Cool the planet, block the sunlight.

We have gigatonnes of waste paper that can be bleached and released into the atmosphere (from special pods on commercial airplanes). When it settles down to earth* it decays and returns to the soil. If the earth gets too cold we suspend the program.

*In less than a month.

Look up what happens when you change a planets albedo.
In 536 AD the eruption of Krakatoa caused global crop failure, famine and plague and launched mankind into the Dark Ages for several hundred years.

Possibly. That eruption is only mildly supported, and the 6th century climate catastrophe was already well established.
Horsefeathers ... the effect only lasted a couple of years ... just we had a number of volcanoes erupt in the 6th Century AD which made it seem like one eruption caused massive disruptions ...

536 AD finds the Dark Ages well underway ... this is towards the end of the reign of King Author ... so the filthy English had already been beaten back by this time ... one of the few times of prosperity for the Britons and Picts in Sub-Roman Britain ...

How do you know there was "global crop failure, famine and plague" during the Dark Ages? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

Widespread crop failures are well established throughout the 500's.

And there were no English at that time. There were Belgae, Brigantes, Angles, Jutes, Picts, and Welsh.
No it doesn't ... what manner of horseshit are you spewing ... heat comes in at visible wavelengths and heat escapes in the infrared wavelengths ... do you understand the thermodynamic complexities of water's changing its state-of-matter? ... from a gas to a liquid ... I'm guessing not or you would be including that in your calculations ... clouds themselves raise temperature, and effect the radiative flow of outbound energy both day and night ... both ... at the same time ...

Deserts are cold at night, and hot during the day, because they are DRY ... first and foremost, they are DRY ... one of water's many exotic properties is the large amount of energy to change it's temperature ... without water in the atmosphere, the air is free to fluctuate temperature wildly ...

Heat escapes through DRY air equally at night or day ... that's what the physics says ...
We can't know what the effects would be until we actually experiment. Some believe that we can't desalinate large amounts of seawater because of the 'toxic' brine that results. But it's a small drop in a large bucket.
Great idea, block the sunlight!

What could possibly go wrong with that??
It is said that our puny efforts are meaningless against what nature does, so there's no need to worry.
We can't know what the effects would be until we actually experiment. Some believe that we can't desalinate large amounts of seawater because of the 'toxic' brine that results. But it's a small drop in a large bucket.

Actually, we can. Volcanic dust acts as a good model.

It is not something you want to do. Especially as it isn't needed.
Widespread crop failures are well established throughout the 500's.

And there were no English at that time. There were Belgae, Brigantes, Angles, Jutes, Picts, and Welsh.

How are you evidencing these crop failures being caused by volcanism ... and not warfare? ...

Anglo-Saxon ... and the Jutes ... all immigrated from North Germany ... collectively these became the English ... Belgium isn't part of England ... and neither is Pictland ...

The Welsh are from Wales ... c'mon ... you're smarter than this ...
It's easier and cheaper to reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the earth than to reduce greenhouse gases. We can easily put light and heat reflecting materials into the upper atmosphere. This will also have the effect of reducing the amount of co2 in the air as cooler temps reduce the natural production of co2.

Yeah, we tried that from about 1943 to 1979. It was called the "Mid Century Cooling" and we achieved it by pumping a bunch of SULFATE AEROSOLS into the atmosphere.

You and I who are older called it "pollution", but I'm sure your idea is good.
Possibly. That eruption is only mildly supported, and the 6th century climate catastrophe was already well established.
New data and more precise dating doesn't support that.

The new data from around the globe shows conclusively that it was the Krakatoa eruption.
The oceans is where most photosynthesis occurs ...

Q. How thin must 20 cubic miles of chaff be in order to cover the Earth's 200 million square mile surface area? ...

A. Less than 1/100th of an inch ...
Probably won't require that much.
The atmosphere is already naturally pretty dusty. What is needed is material that will remain up there long enough to affect climate change.

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Then how many cubic miles will we need? ... and where are we getting cubic miles of waste paper? ... and who pays for all the fossil fuels we'll have to burn to get these cubic miles of waste paper into the atmosphere? ...
We'll just have to figure that out. I suggest special equipment on commercial airplanes, or military aircraft that fly at the right altitude and distance. Chaff would be released at designated points.
We'll just have to figure that out. I suggest special equipment on commercial airplanes, or military aircraft that fly at the right altitude and distance. Chaff would be released at designated points.
If you don't get it high enough it will all just fall back to earth then we'll have literally tons of trash to clean up on top of all the trash we already have.

And blocking out the sun will result in more electricity use and therefore more fossil fuel burned to keep the lights on longer
If you don't get it high enough it will all just fall back to earth then we'll have literally tons of trash to clean up on top of all the trash we already have.

And blocking out the sun will result in more electricity use and therefore more fossil fuel burned to keep the lights on longer
The chaff will be so fine and spread out so widely that it will not even be noticeable. It will also decompose very quickly once on the ground.
Block the sunlight with photovoltaic panels and replace energy sources that contribute to global warming, waste and pollution.

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