Conspiracy Theories:

The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident is the most notorious false flag in American history. It resulted in the death of millions of people. Declassified documents reveal the North Vietnamese did not attack the United States on August 4, 1964. In fact, the CIA, through its South Vietnamese proxy, invaded North Vietnam and the standoff in the Gulf of Tonkin was a result of those illegal covert raids conducted under OPLAN 34A. President Lyndon Johnson’s Secretary of State, Robert McNamara, lied to a joint session of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees about the role played by the Navy in the phantom attacks. Declassified documents also reveal a number of senators knew the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag. A March 1968 closed session of the Foreign Relations Committee withheld a committee staff investigation that raised doubts over whether the Tonkin incident ever took place. On August 7, Congress passed a joint resolution in response to the phantom attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin. The authorization to use military force was a direct violation of the Constitution. Congress did not formally declare war as specified by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11.

You are wasting your breath,this clown you are talking to is not even human.for a long time I thought he was a disinformation agent out of Langley sent here paid to troll but that’s not even what it is,I sayit because it really is anti,it’s not a personal’s an auto bot you are replying to obviously the fact it’s grammar is so horrible. :abgg2q.jpg: Makes sense that it would be an auto bot then right? Lol
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

Hal Turner is crazy.

Hal Turner - Wikipedia
OverviewEarly lifeEarly careerActivism and assault claimsBroadcasting and website issuesThreats against judges and political figuresExternal links
Harold Charles "Hal" Turner (born March 15, 1962) is an American far-right political commentator and convicted felon from North Bergen, New Jersey.
Turner's viewpoints typically encompass Holocaust denial, conspiracy theory, white supremacy, and have included calls for assassination of government officials. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Jfk sure pissed off the elite when he made the statement in his speech the word secrecy is repundant,he made it clear that our government should be open and transparent,wow what a concept and a refreshimg change that would be,having an honest and transparent open government,well we can all dream,we have that right.

50,000 Chinese Soldiers Were Bombed And Killed In Maine ...
Dec 10, 2020 · Hal Turner Radio Show has just Reported, “50,000 Chinese Soldiers were Bombed and Killed in Maine which was listed as an Earthquake.” Then an F16 was taken down in Michigan. 3 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups Deployed on the West Coast and 2 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups Deployed on the East Coast “POSITION TO SHOOT DOWN INCOMING NUCLEAR MISSILES.”
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.


This American Life is a product of PRX, not NPR. NPR distributes it.

You clearly don't listen to NPR.

The foundations that donate to one, make no distinction. And there is a revolving door between the personnel of the two.

It is a distinction without a difference.

Of course I listen to NPR and kqed-fm is a NPR member in S.F., as is wgbh in Boston.

This is what is called the "interlocking directorate."

This happens in many, many industries. It is a loathsome form of incestuous monopolization. It is why our nation is so corrupt.
The best in government propaganda.

Look! There's one now!
Dude, you're an ass.

Both the left and the right know that NPR is the mouth piece of billionaire foundations. It is the result of Private/Public partnerships that are in the interest of the top 5 to 1 % of the nation.

Only those who don't give a shit about the nation, are suckered in by technocratic globalism propaganda, and don't give a shit about the future of America's own children swallow the bullshit that comes from government/corporate global capitalist propaganda.

Seriously man.

From a intellectual black left journal.

National Propaganda Radio and Russia: Et tu NPR?

". . . They even explicitly say in this show that “this was really a decision that was reached by the foreign policy community that was presented to him and one that he agreed to”. Later they also say how “Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin and against the advice and the talking points he had been given by his national security aides congratulated him on what many people see is a totally illegitimate victory.” Obviously, the president is supposed to listen to the talking points of the Deep State and then they claim that Putin’s electoral victory was totally illegitimate, never mind that Boris Yeltsin was elected president with the help of CIA. . . . "


"Remember that time we gloated about the Yanks interfering in the affairs of Russia? Truth is, Putin came to power because we kept meddling in Russia’s affairs."

