Conspiracy Theories:

The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.


I was just thinking about that the other day.

How you were literally forced to change your forum name so that folks around here would even read your posts, or take anything you write seriously. A lot of them now, don't even remember who you were, and love a lot of the posts you make. . .

. . . a lot of them would ridicule that whole concept of "the Deep State," back then, and are all avowed racist "towel head," haters. They still, to this day, somehow believe it is somehow more believable that a group of goat herders from the dessert taunted and defied the most sophisticated, heavily defended air space in the world, learned how to fly jets, and simultaneously brought down three towers with two planes, and crashed into the pentagon, with some airplanes. . . and somehow, THAT is more believable and easier to conceal the truth about, than . . . .

. . . the obvious rigging of an election? In multiple jurisdictions, in several battleground states, with multiple courts and across several industries with several folks with multi-comparmentalized all in on it? And it was even admitted too. . . Well. . . hmmmm. . . what a conundrum now. .. . :eusa_think:


. . . Only NOW do they decide, once their ego's are invested, and are told, the media is propaganda, to start not listening to mocking-bird media?

But yeah, you been telling them for years. :113:

. . . but only when their world view and ego is on the line do they care to listen.

But that is really what this thread is about. It is about an alliance of neo-lib and neo-cons, justifying their eventual Ministry of Truth, and declaring anyone that doesn't conform to it's dictates. . . "conspiracy loons, nut jobs" and a "domestic terrorist."

A Biden-Appointed ‘Reality Czar’? Sure, No Way That Could Backfire

Experts in the U.S. are calling for a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.

and the NYT piece for yourself. . . .

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys - #NewWorldNextWeek
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.


I was just thinking about that the other day.

How you were literally forced to change your forum name so that folks around here would even read your posts, or take anything you write seriously. A lot of them now, don't even remember who you were, and love a lot of the posts you make. . .

. . . a lot of them would ridicule that whole concept of "the Deep State," back then, and are all avowed racist "towel head," haters. They still, to this day, somehow believe it is somehow more believable that a group of goat herders from the dessert taunted and defied the most sophisticated, heavily defended air space in the world, learned how to fly jets, and simultaneously brought down three towers with two planes, and crashed into the pentagon, with some airplanes. . . and somehow, THAT is more believable and easier to conceal the truth about, than . . . .

. . . the obvious rigging of an election? In multiple jurisdictions, in several battleground states, with multiple courts and across several industries with several folks with multi-comparmentalized all in on it? And it was even admitted too. . . Well. . . hmmmm. . . what a conundrum now. .. . :eusa_think:


. . . Only NOW do they decide, once their ego's are invested, and are told, the media is propaganda, to start not listening to mocking-bird media?

But yeah, you been telling them for years. :113:

. . . but only when their world view and ego is on the line do they care to listen.

But that is really what this thread is about. It is about an alliance of neo-lib and neo-cons, justifying their eventual Ministry of Truth, and declaring anyone that doesn't conform to it's dictates. . . "conspiracy loons, nut jobs" and a "domestic terrorist."

A Biden-Appointed ‘Reality Czar’? Sure, No Way That Could Backfire

Experts in the U.S. are calling for a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.

and the NYT piece for yourself. . . .

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys - #NewWorldNextWeek

He'll always be 9/11 rim job to me. If he was proud of it...why did he change it?
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.


I was just thinking about that the other day.

How you were literally forced to change your forum name so that folks around here would even read your posts, or take anything you write seriously. A lot of them now, don't even remember who you were, and love a lot of the posts you make. . .

. . . a lot of them would ridicule that whole concept of "the Deep State," back then, and are all avowed racist "towel head," haters. They still, to this day, somehow believe it is somehow more believable that a group of goat herders from the dessert taunted and defied the most sophisticated, heavily defended air space in the world, learned how to fly jets, and simultaneously brought down three towers with two planes, and crashed into the pentagon, with some airplanes. . . and somehow, THAT is more believable and easier to conceal the truth about, than . . . .

. . . the obvious rigging of an election? In multiple jurisdictions, in several battleground states, with multiple courts and across several industries with several folks with multi-comparmentalized all in on it? And it was even admitted too. . . Well. . . hmmmm. . . what a conundrum now. .. . :eusa_think:


. . . Only NOW do they decide, once their ego's are invested, and are told, the media is propaganda, to start not listening to mocking-bird media?

But yeah, you been telling them for years. :113:

. . . but only when their world view and ego is on the line do they care to listen.

But that is really what this thread is about. It is about an alliance of neo-lib and neo-cons, justifying their eventual Ministry of Truth, and declaring anyone that doesn't conform to it's dictates. . . "conspiracy loons, nut jobs" and a "domestic terrorist."

A Biden-Appointed ‘Reality Czar’? Sure, No Way That Could Backfire

Experts in the U.S. are calling for a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.

and the NYT piece for yourself. . . .

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys - #NewWorldNextWeek

He'll always be 9/11 rim job to me. If he was proud of it...why did he change it?


I am absolutely positive, whenever anyone had a disagreement with him, it was the first thing they latched on to. I haven't a doubt. Folks here, most of them, their intellect and their integrity, are weak, very weak.

It's hard to have an honest and decent discussion when that continually happens, I am sure.

Look, you can't even have a discussion with out using terms like "the blob," or *9/11 rim job." What are you, a third grader? :dunno:
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.


