Cop Chokes Then Body-Slams Man For Recording Arrest With Cellphone

You just insulted yourself, and haven't realized it yet. Pretty sad.

No, I didn't, because you see I'm not the dumb ass who actually said if you obey the law you won't have run-ins with the police.

Why would you disagree with that? Here is something else to ponder......Did you know that if you keep your airplane door closed you won't fall out? It's true.

Tell that to this family, dumb fuck, and the countless others this type of thing has happened to.

What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones Mother Jones
You just insulted yourself, and haven't realized it yet. Pretty sad.

No, I didn't, because you see I'm not the dumb ass who actually said if you obey the law you won't have run-ins with the police.

Why would you disagree with that? Here is something else to ponder......Did you know that if you keep your airplane door closed you won't fall out? It's true.

Tell that to this family, dumb fuck, and the countless others this type of thing has happened to.

What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones Mother Jones
You just insulted yourself, and haven't realized it yet. Pretty sad.

No, I didn't, because you see I'm not the dumb ass who actually said if you obey the law you won't have run-ins with the police.

Why would you disagree with that? Here is something else to ponder......Did you know that if you keep your airplane door closed you won't fall out? It's true.

Tell that to this family, dumb fuck, and the countless others this type of thing has happened to.

What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones Mother Jones

Yes, it happens, but not to "countless others". You're believing your own propaganda. Now think....... Who has murdered more black children, cops or black gangstas?
Not to the people who are intimidated into not taping.

That statement does not change whether or not there is a law specifically forbidding the taping of police at the federal level. ;)

Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.

I'm not sure this guy got in trouble just for filming the police. It's more likely that he got in trouble for not "moving along" , basically being a dumbass liberal thinking he doesn't have to listen to an officer's command.

Lonestar. This is why I have to disagree with your conclusion on why he was arrested. He didn't have to "move along". This is America. Not a gestapo state. The police are public servants and have no right to tell the private citizen ( whose taxes pay their check each week mind you) to "move along" when it is quite clear that the private citizen is in the process of recording an arrest in progress. If there was nothing to hide - why the trumped up charges? Why the vitriol? You see?

I fully support the officer in Ferguson and the officers of the NYPD. Without hesitation I say, in neither case did the officers involved do anything wrong. They enforced the law and did not overstep their job descriptions. However! In this matter of videotaping police? I've got a problem. A huge problem. You know why? They have been authorized by the President to videotape Americans. Yet the President does not want us to videotape the police. What is he afraid of? What is the big secret that police officers cannot be videotaped? It's our constitutional right to be able to videotape. In my opinion.

Did you notice how overnight Obama managed to get every police dept on board with wearing camera's on their physical person to videotape ? Do you know how easy it would have been for him to have done the exact same thing in saying I'm enforcing the constitution of the US and telling police departments from here on they will enforce it and protect the rights of citizens to videotape officers during an arrest. Yet Obama didn't do that and he refuses to permit the citizens to have the same rights. Why? Because he is a communist that wants a revolution. Not a resolution. That's why.

You're a walking contradiction.

No, I'm not. You are talking two different situations here. One being the abuse of Police by communists blaming them for enforcing the laws of the land and also for defending themselves. The other being that some people - not all - some - abuse their power and NEED TO BE VIDEOTAPED - so if they know that possibility is out there? They realize that they too are accountable. How can you claim that I am contradicting myself? I'm not.
You just insulted yourself, and haven't realized it yet. Pretty sad.

No, I didn't, because you see I'm not the dumb ass who actually said if you obey the law you won't have run-ins with the police.

Why would you disagree with that? Here is something else to ponder......Did you know that if you keep your airplane door closed you won't fall out? It's true.

Tell that to this family, dumb fuck, and the countless others this type of thing has happened to.

What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones Mother Jones
You just insulted yourself, and haven't realized it yet. Pretty sad.

No, I didn't, because you see I'm not the dumb ass who actually said if you obey the law you won't have run-ins with the police.

Why would you disagree with that? Here is something else to ponder......Did you know that if you keep your airplane door closed you won't fall out? It's true.

Tell that to this family, dumb fuck, and the countless others this type of thing has happened to.

What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones Mother Jones

Yes, it happens, but not to "countless others". You're believing your own propaganda. Now think....... Who has murdered more black children, cops or black gangstas?

That is the only point I am making, Neil. That it happens and by using a cell phone to record such instances hopefully they can bring accountability to the few that do not appear to want to be accountable. I believe for the most part we have wonderful law enforcement in our country but there are some who do not deserve to wear a badge. It is time to catch them in the act and fire them.
Not to the people who are intimidated into not taping.

