Conversion Therapy Crusader Has Something To Say: He's Gay

Being homosexual is still a decease
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.

That is simply not true. While public pressure had an impact, the science supported the decision.

The myth buster
Please explain. Does the entire LGBT Community speak with one voice on such matters?

Wait so are you acknowledging the GBTL community doesn't speak with one voice against conversion therapy?
No . I am suggesting that they do not necessarily speak with one voice in terms of their attitudes towards victims of conversion therapy. But I will add that there are likely a few who support conversion therapy, just like there are a few minorities ( and gays) in the republican party

Thanks for the response. Would you consider therapy for gender dysphoria that doesn't focus on affirmation but at what beliefs are causing the dysphoria of ones gender and working to changes those beliefs as a form of conversion therapy?
Do you think any professional providing medical treatment for gender dysphoria have a responsibility to tell their patients it is medically impossibly to change ones biological sex?
To your first question, therapy for gender dysphoria is not, or should not be, for the purpose of either affirming the feelings or dissuading the person about those feelings. Therapy for gender dysphoria -or for any other issue -should be for the purpose of clearing a path for the person to find their own answers, understand what they are experiencing and determine their own goals. The term "conversion therapy" is not usually applied to this matter, but I think that any sort of "treatment " that is in any way coercive would be just as criminal and damaging

To your second question, gender and gender identity is much more complicated than you seem to realize. First, there is growing evidence that there are underlying biological factors-including hormonal balances and subtle genetic (or epigenetic) factors in many transgender people. Those factors may not be readily apparent and may not be detected for years, if ever. In those cases, the person is not seeking to change their biological sex, but rather attempting to alter their bodies to conform more closely with what they feel that they are.

Sure there may be cases where no biological factors exist, or at least can't be detected. But gender identity is more than biology. It is what a person believes themselves to be and those beliefs are very powerful and should be respected. People can and do change their biological gender,-although not at the genetic level- and to tell them that they can't would be irresponsible.

I am an older, cisgender male who comes from a time when this issue was not on anyone's radar. But I have read, listened and learned and have come to the conclusion that all the hysteria about transpeople is ridiculous. So what if people want to change gender? So what if some people choose to be gender fluid or non binary? The sky will not fall. There is nothing to be so damned threatened about .

Once again thanks for your response. I agree that it shouldn't be an issue if a person wants to change their gender identity, I do think it should be alarming how easily young individuals are able to go on hormonal forms of medications without thought into underlying feeling on ones biological sex and gender along with gender stereotypes many young girls struggle with.

Thanks again and I fully respect your views on the subject.
And thanks to you. It is my understanding that pre pubescent children are not treated with any medication that results in changes that are not reversible. At most they may be given hormone blockers the delay puberty until such time that they can make an informed decision about who they are. Any medical treatment should, and I believe is, done in conjunction with counseling over the issue you raise.
Being homosexual is still a decease
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
Being homosexual is still a decease
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
You're a Christophobic bigot. Hypocrite.
Being homosexual is still a decease
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
You're a Christophobic bigot. Hypocrite.
So this is what you have come to. You ran out of bullshit so now you have to resort to childish name calling- the hallmark of one who has lost badly
Being homosexual is still a decease
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
You're a Christophobic bigot. Hypocrite.
So what? He's only saying you're wrong, and your iron aged fairy tale is not a good moral guide. You, on the other hand,are making threats. You are clearly the scumbag, here.
Being homosexual is still a decease
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
You're a Christophobic bigot. Hypocrite.
So this is what you have come to. You ran out of bullshit so now you have to resort to childish name calling- the hallmark of one who has lost badly
You're blind to your own hypocrisy. Amazing.
Being homosexual is still a decease
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
You're a Christophobic bigot. Hypocrite.
So what? He's only saying you're wrong, and your iron aged fairy tale is not a good moral guide. You, on the other hand,are making threats. You are clearly the scumbag, here.
You have a hypothetical double standard. If you can say I'm wrong, I can say you're wrong. It's opinions, idiot. If you've been threatened, report me to a moderator, you silly wimpy sissy.
Being homosexual is a " decease " What?

"I Love the poorly educated" :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:


McDonald Jackass T-Rump

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
You're a Christophobic bigot. Hypocrite.
So this is what you have come to. You ran out of bullshit so now you have to resort to childish name calling- the hallmark of one who has lost badly
You're blind to your own hypocrisy. Amazing.

Please tell me more . I don't think that you know what hypocrisy is
You have a hypothetical double standard.
False. I didn't say either of you was right or wrong. I said he is expressing that you are wrong, while you are going further and making threats and impying he is somehow less than human. You are clearly the scumbag, here.
Of course I seem crazy to insecure creatures like you.
And to the vast majority of people who have ever lived. But yeah, it's everyone that is "insecure", while you and your hilariously dumb, iron aged handbook are "spot on". Oooookay...
Little weenie.
You really are loosing your shit!!

View attachment 277567
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

I love the re-educated.

By the way, the DSM removed homosexuality from its contents as a political policy decision, not a scientific one. And that is the official publication about it.
Standard anti gay talking point mindlessly parroted by bigots everywhere.
You're a Christophobic bigot. Hypocrite.
So this is what you have come to. You ran out of bullshit so now you have to resort to childish name calling- the hallmark of one who has lost badly
You're blind to your own hypocrisy. Amazing.

Please tell me more . I don't think that you know what hypocrisy is
Of course I seem crazy to insecure creatures like you.
And to the vast majority of people who have ever lived. But yeah, it's everyone that is "insecure", while you and your hilariously dumb, iron aged handbook are "spot on". Oooookay...
Little weenie.
You really are loosing your shit!!

View attachment 277567
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.
And to the vast majority of people who have ever lived. But yeah, it's everyone that is "insecure", while you and your hilariously dumb, iron aged handbook are "spot on". Oooookay...
Little weenie.
You really are loosing your shit!!

View attachment 277567
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.
And to the vast majority of people who have ever lived. But yeah, it's everyone that is "insecure", while you and your hilariously dumb, iron aged handbook are "spot on". Oooookay...
Little weenie.
You really are loosing your shit!!

View attachment 277567
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Little weenie.
You really are loosing your shit!!

View attachment 277567
Nope, I'm doing just fine. I understand exactly what is going on. There is a war going on, a spiritual and cultural war.

Yeah? What are the "sides" in this war? Religiously, you're losing ground.

A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones’

and a main reason is cultural positions...

Oh, I know we're losing ground, that's understood. The world will only get more depraved.

Oh please, drama queen. We’re far less “depraved” now than we were 1000, 500, 200 or even 100 years ago. Depraved was owning people. Depraved was girls forced into marriage at a young age and then having no rights. It was blacks and women denied the right to vote and segregation. Those were depraved times.
Yes, idiot. Those were bad things. However, what is happening now is even worse. Less than a hundred years ago millions of people were slaughtered while the world stood by and did nothing until it was too late. That tragedy makes your depravity seem pitifully lame. We still have arranged marriages, mostly in Islam, but you and your pals wouldn't dare speak out against that in fear of offending muslims. It was Democrats that denied blacks and women the vote. Democrats opposed the 14th amendment. The MAN that wrote the 19th amendment, a Republican. Dumb ass. I love it when idiots like you bring up slavery and suffrage because it allows me to show the truth of what happened. Thanks, dumb ass.
Suffrage - Women in the GOP
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