Cop Assaults Surrendering Man {KING}

Again, cops must follow the law.

And blacks are exempt? They should have yanked his dumb ass out of the car and crushed his skull with a brick like your brothers did to Reginald Denny.
The day you stop defending the criminal acts of your brothers is the day I stand by your side.
Until then fuck off.
There is another element to be considered where incidents of this nature are concerned.

When police behave in this manner, regardless of the offense by or the race of the subject of such excessive and arbitrarily brutal action, excusing the behavior has the effect of lowering the bar in terms of constraint and it establishes an acceptable standard of police behavior toward all arrest subjects. In the simplest terms, if police are allowed to treat Blacks this way today they will be treating Whites the same way tomorrow.

Race has nothing to do with this story at all though and continuing to focus on that completely ignores (and sidelines) the real issue here: whether or not the cops were justified in their actions based on the WHOLE story.

Rightfully, the police felt that he was a threat considering that he had run the checkpoint and resisted the police all the way up till this point. I need to see a video but it looks like the grand jury felt the same way as well: they were justified.

The OP CLAIMS that he was putting his hands up in surrender. That is a nice thought when you are safely sitting in your chair typing on your computer but is another story altogether when the perpetrator just attempted to murder 2 other officers with his car and was likely doing so because something in his vehicle or an altered state of mind. Did the cops have the time to assess the situation and respond? Again, I don’t know but a jury decided that they were justified.
What I find hilarious, is how people keep saying "stop playing the race card!", and that certain ppl are xxrace hustlers", etc.

But if 8 black cops had a white woman with her hands in the air surrendering...and one of those cops grabbed an attack dog and threw it into her car to ASSAULT and MAIM her....

People would be incensed!

Not if she ran from the cops and put peoples lives in danger by doing so.
I dont give a flying fuk what color you are or what gender,you deserve an ass whipping.

You think the brother deserves special treatment dont you?:lol:

Okay, troll.
And blacks are exempt? They should have yanked his dumb ass out of the car and crushed his skull with a brick like your brothers did to Reginald Denny.
The day you stop defending the criminal acts of your brothers is the day I stand by your side.
Until then fuck off.
There is another element to be considered where incidents of this nature are concerned.

When police behave in this manner, regardless of the offense by or the race of the subject of such excessive and arbitrarily brutal action, excusing the behavior has the effect of lowering the bar in terms of constraint and it establishes an acceptable standard of police behavior toward all arrest subjects. In the simplest terms, if police are allowed to treat Blacks this way today they will be treating Whites the same way tomorrow.

Race has nothing to do with this story at all though and continuing to focus on that completely ignores (and sidelines) the real issue here: whether or not the cops were justified in their actions based on the WHOLE story.

Rightfully, the police felt that he was a threat considering that he had run the checkpoint and resisted the police all the way up till this point. I need to see a video but it looks like the grand jury felt the same way as well: they were justified.

The OP CLAIMS that he was putting his hands up in surrender. That is a nice thought when you are safely sitting in your chair typing on your computer but is another story altogether when the perpetrator just attempted to murder 2 other officers with his car and was likely doing so because something in his vehicle or an altered state of mind. Did the cops have the time to assess the situation and respond? Again, I don’t know but a jury decided that they were justified.

Running an arbitrary checkpoint makes you a threat? And this makes it okay to have him mauled by a dog? How fucking stupid can you be? Let me guess, you're probably either a cop, or you're related to one. Well fuck the police.

A black man in Wilmington, N.C. takes police on a high speed chase. Cops T-Bone the car. The man is seen on a dash cam raising his hands to surrender.

Then a white cops grabs an Attack K-9 and lifts the dog up, and throws the dog through the window to maul the man.

The police decided the cop did nothing wrong, and dismissed any wrondoing on his part.

UNTIL the public saw the dash cam. Now they are investigating it.



You are obviously an ignorant black man. You have chosen an extremely bad person to attempt to defend. Here in Washington that individual would have been met with a hail of bullets hands up or not. If you ram a cop car you are assaulting an officer of the law with a deadly weapon. At that point you have no rights. You have given up your assumed right to be treated with courtesy and safety.

There are plenty of cases where police have acted wrongly. Why don't you play your race card with a criminal that has not just attempted to kill a(several) policeman. You would get better traction.
Again, cops must follow the law.