That statement does not change whether or not there is a law specifically forbidding the taping of police at the federal level. ;)

Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.

I'm not sure this guy got in trouble just for filming the police. It's more likely that he got in trouble for not "moving along" , basically being a dumbass liberal thinking he doesn't have to listen to an officer's command.

Lonestar. This is why I have to disagree with your conclusion on why he was arrested. He didn't have to "move along". This is America. Not a gestapo state. The police are public servants and have no right to tell the private citizen ( whose taxes pay their check each week mind you) to "move along" when it is quite clear that the private citizen is in the process of recording an arrest in progress. If there was nothing to hide - why the trumped up charges? Why the vitriol? You see?

I fully support the officer in Ferguson and the officers of the NYPD. Without hesitation I say, in neither case did the officers involved do anything wrong. They enforced the law and did not overstep their job descriptions. However! In this matter of videotaping police? I've got a problem. A huge problem. You know why? They have been authorized by the President to videotape Americans. Yet the President does not want us to videotape the police. What is he afraid of? What is the big secret that police officers cannot be videotaped? It's our constitutional right to be able to videotape. In my opinion.

Did you notice how overnight Obama managed to get every police dept on board with wearing camera's on their physical person to videotape ? Do you know how easy it would have been for him to have done the exact same thing in saying I'm enforcing the constitution of the US and telling police departments from here on they will enforce it and protect the rights of citizens to videotape officers during an arrest. Yet Obama didn't do that and he refuses to permit the citizens to have the same rights. Why? Because he is a communist that wants a revolution. Not a resolution. That's why.

Yes as a matter of fact you do. In every single state in the Union, you are obligated to follow the orders of a police officer.

You can back your butt up across the street and keep filming until your dumb phone runs out of power.

But when you are standing a few feet away, and the officer says "MOVE ALONG", that's not an "option" or a "polite request". You are ORDERED to MOVE ALONG. Get your butt out of the officers way.

And when you refuse, and the officer smashes your face in, I"m going to CHEER for him.

And by the way........

This right here, is exactly why countries end up in "gestapo states". Morons like this, refuse to obey the law, there's rape, and murder, and theft, and vandalism, and people being dragged out of their cars and beaten, and the rest of us are getting TIRED OF THIS.

We're sick of your crap. We're tired of "routine murder" now that doesn't even make the news because it's so common. At some point, someone is going to stand up and say vote for me, and I'll end this crime, and the people will be so tired of it, they'll EMBRACE a gestapo state, to end this anarchy in the streets.

We're tried of people just walking into stores stealing stuff, walking down the middle of the road, attacking a police officer, and somehow it's our fault, that scum sucking bit of human debris get's shot and killed.

I am absolutely convinced, 100% convinced, that at some point in the future, possibly near future, America without any doubt in my mind, will end up a police state... and idiotically... it will be the people like you, the very people who claim to oppose the police state, that will be instrumental in it becoming a reality.

We're tired of you people. This is going to end in authoritarianism at some point, and it will be your fault. YOU.

OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW. Solves a ton of problems.

I obey the law, Androw. I support the police. I supported the officer in Ferguson and the NYPD in the Garner case. What I didn't support was a story about a black girl who had a tazer used on her because she was standing far, far off in distance videotaping on her cell phone an arrest she felt was illegal - they didn't realize she could retrieve the info off cloud and erased the tape on her phone after accusing her of trying to hit a police officer with her car. Her car never moved. You can see what happened by the video on her phone which was made into a youtube video. I'm sure it is a rare occurance but it does happen. It has happened in Illinois, in Florida, in other states - it is happening across the nation from what I can see and in many of the states it isn't against the law to videotape with a cell phone so what exactly is the problem?

I'm probably more conservative than you are. Do not give me this we're tired of you people stuff. I'm a conservative! Wrong is wrong and you don't condone wrong because it doesn't jive with your politics. Understand?
Don't Taze Me wouldn't last one week on the job without abusing someone's rights.

I guarantee that.

I believe Don't Taz Me has already proven he can be fair and not abuse the rights of others. I've got the evidence. You are still here. Androw is still here. I'm still here! Hey! I'm a conservative and a Christian. Don't Taz me does not believe the same things I believe but he has never targeted me on this board or banned me. If he doesn't abuse others as a moderator on this message board? I'm sure he could handle being a police officer!

