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Conspiracy XXX...


SO much butthurt, so little ability to admit one was wrong.

So much extraneous bullshit that doesn't matter.
The CNN host's reaction to then Candidate for President directing her staff to deliberately destroy evidence by literally smashing electronics with hammers was as blase as it gets. She didn't care.
Anyone other than an idiot living under a rock can damn well easily surmise her reaction if it was Trump would have been very different.

Now perhaps you should link some more to dictionary.com etc. and come up with some more faculty arguments.
Dumbdown version:
"If X had done this it would have been treated differently" is never valid argument.
When that is applied to the Democrats, however, it is 100% accurate.

For example, had an FBI agent testified that the current FBI Director appointed by the President and US AG Barr made an agreement to prevent Trump from being indicted for any and all proven crimes and then e-mails / texts confirm this was the case, there is no way in hell - and you damn-well know it, the Democrats and snowflakes would be ignoring it the way they are regarding the same evidence that Obama's DOJ and FBI did for Hillary.

The fact that you don't like that this argument is extremely valid and easily proven does not mean it is false.
SO much butthurt, so little ability to admit one was wrong.

I agree...after 2 investigations, 3+ years, exposed Democrat crimes, and Mueller's report finding no collusion and no finding of Obstruction by ROSENSTEIN and Barr, you would think snowflakes would accept reality / the truth / facts already.

SO much butthurt, so little ability to admit one was wrong.

So much extraneous bullshit that doesn't matter.
The CNN host's reaction to then Candidate for President directing her staff to deliberately destroy evidence by literally smashing electronics with hammers was as blase as it gets. She didn't care.
Anyone other than an idiot living under a rock can damn well easily surmise her reaction if it was Trump would have been very different.

Now perhaps you should link some more to dictionary.com etc. and come up with some more faculty arguments.

Dood, I don't *NEED* to "look up" this shit. Y'all make them obvious. All I do is point out that they ARE obvious.
Easiest gig inna world.
Dumbdown version:
"If X had done this it would have been treated differently" is never valid argument.
When that is applied to the Democrats, however, it is 100% accurate.

For example, had an FBI agent testified that the current FBI Director appointed by the President and US AG Barr made an agreement to prevent Trump from being indicted for any and all proven crimes and then e-mails / texts confirm this was the case, there is no way in hell - and you damn-well know it, the Democrats and snowflakes would be ignoring it the way they are regarding the same evidence that Obama's DOJ and FBI did for Hillary.

The fact that you don't like that this argument is extremely valid and easily proven does not mean it is false.

"What I like" or "don't like" doesn't even enter into it, nor did I indicate or consider it.

Speculation is speculation, PERIOD. It cannot be anything else.

Did Mal-Wart have a sale on Fucking Stoopid pills or what??
The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

SO much butthurt, so little ability to admit one was wrong.

So much extraneous bullshit that doesn't matter.
The CNN host's reaction to then Candidate for President directing her staff to deliberately destroy evidence by literally smashing electronics with hammers was as blase as it gets. She didn't care.
Anyone other than an idiot living under a rock can damn well easily surmise her reaction if it was Trump would have been very different.

Now perhaps you should link some more to dictionary.com etc. and come up with some more faculty arguments.

Dood, I don't *NEED* to "look up" this shit. Y'all make them obvious. All I do is point out that they ARE obvious.
Easiest gig inna world.

Wait...you didn't see the video I linked? And you're saying all this shit??
The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.
SO much butthurt, so little ability to admit one was wrong.

I agree...after 2 investigations, 3+ years, exposed Democrat crimes, and Mueller's report finding no collusion and no finding of Obstruction by ROSENSTEIN and Barr, you would think snowflakes would accept reality / the truth / facts already.

Spits a rightard who’s been waiting for Hillary to get locked up after dozens of investigations spanning a quarter of a century.

The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

Actually, exactly two posts after this one, that's exactly what you did.

Why are you unable to admit you were trying to make a point with a fallacy, and then tried to excuse it away with two more fallacies? Insecurity?
The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

Actually, exactly two posts after this one, that's exactly what you did.

Why are you unable to admit you were trying to make a point with a fallacy, and then tried to excuse it away with two more fallacies? Insecurity?

Shit...wrong thread, I thought I was in another one...fixing it.
The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.
The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.
The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.

