Conservatives; Your Current Choice For VP If Romney Wins? Did Santorum Make The List?

Oct 10, 2011

Although we can give it a 25% chance that assuming Romney wins, he would choose Santorum as a running mate, it really depends on how Santorum performs throughout the spring.
If we have it right, the short list Romney has in mind is 1)Christie, 2)Rubio 3)McDonnell 4)Pawlenty 5)Rob Portman ,, and maybe John Thune.
Unless Rubio is pulling our strings and only saying he's not interested in the VP position, he would be the ideal choice, and who knows what Chrisite will tell Mitt when he's asked.
Still, we have the best field ever for VP Choices. Even John Thune would make a great ticket.
Who do you think Romney may have to settle for if he's the nominee?
and I think Rick Perry blew his chance taking the VP spot {he shouldn't of messed with Romney},,yet the two did make a "Good Looking Ticket" hair and all.
My guess would be Rubio or McDonnell. Santorum is a social conservative, yes but Romney needs more then a Pittsburgh conservative to energize his base. He either needs a southern governor (McDonnell and Haley Barbour are perfect), or a senator like Rubio from Florida who can help him with the minority vote in key battle ground states like Arizona, New Mexico, Coloroda, and the all important Florida. If he wants to win the election period, I think he'd have to sway Rubio to hop on board...
As appealing as a non-white male VP would be, I think McDonnell would be a great choice.
Who Mitt Romney will pick and who I want him to pick are two different things.

I believe that if getting rid of Obama-the-Idiot is job #1 then we have to have a guy who can pull down votes from independants and moderates. That being the only reason Romney is leading, he should pick a VP who moderates and independants would also like. That guy is John Huntsman.
My crystal ball says that if Romney gets the nod he will pick a governor from New Jersey as VP.

Although we can give it a 25% chance that assuming Romney wins, he would choose Santorum as a running mate, it really depends on how Santorum performs throughout the spring.
If we have it right, the short list Romney has in mind is 1)Christie, 2)Rubio 3)McDonnell 4)Pawlenty 5)Rob Portman ,, and maybe John Thune.
Unless Rubio is pulling our strings and only saying he's not interested in the VP position, he would be the ideal choice, and who knows what Chrisite will tell Mitt when he's asked.
Still, we have the best field ever for VP Choices. Even John Thune would make a great ticket.
Who do you think Romney may have to settle for if he's the nominee?

I'd support that ticket regardless of who heads it.
Who Mitt Romney will pick and who I want him to pick are two different things.

I believe that if getting rid of Obama-the-Idiot is job #1 then we have to have a guy who can pull down votes from independants and moderates. That being the only reason Romney is leading, he should pick a VP who moderates and independants would also like. That guy is John Huntsman.

Amazing, a sane thought from this source. Two Mormons on the same ticket? Are the evengelicals ready for that?
A Romney/McDonnell ticket would likely demolish the Osama/Bin Biden ticket. Even worse than the Reagan Landslides.
Conservatives; Your Current Choice For VP If Romney Wins? Did Santorum Make The List?

No. He would be a serious drag on the ticket. His social conservative positions (or the way they would be perceived by the public) would send independents running into Obama's arms.
I don't think Santorum will be chosen either, Romney already has plenty of strong candidates out there,,,,Im gonna pray it's Governor McDonnell,,,,,,if that Happens, Moochelle will start sending her 5000.00 purses back home VIA UPS.

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