Conspiracy Theorists Are Dangerous


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
It was a clear day in New York when the poster boy of British conspiracy theory made a shocking announcement. Times Square buzzed behind Charlie Veitch as he stood there, training a camera on himself, and declared something so unthinkable, so upsetting, insulting, ignorant, and evil, that it changed his life. To paraphrase, he said: "I don’t believe the American government blew up the World Trade Center." He uploaded the video to his YouTube account and then everything went bananas. You see, the conspiracy world, of which Charlie was a central part, doesn’t like it when you question their accepted truths. Charlie’s revelation cut deep. Their champion was about to become their most hated pariah.

Conspiracy theories really depress me. Hours after the bombs went off in Boston, BuzzFeed published a post called "6 Mind-Blowingly Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Boston Bombing." Conspiracies are where the libertarian and the hippie meet, and today not a single event of note can pass without being fed through the paranoid grinder of the fantasists. But their stupidity is not the most miserable thing about them. No, the most depressing thing about them is the rate at which they've been taking over for the last decade.

In 2012, the philanthropic Leverhulme Trust, most notable for funding dreary desk-based research, offered a grant for academic investigation into conspiracies. "Conspiracy theories," their announcement read, "have received remarkably little examination. Though they prompt almost obsessive attention in the public imagination, they have been largely ignored by academic research." It’s true, encouraged by the internet, fueled by global economic crises, championed by popular culture (Dan Brown and The Matrix, specifically), the last ten years have seen a conspiracy boom. Perhaps, while extreme Islam has gained more press, and smug atheism is more sensible, it's possible to argue that conspiracy theory has become the first dominant philosophy of the internet age. No doubt, the Leverhulme Trust—with its connections to the multinational corporation Unilever—and its grant inspired far more paranoia than academic insight.

Earlier this year Public Policy Polling conducted a survey about the public’s trust in some of the more established and outré conspiracy theories. The results are infuriating enough to drive rationalists up a tower with a rifle and start shooting. Apparently, 13 percent of respondents suspect that Barack Obama is the Antichrist, while 37 percent of Americans think that global warming is a hoax, and 28 percent of dickheads believe in a sinister, global New World Order conspiracy. I’m told it’s supposed to be consoling that only 4 percent believed in David Icke’s lizard men, but the way I see it: 4 PERCENT OF PEOPLE WITH A VOTE BELIEVE IN LIZARD MEN.

I had known Charlie for six months before he abandoned conspiracy theory. I knew him as an absurdist protester, a self-proclaimed anarchist, and a nice guy who wore lame trousers with extraneous pockets. He was also a committed believer in the conspiracy of 9/11. When we met, Charlie was a celebrated foot soldier in the war against government deception, and his student-y antiestablishment protest videos had an online following of over 50,000. But in June 2011, he traveled to America with the BBC. They were there to film 9/11 Conspiracy Road Trip, a trashy documentary confronting conspiracists with evidence supporting the official explanation of the Twin Towers’ collapse. Something switched inside him and Veitch discarded the conspiratorial dogma he’d long defined himself by. Back home, among his conspiracy crew, this was big news

Conspiracy Theorists Are Dangerous Enemies to Make | VICE United States


The FBI still says these are the terrorists.14 But when they are found alive, the FBI says their identity was stolen, and its not the terrorist.15

Remember that suspicious bin Laden "confession" video?

How could he praise uninvolved living people12 for the 9/11 hijackings?

If they stole identities, how did the FBI identify those passengers as terrorists?

Not by flight calls, which contradict the FBI13 information!
These aren't the first mistakes. FBI quickly had amended the original list8, as the original "suicide hijackers" came forward!

George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was a banker for Adolph Hitler.

In 1942 Prescott Bush had his assets in the Union Banking Corporation seized under
the Trading with the Enemy Act. Prescott's Union Banking Corp worked
for Brown Brothers Harriman, which was owned by Nazi Financier Fritz
Thyssen. Bush helped Thyssen move assets through front companies
around the world. Thyssen became wealthy when Hitler decided to rearm
Germany. He had owned the largest steel company in Germany. Bush also
had financial dealings with several German companies who utilized
slave labor from NAZI concentration camps.

For more info:,12271,1312540,00.html


The Wall Street Journal reported in its september 27 th 2001 issue that George Bush's Father was in Business with the Bin Laden family through a fund controlled by the Carlyle Group, a defense contracting company. The article also says that the Bin Laden family and the Bush family would profit from the increased military spending in the wake of the september 11 th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Also George W. Bush indirectly recieved a 50000 dollar investment in his first company, Arbusto energy, from James Bath, Salem Bin Laden's personal representitive to the United States. James Bath was also a classmate of George W Bush when he was enrolled in flight school at the Army National Guard. To read the article click on the following URL: note you will need to get a subscription to read the full article.
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The FBI still says these are the terrorists.14 But when they are found alive, the FBI says their identity was stolen, and its not the terrorist.15

Remember that suspicious bin Laden "confession" video?

