Coordinating w Israel: 'Biden to announce U.S. port in Gaza for aid'


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
The question is who will control the Gaza death ministry from looting it for its "military" bloody division?

Biden to announce U.S. port in Gaza for aid
President to make announcement during State of the Union address later on Thursday; temporary port would increase delivery of humanitarian aid with security coordination with Israel, administration officials say
Agencies | 03.07.24.
Sounds like he’ll use it to smuggle in weapons for the Gaza terrorists.
You couldn't pay me enough hazard pay to work there.
As a reward to the Hamas Islamic terrorists, Biden will shower them with Kuffar dollars.

Strange how boatloads of money is available for Ukraine's borders, Seaports for islamic terrorists but only a mere pittance for America's borders.

Biden to announce US will build port on Gaza shore for large-scale aid delivery​

President to make announcement in State of the Union speech while senior US official says ‘We are not waiting on the Israelis’
You couldn't pay me enough hazard pay to work there.
Mulberry Harbor?


Hell, I doubt we have engineers with the skills to make the floating concrete cassons now.
How long would such a construction take? Months? Maybe Trump can be in office before it’s completed, and shut down this new pipeline for Iran to smuggle weapons to HAMAS.

This is all to show American Muslims that he sides with the antisemitic Palestinians - for their vote.

Can the Idiot-in-Chief order this without Congressional approval?
How long would such a construction take? Months? Maybe Trump can be in office before it’s completed, and shut down this new pipeline for Iran to smuggle weapons to HAMAS.

This is all to show American Muslims that he sides with the antisemitic Palestinians - for their vote.

Can the Idiot-in-Chief order this without Congressional approval?
There is so much slush fund grift money still unspent that I doubt he will have any problem funding it.
There is so much slush fund grift money still unspent that I doubt he will have any problem funding it.
True. Somehow he has money to help the Iranians sneak weapons to HAMAS terrorists but can’t find enough to secure our borders from illegals.

I smell Obama’s stink all over this. Probably Valerie Jarrett, too.
True. Somehow he has money to help the Iranians sneak weapons to HAMAS terrorists but can’t find enough to secure our borders from illegals.

I smell Obama’s stink all over this. Probably Valerie Jarrett, too.
Jarrett has worn a path from The Halfrican's DC diggs to the WH.
Jarrett has worn a path from The Halfrican's DC diggs to the WH.
The fact that he even BOUGHT a house in DC was suspicious. Departing presidents are supposed to wave “bye bye” from the entrance to the plane before they fly off into the sunset.
As a reward to the Hamas Islamic terrorists, Biden will shower them with Kuffar dollars.

Strange how boatloads of money is available for Ukraine's borders, Seaports for islamic terrorists but only a mere pittance for America's borders.

Biden to announce US will build port on Gaza shore for large-scale aid delivery​

President to make announcement in State of the Union speech while senior US official says ‘We are not waiting on the Israelis’
Like Obama slamming the door on the way out - sending billions in cash to the Mullahcracy-fascist-Republic?

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