Conversion Therapy Crusader Has Something To Say: He's Gay

You really are loosing your shit!!

View attachment 277567
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP
Holy shit dude! You are getting increasing bizarre ,You are all over the map here in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject of conversion therapy and anti gay bias. Alluding to the holocaust? ? Arranged marriages and Islam? Seriously? Democrats opposing the 14th amendment and women's suffrage? Get a fucking grip! That was a different Democratic party and is totally off topic here .

The irony is that you fucking conservatives-No reactionaries is a better word- continually denigrate women, play Muslims off against gays ,and often claim that the 14th was not legally ratified and/ or does not apply to state laws. Think about that! Got any more red herring logical fallacies to hide behind?

The fact is that that greatest depravity facing us now is your brand of bigotry and ignorance, and the use of religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as you do . Your desperation is pathetic.
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Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP
Holy shit dude! You are getting increasing bizarre ,You are all over the map here in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject of conversion therapy and anti gay bias. Alluding to the holocaust? ? Arranged marriages and Islam? Seriously? Democrats opposing the 14th amendment and women's suffrage? Get a fucking grip! That was a different Democratic party and is totally off topic here .

The irony is that you fucking conservatives-No reactionaries is a better word- continually denigrate women, play Muslims off against gays ,and often claim that the 14th was not legally ratified and/ or does not apply to state laws. Think about that! Got any more red herring logical fallacies to hide behind?

The fact is that that greatest depravity facing us now is your brand of bigotry and ignorance, and the use of religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as you do . Your desperation is pathetic.
You should tell your girlfriend she is off topic, she brought it up. Own your party's history.
Is conversion therapy voluntary?
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You really are loosing your shit!!

View attachment 277567
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP

Gee, partisan much? Nothing you just screeded all over yourself with makes TODAY, now, more depraved than in the past. What does the actions of any extremists in another country have to do with "deprevity" here and now?

Racism, by the way, has always been more regional than political in the U.S.

You still haven't answered what the sides of your alleged "war" are. Who are these "warring" factions?
Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP
Holy shit dude! You are getting increasing bizarre ,You are all over the map here in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject of conversion therapy and anti gay bias. Alluding to the holocaust? ? Arranged marriages and Islam? Seriously? Democrats opposing the 14th amendment and women's suffrage? Get a fucking grip! That was a different Democratic party and is totally off topic here .

The irony is that you fucking conservatives-No reactionaries is a better word- continually denigrate women, play Muslims off against gays ,and often claim that the 14th was not legally ratified and/ or does not apply to state laws. Think about that! Got any more red herring logical fallacies to hide behind?

The fact is that that greatest depravity facing us now is your brand of bigotry and ignorance, and the use of religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as you do . Your desperation is pathetic.
You should tell your girlfriend she is off topic, she brought it up. Own your party's history.
Is conversion therapy voluntary?

Not for those under 18 forced by their parents. 18 states and DC have laws prohibiting parents from torturing their children in such a fashion.

If you're over 18 though, sure you should be able to torture yourself.
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP

Gee, partisan much? Nothing you just screeded all over yourself with makes TODAY, now, more depraved than in the past. What does the actions of any extremists in another country have to do with "deprevity" here and now?

Racism, by the way, has always been more regional than political in the U.S.

You still haven't answered what the sides of your alleged "war" are. Who are these "warring" factions?
Good and evil. You know that. God vs the devil. The God haters (queers) vs good decent traditional Christian American citizens. You're hypocritical bigots.
Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP
Holy shit dude! You are getting increasing bizarre ,You are all over the map here in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject of conversion therapy and anti gay bias. Alluding to the holocaust? ? Arranged marriages and Islam? Seriously? Democrats opposing the 14th amendment and women's suffrage? Get a fucking grip! That was a different Democratic party and is totally off topic here .

The irony is that you fucking conservatives-No reactionaries is a better word- continually denigrate women, play Muslims off against gays ,and often claim that the 14th was not legally ratified and/ or does not apply to state laws. Think about that! Got any more red herring logical fallacies to hide behind?

The fact is that that greatest depravity facing us now is your brand of bigotry and ignorance, and the use of religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as you do . Your desperation is pathetic.
You should tell your girlfriend she is off topic, she brought it up. Own your party's history.
Is conversion therapy voluntary?

Not for those under 18 forced by their parents. 18 states and DC have laws prohibiting parents from torturing their children in such a fashion.

