contrast the two marches

The freaky women's march aim was to divide the country even more. As long as Soros sponsors the event, one doesn't even have to speculate about its goals.

The danger of such crazy anti- Trump crowds is: you have the crowd and the police next to each other. Add a sniper or two, shooting several people from both sides, and next thing you have is a coup. The Ukrainian coup started the same way and Soros was sponsoring it as well.

Trump supporters, be very alert, please.

Dear Stratford57 and JakeStarkey
I think Jake is on to something here.

If the women on left and right can FINALLY unite in stopping
* rape
* trafficking
* war crimes and violence targeting women

BOOM. there you have it.
That's a LOT of women you'd have to "buy out" to get them to stop.
And from the prolife women and prochoice women I know,
they are not going to stop until rape and abuse stops.
So the price they ask is not something that can be bought or sold.

The only thing missing is unity.
The media has been allowing the sellout of these issues
for political points. Both Clinton and Trump's camps played the
"rape card" for election hype, and should owe it to real victims
of rape and trafficking to end this scourge.

If both sides hold BOTH camps to get serious about ending the abuse and violence,
and won't take no for an answer,
this movement will finally succeed with unified commitment.

We'll see how long it takes from here
for both sides coming from "left and right" to figure it out that winning depends on uniting and closing off any gap or division the party politics can exploit to play one side against the other for points.
Look at the liberal women's march motivated by fear, anger, and even hatred toward Donald trump and the right.

Then look at the march for life which was motivated solely to protect the life and rights of someone else.

Which do you think persuaded more people? Which do you think did more to heal and unite people?

You don't think 'Abortion is murder' is an angry slogan?

What about blowing up abortion clinics?
Abortion is a violent and hateful action.
Tell me how many abortion clinics have been burned, compared to how many store fronts and other damage done at the inaugural protests last week?
Avatar and buckeye are both wrong.

Feminism and its changing movement reaching across the center to the right may well break Trump.

It didn't reach across the center, it was women who didn't vote for Trump, no one else.

Hillary won the moderate vote by about 12 points if I'm not mistaken. That's the center vote.
I should have been clearer. Who persuaded more people to their cause?

Be intellectually honest. The women's march, no matter how large or peaceful, was never going to persuade you to their cause. And no one marching against women's access to contraceptives in the guise of preventing abortion is ever going to persuade me to theirs.

Your premise is intellectually flawed and essentially dishonest.
Of course there is the reality of masked thugs rampaging in the streets during the "woman's march" and six card carrying "journalists" arrested for felony rioting. And then there is the quality of the speakers. The left has gone so crazy that they are beyond hypocrisy. They had a convicted murderer, Donna Hylton, who brutally killed a gay man by shoving a iron pipe into his body billed as a "humanitarian".
Abortion is a violent and hateful action.
Tell me how many abortion clinics have been burned, compared to how many store fronts and other damage done at the inaugural protests last week?

YOu're moving the goalposts. No property damage occurred at the women's march, and no one was arrested.

I agree that abortion is a violent and hateful action that is destructive to women. Because that's true, we should be doing everything we can do to prevent unplanned pregnancies so no woman is in such a desperate place that she would even consider doing something so damaging to herself.


So why do anti-abortion folks also push to restrict women's access to contraception?
Of course there is the reality of masked thugs rampaging in the streets during the "woman's march"

DID NOT HAPPEN. The masked thugs rampaging in the streets was 1/20.

The women's march was a completely separate event on the following day.
And then there is the quality of the speakers. The left has gone so crazy that they are beyond hypocrisy. They had a convicted murderer, Donna Hylton, who brutally killed a gay man by shoving a iron pipe into his body billed as a "humanitarian".
No. Donna Hylton is a criminal justice reform advocate who spent 27 years in prison.

She did her time, and is now trying to work on changing the system she did her time in. she spoke about criminal justice reform, that is all.

Your post is 100% dishonest.
Abortion is a violent and hateful action.
Tell me how many abortion clinics have been burned, compared to how many store fronts and other damage done at the inaugural protests last week?

YOu're moving the goalposts. No property damage occurred at the women's march, and no one was arrested.

I agree. Abortion is a violent and hateful action. Because that's true, we should be doing everything we can do to prevent unplanned pregnancies.