And blacks are exempt? They should have yanked his dumb ass out of the car and crushed his skull with a brick like your brothers did to Reginald Denny.
The day you stop defending the criminal acts of your brothers is the day I stand by your side.
Until then fuck off.
There is another element to be considered where incidents of this nature are concerned.

When police behave in this manner, regardless of the offense by or the race of the subject of such excessive and arbitrarily brutal action, excusing the behavior has the effect of lowering the bar in terms of constraint and it establishes an acceptable standard of police behavior toward all arrest subjects. In the simplest terms, if police are allowed to treat Blacks this way today they will be treating Whites the same way tomorrow.

If the assumed perp didnt act like an asshole we wouldnt be where we are now.
I dont condone police brutality,but as a young man I had quite a few minor run ins with the cops. Not once did I get my ass kicked. When the cops showed up I complied.
Or I was long gone before they got there....:eusa_whistle:
What I find hilarious, is how people keep saying "stop playing the race card!", and that certain ppl are xxrace hustlers", etc.

But if 8 black cops had a white woman with her hands in the air surrendering...and one of those cops grabbed an attack dog and threw it into her car to ASSAULT and MAIM her....

People would be incensed!

Not if she ran from the cops and put peoples lives in danger by doing so.
I dont give a flying fuk what color you are or what gender,you deserve an ass whipping.

You think the brother deserves special treatment dont you?:lol:

Okay, troll.

I really hate to use this because most of the times it's weak sauce...but.
You have all of 24 post. How about you hang here for awhile before you call me a troll.
After dont know me for shit.:eusa_shhh:
Race has nothing to do with this story at all though and continuing to focus on that completely ignores (and sidelines) the real issue here: whether or not the cops were justified in their actions based on the WHOLE story.

Rightfully, the police felt that he was a threat considering that he had run the checkpoint and resisted the police all the way up till this point. I need to see a video but it looks like the grand jury felt the same way as well: they were justified.

The OP CLAIMS that he was putting his hands up in surrender. That is a nice thought when you are safely sitting in your chair typing on your computer but is another story altogether when the perpetrator just attempted to murder 2 other officers with his car and was likely doing so because something in his vehicle or an altered state of mind. Did the cops have the time to assess the situation and respond? Again, I don’t know but a jury decided that they were justified.
There is a video in which you can see the subject's hands raised in surrender: Police Dog Sent into Car After Driver Apparently Surrendered | Video - ABC News

This submissive gesture, according to both law and standard police procedure, forbids police from asserting any level of force beyond that which is necessary to protect themselves while effecting arrest. Deliberately causing the dog to unnecessarily attack the subject constitutes aggravated felonious assault.

Regardless of what the subject did, or what one's feelings toward him might be, the fact is police authority is limited to investigating and arresting criminals -- not punishing them in any gratuitously novel manner they see fit. As previously mentioned, allowing police to behave in this manner is sending the wrong message and is asking for serious problems in the future.

When this incident is brought to civil court, as it surely will be, this police officer's employer will be sued and the subject will receive a substantial punitive award. The cop can be charged with felonious assault, and the subject will be dealt with in criminal court much more gently than he would be if the cop hadn't decided to behave toward him in the manner of a Nazi concentration camp guard.

This incident is circumstantially similar to the 1991 Rodney King event in Los Angeles. King was arrested following a high-speed pursuit. His beating by police was video-taped. The police were cleared of any charges at first but when the issue was publicized and a riot resulted they were found guilty and there were criminal penalties.
What I find hilarious, is how people keep saying "stop playing the race card!", and that certain ppl are xxrace hustlers", etc.

But if 8 black cops had a white woman with her hands in the air surrendering...and one of those cops grabbed an attack dog and threw it into her car to ASSAULT and MAIM her....

People would be incensed!
[ame=]Philadephia Police Brutality, Cop Punched Woman at Puerto Rican Day Parade - YouTube[/ame]
I saw the video footage.

Fire the officer and pursue legal action against him for assault with a deadly weapon.

If this were war, he'd be in the Hague by now. You don't attack surrenders.
Race has nothing to do with this story at all though and continuing to focus on that completely ignores (and sidelines) the real issue here: whether or not the cops were justified in their actions based on the WHOLE story.