How could he praise uninvolved living people12 for the 9/11 hijackings?

If they stole identities, how did the FBI identify those passengers as terrorists?

Not by flight calls, which contradict the FBI13 information!
These aren't the first mistakes. FBI quickly had amended the original list8, as the original "suicide hijackers" came forward!

George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was a banker for Adolph Hitler.

In 1942 Prescott Bush had his assets in the Union Banking Corporation seized under
the Trading with the Enemy Act. Prescott's Union Banking Corp worked
for Brown Brothers Harriman, which was owned by Nazi Financier Fritz
Thyssen. Bush helped Thyssen move assets through front companies
around the world. Thyssen became wealthy when Hitler decided to rearm
Germany. He had owned the largest steel company in Germany. Bush also
had financial dealings with several German companies who utilized
slave labor from NAZI concentration camps.

For more info:,12271,1312540,00.html


The Wall Street Journal reported in its september 27 th 2001 issue that George Bush's Father was in Business with the Bin Laden family through a fund controlled by the Carlyle Group, a defense contracting company. The article also says that the Bin Laden family and the Bush family would profit from the increased military spending in the wake of the september 11 th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Also George W. Bush indirectly recieved a 50000 dollar investment in his first company, Arbusto energy, from James Bath, Salem Bin Laden's personal representitive to the United States. James Bath was also a classmate of George W Bush when he was enrolled in flight school at the Army National Guard. To read the article click on the following URL: note you will need to get a subscription to read the full article.

So you're a flamin' loon. I should care because?
yeah we know your a dangerous conspiracy need to adverstise it.:lmao::lmao::lmao::D oh and two farts in a row from you.well done.:clap2:
yeah we know your a dangerous conspiracy need to adverstise it.:lmao::lmao::lmao::D oh and two farts in a row from you.well done.:clap2:

Ya know, most of you CT azzholes are only a danger to yourselves but every once in a while one of you gets your hands on an AK47 or a truckload of fertilizer and then you're a danger to everyone.
yeah we know your a dangerous conspiracy need to adverstise it.:lmao::lmao::lmao::D oh and two farts in a row from you.well done.:clap2:

Ya know, most of you CT azzholes are only a danger to yourselves but every once in a while one of you gets your hands on an AK47 or a truckload of fertilizer and then you're a danger to everyone.

Not particularly intelligent are we? What, you don't think conspiracies exist?
yeah we know your a dangerous conspiracy need to adverstise it.:lmao::lmao::lmao::D oh and two farts in a row from you.well done.:clap2:

Ya know, most of you CT azzholes are only a danger to yourselves but every once in a while one of you gets your hands on an AK47 or a truckload of fertilizer and then you're a danger to everyone.

Not particularly intelligent are we? What, you don't think conspiracies exist?

Evidently CTs are not as intelligent as they like to believe.
[ame=]i am dangerous - YouTube[/ame]
The Eots are not dangerous; au contraire, allowing them to blow off steam and demonstrate the silliness of their OPs leads to, not least of all, a younger generation that uses critical thinking skills.
The Eots are not dangerous; au contraire, allowing them to blow off steam and demonstrate the silliness of their OPs leads to, not least of all, a younger generation that uses critical thinking skills.

Especially from the tortured precepts of mainstream boot-lickers, critical thinking can be a double-edged sword. A new generation of CTers (that's Critical Thinkers, Sayit ...:lol:) is really among the LAST things the governmental status quo wants.
The Eots are not dangerous; au contraire, allowing them to blow off steam and demonstrate the silliness of their OPs leads to, not least of all, a younger generation that uses critical thinking skills.

Especially from the tortured precepts of mainstream boot-lickers, critical thinking can be a double-edged sword. A new generation of CTers (that's Critical Thinkers, Sayit ...:lol:) is really among the LAST things the governmental status quo wants.

bzzzz ... wrong again, Cap. Rational, thoughtful, informed cynicism is normal and healthy. The hateful, sophomoric silliness spewed by the CT (that's CONSPIRACY THEORY) world is, as the author notes, harmful to society.
The Eots are not dangerous; au contraire, allowing them to blow off steam and demonstrate the silliness of their OPs leads to, not least of all, a younger generation that uses critical thinking skills.

To the extent that the CTs limit their silliness to posting on obscure message boards I agree, but when they choose to act on it innocent people are often their target.
The Eots are not dangerous; au contraire, allowing them to blow off steam and demonstrate the silliness of their OPs leads to, not least of all, a younger generation that uses critical thinking skills.

To the extent that the CTs limit their silliness to posting on obscure message boards I agree, but when they choose to act on it innocent people are often their target.

act on what exactly ?
The Eots are not dangerous; au contraire, allowing them to blow off steam and demonstrate the silliness of their OPs leads to, not least of all, a younger generation that uses critical thinking skills.