I was just thinking about that the other day.

How you were literally forced to change your forum name so that folks around here would even read your posts, or take anything you write seriously. A lot of them now, don't even remember who you were, and love a lot of the posts you make. . .

. . . a lot of them would ridicule that whole concept of "the Deep State," back then, and are all avowed racist "towel head," haters. They still, to this day, somehow believe it is somehow more believable that a group of goat herders from the dessert taunted and defied the most sophisticated, heavily defended air space in the world, learned how to fly jets, and simultaneously brought down three towers with two planes, and crashed into the pentagon, with some airplanes. . . and somehow, THAT is more believable and easier to conceal the truth about, than . . . .

. . . the obvious rigging of an election? In multiple jurisdictions, in several battleground states, with multiple courts and across several industries with several folks with multi-comparmentalized all in on it? And it was even admitted too. . . Well. . . hmmmm. . . what a conundrum now. .. . :eusa_think:


. . . Only NOW do they decide, once their ego's are invested, and are told, the media is propaganda, to start not listening to mocking-bird media?

But yeah, you been telling them for years. :113:

. . . but only when their world view and ego is on the line do they care to listen.

But that is really what this thread is about. It is about an alliance of neo-lib and neo-cons, justifying their eventual Ministry of Truth, and declaring anyone that doesn't conform to it's dictates. . . "conspiracy loons, nut jobs" and a "domestic terrorist."

A Biden-Appointed ‘Reality Czar’? Sure, No Way That Could Backfire

Experts in the U.S. are calling for a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.

and the NYT piece for yourself. . . .

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys - #NewWorldNextWeek

He'll always be 9/11 rim job to me. If he was proud of it...why did he change it?


I am absolutely positive, whenever anyone had a disagreement with him, it was the first thing they latched on to. I haven't a doubt. Folks here, most of them, their intellect and their integrity, are weak, very weak.

It's hard to have an honest and decent discussion when that continually happens, I am sure.

Look, you can't even have a discussion with out using terms like "the blob," or *9/11 rim job." What are you, a third grader? :dunno:

:thankusmile: :yes_text12::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
That’s typical of Langley resident candyass doing as his bosses instruct him,insult and evade the evidence.:abgg2q.jpg:
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.


I was just thinking about that the other day.

How you were literally forced to change your forum name so that folks around here would even read your posts, or take anything you write seriously. A lot of them now, don't even remember who you were, and love a lot of the posts you make. . .

. . . a lot of them would ridicule that whole concept of "the Deep State," back then, and are all avowed racist "towel head," haters. They still, to this day, somehow believe it is somehow more believable that a group of goat herders from the dessert taunted and defied the most sophisticated, heavily defended air space in the world, learned how to fly jets, and simultaneously brought down three towers with two planes, and crashed into the pentagon, with some airplanes. . . and somehow, THAT is more believable and easier to conceal the truth about, than . . . .

. . . the obvious rigging of an election? In multiple jurisdictions, in several battleground states, with multiple courts and across several industries with several folks with multi-comparmentalized all in on it? And it was even admitted too. . . Well. . . hmmmm. . . what a conundrum now. .. . :eusa_think:


. . . Only NOW do they decide, once their ego's are invested, and are told, the media is propaganda, to start not listening to mocking-bird media?

But yeah, you been telling them for years. :113:

. . . but only when their world view and ego is on the line do they care to listen.

But that is really what this thread is about. It is about an alliance of neo-lib and neo-cons, justifying their eventual Ministry of Truth, and declaring anyone that doesn't conform to it's dictates. . . "conspiracy loons, nut jobs" and a "domestic terrorist."

A Biden-Appointed ‘Reality Czar’? Sure, No Way That Could Backfire

Experts in the U.S. are calling for a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.

and the NYT piece for yourself. . . .

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys - #NewWorldNextWeek

You are forgetting the covid hoax,incredible isn’t it that somehow they believe all these world leaders are involved in this new world order hoax yet they can’t belive 9/11 which was a much smaller job no less,not involving all the world leaders,was not an inside job.:uhoh3::cuckoo:
The funny thing is at the time when I changed my user name it had nothing to do with them not listening to me about 9/11,I changed it four years ago mostly because that was the year the Rams came back to LA and at the time when the Rams came back,it was a dream come true for me,I had Been dreaming about it a good portion of my life is the MAIN reason I changed it.Had they not come back to LA I guarantee it would still be the same,LOl

I really paid no attention if they listened to me on 9/11. I initially was excited about the Rams coming back their first year back in LA but that excitement did not last very long at all becausethe NFL is far more corrupt now than it was 20 yearsbefore the Rams left LA. Just like the government and everything else,the NFL is much more corrupt now than it ever was before,has been the past 20 years or so,every bit as corrupt as our government now.

