Cop Chokes Then Body-Slams Man For Recording Arrest With Cellphone

The cops were telling the people to move along and this asshat refused and got what he deserved. :lmao:

HAHA! Watched the video.

That punk kid was:
1- Intoxicated in public
2- Refusing to leave the Varsity after being told to leave (aka trespassing after notice)

The cops made a lawful arrest and his preppy know it all ass is crying because his ego got hurt.

Fuck him haha! Awesome takedown by the cop!

The guy roughed up was a college kid who was joining the peace corp. He's a liberal. We don't know any of the real facts. The guy is a liberal and pretty much has it coming just for that alone.
and he probably is dating a Mexican and smokes Pot too....right Katz?....
I don't know all the facts, but if the cop did slam him for just recording the arrest. The cop deserves some prison time for assault.

At the very least fired for miss conduct.

Prison time ? That's a bit extreme.

Hardly. At a MINIMUM, the dude should be locked up for a very long time. (Say, 25-life.) Honestly, he should probably be publicly drawn and quartered.
HAHA! Watched the video.

That punk kid was:
1- Intoxicated in public
2- Refusing to leave the Varsity after being told to leave (aka trespassing after notice)

The cops made a lawful arrest and his preppy know it all ass is crying because his ego got hurt.

Fuck him haha! Awesome takedown by the cop!

Hope the cop gets what he deserves. That is: starring in his very own online snuff film...something worthy of Saw, perhaps.
Police brutality in America is a serious issue, but the discussion keeps getting hijacked whenever it seems like the country might have a dialogue about it.

No, what's a serious issue, is people refusing to obey the orders of an officer of the law, then complaining and whining like pathetic children when they get in trouble for it.

Here's an idea........ crazy thought....... OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW, and you won't get your face bashed in. We have to mean scum sucking piles of human trash that don't respect authority, and they DESERVE EVERY SMASHED FACE THEY GET... period.

I can't even remember all the times I've dealt with police officers. Never been maced, hit, choked, beat, cuffed, tazed, or shot at any point. Why? Real simple. When they say 'do this'... I do it. When they say stop... I stop. When they say hands up, I put my hands up.

How hard is this concept for you? Obey the law. You are required by law, to do as you are ordered by an officer of the law. When you do that, you gain the protection of the law. Bad things tend to not happen to people who obey the law. This is real deep I know. Like an alien thought to some of you.
Police brutality in America is a serious issue, but the discussion keeps getting hijacked whenever it seems like the country might have a dialogue about it.

No, what's a serious issue, is people refusing to obey the orders of an officer of the law, then complaining and whining like pathetic children when they get in trouble for it.

Here's an idea........ crazy thought....... OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW, and you won't get your face bashed in. We have to mean scum sucking piles of human trash that don't respect authority, and they DESERVE EVERY SMASHED FACE THEY GET... period.

For crimes like selling untaxed cigarettes? I'd say that deserves probably...a $500 fine?
Recording a cop? That is totally legal and even desirable exactly for things like this.
Police brutality in America is a serious issue, but the discussion keeps getting hijacked whenever it seems like the country might have a dialogue about it.

No, what's a serious issue, is people refusing to obey the orders of an officer of the law, then complaining and whining like pathetic children when they get in trouble for it.

Here's an idea........ crazy thought....... OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW, and you won't get your face bashed in. We have to mean scum sucking piles of human trash that don't respect authority, and they DESERVE EVERY SMASHED FACE THEY GET... period.

For crimes like selling untaxed cigarettes? I'd say that deserves probably...a $500 fine?
Recording a cop? That is totally legal and even desirable exactly for things like this.

You missed his excellent point.

Even if you are being charged with a dumb petty're being charged. Its not a negotiation. If you WONT win.

Just comply and deal with the fine or court or whatever. 99.9% you'll get a fair trial.

But resist and fight the cops? 100% you lose and it gets worse.

None of us like being charged with any offense. But once a cop decides you're gonna be charged...that train is in motion. You cant stop it. Just go peacefully and odds are GREATLY in favor that you'll be treated fair. Despite the isolated rare cases idiots like DontTazeMeBro post.
Police brutality in America is a serious issue, but the discussion keeps getting hijacked whenever it seems like the country might have a dialogue about it.

No, what's a serious issue, is people refusing to obey the orders of an officer of the law, then complaining and whining like pathetic children when they get in trouble for it.