You both see things differently. That is what is at the root of the disagreement.
That statement does not change whether or not there is a law specifically forbidding the taping of police at the federal level. ;)

Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.

I'm not sure this guy got in trouble just for filming the police. It's more likely that he got in trouble for not "moving along" , basically being a dumbass liberal thinking he doesn't have to listen to an officer's command.

Lonestar. This is why I have to disagree with your conclusion on why he was arrested. He didn't have to "move along". This is America. Not a gestapo state. The police are public servants and have no right to tell the private citizen ( whose taxes pay their check each week mind you) to "move along" when it is quite clear that the private citizen is in the process of recording an arrest in progress. If there was nothing to hide - why the trumped up charges? Why the vitriol? You see?

I fully support the officer in Ferguson and the officers of the NYPD. Without hesitation I say, in neither case did the officers involved do anything wrong. They enforced the law and did not overstep their job descriptions. However! In this matter of videotaping police? I've got a problem. A huge problem. You know why? They have been authorized by the President to videotape Americans. Yet the President does not want us to videotape the police. What is he afraid of? What is the big secret that police officers cannot be videotaped? It's our constitutional right to be able to videotape. In my opinion.

Did you notice how overnight Obama managed to get every police dept on board with wearing camera's on their physical person to videotape ? Do you know how easy it would have been for him to have done the exact same thing in saying I'm enforcing the constitution of the US and telling police departments from here on they will enforce it and protect the rights of citizens to videotape officers during an arrest. Yet Obama didn't do that and he refuses to permit the citizens to have the same rights. Why? Because he is a communist that wants a revolution. Not a resolution. That's why.

Yes as a matter of fact you do. In every single state in the Union, you are obligated to follow the orders of a police officer.

You can back your butt up across the street and keep filming until your dumb phone runs out of power.

But when you are standing a few feet away, and the officer says "MOVE ALONG", that's not an "option" or a "polite request". You are ORDERED to MOVE ALONG. Get your butt out of the officers way.

And when you refuse, and the officer smashes your face in, I"m going to CHEER for him.

And by the way........

This right here, is exactly why countries end up in "gestapo states". Morons like this, refuse to obey the law, there's rape, and murder, and theft, and vandalism, and people being dragged out of their cars and beaten, and the rest of us are getting TIRED OF THIS.

We're sick of your crap. We're tired of "routine murder" now that doesn't even make the news because it's so common. At some point, someone is going to stand up and say vote for me, and I'll end this crime, and the people will be so tired of it, they'll EMBRACE a gestapo state, to end this anarchy in the streets.

We're tried of people just walking into stores stealing stuff, walking down the middle of the road, attacking a police officer, and somehow it's our fault, that scum sucking bit of human debris get's shot and killed.

I am absolutely convinced, 100% convinced, that at some point in the future, possibly near future, America without any doubt in my mind, will end up a police state... and idiotically... it will be the people like you, the very people who claim to oppose the police state, that will be instrumental in it becoming a reality.

We're tired of you people. This is going to end in authoritarianism at some point, and it will be your fault. YOU.

OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW. Solves a ton of problems.

I obey the law, Androw. I support the police. I supported the officer in Ferguson and the NYPD in the Garner case. What I didn't support was a story about a black girl who had a tazer used on her because she was standing far, far off in distance videotaping on her cell phone an arrest she felt was illegal - they didn't realize she could retrieve the info off cloud and erased the tape on her phone after accusing her of trying to hit a police officer with her car. Her car never moved. You can see what happened by the video on her phone which was made into a youtube video. I'm sure it is a rare occurance but it does happen. It has happened in Illinois, in Florida, in other states - it is happening across the nation from what I can see and in many of the states it isn't against the law to videotape with a cell phone so what exactly is the problem?

I'm probably more conservative than you are. Do not give me this we're tired of you people stuff. I'm a conservative! Wrong is wrong and you don't condone wrong because it doesn't jive with your politics. Understand?

Ok.... let's try this again... You bring up an instance of the girl who was tased after trying to hit a police officer.

So I looked up the video, and sure enough there's this chick filming police making an arrest.

If you watch the entire thing, from the start...... she's filming, and they are arresting, and nothing is happening. They know she's filming. They don't seem to have a problem. Full minute of filming. No issue what so ever.

Then, the light turns green, and this chick in her car, is just sitting there in the middle of the road blocking traffic..... so she can film.

The police officer sees this, and says very clearly.... "YOU NEED TO PULL FORWARD. THE LIGHT IS GREEN."

