Consumer Reports: "Stay away from"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Even Consumer Reports, long famed for their support of big-government solutions to problems, says that the Obamacare websites are better avoided than used.

How can a health care scheme that's been on the books for three years, with half a $billion spent on website developers, have so many major problems with its website even after all that time and effort to set up?


Consumer Reports: ?Stay Away From' | National Review Online

Consumer Reports: ‘Stay Away From’

By Alec Torres
October 21, 2013 9:56 AM

Consumer Reports, which publishes reviews of consumer products and services, advised its readers to avoid the federal healthcare exchange “for at least another month if you can.” “Hopefully that will be long enough for its software vendors to clean up the mess they’ve made,” the magazine said, having tested the site themselves over the course of the past three weeks.

Noting that only 271,000 of the 9.47 million people who tried signing up in the first week managed to create an account, Consumer Reports then provided a few tips to those attempting to slog through the application process. From attempting successive logins because “error messages … may not always match reality” to checking your inbox frequently because if you miss an e-mail you’ll be timed out of the site and forced to start from square one, none of the suggestions guaranteed success.

The magazine has also released a string of scathing reviews. On October 1, the day the Obamacare exchanges went online, the magazine told people to be patient: “Don’t worry if you can’t sign up today or even within the next couple of weeks.” A week into enrollment, they urged again to “wait a couple weeks and hope that the site irons out its many problems” because the is “barely operational.”
How can a health care scheme that's been on the books for three years, with half a $billion spent on website developers, have so many major problems with its website even after all that time and effort to set up?
How can a health care scheme that's been on the books for three years, with half a $billion spent on website developers, have so many major problems with its website even after all that time and effort to set up?

because Obamacare itself....not just the full of problems.....
Sources say the administration added to the problems with a last-minute decision to have applicants open an account and prove their identity first, before they could shop for insurance. On a typical website, shopping for the product comes first. This crucial decision to not allow window shopping for insurance happened in late September, just before the website went live and millions of Americans tried and failed to open an account.

Experts: Obamacare website stymied by its poor design - CBS News

I hate sites like that. They need to demand a refund from the developer.
Yep, 1/2 a billion dollars and three years in... already a clusterfuck.

Oh no, but it's gonna be great!!!!
Sources say the administration added to the problems with a last-minute decision to have applicants open an account and prove their identity first, before they could shop for insurance. On a typical website, shopping for the product comes first. This crucial decision to not allow window shopping for insurance happened in late September, just before the website went live and millions of Americans tried and failed to open an account.

Experts: Obamacare website stymied by its poor design - CBS News

I hate sites like that. They need to demand a refund from the developer.

The reason is twofold: 1) they dont want people to see the base costs of the plans 2)they don't want people to see the $$ the government via taxes is going to subsidize certain people towards the plans.
Yep, 1/2 a billion dollars and three years in... already a clusterfuck.

Oh no, but it's gonna be great!!!!

clusterfuck is the word alright.....a psuedo-private and psuedo-government combination......

looks like the perfect setup for Obama's usual blame game....:rolleyes:

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