You are correct though,changing my user name has made quite a bit differerence,cause back then,most the reps I got were mostly neg reps and I think they did that mostly just cause of my user name where now,it’s the opposite,most my reps are always positive.

you know? It is the same way in the sports section,despite the mountains of evidence,sports fans aren’t denial mode the NFL is nothing like it used to be,far more corrupt than the good old days of yesteryear but the proof is in the pudding,you go and watch old playoff games from the 70,s and 80,S and back then,you did not see refs making all these horrible calls that would cost a team a playoff game,happened once in a while but not constantly all the they throw yellow flags that costs a team a playoff victory where the whole world can seethe obvious that the refs fixed the game and the coach’s along with many of the players are in on it to. These posters there are in so much denial mode though and want to desperately belive a sport they love so much is not tainted or corrupt though despite the facts,incredible is all I can say. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:

btw Beal and dale,I cannot believe you have not done the same thing with agent candyass and nazi shill that I did years agoby putting them on ignore sense they never have anything to contribute,you have heard this old saying.:trolls:best damn advise in the world you should both follow with them.I know that is too much to hope for though sense you still feed them all these years later.
Last edited:
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


MisterBeale versus Candydork in a battle of wits or facts? That's akin to Mike Tyson taking on Woody Allen in the squared circle. I wince at the mere thought of it. Candydork would need more than smelling salts afterwards.....LOL!

you mean candyASS dale,candy dork is too kind for him.

That is comical indeed.heck me or you discussing government corruption like 9/11,JFk,sandy hook or anything like that with candyass me and you would also be Mike Tyson in the ring with candyass being woody Allen who would be down in the count in seconds of course. :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: yep,Misterbeal indeed is Mike Tyson and candyass is Woody Allen trying to stay alive in a match with him.same with soupnazi and crepitus.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

Interesting fantasy life you have.

Why are you airing it here?
You are forgetting the covid hoax,incredible isn’t it that somehow they believe all these world leaders are involved in this new world order hoax yet they can’t belive 9/11 which was a much smaller job no less,not involving all the world leaders,was not an inside job.:uhoh3::cuckoo:
The funny thing is at the time when I changed my user name it had nothing to do with them not listening to me about 9/11,I changed it four years ago mostly because that was the year the Rams came back to LA and at the time when the Rams came back,it was a dream come true for me,I had Been dreaming about it a good portion of my life is the MAIN reason I changed it.Had they not come back to LA I guarantee it would still be the same,LOl

I really paid no attention if they listened to me on 9/11. I initially was excited about the Rams coming back their first year back in LA but that excitement did not last very long at all becausethe NFL is far more corrupt now than it was 20 yearsbefore the Rams left LA. Just like the government and everything else,the NFL is much more corrupt now than it ever was before,has been the past 20 years or so,every bit as corrupt as our government now.

You are correct though,changing my user name has made quite a bit differerence,cause back then,most the reps I got were mostly neg reps and I think they did that mostly just cause of my user name where now,it’s the opposite,most my reps are always positive.

you know? It is the same way in the sports section,despite the mountains of evidence,sports fans aren’t denial mode the NFL is nothing like it used to be,far more corrupt than the good old days of yesteryear but the proof is in the pudding,you go and watch old playoff games from the 70,s and 80,S and back then,you did not see refs making all these horrible calls that would cost a team a playoff game,happened once in a while but not constantly all the they throw yellow flags that costs a team a playoff victory where the whole world can seethe obvious that the refs fixed the game and the coach’s along with many of the players are in on it to. These posters there are in so much denial mode though and want to desperately belive a sport they love so much is not tainted or corrupt though despite the facts,incredible is all I can say. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:

btw Beal and dale,I cannot believe you have not done the same thing with agent candyass and nazi shill that I did years agoby putting them on ignore sense they never have anything to contribute,you have heard this old saying.:trolls:best damn advise in the world you should both follow with them.I know that is too much to hope for though sense you still feed them all these years later.

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett
•Feb 18, 2021

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: John writes in to ask how a global conspiracy can function and how it can be kept under wraps. Good question. Join James for this week's edition of Questions For Corbett where he tackles the most common objections of the skeptics and their fallacious counter-arguments against the global conspiracy.

The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells

The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin

The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell

How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

The Ultimate Revolution (Aldous Huxley)

Ecoscience by Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren

The First Global Revolution (Club of Rome)

The Last Word on Overpopulation

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Who is Bill Gates?

Prince Philip on what should be done about “overpopulation”

David Rockefeller UN 1994-09-14

Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation

Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?

Extra: Gates On Population Rates

Politifact “Fact Checks” Claims About Ecoscience

Stupid Conspiracy Theorists! Chemicals Aren’t Turning The Frogs GAY!!

The Disappearing Male

9/11 Whistleblowers

Episode 129 – CALEA and the Stellar Wind

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

As far as putting folks on ignore? Nah, I told you before, they are just sounding boards for the truth.
You are forgetting the covid hoax,incredible isn’t it that somehow they believe all these world leaders are involved in this new world order hoax yet they can’t belive 9/11 which was a much smaller job no less,not involving all the world leaders,was not an inside job.:uhoh3::cuckoo:
The funny thing is at the time when I changed my user name it had nothing to do with them not listening to me about 9/11,I changed it four years ago mostly because that was the year the Rams came back to LA and at the time when the Rams came back,it was a dream come true for me,I had Been dreaming about it a good portion of my life is the MAIN reason I changed it.Had they not come back to LA I guarantee it would still be the same,LOl

I really paid no attention if they listened to me on 9/11. I initially was excited about the Rams coming back their first year back in LA but that excitement did not last very long at all becausethe NFL is far more corrupt now than it was 20 yearsbefore the Rams left LA. Just like the government and everything else,the NFL is much more corrupt now than it ever was before,has been the past 20 years or so,every bit as corrupt as our government now.