. . . And then from the right leaning Austrian Economic site, Lew Rockwell;

National Propaganda Radio (NPR)
By Phil Duffy

May 3, 2008

". . . Lincoln supporters will rush to claim that his suspension of habeas corpus was consistent with the Constitution because the South was "in rebellion." They miss the point. Suspension of habeas corpus is NEVER within the authority of the executive branch of the federal government. Article I was intended to describe the powers and responsibilities of the legislative branch. Article II, on the other hand, describes powers and responsibilities of the executive branch. This is no minor technicality, but the essence of the Constitution which is based upon five themes (see Introduction by Garry Wills to The Federalist Papers) — (1) Federalism, (2) Checks and Balances, (3) Separated Powers, (4) Pluralism, and (5) Representation.

The theme of separated powers applies to the question of suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch.. . . "

. . . and from a left intellectual scholarly site.
Will NPR Now Officially Change Its Name to National Propaganda Radio?

". . . So we are reassured that the new head of NPR, the chief of all U.S. propaganda, is a champion of a free press.

Perhaps NPR will soon enlighten the American public by interviewing its new head honcho and asking him if he thinks Julian Assange and Chelsey Manning, by exposing America’s war crimes, and Edward Snowden, by exposing the U.S. government’s vast electronic surveillance programs of its own citizens, deserve to be jailed and exiled for doing the job the American mainstream “free press” failed to do.What NPR failed to do.

Perhaps they will ask him if he objects to the way his own government “interfered” in the lives of these three courageous people who revealed truths that every citizen of a free country is entitled to.

Perhaps they will ask him if the U.S. government’s persecution of these truthtellers is what he means by there being “a war on truth.” Perhaps they will ask him if he thinks the Obama and Trump administrations have been “distorting reality” and waging a war on truth.

Perhaps not. Of course not.

Don’t laugh, for the joke will be on you if you listen to NPR and its sly appeal to “liberal” sensibilities. If you are wondering why we have had the Russia-gate hoax and who was responsible (see/hear Russia expert Prof. Stephen Cohen here) and are now involved in a new Cold War and a highly dangerous nuclear confrontation with Russia, read Lansing’s July 10, 2019 testimony before the House Appropriations Sub-Committee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs: “United Sates Efforts to Counter Russian Disinformation and Malign Influence.”


". . . Then research the history of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Voice of America, Radio and Television Marti, etc. You will be reassured that Lansing’s July testimony was his job interview to head National Propaganda Radio.

Then sit back, relax, and tune into NPR’s Morning Edition. It will be comforting to know that it is “Morning in America” once again.. . . "

Only stooges believe that NPR is anymore reliable than conservative talk radio.

It's all propaganda.

So, some people think they aren't far enough left, and some think they are anti tRump.

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.

Now, you are just making baseless accusations. Congrats you get the sheeple award today. I don't just award it to anyone. So here you go.:) Also you can't spell very well. Maybe start with your spelling before you go further.

View attachment 458147
You are one of several people who have told this retarded adult that he can’t
You still do nothing but sling shit in defeat
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident is the most notorious false flag in American history. It resulted in the death of millions of people. Declassified documents reveal the North Vietnamese did not attack the United States on August 4, 1964. In fact, the CIA, through its South Vietnamese proxy, invaded North Vietnam and the standoff in the Gulf of Tonkin was a result of those illegal covert raids conducted under OPLAN 34A. President Lyndon Johnson’s Secretary of State, Robert McNamara, lied to a joint session of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees about the role played by the Navy in the phantom attacks. Declassified documents also reveal a number of senators knew the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag. A March 1968 closed session of the Foreign Relations Committee withheld a committee staff investigation that raised doubts over whether the Tonkin incident ever took place. On August 7, Congress passed a joint resolution in response to the phantom attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin. The authorization to use military force was a direct violation of the Constitution. Congress did not formally declare war as specified by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11.

