Convention note


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
While discussing the moments surrounding the attempted assassination, a moved President Trump noted that he shouldn’t be “here” — implying that by rights he easily could have been dead — and the crowd almost instantly reeled largel in unison:

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While discussing the moments surrounding the attempted assassination, a moved President Trump noted that he should’t be “here” — implying that by rights he easily could have been dead — and the crowd almost instantly reeled largel in unison:

The cultroaches know how to chant on cue. It's like a black mass....or a giant Klan rally.
The old saying "the harder I work the luckier I get" may be applicable. Sometimes a mans efforts just ensures his success, ensures his survival. The guy is a cat he has so many lives.

He even surprised me as I thought he was going to be finished. I figured Biden would be wise enough to continue common sense policies, even as I suspected the U.S would be weaker on the world stage. Instead, the GOP backstabbed him (some of them) and they continued to target him, keeping him in the news, making him a martyr. I still didnt like his chances.

Then Biden allowed the two worst policies that ensured Trumps rise: an open border and the I.R.A. Americans realized "we need a fighter back on top". As long as he didn't back down to the abusers it ensured that he would be desperately welcomed back even if unpopular with some. Even those who didn't like him realized that the Establishment was not doing a good job.

Like Obama and Bush before that gave Trump a path, the efforts of some to destroy Trump only gave him more coverage and generated his fighter instinct.

When you back a honeybadger into a corner, what did they think the response would be?

He couldn't possibly keep all of his promises this time, but he will drive business and patriotism. The patriotism and unity is key to America and the West.
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While discussing the moments surrounding the attempted assassination, a moved President Trump noted that he shouldn’t be “here” — implying that by rights he easily could have been dead — and the crowd almost instantly reeled largel in unison:

Four more years chanting nothing but empty promises.

The sane caused the 2020 loss.

It might come down to just one issue: illegal immigration. He proved that he was able to protect the U.S from these invasions.

That is a promise he can keep and he will keep. If he doesn't, kiss America goodbye along with Europe and the rest of the West.

China promotes this as they NEED America to fail. I guarantee you that you will at this rate. No country on earth has unlimited resources.
He couldn't possibly keep all of his promises this time, but he will drive business and patriotism. The patriotism and unity is key to America and the West.
He didn't keep hardly any of the promises last time.

Wall not completed (only did 45 miles).
No infrastructure bill
He ended no wars or deployments although he did sign an agreement with a terrorist organization--the taliban--surrendering in Afghanistan
Obamacare was not replaced
He spent $8T in new debt.

Patriotism? He incited an insurrection.'re embarrassing yourself.
It might come down to just one issue: illegal immigration. He proved that he was able to protect the U.S from these invasions.

That is a promise he can keep and he will keep. If he doesn't, kiss America goodbye along with Europe and the rest of the West.

China promotes this as they NEED America to fail. I guarantee you that you will at this rate. No country on earth has unlimited resources.
Give it a rest, foreigner.
It might come down to just one issue: illegal immigration. He proved that he was able to protect the U.S from these invasions.
We had illegal immigration under your blob. He proved nothing. Covid kept out more people than his wall or his cruelty.
That is a promise he can keep and he will keep.
You're delusional. They were supposedly going to do mass round-ups and deportations last time. They never materialized.
If he doesn't, kiss America goodbye along with Europe and the rest of the West.
LOL....he didn't keep his promise to keep you from seeing brown people last time. The only thing that said goodbye was the right wing's long gone.
China promotes this as they NEED America to fail.
You mean the same American they sell billions and billions of dollars in goods to every year? Why would they want us to fail?
I guarantee you that you will at this rate. No country on earth has unlimited resources.
You and your guarantees are worthless.

You're right, nobody has unlimited resources. Oil is a dwindling commodity (that is why the price is always climbing over the long term). Gee, the democrats and the left want alternative energy sources. Who doesn't? Your blob.
We had illegal immigration under your blob. He proved nothing. Covid kept out more people than his wall or his cruelty.

You're delusional. They were supposedly going to do mass round-ups and deportations last time. They never materialized.

LOL....he didn't keep his promise to keep you from seeing brown people last time. The only thing that said goodbye was the right wing's long gone.

You mean the same American they sell billions and billions of dollars in goods to every year? Why would they want us to fail?

You and your guarantees are worthless.

You're right, nobody has unlimited resources. Oil is a dwindling commodity (that is why the price is always climbing over the long term). Gee, the democrats and the left want alternative energy sources. Who doesn't? Your blob.

You're the delusional one if you dare to compare the illegal immigration numbers from the last 3 years vs Trumps term.

It is going to cost the Dems up and down the ticket. Wait and see.

I've visited America many times. Legally of course. Was respectful to the border guards even when I was given secondary search thanks to the dishonest S.I.C in Canada. I've never so much as jay walked in America. I am a guest and I respect your laws.

They dismiss your laws, attack your cops and give media the finger. Attacking a cop! I mean, this is beyond the pale.

America is a great country, you accept LEGAL immigrants. You don't just take murderers ffs.

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