Dude... how hard is that?!?!? HUH?!?!? An officer of the law... said PULL FORWARD. This is not a difficult command. This is not an unreasonable command.

Just because you want to be mr. GoPro Police, with your camera phone, doesn't mean you are now above the law, and can block the entire road, stopped at a green light, with your attitude "no one can tell me a can't record!" - Idiotic Chick.

So what does she do??? She pulls towards the police instead, and hits one of them.

Here is what she should have done..... wait for it...... PULL FREAKIN FORWARD........ *THEN* park your dumb car, and walk back and record all you want.

AGAIN! You are defending the criminals. The chick should have PULLED FORWARD. If she had simply done what she was told, nothing else would have happened. Simple as that.

When you obey the police, you don't get tazed.

I don't care if you are so conservative, that Reagan would have rejected you as being too right-wing.

I am sick and tired of you people coming up with an million excuses why people should be able to ignore the orders of a police officer, and just do whatever the flip they want, and nothing should happen to them.

When officer tells me to PULL FORWARD.... I FREAKIN PULL FORWARD!!!! "Wah... I refused to do what I was told and get tazed! Oh those mean ol nasty officers thinking they have..... AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE THE LAW.... think I have to do what they say! Wah! Now I'm tazed!.

Gah... I'm so sick of this. I'm so tired of everything a cop does is wrong, and everything law breaking "park in the middle of the street with a green light, and you can't do anything because I'm recording!" is somehow good and decent and upright.

No, she should have had her face beaten in. She's lucky she only got tazed. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. Try that. Respect authority. It works wonders.
its like torture.. the goalpasts shifts. It used to be police brutality only if they beat you to a pulp and left you for dead- now the left wants to push the cops buttons on a daily basis, follow them, record them etc.. then wait for them to sneeze than sue. Pretty soon if the libs had their way the police could only defend themselves if they got attacked first; and only then they MIGHT be able to use the spray on em.
Officers told crowd to break it up and leave, which they refused. Another display of disrespect for the police.

One has to ask, do police officers that behave in such a way deserve respect?
I would suggest they deserve arrest, trial and punishment.
Not to the people who are intimidated into not taping.

That statement does not change whether or not there is a law specifically forbidding the taping of police at the federal level. ;)

Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.

I'm not sure this guy got in trouble just for filming the police. It's more likely that he got in trouble for not "moving along" , basically being a dumbass liberal thinking he doesn't have to listen to an officer's command.

Lonestar. This is why I have to disagree with your conclusion on why he was arrested. He didn't have to "move along". This is America. Not a gestapo state. The police are public servants and have no right to tell the private citizen ( whose taxes pay their check each week mind you) to "move along" when it is quite clear that the private citizen is in the process of recording an arrest in progress. If there was nothing to hide - why the trumped up charges? Why the vitriol? You see?

I fully support the officer in Ferguson and the officers of the NYPD. Without hesitation I say, in neither case did the officers involved do anything wrong. They enforced the law and did not overstep their job descriptions. However! In this matter of videotaping police? I've got a problem. A huge problem. You know why? They have been authorized by the President to videotape Americans. Yet the President does not want us to videotape the police. What is he afraid of? What is the big secret that police officers cannot be videotaped? It's our constitutional right to be able to videotape. In my opinion.

Did you notice how overnight Obama managed to get every police dept on board with wearing camera's on their physical person to videotape ? Do you know how easy it would have been for him to have done the exact same thing in saying I'm enforcing the constitution of the US and telling police departments from here on they will enforce it and protect the rights of citizens to videotape officers during an arrest. Yet Obama didn't do that and he refuses to permit the citizens to have the same rights. Why? Because he is a communist that wants a revolution. Not a resolution. That's why.

Yes as a matter of fact you do. In every single state in the Union, you are obligated to follow the orders of a police officer.

You can back your butt up across the street and keep filming until your dumb phone runs out of power.

But when you are standing a few feet away, and the officer says "MOVE ALONG", that's not an "option" or a "polite request". You are ORDERED to MOVE ALONG. Get your butt out of the officers way.

And when you refuse, and the officer smashes your face in, I"m going to CHEER for him.

That is because you are a psychopath and should probably be locked up. There is a REASON that cops react to cameras like cockroaches to floodlights.

Bent cops NEED TO BE PUNISHED. They NEED TO DIE. It is that simple.
Moving the goal posts? I never said anything about a federal law. I said it should never be illegal, and I would add, no one should ever get in any trouble for filming an encounter with the police.