If you're over 18 though, sure you should be able to torture yourself.
If you're under 18 you belong to your parents, not the state. We need to change the law in those 18 states and DC. Christophobic bigot.
Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP
Holy shit dude! You are getting increasing bizarre ,You are all over the map here in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject of conversion therapy and anti gay bias. Alluding to the holocaust? ? Arranged marriages and Islam? Seriously? Democrats opposing the 14th amendment and women's suffrage? Get a fucking grip! That was a different Democratic party and is totally off topic here .

The irony is that you fucking conservatives-No reactionaries is a better word- continually denigrate women, play Muslims off against gays ,and often claim that the 14th was not legally ratified and/ or does not apply to state laws. Think about that! Got any more red herring logical fallacies to hide behind?

The fact is that that greatest depravity facing us now is your brand of bigotry and ignorance, and the use of religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as you do . Your desperation is pathetic.
You should tell your girlfriend she is off topic, she brought it up. Own your party's history.
Is conversion therapy voluntary?

Not for those under 18 forced by their parents. 18 states and DC have laws prohibiting parents from torturing their children in such a fashion.

If you're over 18 though, sure you should be able to torture yourself.
If you're under 18 you belong to your parents, not the state. We need to change the law in those 18 states and DC. Christophobic bigot.

Yes, but parents aren't allowed to torture their children, Marqis Dr Sade. Instead the other 32 should outlaw conversion therapy for those under 18. Anyone over 18 can self fladulate to their hearts content.
Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Actually, I believe that adults do have the choice. The main issue with conversion therapy has been when it's inflicted on children.

However, those who pracice it on adults need to be aware of the fact that they could easily run afoul of consumer protection laws by representing homosexuality as a disorder that needs to be treated, and misrepresenting their treatment as safe and effective which it is not
On The Legality Of Conversion Therapy

There are an additional 20 states that have introduced bills banning the practice and a New Jersey Supreme Court concluded that "misrepresenting homosexuality as a disorder" breaks consumer protection laws. While the consumer laws don't necessarily speak to LGBTQ equality, it is a very creative way to end the practice. Especially since the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Pediatric Association, among other medical organizations have deemed it ineffective.

But giving them hormones to suppress puberty if they have gender issues is OK?

Be consistent please.
Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP

Gee, partisan much? Nothing you just screeded all over yourself with makes TODAY, now, more depraved than in the past. What does the actions of any extremists in another country have to do with "deprevity" here and now?

Racism, by the way, has always been more regional than political in the U.S.

You still haven't answered what the sides of your alleged "war" are. Who are these "warring" factions?
Good and evil. You know that. God vs the devil. The God haters (queers) vs good decent traditional Christian American citizens. You're hypocritical bigots. other words this "war" is really an insane person tilting at windmills. Have fun Don Quixote.
Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Actually, I believe that adults do have the choice. The main issue with conversion therapy has been when it's inflicted on children.

However, those who pracice it on adults need to be aware of the fact that they could easily run afoul of consumer protection laws by representing homosexuality as a disorder that needs to be treated, and misrepresenting their treatment as safe and effective which it is not
On The Legality Of Conversion Therapy

There are an additional 20 states that have introduced bills banning the practice and a New Jersey Supreme Court concluded that "misrepresenting homosexuality as a disorder" breaks consumer protection laws. While the consumer laws don't necessarily speak to LGBTQ equality, it is a very creative way to end the practice. Especially since the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Pediatric Association, among other medical organizations have deemed it ineffective.

But giving them hormones to suppress puberty if they have gender issues is OK?

Be consistent please.

Blockers don't cause long term psychological harm. There are no teenagers breaking down the doors demanding access to conversion therapy anywhere. There are teens who will do anything to get the blockers.

Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen - CNN
Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Actually, I believe that adults do have the choice. The main issue with conversion therapy has been when it's inflicted on children.

However, those who pracice it on adults need to be aware of the fact that they could easily run afoul of consumer protection laws by representing homosexuality as a disorder that needs to be treated, and misrepresenting their treatment as safe and effective which it is not
On The Legality Of Conversion Therapy

There are an additional 20 states that have introduced bills banning the practice and a New Jersey Supreme Court concluded that "misrepresenting homosexuality as a disorder" breaks consumer protection laws. While the consumer laws don't necessarily speak to LGBTQ equality, it is a very creative way to end the practice. Especially since the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Pediatric Association, among other medical organizations have deemed it ineffective.

