Cook: The Public Doesn't Care About This Stuff


Interesting piece by pollster Charlie Cook:

While Republicans Rant About Benghazi and IRS, Public Mostly Yawns -

I don't know if he's right, but I wouldn't be surprised. I have no doubt that people know more about Kim Kardashian's pregnancy than any of these issues.


Ya know I dont even know who? or what the Kardashians are????? guess I dont read or watch gossip crap. Why are they famous?

'Cause they are totally trashy and appeal to the lowest common denominator of the social strata. You know, the same bunch that keeps voting for obama and equally low-life scum. It's all about the drama...

Interesting piece by pollster Charlie Cook:

While Republicans Rant About Benghazi and IRS, Public Mostly Yawns -

I don't know if he's right, but I wouldn't be surprised. I have no doubt that people know more about Kim Kardashian's pregnancy than any of these issues.


John Q Public is more fixated on Kim and Kanye or Honey Boo than they are over anything political, not just Benghazi.

We're political animals . Most people aren't.

So I could put up a headline akin to Cook's that goes:

"Anthony Wiener who? He did what? When? Public mostly yawns."

You can go out on the street and ask people who is the Vice President of their own country and they won't know.

Let alone ask the general public who the leader of the Senate is? Or who is the Speaker of the House?

People don't know and don't care.
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Interesting piece by pollster Charlie Cook:

While Republicans Rant About Benghazi and IRS, Public Mostly Yawns -

I don't know if he's right, but I wouldn't be surprised. I have no doubt that people know more about Kim Kardashian's pregnancy than any of these issues.


I disagree that it's because they are interested in the Kardashians rather they are sick and tired of not being listened to at all by this congress. They're tired of extremists setting the agenda.

These people are supposed to be working for us.

Throw the bums out in 2014.

you're insane and a low information voter

you think AbuGharib was more important......or binders full of women.....jesus you people are retarded
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you're insane and a low information voter

You describe your own self inadequacy. You are racist. You are reactionary. You are not very bright. And you think your opinion is evidence. Even Lonestar is smarter than you, which means you don't have far to drop.

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