Consider The Necessary Implications Of E. Jean Carroll's Statements About Her Encounter With A Soon To Be POTUS.

why wasnt he found guilty of rape ? why were no police reports filed at the time of the incident ? appeals are forthcoming ... tomorrow the Biden crime family will be exposed ... and every time the left goes after Trump with bullshit legal actions he rises in the polls .

Was Bill Clinton found guilty of rape?


Remember Juanita Broaddrick?

Her story circulated in Arkansas for years and when Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his enemies tried to get her to tell the world. She refused. Five years later, she opened her door to find private investigators representing Paula Jones. Still, she would not talk. "I wouldn't relive it for anything," she told them.

Now, after years of laboring to avoid the public spotlight, Juanita Broaddrick, the woman known in government documents only as "Jane Doe No. 5," has decided to speak out about her sensational yet ancient and unproven allegation that the future president sexually assaulted her in a hotel room a generation ago.
Like touching her breasts was a remark from a guy on fox trying to soft soap the situation. Here is the actual verdict form. There was more than him just touching her breast.
View attachment 783987
You and I both know that this proves nothing. Have you never heard of jury nullification? The is the inverse of it; i.e., a politically motivated jury seeking to punish Trump.
Was Bill Clinton found guilty of rape?


Remember Juanita Broaddrick?

Her story circulated in Arkansas for years and when Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his enemies tried to get her to tell the world. She refused. Five years later, she opened her door to find private investigators representing Paula Jones. Still, she would not talk. "I wouldn't relive it for anything," she told them.

Now, after years of laboring to avoid the public spotlight, Juanita Broaddrick, the woman known in government documents only as "Jane Doe No. 5," has decided to speak out about her sensational yet ancient and unproven allegation that the future president sexually assaulted her in a hotel room a generation ago.
did he appeal the Paula Jones settlement ?
You and I both know that this proves nothing. Have you never heard of jury nullification? The is the inverse of it; i.e., a politically motivated jury seeking to punish Trump.
Yes. I know. "It's politica" l is your standard response to anything you don't like. You have a flat tire, it's because the tire made a political choice to strand you on the side of the road. My brother thought red lights were liberal.
Yes. I know. "It's politica" l is your standard response to anything you don't like. You have a flat tire, it's because the tire made a political choice to strand you on the side of the road. My brother thought red lights were liberal.
No rational person can deny the political nature of this case.
Sexual assault is not a deal breaker for the religious right.

Nor is serial adultery.
Nor is cheating retirees in the Trump U. scam.
Nor is cheating on his tax sheltered 'charity'.
Trump gets a mulligan for that stuff from the religious right?

What would Jesus do? ...
Would he cheat on his wife? cheat on his taxes? cheat folks outta their savings?
why wasnt he found guilty of rape ? why were no police reports filed at the time of the incident ? appeals are forthcoming ... tomorrow the Biden crime family will be exposed ... and every time the left goes after Trump with bullshit legal actions he rises in the polls .

Because his dick is so small she weren’t sure it was actually in her. But they are sure that he sexually abused her assaulted her and then slandered her reputation.

He didn’t dare, he got off lucky with it costing him eight hundred grand and his law license.

The Paula Jones case was dismissed by the judge prior to trial for lack of evidence.

Bill paid nothing but the Democrats and the insurance company paid the settlement.

The Republican lawyers got most of the money. Jones got next to nothing

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