Conversations With The Black Left.

Why is a Korean so infatuated with Blacks?

1. If you didn't show up to prove how truly stupid the perspective opposite to mine is....I'd have to invent you!

Let's explore your post, shall we?

2. Here we are, on a public message board, designed for debate....and you're design is to shut down try to intimidate me from exploring the topic with the oh-so-juvenile "Why is a Korean so infatuated with Blacks?"

Something wrong with any subject open to debate?
Only to a totalitarian.

Bulletin: I'm not able to be intimidated.

And....."Why is a Korean so infatuated with Blacks?"
If you knew what the word 'infatuated' meant, you might have avoided there is no evidence of same.

3. And...look who calls you a coward:

"WASHINGTON — Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, said Wednesday the United States was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues."
AG Holder: U.S. A "Nation Of Cowards" On Race

Gotcha....where you live.
Why would I expect a level headed conversation with a North Korean? geez

"Dr. Ben Carson: White liberals are the most racist people out there"
For further reading, try this characteristically interesting piece by John McWhorter, who knows how it feels to be sneered at as a black conservative even though he’s a self-described “contrarian Democrat.” McWhorter’s progressive sin is acknowledging that racism isn’t as bad as it used to be; because it isn’t, he argues, people need to cut fellow contrarians like Carson, whose politics might be “unhelpful” to the cause, some slack. After this interview I’m thinking that’s … unlikely.
Dr. Ben Carson: White liberals are the most racist people out there « Hot Air
PC, why are you pretending some asshole's posts speak for "the black left?"

What you are doing is being him (her).


As you speak for the Left, you probably mean 'frightening,' not 'sad.'

The scariest thing to the Left is the burgeoning black conservative viewpoint.

I quoted three examples of the black left....therefore I'm not 'pretending' anything.
Nor am I being anyone but myself, providing an example of the conservative black view.
I may OP some of Cora Daniels' work as well.

Mr. Phillips is a conservative black.
Phillips wrote this, as well:

1.'All because they perceive a lack of adherence to their definition of blackness. Witness the treatment of Ward Connerly, the University of California regent and author of Prop 209 outlawing affirmative action in California. For daring to question the morality of affirmative action quotas an insisting that black children are capable of competing with white children, Connerly was called everything but a child of God.

2. When John McWhorter, former linguistics professor at Berkeley, a black man, wrote “Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America,” the NYTimes review claimed he wasn’t black enough to write about black people with authority. Another professor called him a “rent-a-Negro.” Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, economists, have argued that the black middle class did not spring from affirmative action or the welfare state, are routinely ignored by the mainstream press, and miraculously left out of a list of public intellectuals compiled by ‘race expert’ Michael Eric Dyson in his “Race Rules.” Need we even begin to address the black community’s ostracizing of Justice Clarence Thomas?

a. The epitome of such thinking appeared when Justice Thomas was asked to speak to an elementary school in D.C. The invitation was rescinded when a number of the parents objected that he was not a proper role model. The school has no such complaints when they invited the crack-addicted, philandering former mayor Marion Barry.'

There will be more and more conservative blacks.
I speak for myself, and you didn't answer my question.

I guess you Korean Americans are a bunch of bigot weasels. :lol:

Korean?! I though that the poster putting up all of these "black conservative" threads was a black conservative.

Now I may have to tell about some of the interactions that occur between Korean store owners and citizens within predominately black communitities.
1. It is oh, so simple to unleash the anger of the black Leftist! Simply stand up and reveal oneself to be a black conservative. Accomplishments, hardships, thoughtful views....none of those matter.

2. Here, the actual words of a black Leftist when any black conservative is mentioned:
"Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)"

3. How did this benighted clown become the voice of large segments of the black community? How, for instance, did the Left manage to convince so many in our community that black people suffered under Ronald Reagan, in spite of fifteen years of uninterrupted economic growth, that saw an eight -four percent increase in black household income?

a. How did they do it? By trotting out the bogeyman of racist white conservatives...and 'Tomming' black Republicans rather than engaging in serious debate on the merits.

4. How about an example of the level of debate from the black Left. Here are the actual words of one ersatz black Leftist when confronted with facts and rational argument: "skank ho"..." Bitch.. what have you accomplished but presenting a false front, while spending most of your time on your back?"..."suck the dick of black return for what?"..." Bitch, you're white trailer trash,"...and so on.