So why do anti-abortion folks also push to restrict women's access to contraception?
I said the protesters at Trumps inauguration.
Avatar and buckeye are both wrong.

Feminism and its changing movement reaching across the center to the right may well break Trump.

It didn't reach across the center, it was women who didn't vote for Trump, no one else.

Hillary won the moderate vote by about 12 points if I'm not mistaken. That's the center vote.

Who at that rally last Saturday voted for Trump? Less than 1% at the most. That rally didn't reach across the aisle.
Look at the liberal women's march motivated by fear, anger, and even hatred toward Donald trump and the right.

Then look at the march for life which was motivated solely to protect the life and rights of someone else.

Which do you think persuaded more people? Which do you think did more to heal and unite people?
Which one was much bigger? And the women's march was not "motivated by fear, anger and hatred".....that's your strawman.
What positive message came out of excluding pro-life women? You know that you had a powerful moment that you could have presented a truly united front, but chose not to. You could have included female Trump voters and made it a real pro-woman thing, but all you did was come across as a bunch of people angry that they lost an election, fearful that they would have something bad happen to them and hating one man.
It's not about reaching across to anyone.

It's about liberals demonstrating to the silent majority, and to Democratic politicians, that they really are a majority, and that therefore they don't have to sit back and take it from a tyrannical minority.
I said the protesters at Trumps inauguration.

Which were not the women's march or the march for life (which are the topic of this thread), so maybe you can stay on topic?

Here's an opportunity for you to stay on topic. Why don't you answer my question?

Why do anti-abortion folks push to restrict women's access to contraception, when we know for a fact that access to contraception prevents abortions?

Study: Free birth control leads to way fewer abortions
Of course there is the reality of masked thugs rampaging in the streets during the "woman's march"

DID NOT HAPPEN. The masked thugs rampaging in the streets was 1/20.

The women's march was a completely separate event on the following day.
And then there is the quality of the speakers. The left has gone so crazy that they are beyond hypocrisy. They had a convicted murderer, Donna Hylton, who brutally killed a gay man by shoving a iron pipe into his body billed as a "humanitarian".
No. Donna Hylton is a criminal justice reform advocate who spent 27 years in prison.

She did her time, and is now trying to work on changing the system she did her time in. she spoke about criminal justice reform, that is all.

Your post is 100% dishonest.

How is it dishonest to state the fact that she killed a man? Some humanitarian.
Little Hands of Orange VS Mandingo POTUS...any questions ??

...Bigger than Trump's ...and the crowd size also......
What positive message came out of excluding pro-life women? You know that you had a powerful moment that you could have presented a truly united front, but chose not to. You could have included female Trump voters and made it a real pro-woman thing, but all you did was come across as a bunch of people angry that they lost an election, fearful that they would have something bad happen to them and hating one man.

Pro-life women were not excluded. There were prolife women. A couple of pro-life groups, which are not pro-life at all, since they focus on restricting women's access to contraception to prevent abortions, were not allowed to sponsor the march.

Why on earth would the women's march want to tie themselves to groups that are actively detrimental to women?
I said the protesters at Trumps inauguration.

Which were not the women's march or the march for life (which are the topic of this thread), so maybe you can stay on topic?

Here's an opportunity for you to stay on topic. Why don't you answer my question?

Why do anti-abortion folks push to restrict women's access to contraception, when we know for a fact that access to contraception prevents abortions?

Study: Free birth control leads to way fewer abortions

How much have you personally contributed to purchase "free" birth control?
I said the protesters at Trumps inauguration.

Which were not the women's march or the march for life (which are the topic of this thread), so maybe you can stay on topic?

Here's an opportunity for you to stay on topic. Why don't you answer my question?

Why do anti-abortion folks push to restrict women's access to contraception, when we know for a fact that access to contraception prevents abortions?

Study: Free birth control leads to way fewer abortions
I have no problem with contraception, next question.
How is it dishonest to state the fact that she killed a man? Some humanitarian.

It's dishonest to imply that she was billed as a humanitarian. She was billed as a criminal justice reformer.

She has the experience to speak to that issue.

Further, your attempt to conflate two completely separate events (masked thugs rampaging in the street and the women's march which was completely peaceful/no arrests) is dishonest.

Stop being dishonest if you want to have real discussion about this issue.

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