The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.

It likes to play word games
Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.

It likes to play word games

And only slightly better at it than danielpalos.
Where danielpalos just starts going off on random tangents leaving the other person in the Twilight Zone trying to figure out just WTF he is talking about, Pogo likes semantics. To pick out a fraction of what someone says/posts up...that may or may not have a single thing to do with the point of the whole - and try and make the argument about something else.
In a word... it's trolling.
The left elite must laugh their asses off at how easy it is to dupe many Americans.

Here is a good summary of the whole Russia Hoax. This should be required reading for all Americans. These kinds of leftist hoaxes likely will continue, since they are very effective with many Americans.

Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama
After 675 days, 25 million dollars, 2,800 subpoenas, over 500 witnesses, and more than 500 search warrants, all of which took up the time of 20 prosecutors and nearly 50 FBI agents, Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the results of his “witch hunt” to the Attorney General of the United States of America, Robert Barr.

Barr, in turn, submitted a four-page overview highlighting the following conclusions: There are no further indictments of anyone and there was no collusion with Russia by any American. Barr and Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, whom Mueller reported to, determined that there was no obstruction by President Trump.

But, for the past three years, elite Democratic Party partisans, along with their media partners, force-fed thousands of “Bombshell” headlines to millions of Americans, without ever providing a lick of evidence. The absence of evidence supporting their outrageous lies coupled with the results of Mueller’s investigation and Barr’s conclusions establishes collusion – not between Russia and the Trump family to influence the 2016 presidential election, but amongst the Democrats and mass media to delegitimize the
Trump presidency.

The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, and indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude with Russia.” Pelosi has never presented any evidence to support this claim or any of the many other suspect claims the speaker has made.

The Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff said, “I have evidence of collusion with Russia and kompromat. It’s all in plain sight.” Schiff regularly repeated this claim to the public yet never provided any evidence. He appeared on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC over 150 times and was never called out for repeating these lies over and over again.

Congressman Eric Swalwell on MSNBC said, “Donald Trump is a Russian agent; we have evidence Trump and his family colluded with Russia.” Swalwell has parroted this and many other claims since 2016. Evidence provided: none.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters stated, “Trump and his buddies are scumbags who are all Putin’s puppets; we will Impeach 45.” Waters has been shrieking “Impeach 45” since election day in 2016. Water’s reason: she hates Trump and the entire Grand Old Party “GOP.”

...more at the link...
Russian collusion was no more than “conspiracy porn” created by Clinton and Obama

...can you believe this site does not allow you to use the word PORN in a thread title...LOL!

Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.

On one hand you're actually correct in that I didn't address your video. Rather I chose to call out your fallacious conclusion attached to said video, in the same post, for the fallacy it is ---- which in no way requires even watching the video (which I did anyway).

What happened next was that you couldn't handle, or even admit, using that fallacy. And as far as I can see you still can't.

In smaller words you posted a video and then declared "this means X". I explained why no it does not mean X.

NONE of that is "changing the argument". It's YOUR argument, and I wrassled it to the ground. Directly. DEAL WITH IT.
The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.
The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.

It likes to play word games
And only slightly better at it than danielpalos.
Where danielpalos just starts going off on random tangents leaving the other person in the Twilight Zone trying to figure out just WTF he is talking about, Pogo likes semantics. To pick out a fraction of what someone says/posts up...that may or may not have a single thing to do with the point of the whole - and try and make the argument about something else.
In a word... it's trolling.

NO Sprinkles, it's discrediting your argument. And you can't handle it.

The thing to do in your position is .... take notes now ...... develop a better argument.

Because if you don't have a valid argument --- it doesn't matter what the argument was supposed to be.
Whelp --- I agree with you on one (1) thing. Thread titles shouldn't be censoring the word "porn" or for that matter the word (anything).

As far as "not a shred of evidence" --- the powers of self-delusion continue to amaze:

I mean, this is not only public but how do you find a way to "forget" it?

There's also "would means wouldn't" as soon as Pootin is out of earshot, and all the knob-polishing of the Russkie head honcho including denying he even invaded Ukraine, etc. I mean he pandered to Pootin more than the people of Iowa.

Down the memory hole, huh comrade?

