Controversial radio host Don Imus dead at 79

"In his heyday Imus was the best interviewer—an epic talent. Many great on-air memories in his Astoria studios, and (sorry, haters) responsible for my 17-year radio career" - Laura Ingraham
Good radio voice and I used to listen to his morning show from time to time. He was a radio great.
"Very saddened to hear of the death of Don Imus, a radio legend. He was a good man and always kind to me." - Marvelous Matt Taibbi
Never listened to him. What was he all about?
see post #4

Milo is this generation's Don Imus!

The only think I remember about Imus, was when he referred to a female basketball team as nappy‑headed hos.”

Awwshit. Beat by a minute by some guy with a mouth harp.
..I used to listen to black music all the time in the 70s---including Stevie Wonder:
Stevie Wonder – I Wish Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

Same here. I was a liberal white apologist before I saw the light and became a Republican. Being a 30-year former musician myself, I've played in my share of black and funk soul bands back in the day.

Drugs make you do some pretty crazy shit like I did back then.
"Don Imus, radio legend, has passed away. A true pioneer. He was a great mentor and going from being his biggest fan as a teenager to being his regular fill in years later, was a great honor. We all learned a lot of things from him. RIP." - Meticulous Mark Simone

"Rest Easy Don IMUS ... We had history together since Nobody Wanted To Play Rhythm Guitar Behind Jesus ... a unique man who gave so much to children with cancer at his famous IMUS Ranch!! Until The Day brother..." - The Oak Ridge Boys

"I used to both enjoy and fear doing Don Imus’ show. No one kept you on your toes quite like he could. He was a broadcast legend and I’m glad I could get to know him a little." - Sassy SE Cupp

"Morning Joe obviously owes its format to Don Imus. No one else could have gotten away with that much talk on cable news. Thanks for everything, Don, and Godspeed." - Psycho Joe Scarborough

I know he was a God in the world of radio, however, oddly enough, I couldn’t listen to him because his voice was too irritating for me to take. In any case RIP
" I’m heartbroken. I knew the REAL Don Imus. Imus adored his wife and son and his adopted son and had a heart of gold. The work he did for children with cancer will live on forever. Every email he ever sent me made me laugh...Always Smart, witty, irreverent, and iconoclastic. God speed Don Imus as you move to the great rodeo in the sky." - Sassy Sean Hannity

"Sad to hear of the passing of Don Imus. On air he would kick the crap out of my friends the Clintons (and me for that matter), but he was smart and funny and irreverent and raised millions for kids with cancer, veterans, and SIDS families. Lifting up Deirdre & Wyatt in prayer." - Big Paul Begala

"RIP dear friend Don Imus a great talent, who scorched the airwaves w smart, irreverent funny entertaining envelope-pushing comedic commentary. Proud to say he was my 1st announcer on my first national show . Regrets to Deirdre & deep thx for all you did together" - Rowdy Geraldo Rivera

"Without Don Imus, it's debatable whether sports radio would have ever been given a chance in the US. The income WFAN made from his show in the late 80s & early 90s allowed the station to find its feet and develop Mike/Mad Dog, Mike Breen, Ian Eagle, Steve Levy and more." - Tenacious Tom Leyden

"God bless Don Imus,On the outside, he tried to carry a "Lonesome Ornry and Mean" mantle a la Waylon Jennings,but the guy had a heart of gold and I enjoyed every second I was ever on the air with him, It was like hanging out with my bro n laws." - Big Joe Bastardi

"Don Imus was a transformational figure in turning politics from civics to entertainment. He had a lot of willing accomplices on both sides of the aisles. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity benefitted from the path he blazed, although he was not a right wing nut." - Luscious Joe Lockhart

I know he was a God in the world of radio, however, oddly enough, I couldn’t listen to him because his voice was too irritating for me to take. In any case RIP
this is why i dont listen to Brit Hume! annoying voice! i dont find Don's voice annoying though
"In his heyday Imus was the best interviewer—an epic talent. Many great on-air memories in his Astoria studios, and (sorry, haters) responsible for my 17-year radio career" - Laura Ingraham
He shopped in my clothing store in Astoria years ago Had his good side but was a racist
I know he was a God in the world of radio, however, oddly enough, I couldn’t listen to him because his voice was too irritating for me to take. In any case RIP
this is why i dont listen to Brit Hume! annoying voice! i dont find Don's voice annoying though

that’s interesting, because I think Brit Hume has a very soothing voice, but I don’t listen to talk radio anymore
Another shock jock who wasn't content to play records and had to dabble in politics.
Imus had a liberal streak in him. he even supported disgraced DC Mayor Marion Berry

Sad to hear this. He was clever and funny. In the early 80's he was briefly a VJ for the "lite" version of MTV. They had a contest where the grand prize was a trip to see Linda Ronstadt and meeting her after the show. Don Imus, totally deadpan, announced, "The winner of the contest will get to see Linda Ronstadt in concert and get to take a shower with her after the show". Or something to that effect. I believe Mr. Imus was NOT on the network much longer after this. RIP, Mr. Imus, we will miss your zany sense of humor.
Imus was an icon of radio. For decades, he owned the airwaves in NY
Provocative, Funny and intelligent he was must listen to

Did you hear what Imus said?

He also had a ranch in New Mexico that he would host sick children
I remember him initially from a short lived TV show back in the late 70’s. He was gruff and short with his guests and his hair was short then, too.
Then he reemerged on radio and TV and became a big deal.
Imus was an icon of radio. For decades, he owned the airwaves in NY
Provocative, Funny and intelligent he was must listen to

Did you hear what Imus said?

He also had a ranch in New Mexico that he would host sick children
Good republicans gave more to
Sick children last year then all of Europe
RIP Imus. He was a great man.
He wasn't a 'great man'. I'm not even sure he was a good man. Every time I heard him he seemed so drugged up. But I enjoyed his banter, and still miss him after all these years. Last time I saw him his wife did all the talking as he just sat there under his big hat and mumbled into his chest. The mighty are fallen, and it is our loss! Aye, RIP!
Imus was an icon of radio. For decades, he owned the airwaves in NY
Provocative, Funny and intelligent he was must listen to

Did you hear what Imus said?

He also had a ranch in New Mexico that he would host sick children
Good republicans gave more to
Sick children last year then all of Europe

Which has what to do with the passing of Imus?

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