You are correct though,changing my user name has made quite a bit differerence,cause back then,most the reps I got were mostly neg reps and I think they did that mostly just cause of my user name where now,it’s the opposite,most my reps are always positive.

you know? It is the same way in the sports section,despite the mountains of evidence,sports fans aren’t denial mode the NFL is nothing like it used to be,far more corrupt than the good old days of yesteryear but the proof is in the pudding,you go and watch old playoff games from the 70,s and 80,S and back then,you did not see refs making all these horrible calls that would cost a team a playoff game,happened once in a while but not constantly all the they throw yellow flags that costs a team a playoff victory where the whole world can seethe obvious that the refs fixed the game and the coach’s along with many of the players are in on it to. These posters there are in so much denial mode though and want to desperately belive a sport they love so much is not tainted or corrupt though despite the facts,incredible is all I can say. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:

btw Beal and dale,I cannot believe you have not done the same thing with agent candyass and nazi shill that I did years agoby putting them on ignore sense they never have anything to contribute,you have heard this old saying.:trolls:best damn advise in the world you should both follow with them.I know that is too much to hope for though sense you still feed them all these years later.

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett
•Feb 18, 2021

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: John writes in to ask how a global conspiracy can function and how it can be kept under wraps. Good question. Join James for this week's edition of Questions For Corbett where he tackles the most common objections of the skeptics and their fallacious counter-arguments against the global conspiracy.

The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells

The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin

The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell

How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

The Ultimate Revolution (Aldous Huxley)

Ecoscience by Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren

The First Global Revolution (Club of Rome)

The Last Word on Overpopulation

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Who is Bill Gates?

Prince Philip on what should be done about “overpopulation”

David Rockefeller UN 1994-09-14

Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation

Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?

Extra: Gates On Population Rates

Politifact “Fact Checks” Claims About Ecoscience

Stupid Conspiracy Theorists! Chemicals Aren’t Turning The Frogs GAY!!

The Disappearing Male

9/11 Whistleblowers

Episode 129 – CALEA and the Stellar Wind

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

As far as putting folks on ignore? Nah, I told you before, they are just sounding boards for the truth.

This is how you can distinguish the shills like candyass,nazi shill and wrongwinger as shills over non thinking sheep who won’t look at the evidence.i looked at that 9/11 whistleblowers link and that link alone proves it was an inside job. The ones that are just ignorant sheep when they encounter irrefutable facts like that that prove beyond a doubt 9/11 was an inside job and know they cannot refute the evidence in that link,they post in defeat something like Look you obviously believe 9/11 was an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind and then they run off and leave the thread and don’t address the evidence so you know they are just braindead sheep in denial,where agents like candyass,nazi and wrongwinger,post debwunker links from propaganda sources like Wikipedia that don’t address the facts and then cliam they won and post lie after lie,that’s how it is so easy to distinguish the two.

one of the posters on here who has done some excellent research on 9/11 she posted some excellent links like you did and even though this poster accepts it that covid 19 is a hoax,that poster refused to look at those links of evidence that took him to school 9/11 was an inside job and posted what I just said saying “ Look you obviously believe 9/11 is an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind” and then he left refusing to address her evidence. :cuckoo: :laughing0301:

as I said,isn’t that beyond your imagination and flabbergasting to you making you scratch your Head that somehow they can accept that covid 19 is a hoax with all the world leaders involved in it yet 9/11 even though it was a much smaller operation,withnot all the world leaders of other countries involved,they won’t look at the links of evidence like you gave of irrefutable facts and are iin denial mode on it yet somehow in their warped brains,CAN accept it that covid 19 is a hoax? That one just baffles me to no end,doesn’t it with you sense again,it was a much larger operation with all the world leaders involved in on it?:cuckoo::uhoh3:
Last edited:
Hey misterbeal,I watched a couple of those videos you posted and that one on that whistleblower lady with the last name Jenkins cracked me up,I cannot believe she was that stupid enough to write to the most evil woman in the world new world order globalist hitlery clinton on safety hazards of 9/11. How could Jenkins have possibly been thst dense and unaware of her corruption? That is beyond baffling to me,what deserted island was she living on all those years? :cuckoo: :auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

I’m surprised that Corbett forgot to mention Bill cooper and thst last Sybil something,as two other whistleblowers aren’t you?
You are forgetting the covid hoax,incredible isn’t it that somehow they believe all these world leaders are involved in this new world order hoax yet they can’t belive 9/11 which was a much smaller job no less,not involving all the world leaders,was not an inside job.:uhoh3::cuckoo:
The funny thing is at the time when I changed my user name it had nothing to do with them not listening to me about 9/11,I changed it four years ago mostly because that was the year the Rams came back to LA and at the time when the Rams came back,it was a dream come true for me,I had Been dreaming about it a good portion of my life is the MAIN reason I changed it.Had they not come back to LA I guarantee it would still be the same,LOl

I really paid no attention if they listened to me on 9/11. I initially was excited about the Rams coming back their first year back in LA but that excitement did not last very long at all becausethe NFL is far more corrupt now than it was 20 yearsbefore the Rams left LA. Just like the government and everything else,the NFL is much more corrupt now than it ever was before,has been the past 20 years or so,every bit as corrupt as our government now.

