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Conspiracy Theory on missing aircraft.

Read this and if you are a fruit loops believe it.

PressTV - Flight 370 The CIA Hoax: Gordon Duff

How this was posted on Yahoo is a question I want answered.

If you think it is such a farce to be on the INTERNET why did you link it here?

When they start talking about secret systems I have to wonder how they know.

I don't know if the information on the plane was factual but if it is then it made the read interesting. But to start a conspiracy theory as they did and not give motive or reason seems to me to be disingenuous.
Not a doubt in my mind the US government has the ability to track that flight and knows exactly what happened
How do we know there was a flight in the first place.

The entire thing could have been a computer manufactured data stream projected onto a holodeck.

Invite a few dignitaries...presto. Fake crisis.
822. Malaysia airliner missing was created by the Feds (3/20/2014)

It was done to justify the coming airplane’s incident.

In my story, to frame me in fake money case, the Feds have to eliminate my relatives – they are all witnesses. In recent three years, each time the Feds planned a case, they arranged a cruise tour trip for my relatives. See “811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)”. In that article, I revealed that each time for a trip, the Feds used to create an incident in advance – either an “engine room fire” in a cruise or a “boat sinking” or “food poisoning” to cover up the coming case as a common one – not particularly ralated to any individual person. So was this Malaysia Airliner’s accident.

Malaysia Airline MH370 disappeared on March 8. I think it was used to justify the coming airplane accident in later March. My wife said she was going to Philippine via Shanghai at the end of this month. This means the Feds has plotted a case in late March and arrange her a South East Asia air trip. My other relatives could be arranged in trip too at that time. Since they are all recruited by the Feds, they’ll have to follow the order of the Feds when it suddenly gives one.

That was why Malaysia airline was chosen. 1. Most victims are Chinese ethnic like my wife’s (or my rlatives’) 2. It was South East airline where my wife will fly.

I predict the missing plane crashed somewhere far away in deep south India ocean. The purpose is to eliminate any possible trace of a plot. That’s why MH370 changed its way dramatically to the west and tried to avoid any detection from the ground. Watch the map.
In turning point, north is Vietnam; east is Philippine; South is Malaysia and Indonesia. To west is the shortest way to Indian Ocean.

Forget those hijacker or suicide news. They are used to distract your views and to delay the searches. No hijackers or suicides have such intention to play hide and seek game at this time.

How could they do this? I allege it was the same way they did in 911 attack. Everyone knows the drone is very popular today. It’s a skilled technique to pilot a plane with set up computer data. (or even by remote control) With pre-set computer data, at the turning point, the auto pilot system took over the control of the plane. The pilot can do nothing with it even if they were alive at the time.

To drop an airplane is a rare event. This may indict the Feds has made a big plot in late March. Watch with your eyes with my story in your mind. Tomorrow is Friday, the day the Feds like to act. Because there are two extra days (week ends) for them to carry murder in jail.

Here is what I wrote in January. They immediately changed cruise trip into airline murder.

811. Cruise – a murder trap (1/18/2014)

Since the Feds (FBI and DEA) planted the isotope money (radioactive twenty dollars notes) on me through B (my brother in law), they planned murder plot on my relatives because they are witnesses. A major method is to create a cruise incident. The Feds arranged four cruises trip for them in recent three years.

1. “This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Caribe - holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. 2010” See story at #656.

One month before the plot, they created a fire case to justify the coming incident.

Carnival cruise ship ends nightmare trip with engine room fire, passengers reveal horror stories
By Lukas I. Alpert AND Aliyah Shahid / November 11, 2010,

Carnival cruise ship ends nightmare trip with engine room fire, passengers reveal horror stories - NY Daily News

2. “July 2011. My brother and sisters have a boat trip this time in Europe.” See #675.

Fire was not enough to kill. They sunken a tourist fishing boat at same month of the plot.

Some Bay Area Survivors Of Capsized Fishing Boat Return Home

July 8, 2011
NOVATO (KCBS) – Some of the Bay Area survivors of the ill-fated tourist fishing boat that sunk in the Sea of Cortez Sunday have returned home.
Some Bay Area Survivors Of Capsized Fishing Boat Return Home « CBS San Francisco

3. “My mother, my sisters and brother and their families, are arranged for a trip to Hawaii in the end of October. 2012” See #740

A tourist fishing boat was too small. The Feds upgraded the murder model to a cruise ship that caught eyeballs of the world.