But giving them hormones to suppress puberty if they have gender issues is OK?

Be consistent please.

Blockers don't cause long term psychological harm. There are no teenagers breaking down the doors demanding access to conversion therapy anywhere. There are teens who will do anything to get the blockers.

Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen - CNN

You have no evidence that they cause no long term harm, because there is no long term use data in sufficient quantity.

There are teens willing to do anything to get heroin, does that mean we should indulge them?

Just admit the left's hypocrisy on this.
Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Actually, I believe that adults do have the choice. The main issue with conversion therapy has been when it's inflicted on children.

However, those who pracice it on adults need to be aware of the fact that they could easily run afoul of consumer protection laws by representing homosexuality as a disorder that needs to be treated, and misrepresenting their treatment as safe and effective which it is not
On The Legality Of Conversion Therapy

There are an additional 20 states that have introduced bills banning the practice and a New Jersey Supreme Court concluded that "misrepresenting homosexuality as a disorder" breaks consumer protection laws. While the consumer laws don't necessarily speak to LGBTQ equality, it is a very creative way to end the practice. Especially since the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Pediatric Association, among other medical organizations have deemed it ineffective.

But giving them hormones to suppress puberty if they have gender issues is OK?

Be consistent please.

Blockers don't cause long term psychological harm. There are no teenagers breaking down the doors demanding access to conversion therapy anywhere. There are teens who will do anything to get the blockers.

Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen - CNN

You have no evidence that they cause no long term harm, because there is no long term use data in sufficient quantity.

There are teens willing to do anything to get heroin, does that mean we should indulge them?

Just admit the left's hypocrisy on this.
Heroin is not legal, Mr. Strawman. If there are teens trying to kill themselves because their parents won't let them go to conversion therapy, there should be a parental consent form. :rolleyes:
Oh, and...

Research on the long term effects on brain development is limited, but a 2015 study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology observed the executive functioning in 20 transgender youth treated with puberty blockers compared to untreated youth with gender dysphoria and found that there was no difference in performance.[16][17][18][5]
Wait women can make the choice to have an abortion but a person who identifies as gay doesn't have a choice in therapy to help them not be gay...
Actually, I believe that adults do have the choice. The main issue with conversion therapy has been when it's inflicted on children.

However, those who pracice it on adults need to be aware of the fact that they could easily run afoul of consumer protection laws by representing homosexuality as a disorder that needs to be treated, and misrepresenting their treatment as safe and effective which it is not
On The Legality Of Conversion Therapy

There are an additional 20 states that have introduced bills banning the practice and a New Jersey Supreme Court concluded that "misrepresenting homosexuality as a disorder" breaks consumer protection laws. While the consumer laws don't necessarily speak to LGBTQ equality, it is a very creative way to end the practice. Especially since the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Pediatric Association, among other medical organizations have deemed it ineffective.

But giving them hormones to suppress puberty if they have gender issues is OK?

Be consistent please.

Blockers don't cause long term psychological harm. There are no teenagers breaking down the doors demanding access to conversion therapy anywhere. There are teens who will do anything to get the blockers.

Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen - CNN

You have no evidence that they cause no long term harm, because there is no long term use data in sufficient quantity.

There are teens willing to do anything to get heroin, does that mean we should indulge them?

Just admit the left's hypocrisy on this.
Heroin is not legal, Mr. Strawman. If there are teens trying to kill themselves because their parents won't let them go to conversion therapy, there should be a parental consent form. :rolleyes:

Again, you are dodging the question. Why is hormone therapy OK and conversion therapy not?

Why is gender fluid and sexuality not?
Oh, and...

Research on the long term effects on brain development is limited, but a 2015 study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology observed the executive functioning in 20 transgender youth treated with puberty blockers compared to untreated youth with gender dysphoria and found that there was no difference in performance.[16][17][18][5]


If I designed a wastewater plant based on 20 samples I would be fired.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP
Holy shit dude! You are getting increasing bizarre ,You are all over the map here in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject of conversion therapy and anti gay bias. Alluding to the holocaust? ? Arranged marriages and Islam? Seriously? Democrats opposing the 14th amendment and women's suffrage? Get a fucking grip! That was a different Democratic party and is totally off topic here .