I'm not sure this guy got in trouble just for filming the police. It's more likely that he got in trouble for not "moving along" , basically being a dumbass liberal thinking he doesn't have to listen to an officer's command.

Lonestar. This is why I have to disagree with your conclusion on why he was arrested. He didn't have to "move along". This is America. Not a gestapo state. The police are public servants and have no right to tell the private citizen ( whose taxes pay their check each week mind you) to "move along" when it is quite clear that the private citizen is in the process of recording an arrest in progress. If there was nothing to hide - why the trumped up charges? Why the vitriol? You see?

I fully support the officer in Ferguson and the officers of the NYPD. Without hesitation I say, in neither case did the officers involved do anything wrong. They enforced the law and did not overstep their job descriptions. However! In this matter of videotaping police? I've got a problem. A huge problem. You know why? They have been authorized by the President to videotape Americans. Yet the President does not want us to videotape the police. What is he afraid of? What is the big secret that police officers cannot be videotaped? It's our constitutional right to be able to videotape. In my opinion.

Did you notice how overnight Obama managed to get every police dept on board with wearing camera's on their physical person to videotape ? Do you know how easy it would have been for him to have done the exact same thing in saying I'm enforcing the constitution of the US and telling police departments from here on they will enforce it and protect the rights of citizens to videotape officers during an arrest. Yet Obama didn't do that and he refuses to permit the citizens to have the same rights. Why? Because he is a communist that wants a revolution. Not a resolution. That's why.

Yes as a matter of fact you do. In every single state in the Union, you are obligated to follow the orders of a police officer.

You can back your butt up across the street and keep filming until your dumb phone runs out of power.

But when you are standing a few feet away, and the officer says "MOVE ALONG", that's not an "option" or a "polite request". You are ORDERED to MOVE ALONG. Get your butt out of the officers way.

And when you refuse, and the officer smashes your face in, I"m going to CHEER for him.

And by the way........

This right here, is exactly why countries end up in "gestapo states". Morons like this, refuse to obey the law, there's rape, and murder, and theft, and vandalism, and people being dragged out of their cars and beaten, and the rest of us are getting TIRED OF THIS.

We're sick of your crap. We're tired of "routine murder" now that doesn't even make the news because it's so common. At some point, someone is going to stand up and say vote for me, and I'll end this crime, and the people will be so tired of it, they'll EMBRACE a gestapo state, to end this anarchy in the streets.

We're tried of people just walking into stores stealing stuff, walking down the middle of the road, attacking a police officer, and somehow it's our fault, that scum sucking bit of human debris get's shot and killed.

I am absolutely convinced, 100% convinced, that at some point in the future, possibly near future, America without any doubt in my mind, will end up a police state... and idiotically... it will be the people like you, the very people who claim to oppose the police state, that will be instrumental in it becoming a reality.

We're tired of you people. This is going to end in authoritarianism at some point, and it will be your fault. YOU.

OBEY THE FREAKIN LAW. Solves a ton of problems.

I obey the law, Androw. I support the police. I supported the officer in Ferguson and the NYPD in the Garner case. What I didn't support was a story about a black girl who had a tazer used on her because she was standing far, far off in distance videotaping on her cell phone an arrest she felt was illegal - they didn't realize she could retrieve the info off cloud and erased the tape on her phone after accusing her of trying to hit a police officer with her car. Her car never moved. You can see what happened by the video on her phone which was made into a youtube video. I'm sure it is a rare occurance but it does happen. It has happened in Illinois, in Florida, in other states - it is happening across the nation from what I can see and in many of the states it isn't against the law to videotape with a cell phone so what exactly is the problem?

I'm probably more conservative than you are. Do not give me this we're tired of you people stuff. I'm a conservative! Wrong is wrong and you don't condone wrong because it doesn't jive with your politics. Understand?

Ok.... let's try this again... You bring up an instance of the girl who was tased after trying to hit a police officer.

So I looked up the video, and sure enough there's this chick filming police making an arrest.

If you watch the entire thing, from the start...... she's filming, and they are arresting, and nothing is happening. They know she's filming. They don't seem to have a problem. Full minute of filming. No issue what so ever.

Then, the light turns green, and this chick in her car, is just sitting there in the middle of the road blocking traffic..... so she can film.

The police officer sees this, and says very clearly.... "YOU NEED TO PULL FORWARD. THE LIGHT IS GREEN."