5. And this is representative of the response by the black Left to attempts at discussion: shouted down at a junior high school level. Conservative ideas are not rejected on their merits....rather, they are dismissed in the most vulgar terms.

a. Generally, the Left's protocol adds moral indignation, and resort to historical victimhood to the above. These are deemed sufficient argumentation.

6. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. Even the arguments of the intellectuals of the black Left are generally reduced to "they're up to no good!" They claim that we have some ulterior motive beyond simply being correct in the direction we wish for our people.

a. James Dixon, writing for "Black World Today, concludes that we wish for "the exclusion of blacks [and other ethnic minorities] from full participation in American society." How exactly, does that benefit those of us who, while conservative....are still black? How?

b. Even respected intellectuals like Dr. Cornel West, professor of black studies at Princeton, are not immune. A few years back, West published an article in the "Christian Century" entitled "Unmasking the Black Conservatives." And, while he acknowledges that the emergence of black conservatism is a healthy development, he actually argues that black conservatism is really a quest for white peer acceptance.

7. Some choice, eh? We can deal with the vilest schoolyard abuse from the most boorish black numbskulls, or a higher class of abuse: either we strive to deny opportunity to our fellow black citizens at the cost of the same opportunity for out children and ourselves...or, best case, because we want the white man to pat our nappy heads, give us thirty pieces of silver, and send us on our way.
This is the progressive notion of thoughtful, intellectual engagement.

8. And their proof that one of the above attacks is correct? The claim that our small numbers is proof of our ignobility, and disconnect with the black community. Yet....

"On issues such as religion, sexuality, gender and race, the African-American community at-large has proven to be conservative." Black GOP: Rise of The Black Republicans? | Breaking News for Black America
Based on the book "He Talk Like A White Boy," Joseph C. Phillips

The times are changing....
....just, not fast enough.

1. First of all, I object to the term "leftist", which seems to suggest "communist", "anarchist" and/or subversive. I am a liberal Democrat.
2. And? What?
3. Clown? You don't say that at home.
In answer to your case for blacks doing well under Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan?s Truthful Legacy to Black People | 3CHICSPOLITICO

Any black conservative (read: Repub) that turns a blind eye to the racist, bigoted and misogynistic Republican platform, and in good conscience, supports it, is deserving of "tommying". End of story.
4. What did I say that wasn't true or noteworthy?
5. Conservatism: The Politics Of Ignorance and Self-Interest
I rest my case.
6. And? Defend your position (if you can). You being white have no wherewithal to speak in defense of black conservatives. Are they not capable of defending, they need you, a white bimbo (from your avatar) to stand up for them.
7. You condescending tramp. I wish you would try to pat someone on the head. There is nothing you possess that anyone that I know wants.
8. ""On issues such as religion, sexuality, gender and race, the African-American community at-large has proven to be conservative."
If you follow "the news", you'd know that that mindset is rapidly changing. It's only the Bible-thumping "black church" that is the hold out, subscribing to archaic notions surrounding sexuality, women, and their role in the greater societal "picture".
1. It is oh, so simple to unleash the anger of the black Leftist! Simply stand up and reveal oneself to be a black conservative. Accomplishments, hardships, thoughtful views....none of those matter.

2. Here, the actual words of a black Leftist when any black conservative is mentioned:
"Another Stephin Fetchit Negro, vying for attention, who happened to land a spot on The Cosby Show. Can't stand him, or his clones (Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ron Christie, et al.)"

3. How did this benighted clown become the voice of large segments of the black community? How, for instance, did the Left manage to convince so many in our community that black people suffered under Ronald Reagan, in spite of fifteen years of uninterrupted economic growth, that saw an eight -four percent increase in black household income?

a. How did they do it? By trotting out the bogeyman of racist white conservatives...and 'Tomming' black Republicans rather than engaging in serious debate on the merits.

4. How about an example of the level of debate from the black Left. Here are the actual words of one ersatz black Leftist when confronted with facts and rational argument: "skank ho"..." Bitch.. what have you accomplished but presenting a false front, while spending most of your time on your back?"..."suck the dick of black return for what?"..." Bitch, you're white trailer trash,"...and so on.

5. And this is representative of the response by the black Left to attempts at discussion: shouted down at a junior high school level. Conservative ideas are not rejected on their merits....rather, they are dismissed in the most vulgar terms.

a. Generally, the Left's protocol adds moral indignation, and resort to historical victimhood to the above. These are deemed sufficient argumentation.