Captain Held After Cruise Ship Capsizes
15 January 2012

A major rescue operation was launched after the liner, which was carrying 4,234 people, began sinking near the island of Giglio,

Captain Held After Cruise Ship Capsizes

4. “My wife and my relatives are having a Mexico cruise trip from 1/5 to 1/9, 2014.” See # 809.

Big case impressed people longer. Two months before another plot, the Feds talked about that capsized ship to remind people sunken cruise ship was not a rare event.

Costa Concordia Captain Allegedly 'Jumped Off' Sinking Ship, On Trial For Manslaughter
Agence France Presse | Posted: 11/11/2013

Costa Concordia Captain Allegedly 'Jumped Off' Sinking Ship, On Trial For Manslaughter
825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)

The media is busy to spread disinformation from the “strategy office” to confuse people that public neglected one key information from original news. MH 370 was climbing to 45,000 feet when it turned sharply to the west. The auto pilot system took over the control of the plane and open the passage of internal cabin to the outside air space. The low temperature and low air pressure as well as low oxygen at that altitude disabled all people(include pilots) inside the plane in seconds, then killed them all.

Radar Suggests Jet Shifted Path More Than Once

Radar signals recorded by the Malaysian military appeared to show that the missing airliner climbed to 45,000 feet, above the approved altitude limit for a Boeing 777-200, soon after it disappeared from civilian radar and turned sharply to the west, according to a preliminary assessment by a person familiar with the data.

The radar track, which the Malaysian government has not released but says it has provided to the United States and China, showed that the plane then descended unevenly to 23,000 feet, below normal cruising levels, as it approached the densely populated island of Penang.


This information revealed the killing of the crew and passengers started as soon as the plane was hijacked to a new track. The hijacker was the pre-set auto pilot system. Then it descended to below normal cruising level. At that time nobody was alive inside the plane and the only mission for the ghost plane was to elude the detection of ground radar as possible as it could and flied as far away as it could to make the search a difficult one. The following chart explained the odd track of MH 370.



Altitude - Moderate Activity - Sitting Quietly

25 000 feet - 2 minutes - 3 minutes

28 000 feet - 1 minute - 1.5 minutes

30 000 feet - 45 seconds - 1.25 minutes

35 000 feet - 30 seconds - 45 seconds

40 000 feet - 18 seconds - 30 seconds

45,000 feet - ?? seconds - ?? seconds

Time of useful consciousness at 40,000 feet in a depressurized airplane. : MH370
Great Piece. Unfortunately it's written by a known purveyor of disinformation. He's admitted it himself. Sometimes he tells the truth, sometimes he misdirects. But for what purpose?
826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)

This is not the first time they used this method to create an air accident. The similar action they have done in 2005. Here I quote my article #352 wrote eight years ago:

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

Among these air accidents, the Greek one was exactly the same method – with decompression to kill everyone on board the plane.

Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
By Yannis Behrakis

A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

"The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "


In each plot to eliminate me, the Feds used to have planned accidental death for my relatives, either in trip by cruise or by air. I tried my best to record each plot. When the Malaysia airliner incident happened, I immediately recalled the 2005 case. In 2005, they created four air crashes in one month to impress public that air incident was not that unusual. This time they made it a mysterious missing so the topic could occupy a period of time in media to impress public. The purpose is to replace multiple crashes.

Supplementary to 826.