To the extent that the CTs limit their silliness to posting on obscure message boards I agree, but when they choose to act on it innocent people are often their target.

act on what exactly ?

The paranoid delusions of silly CTs, of course. I see the Obama-is-about-to-declare-martial-law silliness has resurfaced again. Its inevitability is once again being touted as imminent as it has been since Obama took office. Some idiot is even posting YouTubes about extra-terrestrials in our midst. Your credibility - such that it is - takes a hit every time some silly CT floats another loony CT.
To the extent that the CTs limit their silliness to posting on obscure message boards I agree, but when they choose to act on it innocent people are often their target.

act on what exactly ?

The paranoid delusions of silly CTs, of course. I see the Obama-is-about-to-declare-martial-law silliness has resurfaced again. Its inevitability is once again being touted as imminent as it has been since Obama took office. Some idiot is even posting YouTubes about extra-terrestrials in our midst. Your credibility - such that it is - takes a hit every time some silly CT floats another loony CT.

so in your humble opinion Apollo astronauts and British and Canadian defense ministers are Idiots ?
act on what exactly ?

The paranoid delusions of silly CTs, of course. I see the Obama-is-about-to-declare-martial-law silliness has resurfaced again. Its inevitability is once again being touted as imminent as it has been since Obama took office. Some idiot is even posting YouTubes about extra-terrestrials in our midst. Your credibility - such that it is - takes a hit every time some silly CT floats another loony CT.

so in your humble opinion Apollo astronauts and British and Canadian defense ministers are Idiots ?

Former Moon walker Ed Mitchell says he doesn't know how they got here or where they come from and that he's never seen one (nor has he ever seen their space crafts) but he is certain the extra-terrestrials are among us. Yeah, I'd say that qualifies him as a flaming loon and anyone who posts such YouTube silliness as "proof" that our gov't is operating mass conspiracies is also a flaming loon.
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The paranoid delusions of silly CTs, of course. I see the Obama-is-about-to-declare-martial-law silliness has resurfaced again. Its inevitability is once again being touted as imminent as it has been since Obama took office. Some idiot is even posting YouTubes about extra-terrestrials in our midst. Your credibility - such that it is - takes a hit every time some silly CT floats another loony CT.

so in your humble opinion Apollo astronauts and British and Canadian defense ministers are Idiots ?

Former Moon walker Ed Mitchell says he doesn't know how they got here or where they come from and that he's never seen one (nor has he ever seen their space crafts) but he is certain the extra-terrestrials are among us. Yeah, I'd say that qualifies him as a flaming loon anyone who posts such YouTube silliness as "proof" that our gov't is operating mass conspiracies is also a flaming loon.

[ame=]Astronauts And UFOs. (Neil Armstrong, Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell All Witnessed UFOs.) - YouTube[/ame]
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I was channel surfing last night and stumbled across a National Press Club event on C-Span, in which the keynote speaker was George Takei of Star Trek fame (full speech here). And although I'm a happily married heterosexual father of two, his message really resonated in me on a deeper level than that of his primary agenda ...and for some reason made me think of this thread (strange, I know).

An excerpt:

"My life has been shaped and formed by people I consider change agents. Those young men who went from behind those prison camp fences to fight for this country (and some to die for this country). They changed America for us Japanese Americans, and they were my change agents. My parents were also my change agents. When we were let out of the camp, our first home was on skid row in downtown Los Angeles. We didn't have anything, and from that, by working long hard hours, they gave their three children fine educations in outstanding great American universities. The University of California at Berkley, the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, and Marquette University in Wisconsin -- they were our change agents. And yes, those drag queens at the Stonewall Inn also are my change agents. This nation has been defined by change agents. When this nation was founded women had no rights -- they couldn't vote, they couldn't own land, they couldn't even have rights over their own children -- but because determined women and fair-minded men challenged and debated and marched for equal rights for women, today we three women sitting on the Supreme Court of this country, we've had three women serve as US Secretaries of State, and we've had a woman astronaut lead a team of astronauts and go soaring out into space. They were all change agents. The first change agents were our founding fathers, who articulated the shining ideals of our country. They were change agents; BUT they also kept other human beings as slaves. And because those slaves hungered for freedom and justice, and they struggled for it, and because their children and grandchildren and the generations that followed continued their struggle through the Jim Crow years and through the years of the civil rights movement (inspired by Dr. King's eloquence), today we have an African American in that big white house on Pennsylvania Avenue. And they are all change agents. We are a nation of change agents, and that's why I'm optimistic about our future. [...]"

That's a man whose experiences speak as loudly and convincingly in defense of American principles as his words.

I personally take heart in his words, because I believe it's only a matter of time before the people of this country awaken in large numbers to the crimes of the powers of oppression ...and begin to unite and get serious about change.

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