6. When conservatives refer to a difference of belief with the left, we say that they are wrong. But when the left refers to a difference with the right, the right is characterized as evil. Even the arguments of the intellectuals of the black Left are generally reduced to "they're up to no good!" They claim that we have some ulterior motive beyond simply being correct in the direction we wish for our people.

a. James Dixon, writing for "Black World Today, concludes that we wish for "the exclusion of blacks [and other ethnic minorities] from full participation in American society." How exactly, does that benefit those of us who, while conservative....are still black? How?

b. Even respected intellectuals like Dr. Cornel West, professor of black studies at Princeton, are not immune. A few years back, West published an article in the "Christian Century" entitled "Unmasking the Black Conservatives." And, while he acknowledges that the emergence of black conservatism is a healthy development, he actually argues that black conservatism is really a quest for white peer acceptance.

7. Some choice, eh? We can deal with the vilest schoolyard abuse from the most boorish black numbskulls, or a higher class of abuse: either we strive to deny opportunity to our fellow black citizens at the cost of the same opportunity for out children and ourselves...or, best case, because we want the white man to pat our nappy heads, give us thirty pieces of silver, and send us on our way.
This is the progressive notion of thoughtful, intellectual engagement.

8. And their proof that one of the above attacks is correct? The claim that our small numbers is proof of our ignobility, and disconnect with the black community. Yet....

"On issues such as religion, sexuality, gender and race, the African-American community at-large has proven to be conservative." Black GOP: Rise of The Black Republicans? | Breaking News for Black America
Based on the book "He Talk Like A White Boy," Joseph C. Phillips

The times are changing....
....just, not fast enough.
Quote by Lyndon B. Johnson: I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for t...
Let's keep some things in perspective when we are talking about a group of people in a negative light, in this instance "Koreans". I have had Korean neighbors, friends, a martial arts instructor and a Korean girlfriend. Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people, those dynamics occurred on a two way street. No one group held a premium on blame nor did one group hold a premium on innocence.
One thing some of us need to do, is work on nurturing coalitions instead of tearing them down by acting like or saying the same or similar bigoted things that the bigots we are against would say.
"According to their polls, which were conducted in Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, Asian-Americans backed Barack Obama by a three-to-one margin over Mitt Romney even though only 41 percent of Asian-Americans say they tend to vote Democratic."
Exit Polls Show Asian Americans Backed Obama by Wide Margin

Korean Americans for Obama « KAFO

There's a new generation that is more open to new ideas and we need to embrace them, work with them, and stay positive. You don't attract people by insulting "them", it's much better to respect the other person's ideas and discuss/debate those ideas in a civil manner. PC, do you like Michael Steele's ideas?
Last edited:
Let's keep some things in perspective when we are talking about a group of people in a negative light, in this instance "Koreans". I have had Korean neighbors, friends, a martial arts instructor and a Korean girlfriend. Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people, those dynamics occurred on a two way street. No one group held a premium on blame nor did one group hold a premium on innocence.
One thing some of need to do, is work on nurturing coalitions instead of tearing them down by acting like or saying the same or similar bigoted things that the bigots we are against would say.
"According to their polls, which were conducted in Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, Asian-Americans backed Barack Obama by a three-to-one margin over Mitt Romney even though only 41 percent of Asian-Americans say they tend to vote Democratic."
Exit Polls Show Asian Americans Backed Obama by Wide Margin

Korean Americans for Obama « KAFO

There's a new generation that is more open to new ideas.

"... Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people,..."

Where did purchase that inference in the thread????

Is this based on some deep-seated perceived slight from your youth??

It strikes me as a non sequitur of the caliber "I used to drive to work, but now I bring my lunch....."
Let's keep some things in perspective when we are talking about a group of people in a negative light, in this instance "Koreans". I have had Korean neighbors, friends, a martial arts instructor and a Korean girlfriend. Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people, those dynamics occurred on a two way street. No one group held a premium on blame nor did one group hold a premium on innocence.
One thing some of need to do, is work on nurturing coalitions instead of tearing them down by acting like or saying the same or similar bigoted things that the bigots we are against would say.
"According to their polls, which were conducted in Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, Asian-Americans backed Barack Obama by a three-to-one margin over Mitt Romney even though only 41 percent of Asian-Americans say they tend to vote Democratic."
Exit Polls Show Asian Americans Backed Obama by Wide Margin

Korean Americans for Obama « KAFO

There's a new generation that is more open to new ideas.

"... Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people,..."

Where did purchase that inference in the thread????

Is this based on some deep-seated perceived slight from your youth??

It strikes me as a non sequitur of the caliber "I used to drive to work, but now I bring my lunch....."

You need to re-read my post. I was having problems with my computer, so on second thought I will re-read my post and possibly make it clearer.

On second thought, you do need to re-read my post. I was and I am sticking up for Korean people. I was never "slighted" by a Korean in my youth, in fact it has been quite the opposite. I was referring to situations like this: "Among the most interesting insights in the book are Dr. Min’s explanation for why “Korean-black conflicts, which peaked in the later 1980s and early 1990s, have almost disappeared since the mid-1990s,” You are from Brooklyn, but maybe you are too young to remember those boycotts of the Korean grocery stores. I was saddened by that situation.

Type "Korean" in the search function for this thread and you will see........
Let's keep some things in perspective when we are talking about a group of people in a negative light, in this instance "Koreans". I have had Korean neighbors, friends, a martial arts instructor and a Korean girlfriend. Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people, those dynamics occurred on a two way street. No one group held a premium on blame nor did one group hold a premium on innocence.
One thing some of need to do, is work on nurturing coalitions instead of tearing them down by acting like or saying the same or similar bigoted things that the bigots we are against would say.
"According to their polls, which were conducted in Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, Asian-Americans backed Barack Obama by a three-to-one margin over Mitt Romney even though only 41 percent of Asian-Americans say they tend to vote Democratic."
Exit Polls Show Asian Americans Backed Obama by Wide Margin

Korean Americans for Obama « KAFO

There's a new generation that is more open to new ideas.

"... Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people,..."

Where did purchase that inference in the thread????

Is this based on some deep-seated perceived slight from your youth??

It strikes me as a non sequitur of the caliber "I used to drive to work, but now I bring my lunch....."

You need to re-read my post. I was having problems with my computer, so on second thought I will re-read my post and possibly make it clearer.

On second thought, you do need to re-read my post. I was and I am sticking up for Korean people. I was never "slighted" by a Korean in my youth, in fact it has been quite the opposite. I was referring to situations like this: "Among the most interesting insights in the book are Dr. Min’s explanation for why “Korean-black conflicts, which peaked in the later 1980s and early 1990s, have almost disappeared since the mid-1990s,” You are from Brooklyn, but maybe you are too young to remember those boycotts of the Korean grocery stores. I was saddened by that situation.

Type "Korean" in the search function for this thread and you will see........

What I've asked you, is where you found complaints that there are black-Korean conflicts.

Your post is an answer to a question that hasn't been asked.
"... Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people,..."

Where did purchase that inference in the thread????

Is this based on some deep-seated perceived slight from your youth??

It strikes me as a non sequitur of the caliber "I used to drive to work, but now I bring my lunch....."

You need to re-read my post. I was having problems with my computer, so on second thought I will re-read my post and possibly make it clearer.

On second thought, you do need to re-read my post. I was and I am sticking up for Korean people. I was never "slighted" by a Korean in my youth, in fact it has been quite the opposite. I was referring to situations like this: "Among the most interesting insights in the book are Dr. Min’s explanation for why “Korean-black conflicts, which peaked in the later 1980s and early 1990s, have almost disappeared since the mid-1990s,” You are from Brooklyn, but maybe you are too young to remember those boycotts of the Korean grocery stores. I was saddened by that situation.

Type "Korean" in the search function for this thread and you will see........

What I've asked you, is where you found complaints that there are black-Korean conflicts.

Your post is an answer to a question that hasn't been asked.

What? You have me confused. Did you search "Korean" in this thread?
"... Yes there have been tensions amongst some Koreans and some Black people,..."

Where did purchase that inference in the thread????

Is this based on some deep-seated perceived slight from your youth??

It strikes me as a non sequitur of the caliber "I used to drive to work, but now I bring my lunch....."

You need to re-read my post. I was having problems with my computer, so on second thought I will re-read my post and possibly make it clearer.