Then there was this, reported in 2016:

>> A computer scientist tracking malware and going by the name “Tea Leaves” claims to have discovered a pattern of conversation that appears to tie a server registered to the Donald Trump organization to two Russian servers registered to "Alfa Bank."

According to a new report from Slate, computer scientists began looking into GOP presidential nominee’s servers in the wake of the hack into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that U.S. intelligence has blamed on Russian actors.

.... Tea Leaves discovered a bank in Moscow that continually contacted a server registered to the Trump Organization. Further research of the pattern of conversations revealed they would occur during office hours in both New York and Moscow, Slate reported. <<​

From the referenced Slate article:

>> The researchers quickly dismissed their initial fear that the logs represented a malware attack. The communication wasn’t the work of bots. The irregular pattern of server lookups actually resembled the pattern of human conversation—conversations that began during office hours in New York and continued during office hours in Moscow. It dawned on the researchers that this wasn’t an attack, but a sustained relationship between a server registered to the Trump Organization and two servers registered to an entity called Alfa Bank.

The researchers had initially stumbled in their diagnosis because of the odd configuration of Trump’s server. “I’ve never seen a server set up like that,” says Christopher Davis, who runs the cybersecurity firm HYAS InfoSec Inc. and won a FBI Director Award for Excellence for his work tracking down the authors of one of the world’s nastiest botnet attacks. “It looked weird, and it didn’t pass the sniff test.” The server was first registered to Trump’s business in 2009 and was set up to run consumer marketing campaigns. It had a history of sending mass emails on behalf of Trump-branded properties and products. Researchers were ultimately convinced that the server indeed belonged to Trump. (Click here to see the server’s registration record.) But now this capacious server handled a strangely small load of traffic, such a small load that it would be hard for a company to justify the expense and trouble it would take to maintain it. “I get more mail in a day than the server handled,” Davis says.

That wasn’t the only oddity. When the researchers pinged the server, they received error messages. They concluded that the server was set to accept only incoming communication from a very small handful of IP addresses.

... Eighty-seven percent of the DNS lookups involved the two Alfa Bank servers. “It’s pretty clear that it’s not an open mail server,” Camp told me. “These organizations are communicating in a way designed to block other people out.”

Earlier this month, the group of computer scientists passed the logs to Paul Vixie. In the world of DNS experts, there’s no higher authority. Vixie wrote central strands of the DNS code that makes the internet work. After studying the logs, he concluded, “The parties were communicating in a secretive fashion. The operative word is secretive. This is more akin to what criminal syndicates do if they are putting together a project.” Put differently, the logs suggested that Trump and Alfa had configured something like a digital hotline connecting the two entities, shutting out the rest of the world, and designed to obscure its own existence. Over the summer, the scientists observed the communications trail from a distance. <<

--- All that sound like "not a shred of evidence" to you?

I dunno man, y'all Rumpbots are reminding us of Jim Marshall.

The problem you have is that you really are this stupid. Only the stupidly partisan ( like you) refuse the that he was joking. Yes, really are that stupid.

Actually Pogo is anything but stupid.
He/She chooses to be ignorant, or, like in this thread, wants to turn the discussion into some meaningless faculty lounge discussion to nowhere.
What is obvious to us, is equally obvious to Pogo. He/she just wants to turn into an argument about something else.

He isn't nearly as "smart" as he thinks he is.

It's not about intelligence, it is about choice.
Pogo instead of addressing the point, attempts to change it to a different argument he thinks he can win. You can call that strawman, or you can call it trolling. Both are correct.
In his/her dozen or so post, at no time does Pogo actually discuss the video or the point of it. Just tries to change the point into something else to avoid addressing it.
That is a choice.

On one hand you're actually correct in that I didn't address your video. Rather I chose to call out your fallacious conclusion attached to said video, in the same post, for the fallacy it is ---- which in no way requires even watching the video (which I did anyway).

What happened next was that you couldn't handle, or even admit, using that fallacy. And as far as I can see you still can't.

In smaller words you posted a video and then declared "this means X". I explained why no it does not mean X.

NONE of that is "changing the argument". It's YOUR argument, and I wrassled it to the ground. Directly. DEAL WITH IT.

And so you see folks, Pogo simply does it again. And by doing so proves exactly what I am saying.
He is a troll, like danielpalos. Just better at it.

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