that buying health insurance makes someone a "commie"? Sorry but you lost me.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism
Why do conservatives do this?

Idiot. Democrats are ALL ABOUT globalism (they spent four years HATING Trump's pro-America First stance worried whether other countries still liked us) and globalism IS socialism.

Don't be so self-critical! :) "Globalism is socialism" is meaningless, and the Democrat Party is in no way, shape or form supportive of the aims of socialists/The People.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.


For several reasons.

They themselves are terrified of socialism and communism.

In a way demonize Democrats to get stupid people to hate Democrats, they use words they believe are the most scariest words to scare people into hating Democrats.

Words like socialism, communism, fascist and a long list of others.

It all it does is show intelligent people just how down right stupid and pathetic the conservatives are.
For all the meaning these accusations have, they might as well be calling Dems "poopyheads" and sane people realize this
Cannot disagree.

But why don't they see the damage they do to themselves, and the enormous aid they give to a party they claim to hate?

It's an epic disconnect.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Democrats that finally admitted they are Socialists, more aptly named Progressive Socialists have put an iron lock on the direction of the nation since Kennedy was assassinated. Republicans have only determined the speed of it.
Democrats aren't socialists.

The People are not represented.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
It's almost a parody; Archie Bunker stuff...


Yes, but this false advertising also helps the Democrats enormously, so why do they do it? Perhaps...
I think it's closest to being Archie Bunker stuff. Archie was incurious, mal-informed, intellectually lazy, and paranoid. Everybody else was a "commie".

I suppose those in the public eye who push this stuff may have a more sinister agenda, but I think that's just the advancement of their own careers, at any cost.

The lack of awareness about the behavior and its negative impact on their stated aims is kind of surreal.

Good point about the professional pimps of this nonsense.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

You are hopelessly confused.

Democrats despise socialists and socialism.
Cool, when are they going to start ejecting all of the socialists from their ranks? When are they going to stop the fountain of socialist proposals that spring from their pens?

If Democrats aren’t socialists then they deserve Academy Awards for acting like socialists.
More sad then cool, but what socialists, and how and why? When are they going to start those proposals - M4A or UBI for instance?

I won't disagree that a small number of professional Democrats pretending to embrace socialist ideas say and do things that get them elected, keep them elected and provide attention and wealth, but this is in no way to be confused with ACTUAL socialism.

See the lives of Patrice Cullors and Jimmy Swaggart (and Obama and Trump for that matter) for more information about how grifters operate.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Democrats that finally admitted they are Socialists, more aptly named Progressive Socialists have put an iron lock on the direction of the nation since Kennedy was assassinated. Republicans have only determined the speed of it.
Since I don't know what your particular definition of socialism is, I can't comment.

I'm aware of no actual socialists (by its definition) leading the Democratic Party, so it's difficult to take the accusation seriously.
Thank you - the concept is so bizarre that all one can ultimately do is say it's wrong.

It's like arguing with a drunk who insists they aren't drunk.

But they may never sober up...
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Democrats that finally admitted they are Socialists, more aptly named Progressive Socialists have put an iron lock on the direction of the nation since Kennedy was assassinated. Republicans have only determined the speed of it.
Since I don't know what your particular definition of socialism is, I can't comment.

I'm aware of no actual socialists (by its definition) leading the Democratic Party, it's difficult to take the accusation seriously.
I guess you missed the fact that Democrat Leadership has time and again expressed their desire to implement a government take over of the entire health insurance industry? perhaps that doesn’t meet your definition of socialism? not to mention all the other incremental government take overs of private enterprise that the Democrats have proposed and continue to propose, incremental socialism is still SOCIALISM.

What’s it going to take for you to recognize it? The Democrats nominating Karl Marx as their Presidential Candidate?

At least politicians like Bernie Sanders-I and AOC-D have the honesty to admit what their ideology is, one can respect that, for the rest of the socialists in cheap clothing-D, it’s a testament to their bullshitting ability that they can hide so brazenly in plain sight and fool some of the people all of the time.
Has this been said, and more importantly, has anything meaningful been done to implement M4A? Not even if it were said or done, no, but it hasn't been and won't be. I'm not seeing that happening, but if it were to happen, it might be a very bad thing, but still not necessarily socialism.

It actually happening. He's not eligible, and the Party hates those ideas.

Politicians are an ugly bunch to be sure!
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
It's almost a parody; Archie Bunker stuff...


Yes, but this false advertising also helps the Democrats enormously, so why do they do it? Perhaps...
I think it's closest to being Archie Bunker stuff. Archie was incurious, mal-informed, intellectually lazy, and paranoid. Everybody else was a "commie".

I suppose those in the public eye who push this stuff may have a more sinister agenda, but I think that's just the advancement of their own careers, at any cost.

The lack of awareness about the behavior and its negative impact on their stated aims is kind of surreal.

Good point about the professional pimps of this nonsense.
They're the key to this. They pump this propaganda into the minds of these people 24/7/365 for their own gain.
The Trumpsters have hopelessly overused and diluted the word now, to the point where it is essentially meaningless.

All they've managed to do is keep it in everyone's faces and make people more and more interested in finding out more.

They only scare each other, no one else. Any REAL socialists should be sending these people Thank You cards.
Democrats that finally admitted they are Socialists, more aptly named Progressive Socialists have put an iron lock on the direction of the nation since Kennedy was assassinated. Republicans have only determined the speed of it.
Since I don't know what your particular definition of socialism is, I can't comment.

I'm aware of no actual socialists (by its definition) leading the Democratic Party, so it's difficult to take the accusation seriously.
Thank you - the concept is so bizarre that all one can ultimately do is say it's wrong.

It's like arguing with a drunk who insists they aren't drunk.

But they may never sober up...
My analogy is that it's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

This is a holy war for them, and there is nothing I can say. All I can hope for is that it fades over time.
Beyond the fact that it's entirely false, conservatives who spread the lie that Democrats in any way support socialism help Democrats win elections and hold power.

Why do conservatives do this?

Why would they work so hard to spread a lie which helps the very people they claim to hate?

Democrats DESPISE socialists and socialist policies, but the majority of Americans WANT things like socialized medicine.

Conservatives only help Democrats by claiming that Democrats support policies that Democrats despise.

You are hopelessly confused.

Democrats despise socialists and socialism.
Not remotely.

It's like calling Republicans Nazis, or gay people child molesters, or assuming that Jews are rich.

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