Conspiracy Theorists Are Dangerous

...and that's why people working against the fraudulent currents of mainstream news outlets to enlighten the masses and to expose the criminals inside and outside of our government ...should be viewed as a legitimate danger by those criminals and their apologists. :)
act on what exactly ?

The paranoid delusions of silly CTs, of course. I see the Obama-is-about-to-declare-martial-law silliness has resurfaced again. Its inevitability is once again being touted as imminent as it has been since Obama took office. Some idiot is even posting YouTubes about extra-terrestrials in our midst. Your credibility - such that it is - takes a hit every time some silly CT floats another loony CT.

so in your humble opinion Apollo astronauts and British and Canadian defense ministers are Idiots ?
is it just me or is eots as obsessed with this ufo shit as 7 forever is with the no planes theory?
I was channel surfing last night and stumbled across a National Press Club event on C-Span, in which the keynote speaker was George Takei of Star Trek fame (full speech here). And although I'm a happily married heterosexual father of two, his message really resonated in me on a deeper level than that of his primary agenda ...and for some reason made me think of this thread (strange, I know).

An excerpt:

"My life has been shaped and formed by people I consider change agents. Those young men who went from behind those prison camp fences to fight for this country (and some to die for this country). They changed America for us Japanese Americans, and they were my change agents. My parents were also my change agents. When we were let out of the camp, our first home was on skid row in downtown Los Angeles. We didn't have anything, and from that, by working long hard hours, they gave their three children fine educations in outstanding great American universities. The University of California at Berkley, the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Southern California, and Marquette University in Wisconsin -- they were our change agents. And yes, those drag queens at the Stonewall Inn also are my change agents. This nation has been defined by change agents. When this nation was founded women had no rights -- they couldn't vote, they couldn't own land, they couldn't even have rights over their own children -- but because determined women and fair-minded men challenged and debated and marched for equal rights for women, today we three women sitting on the Supreme Court of this country, we've had three women serve as US Secretaries of State, and we've had a woman astronaut lead a team of astronauts and go soaring out into space. They were all change agents. The first change agents were our founding fathers, who articulated the shining ideals of our country. They were change agents; BUT they also kept other human beings as slaves. And because those slaves hungered for freedom and justice, and they struggled for it, and because their children and grandchildren and the generations that followed continued their struggle through the Jim Crow years and through the years of the civil rights movement (inspired by Dr. King's eloquence), today we have an African American in that big white house on Pennsylvania Avenue. And they are all change agents. We are a nation of change agents, and that's why I'm optimistic about our future. [...]"

That's a man whose experiences speak as loudly and convincingly in defense of American principles as his words.

I personally take heart in his words, because I believe it's only a matter of time before the people of this country awaken in large numbers to the crimes of the powers of oppression ...and begin to unite and get serious about change.
why was it necessary to highlight the fact that you are not gay?
I saw that on c span when it first aired....
his speech was excellent...
why do I get the feeling you are reading into what he said....
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why was it necessary to highlight the fact that you are not gay? ...

Mainly as groundwork for my statement that "his message really resonated in me on a deeper level than that of his primary agenda" (read: LGBT activism); but I suppose it's also possible that I'm a repressed homosexual ...(albeit one with a baffling fetish for pussy).


...why do I get the feeling you are reading into what he said....

George Takei and I might have different ideas as to what "the powers of oppression" in this country are, but my solace in the changes mentioned in his speech is every bit as well placed as his (and that's true without my reading a stitch into his message of optimism).
why was it necessary to highlight the fact that you are not gay? ...

Mainly as groundwork for my statement that "his message really resonated in me on a deeper level than that of his primary agenda" (read: LGBT activism); but I suppose it's also possible that I'm a repressed homosexual ...(albeit one with a baffling fetish for pussy).


...why do I get the feeling you are reading into what he said....

George Takei and I might have different ideas as to what "the powers of oppression" in this country are, but my solace in the changes mentioned in his speech is every bit as well placed as his (and that's true without my reading a stitch into his message of optimism).
it's also possible that I'm a repressed homosexual ...(albeit one with a baffling fetish for pussy).capstone...
that sentence reeks of homophobia..
the paranoid delusions of silly cts, of course. I see the obama-is-about-to-declare-martial-law silliness has resurfaced again. Its inevitability is once again being touted as imminent as it has been since obama took office. Some idiot is even posting youtubes about extra-terrestrials in our midst. Your credibility - such that it is - takes a hit every time some silly ct floats another loony ct.

so in your humble opinion apollo astronauts and british and canadian defense ministers are idiots ?
is it just me or is eots as obsessed with this ufo shit as 7 forever is with the no planes theory?

how many astronauts or defense ministers have gone public to support a no plane theory ?
it's also possible that I'm a repressed homosexual ...(albeit one with a baffling fetish for pussy).capstone...
that sentence reeks of homophobia..

Yeah, that's me alright: the homophobic admirer of George Takei.

Good eye. :doubt:
conspiracy theories always center around criminal government versus honest people.

criminals dont like being in the spot light.
RRRrrr RRrrr

" it just me or is eots as obsessed with [...] no planes theory?"

"how many astronauts or defense ministers have gone public to support a no plane theory" ?

"still waiting for those ID numbers got em yet or are you still just a huffin n a puffin? - got any real ones? You know with proof. Dont forget the proof. You know like the government makes you do if you take them to court. so far you are doing a great job keep up the good work!"

another one: straight-face there WAS NO 2nd plane...blah blah blah.

how bored are you ? why ? WHY ?

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