You are correct though,changing my user name has made quite a bit differerence,cause back then,most the reps I got were mostly neg reps and I think they did that mostly just cause of my user name where now,it’s the opposite,most my reps are always positive.

you know? It is the same way in the sports section,despite the mountains of evidence,sports fans aren’t denial mode the NFL is nothing like it used to be,far more corrupt than the good old days of yesteryear but the proof is in the pudding,you go and watch old playoff games from the 70,s and 80,S and back then,you did not see refs making all these horrible calls that would cost a team a playoff game,happened once in a while but not constantly all the they throw yellow flags that costs a team a playoff victory where the whole world can seethe obvious that the refs fixed the game and the coach’s along with many of the players are in on it to. These posters there are in so much denial mode though and want to desperately belive a sport they love so much is not tainted or corrupt though despite the facts,incredible is all I can say. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:

btw Beal and dale,I cannot believe you have not done the same thing with agent candyass and nazi shill that I did years agoby putting them on ignore sense they never have anything to contribute,you have heard this old saying.:trolls:best damn advise in the world you should both follow with them.I know that is too much to hope for though sense you still feed them all these years later.

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett
•Feb 18, 2021

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: John writes in to ask how a global conspiracy can function and how it can be kept under wraps. Good question. Join James for this week's edition of Questions For Corbett where he tackles the most common objections of the skeptics and their fallacious counter-arguments against the global conspiracy.

The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells

The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin

The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell

How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

The Ultimate Revolution (Aldous Huxley)

Ecoscience by Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren

The First Global Revolution (Club of Rome)

The Last Word on Overpopulation

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Who is Bill Gates?

Prince Philip on what should be done about “overpopulation”

David Rockefeller UN 1994-09-14

Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation

Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?

Extra: Gates On Population Rates

Politifact “Fact Checks” Claims About Ecoscience

Stupid Conspiracy Theorists! Chemicals Aren’t Turning The Frogs GAY!!

The Disappearing Male

9/11 Whistleblowers

Episode 129 – CALEA and the Stellar Wind

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

As far as putting folks on ignore? Nah, I told you before, they are just sounding boards for the truth.

This is how you can distinguish the shills like candyass,nazi shill and wrongwinger as shills over non thinking sheep who won’t look at the evidence.i looked at that 9/11 whistleblowers link and that link alone proves it was an inside job. The ones that are just ignorant sheep when they encounter irrefutable facts like that that prove beyond a doubt 9/11 was an inside job and know they cannot refute the evidence in that link,they post in defeat something like Look you obviously believe 9/11 was an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind and then they run off and leave the thread and don’t address the evidence so you know they are just braindead sheep in denial,where agents like candyass,nazi and wrongwinger,post debwunker links from propaganda sources like Wikipedia that don’t address the facts and then cliam they won and post lie after lie,that’s how it is so easy to distinguish the two.

one of the posters on here who has done some excellent research on 9/11 she posted some excellent links like you did and even though this poster accepts it that covid 19 is a hoax,that poster refused to look at those links of evidence that took him to school 9/11 was an inside job and posted what I just said saying “ Look you obviously believe 9/11 is an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind” and then he left refusing to address her evidence. :cuckoo: :laughing0301:

as I said,isn’t that beyond your imagination and flabbergasting to you making you scratch your Head that somehow they can accept that covid 19 is a hoax with all the world leaders involved in it yet 9/11 even though it was a much smaller operation,withnot all the world leaders of other countries involved,they won’t look at the links of evidence like you gave of irrefutable facts and are iin denial mode on it yet somehow in their warped brains,CAN accept it that covid 19 is a hoax? That one just baffles me to no end,doesn’t it with you sense again,it was a much larger operation with all the world leaders involved in on it?:cuckoo::uhoh3:

You looked but diod not read and cannot think.

There is no proof of any kind that 911 was an inside job.
You are forgetting the covid hoax,incredible isn’t it that somehow they believe all these world leaders are involved in this new world order hoax yet they can’t belive 9/11 which was a much smaller job no less,not involving all the world leaders,was not an inside job.:uhoh3::cuckoo:
The funny thing is at the time when I changed my user name it had nothing to do with them not listening to me about 9/11,I changed it four years ago mostly because that was the year the Rams came back to LA and at the time when the Rams came back,it was a dream come true for me,I had Been dreaming about it a good portion of my life is the MAIN reason I changed it.Had they not come back to LA I guarantee it would still be the same,LOl

I really paid no attention if they listened to me on 9/11. I initially was excited about the Rams coming back their first year back in LA but that excitement did not last very long at all becausethe NFL is far more corrupt now than it was 20 yearsbefore the Rams left LA. Just like the government and everything else,the NFL is much more corrupt now than it ever was before,has been the past 20 years or so,every bit as corrupt as our government now.

You are correct though,changing my user name has made quite a bit differerence,cause back then,most the reps I got were mostly neg reps and I think they did that mostly just cause of my user name where now,it’s the opposite,most my reps are always positive.

you know? It is the same way in the sports section,despite the mountains of evidence,sports fans aren’t denial mode the NFL is nothing like it used to be,far more corrupt than the good old days of yesteryear but the proof is in the pudding,you go and watch old playoff games from the 70,s and 80,S and back then,you did not see refs making all these horrible calls that would cost a team a playoff game,happened once in a while but not constantly all the they throw yellow flags that costs a team a playoff victory where the whole world can seethe obvious that the refs fixed the game and the coach’s along with many of the players are in on it to. These posters there are in so much denial mode though and want to desperately belive a sport they love so much is not tainted or corrupt though despite the facts,incredible is all I can say. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:

btw Beal and dale,I cannot believe you have not done the same thing with agent candyass and nazi shill that I did years agoby putting them on ignore sense they never have anything to contribute,you have heard this old saying.:trolls:best damn advise in the world you should both follow with them.I know that is too much to hope for though sense you still feed them all these years later.