You are wasting your breath,this clown you are talking to is not even human.for a long time I thought he was a disinformation agent out of Langley sent here paid to troll but that’s not even what it is,I sayit because it really is anti,it’s not a personal’s an auto bot you are replying to obviously the fact it’s grammar is so horrible. :abgg2q.jpg: Makes sense that it would be an auto bot then right? Lol
Your wasting oxyden gthe rest of us need just by breathing. You have been owned and crushed on every thread.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

Hal Turner is crazy.

Hal Turner - Wikipedia
OverviewEarly lifeEarly careerActivism and assault claimsBroadcasting and website issuesThreats against judges and political figuresExternal links
Harold Charles "Hal" Turner (born March 15, 1962) is an American far-right political commentator and convicted felon from North Bergen, New Jersey.
Turner's viewpoints typically encompass Holocaust denial, conspiracy theory, white supremacy, and have included calls for assassination of government officials. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Wikipedia is know for character assassinating truth tellers. Do you believe everything you read in the Wiki? :auiqs.jpg:

Under the cloaks of ‘democracy‘, ‘free speech‘ and ‘open society‘, Wikipedia has been developed as a vehicle for influencing and controlling public opinion worldwide. Hosted by the so-called Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia is controlled by special interest groups.

One of the ‘founding fathers‘ of the Wikimedia Foundation is George Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC, a leading global investor in the Oil and Drug business. Significantly, Soros’ so-called Open Society Institute has been a prominent financier of the Wikimedia Foundation.

To protect and conceal its interests, the Oil and Drug Cartel uses individuals under its ideological control, such as Jimmy Wales, who are portrayed as ‘founders’ or ‘administrators’ of Wikipedia. Wales is openly biased against natural therapies and has described their proponents as “lunatic charlatans”.

Consequently, any information you attempt to publish on Wikipedia that threatens the interests of the Oil and Drug Cartel is being carefully monitored and swiftly removed by its ‘gatekeepers‘. The targeted topics of these gatekeepers include alternative energy and advances in science-based natural health. By manipulating Wikipedia’s articles on these subjects, the gatekeepers aim to undermine their scientific value and openly defame prominent proponents

Foundation Support
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Press release)
Omidyar Network (Press release)
Google Inc. Charitable Giving Fund of Tides Foundation (Press release)
Stanton Foundation (Press release)
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Press release)
Ford Foundation (Press release)
Richard Lounsbery Foundation
Open Society Institute
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

Hal Turner is crazy.

Hal Turner - Wikipedia
OverviewEarly lifeEarly careerActivism and assault claimsBroadcasting and website issuesThreats against judges and political figuresExternal links
Harold Charles "Hal" Turner (born March 15, 1962) is an American far-right political commentator and convicted felon from North Bergen, New Jersey.
Turner's viewpoints typically encompass Holocaust denial, conspiracy theory, white supremacy, and have included calls for assassination of government officials. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Wikipedia is know for character assassinating truth tellers. Do you believe everything you read in the Wiki? :auiqs.jpg:

Under the cloaks of ‘democracy‘, ‘free speech‘ and ‘open society‘, Wikipedia has been developed as a vehicle for influencing and controlling public opinion worldwide. Hosted by the so-called Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia is controlled by special interest groups.

One of the ‘founding fathers‘ of the Wikimedia Foundation is George Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC, a leading global investor in the Oil and Drug business. Significantly, Soros’ so-called Open Society Institute has been a prominent financier of the Wikimedia Foundation.

To protect and conceal its interests, the Oil and Drug Cartel uses individuals under its ideological control, such as Jimmy Wales, who are portrayed as ‘founders’ or ‘administrators’ of Wikipedia. Wales is openly biased against natural therapies and has described their proponents as “lunatic charlatans”.