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

On 7/7 and 7/21, there were bombings took place in London. It was a cover up operation to justify the plotted master bombing in US. To deceive the public that these were the work of Al Qaida. The unusual events happened in same day (July 21) may prove my allegation.(see #330)

Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

When I first heard of Greece accident, I only impressed by the mysterious situation (lack of oxygen, frozen) before its crash. But when the Peru air crash took place, I realize it might be an operation to cover up a coming air accident. My relatives were arranged in a trip between 9/10 and 9/17. If an accident happened, it would be easily added one more to the above list and wouldn't cause any notice. That's why I talked about this twice in 9/2 and 9/7. (see #339, 340)

Pre-psychological influence is a very important tactic Feds uses. We have seen scenes such like Lewinsky scandal, Wen Ho Lee's case, WMD in Iraq..... The recent one is the hurricane Katrina and Rita. Which mainly planned to justify for a high rising inflation. So media want us expecting a gas of 5.00/gallon because most of the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico were damaged by hurricane and so was for many oil refineries. That how much money would spend for the refugee and re-build.(e.g. 400,000 people live in the hotels and how much that costs for one day's rent) Now these kind of information are disappeared from media. Or proved to be exaggerated. What I see is the oil dropped below $60.00 a barrel.(10/26) Why, because the framed case went sour and Feds still must keep the interest rate as low as they can to maintain a high housing market.

If the framed case have went successfully, I believe you would meet another face of media. Then you would have believed that all that sudden jumping high inflation was caused by oil and the natural disaster.

The latest movement of propaganda activated by Feds is the Bird Flu. That's another psychological war to justify a new slaughter in the name of natural disaster. Watch how the media propaganda it under the command of Feds.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.
Now let's turn on to the crash of Greece air plane which I alleged one of four accidents done by intelligence. It caused my attention for its mysterious situation. Here are news about it.

Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
By Yannis Behrakis

A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

"The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "


Quote, "Greece Plane Crash Kills All Aboard

"Shortly before the crash, the jet pilots saw one of the airline pilots slumped unconscious over the controls, ...... Some Greek media reports said fighter pilots also could see oxygen masks dangling inside the cabin."


What took place in the Greece plane seemed as follows: the cabin lost pressure, oxygen and temperature.

But it's a Boeing 737. One of the most advanced air craft. And the plane has a well designed oxygen supply and pressurization system. So far we have never heard any problem of the insulation broken which caused low pressure that killed the people on board. This was the only one.

A spokesman for the European Aviation Safety Agency, Daniel Holtgen, based in Cologne, Germany, said: "It is highly unlikely that the loss of cabin pressure alone would cause such an incident. There would have to be other contributing factors." (source, the above Yahoo News)

What were the other factors? It's a puzzle. Then it came the Katrina and Rita. In a TV news report about a research plane which flew over the hurricane, I caught what the researcher said. He said he couldn't believe it that the air pressure was incredible low outside the plane. It suddenly touched off my mind. I thought Feds spreading chemical to control the pressure of air to alter the weather. If the air pressure could be created so low to astonish the researcher, (it was in open air, air would flow from other area to refill) then what would have happened if it was in a closed cabin? I thought of the Greece plane.

I think it is a chemical which is easy to gasify and easy to react with the element part of air (either oxygen, nitrogen or carbon dioxide) and developed to another substance.(either liquid such like water, or solid) Air, after losing part of its element, has lost pressure. The chemical reaction also sucks heat.

A hurricane needs a warm air mass with rich water vapor. Ocean supplies it. A hurricane also needs big air pressure difference and temperature difference above it. This chemical supplies it. That's how an artificial hurricane developed.

When that chemical is used in a closed cabin. The low pressure and temperature it created will kill the people inside it. Oxygen may be exhausted as a component in the reaction. That's what happened in the Greece air plane.

I allege Feds used the same chemical in Greece air accident as they used in hurricane creation. It's not a coincidence when I said the four air accidents was a cover up operation of Feds and Katrina and Rita were created for the same framed case.
I hope not. I hope they are still alive. If the plane is on the ground there is a good chance they are.
Last words from the pilot of 370:

"Yes! I'm looking right at it! I have Obama's Kenyan Birth certificate in my hands!!"
829. A disinformation to mislead public (4/24/2014)

Three days ago, there was such a news:

How jet stowaways can survive cold, lack of oxygen


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Despite the subzero temperatures and lack of oxygen, people can survive even a long journey in the wheel well of a jetliner. The latest example is a teenager who, according to authorities, stowed away on a 51/2-hour flight from San Jose, Calif., to Hawaii. While the number of known stowaway attempts is few, people have survived with surprising frequency.