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett
•Feb 18, 2021

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: John writes in to ask how a global conspiracy can function and how it can be kept under wraps. Good question. Join James for this week's edition of Questions For Corbett where he tackles the most common objections of the skeptics and their fallacious counter-arguments against the global conspiracy.

The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells

The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin

The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell

How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

The Ultimate Revolution (Aldous Huxley)

Ecoscience by Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren

The First Global Revolution (Club of Rome)

The Last Word on Overpopulation

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Who is Bill Gates?

Prince Philip on what should be done about “overpopulation”

David Rockefeller UN 1994-09-14

Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation

Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?

Extra: Gates On Population Rates

Politifact “Fact Checks” Claims About Ecoscience

Stupid Conspiracy Theorists! Chemicals Aren’t Turning The Frogs GAY!!

The Disappearing Male

9/11 Whistleblowers

Episode 129 – CALEA and the Stellar Wind

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

As far as putting folks on ignore? Nah, I told you before, they are just sounding boards for the truth.

This is how you can distinguish the shills like candyass,nazi shill and wrongwinger as shills over non thinking sheep who won’t look at the evidence.i looked at that 9/11 whistleblowers link and that link alone proves it was an inside job. The ones that are just ignorant sheep when they encounter irrefutable facts like that that prove beyond a doubt 9/11 was an inside job and know they cannot refute the evidence in that link,they post in defeat something like Look you obviously believe 9/11 was an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind and then they run off and leave the thread and don’t address the evidence so you know they are just braindead sheep in denial,where agents like candyass,nazi and wrongwinger,post debwunker links from propaganda sources like Wikipedia that don’t address the facts and then cliam they won and post lie after lie,that’s how it is so easy to distinguish the two.

one of the posters on here who has done some excellent research on 9/11 she posted some excellent links like you did and even though this poster accepts it that covid 19 is a hoax,that poster refused to look at those links of evidence that took him to school 9/11 was an inside job and posted what I just said saying “ Look you obviously believe 9/11 is an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind” and then he left refusing to address her evidence. :cuckoo: :laughing0301:

as I said,isn’t that beyond your imagination and flabbergasting to you making you scratch your Head that somehow they can accept that covid 19 is a hoax with all the world leaders involved in it yet 9/11 even though it was a much smaller operation,withnot all the world leaders of other countries involved,they won’t look at the links of evidence like you gave of irrefutable facts and are iin denial mode on it yet somehow in their warped brains,CAN accept it that covid 19 is a hoax? That one just baffles me to no end,doesn’t it with you sense again,it was a much larger operation with all the world leaders involved in on it?:cuckoo::uhoh3:

You looked but diod not read and cannot think.

There is no proof of any kind that 911 was an inside job.

You aren't fooling anyone asshole.


German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals


`Insider trading' by terrorists is suspected in Europe

It goes on and on and on. . . the proof is all over the damn place you blind turd.

You are forgetting the covid hoax,incredible isn’t it that somehow they believe all these world leaders are involved in this new world order hoax yet they can’t belive 9/11 which was a much smaller job no less,not involving all the world leaders,was not an inside job.:uhoh3::cuckoo:
The funny thing is at the time when I changed my user name it had nothing to do with them not listening to me about 9/11,I changed it four years ago mostly because that was the year the Rams came back to LA and at the time when the Rams came back,it was a dream come true for me,I had Been dreaming about it a good portion of my life is the MAIN reason I changed it.Had they not come back to LA I guarantee it would still be the same,LOl

I really paid no attention if they listened to me on 9/11. I initially was excited about the Rams coming back their first year back in LA but that excitement did not last very long at all becausethe NFL is far more corrupt now than it was 20 yearsbefore the Rams left LA. Just like the government and everything else,the NFL is much more corrupt now than it ever was before,has been the past 20 years or so,every bit as corrupt as our government now.

You are correct though,changing my user name has made quite a bit differerence,cause back then,most the reps I got were mostly neg reps and I think they did that mostly just cause of my user name where now,it’s the opposite,most my reps are always positive.

you know? It is the same way in the sports section,despite the mountains of evidence,sports fans aren’t denial mode the NFL is nothing like it used to be,far more corrupt than the good old days of yesteryear but the proof is in the pudding,you go and watch old playoff games from the 70,s and 80,S and back then,you did not see refs making all these horrible calls that would cost a team a playoff game,happened once in a while but not constantly all the they throw yellow flags that costs a team a playoff victory where the whole world can seethe obvious that the refs fixed the game and the coach’s along with many of the players are in on it to. These posters there are in so much denial mode though and want to desperately belive a sport they love so much is not tainted or corrupt though despite the facts,incredible is all I can say. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:

btw Beal and dale,I cannot believe you have not done the same thing with agent candyass and nazi shill that I did years agoby putting them on ignore sense they never have anything to contribute,you have heard this old saying.:trolls:best damn advise in the world you should both follow with them.I know that is too much to hope for though sense you still feed them all these years later.

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett
•Feb 18, 2021

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: John writes in to ask how a global conspiracy can function and how it can be kept under wraps. Good question. Join James for this week's edition of Questions For Corbett where he tackles the most common objections of the skeptics and their fallacious counter-arguments against the global conspiracy.