Consequently, any information you attempt to publish on Wikipedia that threatens the interests of the Oil and Drug Cartel is being carefully monitored and swiftly removed by its ‘gatekeepers‘. The targeted topics of these gatekeepers include alternative energy and advances in science-based natural health. By manipulating Wikipedia’s articles on these subjects, the gatekeepers aim to undermine their scientific value and openly defame prominent proponents

Foundation Support
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Press release)
Omidyar Network (Press release)
Google Inc. Charitable Giving Fund of Tides Foundation (Press release)
Stanton Foundation (Press release)
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Press release)
Ford Foundation (Press release)
Richard Lounsbery Foundation
Open Society Institute
Anybody that uses them as a source is a moron,this sockpuppet shill is desperate.:laughing0301:
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

Hal Turner is crazy.

Hal Turner - Wikipedia
OverviewEarly lifeEarly careerActivism and assault claimsBroadcasting and website issuesThreats against judges and political figuresExternal links
Harold Charles "Hal" Turner (born March 15, 1962) is an American far-right political commentator and convicted felon from North Bergen, New Jersey.
Turner's viewpoints typically encompass Holocaust denial, conspiracy theory, white supremacy, and have included calls for assassination of government officials. In August 2010, he was convicted for making threats against three federal judges with the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Wikipedia is know for character assassinating truth tellers. Do you believe everything you read in the Wiki? :auiqs.jpg:

Under the cloaks of ‘democracy‘, ‘free speech‘ and ‘open society‘, Wikipedia has been developed as a vehicle for influencing and controlling public opinion worldwide. Hosted by the so-called Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia is controlled by special interest groups.

One of the ‘founding fathers‘ of the Wikimedia Foundation is George Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC, a leading global investor in the Oil and Drug business. Significantly, Soros’ so-called Open Society Institute has been a prominent financier of the Wikimedia Foundation.

To protect and conceal its interests, the Oil and Drug Cartel uses individuals under its ideological control, such as Jimmy Wales, who are portrayed as ‘founders’ or ‘administrators’ of Wikipedia. Wales is openly biased against natural therapies and has described their proponents as “lunatic charlatans”.

Consequently, any information you attempt to publish on Wikipedia that threatens the interests of the Oil and Drug Cartel is being carefully monitored and swiftly removed by its ‘gatekeepers‘. The targeted topics of these gatekeepers include alternative energy and advances in science-based natural health. By manipulating Wikipedia’s articles on these subjects, the gatekeepers aim to undermine their scientific value and openly defame prominent proponents

Foundation Support
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Press release)
Omidyar Network (Press release)
Google Inc. Charitable Giving Fund of Tides Foundation (Press release)
Stanton Foundation (Press release)
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Press release)
Ford Foundation (Press release)
Richard Lounsbery Foundation
Open Society Institute
Anybody that uses them as a source is a moron,this sockpuppet shill is desperate.:laughing0301:

I agree. :) :D :auiqs.jpg:

It explores conspiracy theories....entertaining.

I listened to a lot of that pod. One thing that stands out is a lot of the conspiracy theorists involved with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory were young parents who couldn’t process the fact someone would shoot kids. To these people conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism. Those people are victims. I don’t hold those people in contempt the way I hold conspiracy theorists who just want to feel like they’re smarter than everyone. Those people are victims too, but it’s kind of hard to empathize with them.

You mean Sandy Hoax, correct? That was one pathetic attempt at a psy-op if there ever was one. You could drive a tank through the holes of the official narrative. I will say that not everything is a conspiracy but there are definitely ones that are using the hegelian dialectic to sway public opinion and it has been used all throughout history.

It explores conspiracy theories....entertaining.

I listened to a lot of that pod. One thing that stands out is a lot of the conspiracy theorists involved with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory were young parents who couldn’t process the fact someone would shoot kids. To these people conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism. Those people are victims. I don’t hold those people in contempt the way I hold conspiracy theorists who just want to feel like they’re smarter than everyone. Those people are victims too, but it’s kind of hard to empathize with them.

You mean Sandy Hoax, correct? That was one pathetic attempt at a psy-op if there ever was one. You could drive a tank through the holes of the official narrative. I will say that not everything is a conspiracy but there are definitely ones that are using the hegelian dialectic to sway public opinion and it has been used all throughout history.

James Fetzer has done a great job in exposing all of that. For sure he was demonized for it though.