Here's an idea........ crazy thought....... OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW, and you won't get your face bashed in. We have to mean scum sucking piles of human trash that don't respect authority, and they DESERVE EVERY SMASHED FACE THEY GET... period.

For crimes like selling untaxed cigarettes? I'd say that deserves probably...a $500 fine?
Recording a cop? That is totally legal and even desirable exactly for things like this.

When the officer says get back, you are obligated to get back. You are refusing to obey the order of an officer of the law, and quite frankly, if you do that, and get your face smashed in, I'll cheer, and send the cop a nice card for a job well done.

Yes, in most states you are allowed to record a police officer. That doesn't mean suddenly you are Superman, and above the law.

Further, the original violation of the law, is completely irrelevant, once he refused to obey the orders of the officer. If that fat kid had simply followed the directions given to him, instead of saying "Don't touch me!" as if that was a valid reply.... Then nothing else would have happened. Instead, by refusing and resisting the officers, they were forced to enforce the law.

And quite frankly, the people on the left, who demand all these programs and government handouts, are the reason taxes have to be levied on smokes, and thus selling cigarettes untaxed is a crime.

It shouldn't be. But this is the natural result of leftist thinking.
Police brutality in America is a serious issue, but the discussion keeps getting hijacked whenever it seems like the country might have a dialogue about it.

No, what's a serious issue, is people refusing to obey the orders of an officer of the law, then complaining and whining like pathetic children when they get in trouble for it.

Here's an idea........ crazy thought....... OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW, and you won't get your face bashed in. We have to mean scum sucking piles of human trash that don't respect authority, and they DESERVE EVERY SMASHED FACE THEY GET... period.

For crimes like selling untaxed cigarettes? I'd say that deserves probably...a $500 fine?
Recording a cop? That is totally legal and even desirable exactly for things like this.

You missed his excellent point.

Even if you are being charged with a dumb petty're being charged. Its not a negotiation. If you WONT win.

Just comply and deal with the fine or court or whatever. 99.9% you'll get a fair trial.

But resist and fight the cops? 100% you lose and it gets worse.

None of us like being charged with any offense. But once a cop decides you're gonna be charged...that train is in motion. You cant stop it. Just go peacefully and odds are GREATLY in favor that you'll be treated fair. Despite the isolated rare cases idiots like DontTazeMeBro post.
It is a good point...and best response. Regretfully, humans...white or black have this thing called emotion. If they feel they are being wrongly arrested...any man with an ounce of self esteem will protest. How loudly or physically..that is where a line should be drawn - but one must also take into consideration the emotion of the cop and is he responding out of public safety or out of anger or rage?

Self control is the end issue right? Doesn't that go both ways?
Police brutality in America is a serious issue, but the discussion keeps getting hijacked whenever it seems like the country might have a dialogue about it.

No, what's a serious issue, is people refusing to obey the orders of an officer of the law, then complaining and whining like pathetic children when they get in trouble for it.

Here's an idea........ crazy thought....... OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW, and you won't get your face bashed in. We have to mean scum sucking piles of human trash that don't respect authority, and they DESERVE EVERY SMASHED FACE THEY GET... period.

For crimes like selling untaxed cigarettes? I'd say that deserves probably...a $500 fine?
Recording a cop? That is totally legal and even desirable exactly for things like this.

You missed his excellent point.

Even if you are being charged with a dumb petty're being charged. Its not a negotiation. If you WONT win.

Just comply and deal with the fine or court or whatever. 99.9% you'll get a fair trial.

But resist and fight the cops? 100% you lose and it gets worse.

None of us like being charged with any offense. But once a cop decides you're gonna be charged...that train is in motion. You cant stop it. Just go peacefully and odds are GREATLY in favor that you'll be treated fair. Despite the isolated rare cases idiots like DontTazeMeBro post.
It is a good point...and best response. Regretfully, humans...white or black have this thing called emotion. If they feel they are being wrongly arrested...any man with an ounce of self esteem will protest. How loudly or physically..that is where a line should be drawn - but one must also take into consideration the emotion of the cop and is he responding out of public safety or out of anger or rage?

Self control is the end issue right? Doesn't that go both ways?

Yes..I agree. Both must maintain composure. And its true...when one loses it the other can amp up as a result.
No, what's a serious issue, is people refusing to obey the orders of an officer of the law, then complaining and whining like pathetic children when they get in trouble for it.

Here's an idea........ crazy thought....... OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW, and you won't get your face bashed in. We have to mean scum sucking piles of human trash that don't respect authority, and they DESERVE EVERY SMASHED FACE THEY GET... period.