The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells

The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin

The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell

How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World

The Ultimate Revolution (Aldous Huxley)

Ecoscience by Ehrlich, Ehrlich and Holdren

The First Global Revolution (Club of Rome)

The Last Word on Overpopulation

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Who is Bill Gates?

Prince Philip on what should be done about “overpopulation”

David Rockefeller UN 1994-09-14

Sir David Attenborough on Overpopulation

Does saving more lives lead to overpopulation?

Extra: Gates On Population Rates

Politifact “Fact Checks” Claims About Ecoscience

Stupid Conspiracy Theorists! Chemicals Aren’t Turning The Frogs GAY!!

The Disappearing Male

9/11 Whistleblowers

Episode 129 – CALEA and the Stellar Wind

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

As far as putting folks on ignore? Nah, I told you before, they are just sounding boards for the truth.

This is how you can distinguish the shills like candyass,nazi shill and wrongwinger as shills over non thinking sheep who won’t look at the evidence.i looked at that 9/11 whistleblowers link and that link alone proves it was an inside job. The ones that are just ignorant sheep when they encounter irrefutable facts like that that prove beyond a doubt 9/11 was an inside job and know they cannot refute the evidence in that link,they post in defeat something like Look you obviously believe 9/11 was an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind and then they run off and leave the thread and don’t address the evidence so you know they are just braindead sheep in denial,where agents like candyass,nazi and wrongwinger,post debwunker links from propaganda sources like Wikipedia that don’t address the facts and then cliam they won and post lie after lie,that’s how it is so easy to distinguish the two.

one of the posters on here who has done some excellent research on 9/11 she posted some excellent links like you did and even though this poster accepts it that covid 19 is a hoax,that poster refused to look at those links of evidence that took him to school 9/11 was an inside job and posted what I just said saying “ Look you obviously believe 9/11 is an inside job and I’m obviously not going to change your mind” and then he left refusing to address her evidence. :cuckoo: :laughing0301:

as I said,isn’t that beyond your imagination and flabbergasting to you making you scratch your Head that somehow they can accept that covid 19 is a hoax with all the world leaders involved in it yet 9/11 even though it was a much smaller operation,withnot all the world leaders of other countries involved,they won’t look at the links of evidence like you gave of irrefutable facts and are iin denial mode on it yet somehow in their warped brains,CAN accept it that covid 19 is a hoax? That one just baffles me to no end,doesn’t it with you sense again,it was a much larger operation with all the world leaders involved in on it?:cuckoo::uhoh3:

You looked but diod not read and cannot think.

There is no proof of any kind that 911 was an inside job.

You aren't fooling anyone asshole.


German Firm Probes Final World Trade Center Deals


`Insider trading' by terrorists is suspected in Europe

It goes on and on and on. . . the proof is all over the damn place you blind turd.

That is correct.
The fumbfucks who believe it 911 was an inside job are fools to begin with.

The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.


I was just thinking about that the other day.

How you were literally forced to change your forum name so that folks around here would even read your posts, or take anything you write seriously. A lot of them now, don't even remember who you were, and love a lot of the posts you make. . .

. . . a lot of them would ridicule that whole concept of "the Deep State," back then, and are all avowed racist "towel head," haters. They still, to this day, somehow believe it is somehow more believable that a group of goat herders from the dessert taunted and defied the most sophisticated, heavily defended air space in the world, learned how to fly jets, and simultaneously brought down three towers with two planes, and crashed into the pentagon, with some airplanes. . . and somehow, THAT is more believable and easier to conceal the truth about, than . . . .

. . . the obvious rigging of an election? In multiple jurisdictions, in several battleground states, with multiple courts and across several industries with several folks with multi-comparmentalized all in on it? And it was even admitted too. . . Well. . . hmmmm. . . what a conundrum now. .. . :eusa_think:


. . . Only NOW do they decide, once their ego's are invested, and are told, the media is propaganda, to start not listening to mocking-bird media?

But yeah, you been telling them for years. :113:

. . . but only when their world view and ego is on the line do they care to listen.

But that is really what this thread is about. It is about an alliance of neo-lib and neo-cons, justifying their eventual Ministry of Truth, and declaring anyone that doesn't conform to it's dictates. . . "conspiracy loons, nut jobs" and a "domestic terrorist."

A Biden-Appointed ‘Reality Czar’? Sure, No Way That Could Backfire

Experts in the U.S. are calling for a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.

and the NYT piece for yourself. . . .

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys - #NewWorldNextWeek

He'll always be 9/11 rim job to me. If he was proud of it...why did he change it?


I am absolutely positive, whenever anyone had a disagreement with him, it was the first thing they latched on to. I haven't a doubt. Folks here, most of them, their intellect and their integrity, are weak, very weak.

It's hard to have an honest and decent discussion when that continually happens, I am sure.

Look, you can't even have a discussion with out using terms like "the blob," or *9/11 rim job." What are you, a third grader? :dunno:

Trump calls everyone whom he disagrees with a name...and you likely voted for him. So I didn't think you'd mind. I know rim job voted for him. So complaining about name calling is pretty lame. But then again, as you said, you have no integrity so...I'm not surprised.
So to sum up Soupnazi630's counter arguments. . .
Arguments need evidence yours has none.