It explores conspiracy theories....entertaining.

I listened to a lot of that pod. One thing that stands out is a lot of the conspiracy theorists involved with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory were young parents who couldn’t process the fact someone would shoot kids. To these people conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism. Those people are victims. I don’t hold those people in contempt the way I hold conspiracy theorists who just want to feel like they’re smarter than everyone. Those people are victims too, but it’s kind of hard to empathize with them.

You mean Sandy Hoax, correct? That was one pathetic attempt at a psy-op if there ever was one. You could drive a tank through the holes of the official narrative. I will say that not everything is a conspiracy but there are definitely ones that are using the hegelian dialectic to sway public opinion and it has been used all throughout history.

James Fetzer has done a great job in exposing all of that. For sure he was demonized for it though.

One of the most incriminating pieces of evidence was given to us by the Connecticut state police on their own website showing Wayne Carver (recently deceased) leaning against the pillar of the school with crime scene tape and you can see the window of the classroom where most of the shootings allegedly happened still intact....but wait? Later footage shows that the window was shot out because the sharp-shooting Adam Lanza shot at a car that arrived on the scene. I have about another 100 examples of the shitty job they did trying to cover their asses by laying lie on top of lie.......

It explores conspiracy theories....entertaining.

I listened to a lot of that pod. One thing that stands out is a lot of the conspiracy theorists involved with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory were young parents who couldn’t process the fact someone would shoot kids. To these people conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism. Those people are victims. I don’t hold those people in contempt the way I hold conspiracy theorists who just want to feel like they’re smarter than everyone. Those people are victims too, but it’s kind of hard to empathize with them.

You mean Sandy Hoax, correct? That was one pathetic attempt at a psy-op if there ever was one. You could drive a tank through the holes of the official narrative. I will say that not everything is a conspiracy but there are definitely ones that are using the hegelian dialectic to sway public opinion and it has been used all throughout history.

James Fetzer has done a great job in exposing all of that. For sure he was demonized for it though.

Yeah You ain’t kidding that he was demonized for telling the truth about that event.He is not part of the controlled opposition that Alex Jones is where dale mentioned Jones backpeddled on sandy hook later on,he stuck to his guns on that and that takes courage.he is a true patriot.

It explores conspiracy theories....entertaining.

I listened to a lot of that pod. One thing that stands out is a lot of the conspiracy theorists involved with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory were young parents who couldn’t process the fact someone would shoot kids. To these people conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism. Those people are victims. I don’t hold those people in contempt the way I hold conspiracy theorists who just want to feel like they’re smarter than everyone. Those people are victims too, but it’s kind of hard to empathize with them.

You mean Sandy Hoax, correct? That was one pathetic attempt at a psy-op if there ever was one. You could drive a tank through the holes of the official narrative. I will say that not everything is a conspiracy but there are definitely ones that are using the hegelian dialectic to sway public opinion and it has been used all throughout history.

James Fetzer has done a great job in exposing all of that. For sure he was demonized for it though.

One of the most incriminating pieces of evidence was given to us by the Connecticut state police on their own website showing Wayne Carver (recently deceased) leaning against the pillar of the school with crime scene tape and you can see the window of the classroom where most of the shootings allegedly happened still intact....but wait? Later footage shows that the window was shot out because the sharp-shooting Adam Lanza shot at a car that arrived on the scene. I have about another 100 examples of the shitty job they did trying to cover their asses by laying lie on top of lie.......
Tell us again how Jones later backpeddled on this and did not stick to his guns,you think that was his plan all along or do you think he panicked once the lawsuit came out? Btw something I find confusing that hopefully you can explain is for a long time I did not believe people who told me Jones was part of the controlled opposition because of the fact he has Been taken off the air and censored many times,it made no sense that if he was really working for them,why would they censor him? How do you explain that one,you think maybe that it’s alreadybeen pre arranged beforehand for him to be taken off the airways so that it looks like he really is a patriot maybe? Am I close?

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