The irony is that you fucking conservatives-No reactionaries is a better word- continually denigrate women, play Muslims off against gays ,and often claim that the 14th was not legally ratified and/ or does not apply to state laws. Think about that! Got any more red herring logical fallacies to hide behind?

The fact is that that greatest depravity facing us now is your brand of bigotry and ignorance, and the use of religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as you do . Your desperation is pathetic.
You should tell your girlfriend she is off topic, she brought it up. Own your party's history.
Is conversion therapy voluntary?

Not for those under 18 forced by their parents. 18 states and DC have laws prohibiting parents from torturing their children in such a fashion.

If you're over 18 though, sure you should be able to torture yourself.
If you're under 18 you belong to your parents, not the state. We need to change the law in those 18 states and DC. Christophobic bigot.

Yes, but parents aren't allowed to torture their children, Marqis Dr Sade. Instead the other 32 should outlaw conversion therapy for those under 18. Anyone over 18 can self fladulate to their hearts content.
Do you support a woman's right to choose?
Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP

Gee, partisan much? Nothing you just screeded all over yourself with makes TODAY, now, more depraved than in the past. What does the actions of any extremists in another country have to do with "deprevity" here and now?

Racism, by the way, has always been more regional than political in the U.S.

You still haven't answered what the sides of your alleged "war" are. Who are these "warring" factions?
Good and evil. You know that. God vs the devil. The God haters (queers) vs good decent traditional Christian American citizens. You're hypocritical bigots. other words this "war" is really an insane person tilting at windmills. Have fun Don Quixote.
Yes, homosexuality is a form of mental illness.
Oh, and...

Research on the long term effects on brain development is limited, but a 2015 study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology observed the executive functioning in 20 transgender youth treated with puberty blockers compared to untreated youth with gender dysphoria and found that there was no difference in performance.[16][17][18][5]


If I designed a wastewater plant based on 20 samples I would be fired.
Got ANYTHING to the contrary?
Holy shit dude! You are getting increasing bizarre ,You are all over the map here in a pathetic attempt to avoid the subject of conversion therapy and anti gay bias. Alluding to the holocaust? ? Arranged marriages and Islam? Seriously? Democrats opposing the 14th amendment and women's suffrage? Get a fucking grip! That was a different Democratic party and is totally off topic here .

The irony is that you fucking conservatives-No reactionaries is a better word- continually denigrate women, play Muslims off against gays ,and often claim that the 14th was not legally ratified and/ or does not apply to state laws. Think about that! Got any more red herring logical fallacies to hide behind?

The fact is that that greatest depravity facing us now is your brand of bigotry and ignorance, and the use of religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as you do . Your desperation is pathetic.
You should tell your girlfriend she is off topic, she brought it up. Own your party's history.
Is conversion therapy voluntary?

Not for those under 18 forced by their parents. 18 states and DC have laws prohibiting parents from torturing their children in such a fashion.

If you're over 18 though, sure you should be able to torture yourself.
If you're under 18 you belong to your parents, not the state. We need to change the law in those 18 states and DC. Christophobic bigot.

Yes, but parents aren't allowed to torture their children, Marqis Dr Sade. Instead the other 32 should outlaw conversion therapy for those under 18. Anyone over 18 can self fladulate to their hearts content.
Do you support a woman's right to choose?
Non sequitur much?
Actually, I believe that adults do have the choice. The main issue with conversion therapy has been when it's inflicted on children.

However, those who pracice it on adults need to be aware of the fact that they could easily run afoul of consumer protection laws by representing homosexuality as a disorder that needs to be treated, and misrepresenting their treatment as safe and effective which it is not
On The Legality Of Conversion Therapy

But giving them hormones to suppress puberty if they have gender issues is OK?

Be consistent please.

Blockers don't cause long term psychological harm. There are no teenagers breaking down the doors demanding access to conversion therapy anywhere. There are teens who will do anything to get the blockers.

Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen - CNN

You have no evidence that they cause no long term harm, because there is no long term use data in sufficient quantity.

There are teens willing to do anything to get heroin, does that mean we should indulge them?

Just admit the left's hypocrisy on this.
Heroin is not legal, Mr. Strawman. If there are teens trying to kill themselves because their parents won't let them go to conversion therapy, there should be a parental consent form. :rolleyes:

Again, you are dodging the question. Why is hormone therapy OK and conversion therapy not?

Why is gender fluid and sexuality not?
One is proven to be harmful, one is not. Doctors recommend blockers, they don't recommend conversion therapy.

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