Factds and reality therefore are the counter arguments.

No one has posted or presented evidence of an inside job.

Go ahead and try to post some evidence you uneducated fraud
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.

You lost all credibility when you compared NPR to conservative talk radio.

Talking to me about "lost" credibility? After you posted THAT OP?


So, tell us, what part of the presentation did you disagree with?

I have to be honest Candy, when I went to the link, I realized it was a pretty old story with some added content.

I had heard the whole thing at least a year or more ago when it was originally broadcast.

The whole thing struck me as nothing but a long con, and I don't believe any of it. It is all garbage. I don't have the time or energy to debate any of this again, it has all been debated, so why go over it, why do you want to do that?

Now. . . Dale Smith has all of this much better memorized and has these facts at hand better than I do. Plus, they have been posted here before. . . what is left of them anyway.

What strikes me as peculiar? Are the folks that are so insistent that there was a large scale scam to rig the voting in several battle ground states, but they can't bring themselves to admit that these same interconnected networks are gas-lighting the nation about Sandy Hoax or that whole 9/11 scam. Added to that? It had always struck me as odd that Trump himself hadn't called out these bullshit incidents. If they can gas-light the nation about 9/11 and Sandy Hoax, then of course they can tell the nation whatever they want about an election. . . he must have known better. I'm having hard hard time sympathizing. He KNEW better.

"I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously." -Donald Trump

Those two incidents would be much harder to cover-up and pull off, than the fact that there is no way in hell Biden got that number of votes.

But. . . you have to WANT to be lied to be be able to successfully swallow that garbage.

The facts and deductive reasoning are there if folks have the critical thinking to understand.

I remember the legendary thread that discussed all this. Even Questioning it, was verboten when it happened. They wanted it taken down, and folks arrested for just asking questions.

Here on this site? Ridicule and hate was the counter-argument of the day. Now? All evidence to the contrary has been destroyed. There is no point in even having a conversation anymore. It is done.

This Video along with many others was removed from YouTube. This explains the narrative and the hoax behind it. To this day the official FBI website for 2012 still shows ZERO murders for New Town...
Table 8 - Connecticut

SandyHook Hoax.

You want to discuss that Sandy Hook crap? Put it into the official thread. I'm tired of it now, I really am. I have listened to the NPR and Official POV, I doubt you can say as much and have ever responded to the POV of those who question the official narrative.

That indeed is beyond puzzling how the same people who can accept it that there was massive vote fraud in this past election and they also accept it that covid 19 is a massive world wide hoax,yet incredibly,they cannot accept it that those same people can’t accept it that 9/11 was an inside job and so was sandy hook,in both cases refusing to look at the evidence.doesn’t that kind of hypocrisy disgust you? Those people have no right to complain about people they try to talk to about covid being a hoax not listening to them or hearing the evidence when they do the same thing.:uhoh3: Such hypocrites.


I was just thinking about that the other day.

How you were literally forced to change your forum name so that folks around here would even read your posts, or take anything you write seriously. A lot of them now, don't even remember who you were, and love a lot of the posts you make. . .

. . . a lot of them would ridicule that whole concept of "the Deep State," back then, and are all avowed racist "towel head," haters. They still, to this day, somehow believe it is somehow more believable that a group of goat herders from the dessert taunted and defied the most sophisticated, heavily defended air space in the world, learned how to fly jets, and simultaneously brought down three towers with two planes, and crashed into the pentagon, with some airplanes. . . and somehow, THAT is more believable and easier to conceal the truth about, than . . . .

. . . the obvious rigging of an election? In multiple jurisdictions, in several battleground states, with multiple courts and across several industries with several folks with multi-comparmentalized all in on it? And it was even admitted too. . . Well. . . hmmmm. . . what a conundrum now. .. . :eusa_think:


. . . Only NOW do they decide, once their ego's are invested, and are told, the media is propaganda, to start not listening to mocking-bird media?

But yeah, you been telling them for years. :113:

. . . but only when their world view and ego is on the line do they care to listen.

But that is really what this thread is about. It is about an alliance of neo-lib and neo-cons, justifying their eventual Ministry of Truth, and declaring anyone that doesn't conform to it's dictates. . . "conspiracy loons, nut jobs" and a "domestic terrorist."

A Biden-Appointed ‘Reality Czar’? Sure, No Way That Could Backfire

Experts in the U.S. are calling for a Reality Czar. They mean a Ministry of Truth.

and the NYT piece for yourself. . . .

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

Reality Czars and Brain-chipped Monkeys - #NewWorldNextWeek

He'll always be 9/11 rim job to me. If he was proud of it...why did he change it?


I am absolutely positive, whenever anyone had a disagreement with him, it was the first thing they latched on to. I haven't a doubt. Folks here, most of them, their intellect and their integrity, are weak, very weak.

It's hard to have an honest and decent discussion when that continually happens, I am sure.

Look, you can't even have a discussion with out using terms like "the blob," or *9/11 rim job." What are you, a third grader? :dunno:

Trump calls everyone whom he disagrees with a name...and you likely voted for him. So I didn't think you'd mind. I know rim job voted for him. So complaining about name calling is pretty lame. But then again, as you said, you have no integrity so...I'm not surprised.


I only respond with trolling when trolled in return.

. . . and I didn't vote, there were no candidates that were any good this cycle. Endorsing a corrupt system is not a way to change it, it only legitimizes it.

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