Cop Assaults Surrendering Man {KING}

The color matters to black people, who are historically on the receiving end of a disproportionate amount of excessive force and profiling by the police.
The color matters to black people, who are historically on the receiving end of a disproportionate amount of excessive force and profiling by the police.
If you attack cops you're going to get your ass kicked, period <not the Obama "period">.

I detest thin-skinned people regardless of its color.
So what is supposed to happen when cops attack civilians?

Can we "kick their ass" just like they can kick our ass?

Or are they above that? And only civilians get their ass kicked for stupid conduct?
The color matters to black people, who are historically on the receiving end of a disproportionate amount of excessive force and profiling by the police.

Black men commit a hugely disproportionate amount of the crimes. That is simple fact. It is not a wonder why there is a disproportionate amount of police fuck ups involving black men.
Grand jurors make their decisions based on the instructions given to them. If the instructions are given in such a manner as to exclude being permitted to decide one way, they normally do not decide that way. They are also given testimony/evidence that is swayed in favor of the governments case. There is no "defense attorney" at a grand jury hearing.

Unfortunately, grand jurors (as well as most jurors/Americans) are not educated in their rights of jury nullification (see

Blacks tend to nullify as jurors much more than any other race, as long as the accused is also black. This may be because blacks tend to identify themselves as "victims" moreso than do other races. Whites, on the other hand, tend to believe cops don't lie, because "most cops are good guys", even though this fails in the eyes of logic (if most cops were good guys then they would bust the bad cops).

In 2012, 587 people were killed by cops, and an untold number were maimed and harmed in other ways, by cops.

Are cops "racist"? Some are, no doubt. But, I don't think racism plays as big a part in their actions as does the group/gang/thug/military mentality cops have indoctrinated into them by their training ("Its us against the bad guys!" "Always have your brothers back - you don't know when you will need him to cover yours!" "We are not above the law - WE ARE THE LAW!")
Crime is everywhere. Could it be that police focus more on blacks?

I don't think so. I think, for cops to focus more on blacks, would be to ignore their main goal: Generate income for their employer. Whites are more than 70% of U.S. population and have the most money; blacks are about 13% of U.S. population and have the least amount of money. If you were targeting someone to rob, who would you go after, a black man or a White man (knowing the White man to be most likely to have the largest amount of cash between the two)?

According to F.B.I. statistics, blacks commit a very high percentage of felony crimes - a percentage disproportionate to their numbers in society. For this reason alone it appears cops focus more on blacks than Whites. Black neighborhoods are patrolled more heavily than White neighborhoods for the same reason bars and liquor stores are patrolled more than bingo parlors and churches: Is where the crime is most likely to be.

Approximately 86% of people in federal prison are there for victimless crimes. Most are for drugs. State prisons also house an overwhelming percentage of "victimless" criminals ranging from drugs to driving while suspended/revoked, four misdemeanors equal a felony, DWI/DUI and a host of others. The U.S. is only 5% of the worlds population yet houses 25% of the worlds prisoners. The U.S. at just 5% of the worlds population, has 70% of the worlds lawyers and most of them work in government.

Many states in the U.S. have made deals with private entities who have established prisons in those states. Taxpayers pay those prisons. Many of these prisons have contracts with the states in which the state is obligated to keep the prisons filled to at least a certain percentage or the state must pay the prisons extra money.

The prisons also profit by using the inmates as slave labor. The prisoners are paid a small fee per day to work in prison factories from which the Wall Street investors are paid very well. (Google this article from 2008: The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery? | Global Research)

Although blacks and Mestizos are a disproportionate number in prisons, it isn't about race so much as it is about money; blacks and Mestizos are easy targets because they commit a disproportionate percentage of crimes. Blacks and Mestizos are also less likely to afford an attorney and so are stuck with a "public pretender". Unfortunately, black and Mestizo felons tend to have lower I.Q.'s than White felons, and are less likely to realize their options aside from plea bargains.
@ Whip, that all sounds reasonable, but alas, people are often unreasonable.

Crime, is everywhere. Were cops to patrol other neighborhoods in the same fashion they patrol black hoods, cops would find more crime. FACT.

As far as blacks, most blacks are locked up because of poverty. Being poor makes you feel the need to get money fast to feed your kid, wife, or self. Since we KNOW that blacks are discriminated against in the justice system from their youth, many have records. Records keep them from getting jobs at a liveable wage. This makes many do anything to get money. Often, that is selling drugs. Which leads to more crimes.

