Contradictions ? So What ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
After a year of failing to come up with any evidence of "collusion" between the 2016 Trump campaign, Democrat witch hunters, now being led by Robert Mueller and his Trump-bash team, seem to be going into "contradiction mode"..

Well, they may be desperate to save face over their already failed scam, but going to the idea of people contradicting themselves, is not a very strong strategy. Anytime you have something involving multiple personalities, a complex subject, and a year's time going by, you are bound to have a variety of contradictions, as a natural thing.

Contradictions can even occur just as a result of incomplete memory + a busy schedule with many different scenarios, apart from one another. They occur commonly with all of us about things that we do all the time. I remember saying I would never work on my car again. Last month, I worked on my car again. I remember saying I would never play the tune "Rights of Man" on my violin and mandolin. Now I play it regularly, and even added a 3rd part to it.

The collusion attack against Trump that Democrats hope will somehow bring the Trump administration down, is a farce, that has gone on far too long. It needs to end, and a special counsel needs to be hired to investigate Obama, Hillary, Holder, et al. with regard to Democrats' collusion with Russia, that got 20% of America's uranium into Russian possession, and $145 Million going from Russia to the Clinton "foundation".

As for Mueller himself, if Americans had even a fraction of the knowledge of the dirt existing on Robert Mueller (ex. his longtime collusion with Muslim Brotherhood groups), he wouldn't be hired for a dogcatcher position, let alone have half the country supporting his absurd Trump takedown campaign (if MSM polls are to be believed).

The frustration that Trump and other Republicans have with Jeff sessions and the Justice Dept. is more than warranted. Sessions needs to get to work on the Uranium One deal, stop coddling enemy-combatant terrorists with Miranda rights (allowing them to lawyer up and hush up), and need to squeeze Saipov and all the others, of all info they can get. Sessions: do your job.
Trump administration also needs to investigate Obama's collusion with al Baghdadi (ISIS), that gave ISIS the green light to enter Iraq, and raise havoc without resistance from the Obama paralyzed US military.
Trump administration also needs to investigate Obama's collusion with al Baghdadi (ISIS), that gave ISIS the green light to enter Iraq, and raise havoc without resistance from the Obama paralyzed US military.
Along with that, let us know the reason those SEALS were put into a big bus in the sky in 2011. What mission were they on? Just so happens that same SEAL Team VI killed liberal hero osama bin laden a few weeks before that.

Then some brown skinned terrorist just so happened to be in the right place with a shoulder weapon?

Was there a skin for skin deal? We were promised answers and never got them.
Along with that, let us know the reason those SEALS were put into a big bus in the sky. What mission were they on? Just so happens that same SEAL Team VI killed liberal hero osama bin laden
Obama has killed more US military servicemen than anyone other than al Qaeda.
Along with that, let us know the reason those SEALS were put into a big bus in the sky in 2011. What mission were they on? Just so happens that same SEAL Team VI killed liberal hero osama bin laden a few weeks before that.

Then some brown skinned terrorist just so happened to be in the right place with a shoulder weapon?

Was there a skin for skin deal? We were promised answers and never got them.
During Obama's years, there were countless attacks on US troops coming from intelligence breaches. Strong possibility that Mueller's FBI Arabic translation unit, and other Arabic speaking Muslims in the Pentagon were feeding classified info to the enemy.
Along with that, let us know the reason those SEALS were put into a big bus in the sky in 2011. What mission were they on? Just so happens that same SEAL Team VI killed liberal hero osama bin laden a few weeks before that.

Then some brown skinned terrorist just so happened to be in the right place with a shoulder weapon?

Was there a skin for skin deal? We were promised answers and never got them.
During Obama's years, there were countless attacks on US troops coming from intelligence breaches. Strong possibility that Mueller's FBI Arabic translation unit, and other Arabic speaking Muslims in the Pentagon were feeding classified info to the enemy.
Clintons unsecured emails....perhaps?

I wonder if countries....ohhhhh, like Iran intercepted emails and used that to.....for lack of a better term....blackmailed the US to get that nuclear deal?

We truly dont know the devastating effects hillary and obama along with the REST of the American hating democrats did to this country
Clintons unsecured emails....perhaps?

I wonder if countries....ohhhhh, like Iran intercepted emails and used that to.....for lack of a better term....blackmailed the US to get that nuclear deal?

We truly dont know the devastating effects hillary and obama along with the REST of the American hating democrats did to this country
True, but we do know some of the awful stuff. Fort Hood, ISIS, Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, San Jose, etc.
When the investigations are completed then you can say Trump isn't dirty but it's obvious that he is. He called for Russias to help him win and they did.
When the investigations are completed then you can say Trump isn't dirty but it's obvious that he is. He called for Russias to help him win and they did.
HA HA. There isn't shred of evidence, and it's been a year. Thanks for the laugh though.

PS - we can say NOW trump isn't dirty. You are innocent until proven guilty. No one has even presented any evidence, let alone proven anything. It's time to examine the Obama - Baghdadi collusion.
When the investigations are completed then you can say Trump isn't dirty but it's obvious that he is. He called for Russias to help him win and they did.
HA HA. There isn't shred of evidence, and it's been a year. Thanks for the laugh though.

PS - we can say NOW trump isn't dirty. You are innocent until proven guilty. No one has even presented any evidence, let alone proven anything. It's time to examine the Obama - Baghdadi collusion.
Examine anything you like but Trump is as dirty as they come. A con man from birth.

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