Rightfully, the police felt that he was a threat considering that he had run the checkpoint and resisted the police all the way up till this point. I need to see a video but it looks like the grand jury felt the same way as well: they were justified.

The OP CLAIMS that he was putting his hands up in surrender. That is a nice thought when you are safely sitting in your chair typing on your computer but is another story altogether when the perpetrator just attempted to murder 2 other officers with his car and was likely doing so because something in his vehicle or an altered state of mind. Did the cops have the time to assess the situation and respond? Again, I don’t know but a jury decided that they were justified.
There is a video in which you can see the subject's hands raised in surrender: Police Dog Sent into Car After Driver Apparently Surrendered | Video - ABC News

This submissive gesture, according to both law and standard police procedure, forbids police from asserting any level of force beyond that which is necessary to protect themselves while effecting arrest. Deliberately causing the dog to unnecessarily attack the subject constitutes aggravated felonious assault.

Regardless of what the subject did, or what one's feelings toward him might be, the fact is police authority is limited to investigating and arresting criminals -- not punishing them in any gratuitously novel manner they see fit. As previously mentioned, allowing police to behave in this manner is sending the wrong message and is asking for serious problems in the future.

When this incident is brought to civil court, as it surely will be, this police officer's employer will be sued and the subject will receive a substantial punitive award. The cop can be charged with felonious assault, and the subject will be dealt with in criminal court much more gently than he would be if the cop hadn't decided to behave toward him in the manner of a Nazi concentration camp guard.

This incident is circumstantially similar to the 1991 Rodney King event in Los Angeles. King was arrested following a high-speed pursuit. His beating by police was video-taped. The police were cleared of any charges at first but when the issue was publicized and a riot resulted they were found guilty and there were criminal penalties.

Thanks for the link to the video. I have to say that I agree as the video looks very much like he was surrendering and this does not look like a split second decision. Drawing on the guy would have been the better idea. What interests me though is that the jury stated otherwise. I will go against police that are suspicious of brutality 9 times out of 10 because I am naturally weary of those that have power and are willing to abuse it. On that same hand though I will side with a jury 9 times out of 10 as that is the juries always have more information and the entire point of a jury is to have this kind of oversight.

I would like to know WHY the jury ruled as they did. I would hope it is not simply because they thought the guy ‘deserved’ it. As you correctly stated, revenge or justice is not the place of police – apprehending someone and turning them over to the justice system is.
Is there a blog site that caters to the angry black man and selectively monitors every Police car video? Lighten up lefties, the Federal Cops have massacred plenty of people in the last couple of decades and some of them were Black.
Is there a blog site that caters to the angry black man and selectively monitors every Police car video? Lighten up lefties, the Federal Cops have massacred plenty of people in the last couple of decades and some of them were Black.
Knowing that is one thing. Proving it is another. But the circumstances are such that proving police misconduct requires such indisputable evidence as videotape. And this has absolutely nothing to do with left and right but rather with awareness of why it's not good to allow police to feel comfortable conducting themselves like the Gestapo. Because that is the kind of administrative mistake that comes back to bite you.

Police authority is a necessary evil. Police officers are an important component of a peaceful, civilized society. They should be treated well but must be purposefully constrained in the use of force.
Is there a blog site that caters to the angry black man and selectively monitors every Police car video? Lighten up lefties, the Federal Cops have massacred plenty of people in the last couple of decades and some of them were Black.

And that justifies letting other cops abuse their power?

I doubt there is such an agency BUT THERE SHOULD BE. Everything a peace officer does should be taped and if an abuse of power is found – it should be dealt with EXTREMELY harshly. They are given extraordinary powers over our rights and that comes with increased responsibility.
Don't know the all facts, but there is an unwritten rule the world over. If you attack a cop, you're in for an ass least. The race of the criminal here is completely immaterial. His stupidity certainly is.
What I find hilarious, is how people keep saying "stop playing the race card!", and that certain ppl are xxrace hustlers", etc.

But if 8 black cops had a white woman with her hands in the air surrendering...and one of those cops grabbed an attack dog and threw it into her car to ASSAULT and MAIM her....

People would be incensed!

Hey moron, cops get abusive sometimes, and when they do it doesn't matter what color you are.


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