The thing is, all those blacks are selling drugs to whites too. So if blacks are arrested for selling drugs, WE KNOW there is a crime and epidemic of millions of whites USING THE DRUGS.

But since cops don't profile or patrol white hoods like they do black hoods, you end up with stats that APPEAR to prove blacks are more prone to crime.

When D.U.I.'s, illegal possession of firearms, possession of drugs or drug paraphenalia, domestic abuse, theft, assaults, etc....ARE JUST AS PREVALENT in white hoods.....but cops aren't there to catch that.

They are over here, arresting poor blacks for selling 5 dollar bags of weed, and giving us records,...perpetuating the cycle.
I think poverty is an excusable reason for stealing to eat, when one has no other recourse. I don't think it is excusable when one steals for personal gain. Killing a man for his tennis shoes is not excusable (Google: killed for tennis shoes). Nor is killing for a gold chain, cell phone or other personal item. Most people do not kill because they are hungry - they kill because they are greedy.

Black males tend to be the #1 murderers for petty items. I don't know if this is because they think it was owed to them because "Whitey has kept them down" or for what reason...but I do know they are not doing it to eat.

But since cops don't profile or patrol white hoods like they do black hoods, you end up with stats that APPEAR to prove blacks are more prone to crime.

Whites are probably the second largest drug dealers in the U.S. - second only to the government - at the street level. Whites probably also have the largest number of users of illegal drugs. But, that stands to reason since Whites are more than 70% of the population.

Blacks deal drugs openly on the streets in their 'hoods'. Whites do their dealing behind closed doors and much more secretively. A patrol would be very lucky indeed to find a corner dealer in a White hood who was White. As I said before: cops go where the crime is most likely to be. And, it is a bonus when that crime is standing on the street corner waiting for them.

When D.U.I.'s, illegal possession of firearms, possession of drugs or drug paraphenalia, domestic abuse, theft, assaults, etc....ARE JUST AS PREVALENT in white hoods.....but cops aren't there to catch that.
I know several Whites with DWI convictions and none with DUI convictions. Every White I know who carries a firearm does so legally and it is not stolen. Cops are #1 in domestic abuse. Theft and assault are far less in occurrence in White hoods than in black or Mestizo hoods.

They are over here, arresting poor blacks for selling 5 dollar bags of weed, and giving us records,...perpetuating the cycle.
It appears that way because blacks have made themselves easy targets for lazy cops.

Excuses can be made all day long for behavior, but that wont change the behavior. Until blacks stop accusing Whitey (excuse) for their every downfall and start making a difference in their own lives, (individually) then they will continue being at the bottom of the barrel and in the sites of the criminal "justice" system.
@ Whip, I see.

What you have taught me is that whites are just smarter than blacks concerning criminal endeavors, blacks are just stupid for no reason concerning violent crimes, and that blacks wouldn't have any problems in the justice system if we just understood that it isn't "the white man holding you down", but that we are just inherently more prone to crime ...and other factors really have nothing to do with it.

Got it!
@ Whip, I see.

What you have taught me is that whites are just smarter than blacks concerning criminal endeavors, blacks are just stupid for no reason concerning violent crimes, and that blacks wouldn't have any problems in the justice system if we just understood that it isn't "the white man holding you down", but that we are just inherently more prone to crime ...and other factors really have nothing to do with it.

Got it!

I am not attacking you or your race, Back_Man - I am simply stating the facts as I believe them to be (and as evidence shows them to be). I truly appreciate the fact that you are here and you have been gentlemanly in your posts to me. It is not often a White man and a black man can communicate on this topic without anger or "racism" rearing their ugly heads.

Personally, I think Whites, blacks and all other races need to start working together to end police corruption as well as prosecutorial malfeasance. Blacks and Whites should be united in a common goal to end the abuses that we ALL suffer at the hands of the "law". When those bullys in blue stop a car, they don't care what color the man behind the wheel is - all they want is an excuse to abuse (rather that abuse be physical or by citation). Every cop has sworn an Oath of Honor/Office. In that Oath they swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States. And every one of them has violated that oath the moment they stop/detain/arrest a human being over a victimless crime. Where there is no victim, there is no crime!

One thing I do admire about "minorities" is their willingness to stand united with their own people. Whites would do the same except for Whites to do so is termed "racist" by the media and non Whites. Whites need to get over their unfounded media induced guilt and blacks and Mestizos need to quit blaming Whitey for everything that goes wrong in their worlds. Only then will we be able to work together and induce change in a corrupt system.
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