I certainly agree with that. Which makes me wonder why did Obama authorize all police to where a camera while on duty but refuse to do away with the law against citizens recording the police? If he is on the side of the citizens of America don't you find that very strange? I do.

Which law against recording police are you referencing? I seem to remember hearing about one being passed, but I only recall it as a small-scale thing, perhaps a city ordinance, not even a state-wide law. Am I incorrect in this?

Yes, according to the articles I have been reading this is nationwide and if they do not have the law on the books they still use it against you as in the case of the black woman who recorded police brutality and they used a taser on her and then demanded she get in her car and move it - when she refused they accused her of using her car to try and run them over. Thank God she had it recorded on her phone. They erased the video on her camera but it was retrieved through cloud technology and later they had to drop the charges against her. This was in a state where recording the police was not against the law!

Wrong is wrong and the police involved should have been fired.

There is a difference between police trying to find a law which can be twisted to include taping them in public, such as wiretapping laws, and a law which specifically forbids someone from recording police performing their duties.

Not to the people who are intimidated into not taping.

That statement does not change whether or not there is a law specifically forbidding the taping of police at the federal level. ;)

Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.
Which law against recording police are you referencing? I seem to remember hearing about one being passed, but I only recall it as a small-scale thing, perhaps a city ordinance, not even a state-wide law. Am I incorrect in this?

Yes, according to the articles I have been reading this is nationwide and if they do not have the law on the books they still use it against you as in the case of the black woman who recorded police brutality and they used a taser on her and then demanded she get in her car and move it - when she refused they accused her of using her car to try and run them over. Thank God she had it recorded on her phone. They erased the video on her camera but it was retrieved through cloud technology and later they had to drop the charges against her. This was in a state where recording the police was not against the law!

Wrong is wrong and the police involved should have been fired.

There is a difference between police trying to find a law which can be twisted to include taping them in public, such as wiretapping laws, and a law which specifically forbids someone from recording police performing their duties.

Not to the people who are intimidated into not taping.

That statement does not change whether or not there is a law specifically forbidding the taping of police at the federal level. ;)

Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.

I'm not sure this guy got in trouble just for filming the police. It's more likely that he got in trouble for not "moving along" , basically being a dumbass liberal thinking he doesn't have to listen to an officer's command.
Yes, according to the articles I have been reading this is nationwide and if they do not have the law on the books they still use it against you as in the case of the black woman who recorded police brutality and they used a taser on her and then demanded she get in her car and move it - when she refused they accused her of using her car to try and run them over. Thank God she had it recorded on her phone. They erased the video on her camera but it was retrieved through cloud technology and later they had to drop the charges against her. This was in a state where recording the police was not against the law!

Wrong is wrong and the police involved should have been fired.

There is a difference between police trying to find a law which can be twisted to include taping them in public, such as wiretapping laws, and a law which specifically forbids someone from recording police performing their duties.

Not to the people who are intimidated into not taping.

That statement does not change whether or not there is a law specifically forbidding the taping of police at the federal level. ;)

Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.

I'm not sure this guy got in trouble just for filming the police. It's more likely that he got in trouble for not "moving along" , basically being a dumbass liberal thinking he doesn't have to listen to an officer's command.

Lonestar. This is why I have to disagree with your conclusion on why he was arrested. He didn't have to "move along". This is America. Not a gestapo state. The police are public servants and have no right to tell the private citizen ( whose taxes pay their check each week mind you) to "move along" when it is quite clear that the private citizen is in the process of recording an arrest in progress. If there was nothing to hide - why the trumped up charges? Why the vitriol? You see?

I fully support the officer in Ferguson and the officers of the NYPD. Without hesitation I say, in neither case did the officers involved do anything wrong. They enforced the law and did not overstep their job descriptions. However! In this matter of videotaping police? I've got a problem. A huge problem. You know why? They have been authorized by the President to videotape Americans. Yet the President does not want us to videotape the police. What is he afraid of? What is the big secret that police officers cannot be videotaped? It's our constitutional right to be able to videotape. In my opinion.

Did you notice how overnight Obama managed to get every police dept on board with wearing camera's on their physical person to videotape ? Do you know how easy it would have been for him to have done the exact same thing in saying I'm enforcing the constitution of the US and telling police departments from here on they will enforce it and protect the rights of citizens to videotape officers during an arrest. Yet Obama didn't do that and he refuses to permit the citizens to have the same rights. Why? Because he is a communist that wants a revolution. Not a resolution. That's why.

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