Conversation with a Sanders supporter?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Anyone had one? I did yesterday on FB because he had whined about the amount of blacks in prison compared to whites etc.I said don't break the law won't get thrown in prison...
you would have thought I had punched someone! This idiot starts whining about the blacks are thrown in prison for a leaf (marijuana) they get longer sentences its not their fault they grew up poor etc and Sanders is gonna change ALL this...
its a long story short I realize Sanders as good intentions he may have is going to do NOTHING but continue to pander to the parasite class. These blacks,mexicans,whites that REFUSE to work,and blame EVERYONE else for it. Unlike me and my wife and MOST people I know that DO work and are shit on that he should caring about its about apologizing for America's "racism" etc etc...
trying to throw money at a situation that can't be fixed with money! It just made me ill. Destroyed any chance I will ever vote for Sanders his supporters are pandering to the lowest common denominators of society and its just sickening! Its either Trump or 3rd party for me.
I view Trump as someone that SEES the WORKING POOR are trying and will bring JOBS back here so we can improve things and he is also for universal healthcare and is a more Protectionist on jobs etc...Sanders wants to give everyone a hand out Trump I truly believe wants to give people a hand UP. I tried to tell the idiot there is a REASON democratic socialism works in Europe. Its because EVERYONE does SOMETHING to help society they aren't parasites therefore everyone benefits and everyone puts something forward as well. Here in the US we literally have a LARGELY non white parasite class that expects a hand out...I can't vote for that.
Anyone had one? I did yesterday on FB because he had whined about the amount of blacks in prison compared to whites etc.I said don't break the law won't get thrown in prison...

you would have thought I had punched someone! This idiot starts whining about the blacks are thrown in prison for a leaf (marijuana) they get longer sentences its not their fault they grew up poor etc and Sanders is gonna change ALL this...
its a long story short I realize Sanders as good intentions he may have is going to do NOTHING but continue to pander to the parasite class. These blacks,mexicans,whites that REFUSE to work,and blame EVERYONE else for it. Unlike me and my wife and MOST people I know that DO work and are shit on that he should caring about its about apologizing for America's "racism" etc etc...
trying to throw money at a situation that can't be fixed with money! It just made me ill. Destroyed any chance I will ever vote for Sanders his supporters are pandering to the lowest common denominators of society and its just sickening! Its either Trump or 3rd party for me.

Why do you even bother to have a conversation with a Sanders supporter if all you are interested in is blaming minorities for being minorities? Looks to me like you completely missed the person's point and just want to continue to blacks and Hispanics for receiving harsher sentences as whites for the same crime. You didn't even address that point.
I'm a Sanders supporter. I don't think you have what it takes to discuss anything remotely close to what Sanders has going on.
The old guy from back to the future??

You know the one who always looks as if he combs his hair with and egg beater after an all night bender.
Anyone had one? I did yesterday on FB because he had whined about the amount of blacks in prison compared to whites etc.I said don't break the law won't get thrown in prison...

you would have thought I had punched someone! This idiot starts whining about the blacks are thrown in prison for a leaf (marijuana) they get longer sentences its not their fault they grew up poor etc and Sanders is gonna change ALL this...
its a long story short I realize Sanders as good intentions he may have is going to do NOTHING but continue to pander to the parasite class. These blacks,mexicans,whites that REFUSE to work,and blame EVERYONE else for it. Unlike me and my wife and MOST people I know that DO work and are shit on that he should caring about its about apologizing for America's "racism" etc etc...
trying to throw money at a situation that can't be fixed with money! It just made me ill. Destroyed any chance I will ever vote for Sanders his supporters are pandering to the lowest common denominators of society and its just sickening! Its either Trump or 3rd party for me.

Why do you even bother to have a conversation with a Sanders supporter if all you are interested in is blaming minorities for being minorities? Looks to me like you completely missed the person's point and just want to continue to blacks and Hispanics for receiving harsher sentences as whites for the same crime. You didn't even address that point.
Its not our fault they can't get their act together and get jobs and be productive members of society. Not our fault a JUDGE gives them tougher sentences especially if they are previously convicted or arrested criminals.
I'm a Sanders supporter. I don't think you have what it takes to discuss anything remotely close to what Sanders has going on.
It was like dealing with an idiot. Truly. Blinded by ignorance and there was no talking sense to them. Everything was white mans fault NOTHING was black races fault.
Or is he the politician that looks as old as dirt. Who if someone had an laser pointer he would chase the dot like a cat or dog? Socialists aren't very bright.
I'm a Sanders supporter. I don't think you have what it takes to discuss anything remotely close to what Sanders has going on.

I have no comment on the OP but if your a BS supporter then you don't have what it takes to discus economics or social structure. You believe in rights that are not rights and that free exists when it comes to Education, HC, food stamps, housing and so on.
It was like dealing with an idiot. Truly. Blinded by ignorance and there was no talking sense to them. Everything was white mans fault NOTHING was black races fault.

Hon, you're a racist.
I'm a Sanders supporter. I don't think you have what it takes to discuss anything remotely close to what Sanders has going on.

I have no comment on the OP but if your a BS supporter then you don't have what it takes to discus economics or social structure. You believe in rights that are not rights and that free exists when it comes to Education, HC, food stamps, housing and so on.
That's odd. I manage to do it quite well all the time. You just don't like it.
I'm a Sanders supporter. I don't think you have what it takes to discuss anything remotely close to what Sanders has going on.

I have no comment on the OP but if your a BS supporter then you don't have what it takes to discus economics or social structure. You believe in rights that are not rights and that free exists when it comes to Education, HC, food stamps, housing and so on.
I believe "free" exists from our tax dollars and we should ALL have it as long as we are citizens but I DO NOT believe in giving the parasite class who bring NOTHING to the table all the rights that every working person has and deserves.
Anyone had one? I did yesterday on FB because he had whined about the amount of blacks in prison compared to whites etc.I said don't break the law won't get thrown in prison...

you would have thought I had punched someone! This idiot starts whining about the blacks are thrown in prison for a leaf (marijuana) they get longer sentences its not their fault they grew up poor etc and Sanders is gonna change ALL this...
its a long story short I realize Sanders as good intentions he may have is going to do NOTHING but continue to pander to the parasite class. These blacks,mexicans,whites that REFUSE to work,and blame EVERYONE else for it. Unlike me and my wife and MOST people I know that DO work and are shit on that he should caring about its about apologizing for America's "racism" etc etc...
trying to throw money at a situation that can't be fixed with money! It just made me ill. Destroyed any chance I will ever vote for Sanders his supporters are pandering to the lowest common denominators of society and its just sickening! Its either Trump or 3rd party for me.

Why do you even bother to have a conversation with a Sanders supporter if all you are interested in is blaming minorities for being minorities? Looks to me like you completely missed the person's point and just want to continue to blacks and Hispanics for receiving harsher sentences as whites for the same crime. You didn't even address that point.
Its not our fault they can't get their act together and get jobs and be productive members of society. Not our fault a JUDGE gives them tougher sentences especially if they are previously convicted or arrested criminals.
I'm a Sanders supporter. I don't think you have what it takes to discuss anything remotely close to what Sanders has going on.
It was like dealing with an idiot. Truly. Blinded by ignorance and there was no talking sense to them. Everything was white mans fault NOTHING was black races fault.

I get it. You think that when a white guy and a black guy commit the same crime that the penalties should be race based.
Or is he the politician that looks as old as dirt. Who if someone had an laser pointer he would chase the dot like a cat or dog? Socialists aren't very bright.
That was Reagan. Also dead.
Why did God create Bernie sanders?

... In order to make used car salesmen look good.

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