Consumerism: Demi-Gods


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
You go to the supermarket and buy a box of Lucky Charms breakfast-cereal. You go to the liquor-store and buy a bottle of Baileys Irish Cream. You turn on your TV on a Saturday afternoon to watch a Notre Dame college-football game on NBC. All of these consumerism-related activities offer you colourful Irish mythology/folklore symbols/avatars.

LUCKY CHARMS --- the box shows Lucky the (Irish) Leprechaun as its marketing 'avatar'
BAILEYS IRISH CREAM --- as the name suggests...
NOTRE DAME TV --- the college-football team boasts its Irish leprechaun team-mascot/avatar

The Irish are known for being Catholic and also for presenting all kinds of imagery/stories about fortune and luck --- hence the leprechaun (a folkloric symbol of the fortune of gold-hunting).

Maybe the modernism appeal of the American horror-film Leprechaun (which presents a ghoulish evil leprechaun named Lubdan as the 'protagonist') is that Irish images of fortune and misfortune reflect America's special metaphysical fascination with capitalism-related serendipity imagination(!).

Did Capitalism/Consumerism replace God as a 'faith-totem' or idol? Should we coordinate folklore with commerce culture in a meaningful way so as to re-present the 'American Dream' as Christianity-compatible, and if so, how so?

"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience" (Romans 5:3, KJV).


GOD: Is commerce compatible with etiquette?
SATAN: That is the goal of the World Bank and NATO!
GOD: Do consumers appreciate the 'ethics' of Wall Street?
SATAN: Ethics is handed-down by the government.
GOD: What about separation of Church and State?
SATAN: Education has replaced town sermons.
GOD: Why did the Las Vegas shooting symbolize panic?
SATAN: 'TrumpUSA' is a symbol of capitalism (and angst).
GOD: Comic book villains experiment with gambling...
SATAN: Yes, Kingpin (Marvel Comics), Ra's al Ghul (DC Comics), and Lex Luthor (DC Comics).
GOD: Yes, those 'power-merchants' are presented as 'profiteerism storytellers.'
SATAN: Wall Street is all about gambling, after all!
GOD: Americans need more 'ghost-stories' about gambling.
SATAN: Maybe science-fiction writers should discuss the 'physics-impact' of risk-speculation!
GOD: Sure! That's what 'lottery-superstition' reminds us of at work...
SATAN: Maybe the stock market is chaos.
GOD: Religion saves us from piracy.



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