How jet stowaways can survive cold, lack of oxygen

Did you notice something unusual of the topic of this news? It emphasizes that it’s not that cold and lack of oxygen in high altitude . Do you know why they had this news? I think it was a misinformation created by the mastermind of the missing Malaysia airliner MH370 at the purpose to discount my allegation that the people in MH370 were killed by decompression when it was hijacked by auto pilot system.

It was a swift response to my article “825. How did they kill the crew and passengers (4/3/2014)” and “826. Decompression – a method to kill (4/9/2014)”.

Even if they indeed carried out such a “stowaway” operation, it still won’t prove anything for them. Here I quote a comment:

JIm En espanol- Jaime2 hours ago

I am not familiar with this model of Boeing A/C, but on other models the air in the cabin is changed completely every two minutes, with the old heated air being discharged throught high volume outflow valves, in this case into the wheel wells. Since there was no evidence of frostbite it must be assumed that the temperature remained above a certain level, and also that there was enough oxygen to prevent death. The key here is the large volume of air being discharged.

How jet stowaways can survive cold, lack of oxygen
830. Uninterruptible autopilot system (5/1/2014)

Someone argued that how a computerized auto pilot system could drive the plane to avoid the ground radar. That opinion based on that auto pilot system was a pre-set up program. The reality is that Boeing have installed “uninterruptible autopilot system” in its plane. Once triggered, no one on board will be able to deactivate the system. The aircraft was taken over by the ground controller. The system was originally developed to prevent air hijacking. But when the ground controller becomes criminal, the airliner can be hijacked for evil purpose. That’s what happened in 911. That’s what happened in MH370.

New autopilot will make another 9/11 impossible
03 March 2007


Once triggered, no one on board will be able to deactivate the system. Currently, all autopilots are manually switched on and off at the discretion of pilots.

The so-called 'uninterruptible autopilot system' - patented secretly by Boeing in the US last week - will connect ground controllers and security services with the aircraft using radio waves and global satellite positioning systems.

After it has been activated, the aircraft will be capable of remote digital control from the ground, enabling operators to fly it like a sophisticated model plane, manoeuvring it vertically and laterally.

New autopilot will make another 9/11 impossible - News - London Evening Standard
832. The ability to black hole a Boeing craft (5/12/2014)

As a matter of fact, it was impossible that a Boeing being hijacked by terrorists because it was equipped with uninterruptible auto pilot system. When such things happened, the pilot would covertly activate the system to alert the ground security service. The odd thing is not much people knew there was such a system existed. Most absurd was that when MH370’s missing became a hot topic, nobody talked about uninterruptible auto pilot system. It became a forbidden area for mainstream media.

If you doubt me why I concluded that MH 370 case was created by the US intelligence, my reason is pretty simple. Who control uninterruptible auto pilot system? Who have the information of ground radar so MH370 could skirt them?


#MH370 route seems carefully chosen to skirt edges of FIRs (Flight Information Regions).

Disparition du Vol MH370 : la zone de recherche étendue à l?Océan Indien | Air Info pic.twitter.com/vhhUy5dSU1
835. Uninterruptible Auto Pilot System (5/27/2014)

Malaysia releases satellite data on missing jet

Malaysia releases satellite data on missing jet

None released data will be helpful for investigation as the criminal that caused the missing of MH370 also control the satellite information. Do you think they will expose themselves? Anyone with common sense which one has the ability to make a Boeing with 300 people in it disappear without trace.

Former P.M. of Malaysia says:

May18th 2014
Written by chedet


3. MH370 is a Boeing 777 aircraft. It was built and equipped by Boeing. All the communications and GPS equipment must have been installed by Boeing. If they failed or have been disabled Boeing must know how it can be done. Surely Boeing would ensure that they cannot be easily disabled as they are vital to the safety and operation of the plane.

4. A search on the Internet reveals that Boeing in 2006 received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a pre-determined landing location.

5. The Flightglobal.com article by John Croft, datelined Washington DC (1st December, 2006) further mentioned “The ‘uninterruptible’ autopilot would be activated – either by pilot, by on board sensors, or even remotely by radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of the flight deck”.
6. Clearly Boeing and certain agencies have the capacity to take over “uninterruptible control” of commercial airliners of which MH370 B777 is one.

11. For some reason the media will not print anything that involves Boeing or the CIA. I hope my readers will read this.


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