Continue the leftward slide, or compromise? Whose fault is the present impasse?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Leftists (in both parties) have been moving the nation to the left for decades. Spending has exploded, goinjg up and up; deficits have soared, regulations and restrictions have been choking the nation for all that time and have been exploding as fast as the debt.

With the passage of OBamacare in the middle of the night, the American people finally said, "Enough". WIth the full House up for election at the next election in 2010, they elected a large number of Republicans whose slogan was "Taxed Enough Already" ("TEA Party"), for the purpose of stopping the insane spending by Republicans and Democrats alike. To everyone's surprise (and the horror of the leftists), those new Republicans are sticking to their promises, and moving to halt the constant spending increases and out-of-control borrowing.

It's clearly the only possible response. Continuing the headlong charge into debts impossible to repay, is long, slow (or maybe not so slow) suicide. Continuing the constant barrage of more regulation, more restriction, more government intrusion into everyone's lives, is as unconscionable as it is destructive.

The same leftists are screaming, Yes, yes! More of the same! More of the same! Don't change course! ...and have refused to even talk to the Republicans, much less negotiate or, God help them, compromise. (Yesterday Obama came out with a great one-liner, esentially saying, Sure, I'm willing to negotiate and compromise... AFTER you Republicans completely cave to everything I want!)

Whose fault is the present impasse?
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GOP hands down.

If the president gives an inch on this then it will become standard practice in our country, BOTH parties will think it is acceptable to shutdown the government or threaten default to satisfy their unpopular ideological fetishes. Shutdowns will become more and more common.

Republicans lost, Obamacare is tried and stood the tests, if you can't get it passed through the normal political process, threatening default and shutting the government down is not the way to to get it either.

Trust me, Obama is doing democracy a favor by not negotiating with them.
So it's the "Keep your Government hands off my Medicare" crowd that you blame for electing the nutjobs who forced Boehner to attach defunding the new laws to the CR and Debt Ceiling debates.

Leftists (in both parties) have been moving the nation to the left for decades. Spending has exploded, goinjg up and up; deficits have soared, regulations and restrictions have been choking the nation for all that time and have been exploding as fast as the debt.

With the passage of OBamacare in the middle of the night, the American people finally said, "Enough". WIth the full House up for election at the next election in 2010, they elected a large number of Republicans whose slogan was "Taxed Enough Already" ("TEA Party"), for the purpose of stopping the insane spending by Republicans and Democrats alike. To everyone's surprise (and the horror of the leftists), those new Republicans are sticking to their promises, and moving to halt the constant spending increases and out-of-control borrowing.

It's clearly the only possible response. Continuing the headlong charge into debts impossible to repay, is long, slow (or maybe not so slow) suicide. Continuing the constant barrage of more regulation, more restriction, more government intrusion into everyone's lives, is as unconscionable as it is destructive.

The same leftists are screaming, Yes, yes! More of the same! More of the same! Don't change course! ...and have refused to even talk to the Republicans, much less negotiate or, God help them, compromise. (Yesterday Obama came out with a great one-liner, esentially saying, Sure, I'm willing to negotiate and compromise... AFTER you Republicans completely cave to everything I want!)

Whose fault is the present impasse?

What are the republicans offering in this "negotiation"?

When you can't answer, you'll know who is at fault here.
The debt is bad enough, but the real gorilla in the room is our 90 trillion in unfunded entitlement liabilities. Think about it, that 100% of everything produced in this country for 60 years, if that is not addressed this country is doomed.

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