On second thought, you do need to re-read my post. I was and I am sticking up for Korean people. I was never "slighted" by a Korean in my youth, in fact it has been quite the opposite. I was referring to situations like this: "Among the most interesting insights in the book are Dr. Min’s explanation for why “Korean-black conflicts, which peaked in the later 1980s and early 1990s, have almost disappeared since the mid-1990s,” You are from Brooklyn, but maybe you are too young to remember those boycotts of the Korean grocery stores. I was saddened by that situation.

Type "Korean" in the search function for this thread and you will see........

What I've asked you, is where you found complaints that there are black-Korean conflicts.

Your post is an answer to a question that hasn't been asked.

From what I've seen is that Koreans are known to have businesses (usually "mom and pop" stores) in black neighborhoods, and quite often is heard sentiments that they harbor contempt and resentment for "blacks" in general, while welcoming their business. Dishonest, to say the least. I have heard that they are among the most racists of Asians. That very well may be hearsay, or it may be factual.
The values of the Republican party appeal most to people in the old south. I think it's hard for black people to get past that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Republicans can continue making as much noise that they want about how foolish black people are for voting Democrat but until they care about changing that then the next several elections won't be any different.

And for those who believe that they're just a bunch of welfare leeches then you're part of the problem not the solution.

Another example of a government school grad, I right?

"...the Republican party appeal most to people in the old south."

1. Your lacunae in the area of history is revealed, since the 'old South' was controlled by the party of slavery, segregation, and secularization: the Democrat Party.

2. According to this liberal myth, Goldwater and the Republicans were racists and used racism to appeal to racist southerners to change the electoral map. To believe the tale, one must be either a reliable Democrat voter, and/or be ignorant of the history of the time.

3. Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators to vote against the 1964 act. He did so on libertarian grounds, opposed to the act’s restrictions on private property which he believed beyond the Congress’s powers under the commerce clause. Five others supported the party’s presidential nominee.

a. Goldwater went on to win five southern states in 1964: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. But he lost eight.

b. Democrats build the ‘southern strategy’ tale on the fact that the same states voted for ‘Dixiecrat’ Strom Thurmond in 1948 (less Georgia).

c. Except that Nixon and Reagan lost, or almost lost the same states in ’68 and ’80…

d. And Jimmy Carter and Clinton did pretty well in those states in ’76 and ’92.

e. And the Goldwater states went right back to voting Democrat for decades…

4. So…if Republicans were racists and got racist southerners to vote for them, how to explain this: Republicans always did best in the southern states that Goldwater lost, which happened to be the same ones Republicans had been winning with some regularity since 1928.

a. In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?

b. Four years after Goldwater, the segregationist vote went right back to Democrats: Humphrey got half of Wallace’s supporters on election day. Nixon got none of ‘em. “When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.” The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy - Pat Buchanan - [page]

c. In ’76, Carter swept the South. Was Carter appealing to bigots….or is that only the case when Republicans win the South?

In summary, you haven't a clue about what you are presumably writing about.

Pretty much the definition of the reliable Democrat voter.

Catholic school sorry :cool:

And the rest of your post skirted around my point. That the Republican party is the party of the old south now. And it's the Republican party's job to figure out how to reach out to minorities. Unless they don't want to which is fine.

So go ahead and stay on that high horse if you want to. It will get you nowhere.
You need to re-read my post. I was having problems with my computer, so on second thought I will re-read my post and possibly make it clearer.

On second thought, you do need to re-read my post. I was and I am sticking up for Korean people. I was never "slighted" by a Korean in my youth, in fact it has been quite the opposite. I was referring to situations like this: "Among the most interesting insights in the book are Dr. Min’s explanation for why “Korean-black conflicts, which peaked in the later 1980s and early 1990s, have almost disappeared since the mid-1990s,” You are from Brooklyn, but maybe you are too young to remember those boycotts of the Korean grocery stores. I was saddened by that situation.

Type "Korean" in the search function for this thread and you will see........

What I've asked you, is where you found complaints that there are black-Korean conflicts.

Your post is an answer to a question that hasn't been asked.

From what I've seen is that Koreans are known to have businesses (usually "mom and pop" stores) in black neighborhoods, and quite often is heard sentiments that they harbor contempt and resentment for "blacks" in general, while welcoming their business. Dishonest, to say the least. I have heard that they are among the most racists of Asians. That very well may be hearsay, or it may be factual.

What a surprise a post like that is coming from YOU~ :rolleyes:

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