Dude... how hard is that?!?!? HUH?!?!? An officer of the law... said PULL FORWARD. This is not a difficult command. This is not an unreasonable command.

Just because you want to be mr. GoPro Police, with your camera phone, doesn't mean you are now above the law, and can block the entire road, stopped at a green light, with your attitude "no one can tell me a can't record!" - Idiotic Chick.

So what does she do??? She pulls towards the police instead, and hits one of them.

Here is what she should have done..... wait for it...... PULL FREAKIN FORWARD........ *THEN* park your dumb car, and walk back and record all you want.

AGAIN! You are defending the criminals. The chick should have PULLED FORWARD. If she had simply done what she was told, nothing else would have happened. Simple as that.

When you obey the police, you don't get tazed.

I don't care if you are so conservative, that Reagan would have rejected you as being too right-wing.

I am sick and tired of you people coming up with an million excuses why people should be able to ignore the orders of a police officer, and just do whatever the flip they want, and nothing should happen to them.

When officer tells me to PULL FORWARD.... I FREAKIN PULL FORWARD!!!! "Wah... I refused to do what I was told and get tazed! Oh those mean ol nasty officers thinking they have..... AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE THE LAW.... think I have to do what they say! Wah! Now I'm tazed!.

Gah... I'm so sick of this. I'm so tired of everything a cop does is wrong, and everything law breaking "park in the middle of the street with a green light, and you can't do anything because I'm recording!" is somehow good and decent and upright.

No, she should have had her face beaten in. She's lucky she only got tazed. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. Try that. Respect authority. It works wonders.

Put the video up. I cannot see where her car was but I heard him telling her move her car and her saying why? Not the light is green and you need to move forward. Post the video. I want to see that you and I saw the same video, Androw.
This girl was black and she was tazed by police for sitting in her car and recording an arrest. From a distance you can see on the video she took. The police arrested her claiming she hit a cop with her car. She was refusing to move forward when they told her move forward because there were cops standing in front of her car! How could she move?! She told them this. I remember hearing it on the recording. Her father was a veteran police officer as I recall and she said, I can record this and nobody better tell me I cannot record this. While she was recording was when the action all started happening. Here is the news story. Question to Androw. Why did the police erase her tape recording? Why did they arrest her and put her in the clink over night? Why did they drop all charges once they learned she had managed to get the recording back off of a cloud app? You see? Something is not adding up here. I don't recall hearing green light in the video but I see they have put it in this Baltimore Sun news story. Here it is:

Woman in arrest video describes violent takedown by police - Baltimore Sun

But as she got near, she stopped to record a group of police arresting a man across the street.

Mwamba, 36, flicked on the video recorder on her cell phone, telling officers she was allowed to record. But the situation quickly devolved into Mwamba's being hauled from her Toyota, tasered and charged with assaulting two police officers.

Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts was asked about the incident during the Police Department's "Twitter Town Hall" question-and-answer session Monday, and the agency later sent out a statement condemning the language as "both offensive and unacceptable."

The agency had hours earlier concluded a news conference with Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in which officials presented statistics showing a steep drop in discourtesy complaints against officers and in notices received from lawyers about their intent to file lawsuits.
The cop starts screaming at her out of the car while tazing her, he calls her a dumb blank (cuss word) She tells him her father is a police officer and cannot believe they are doing that. Then the guy accuses her - you just tried to run over an officer - that was an outright lie. When they learned she had that video back? They suddenly dropped all the charges. Very suspicious. Note^ the officer also called her a dumb blank and was cussing at her. Very unprofessional behavior and this would be the type of police officer that should be taken off the force permanently.
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Look at this video, Androw, and tell me this is permissable. It is not. They didn't give her a chance to move the car. She would not move the car because there were cops in front of it and she didn't want to hit anyone. Hello?

They tazed her while she was in the car telling her get out of the F word car and said that F word repeatedly. Then they called her the B word and said you are a Dumb Blank! ( B Word ) And then they put her in the clink all night when she had only taken a video tape and didn't move her car? What in the world is going on here? They did wrong and they know they did wrong or they would not have erased her video taping of the event on her cell phone. They had no right to touch her personal property and erase that video. Thank God she was able to retrieve it off of cloud app because when they found out that she had that video back?

They dropped all charges against her. Please explain that.

I support good law enforcement and would speak up for them any day of the week. But I do not support police officers that cuss at women and use a tazer on them because they recorded with their cell phone while sitting in their car! The nerve!

And for ClosedCaption's information - that is not contradiction - that is consistency! Police officers have to obey the laws of the land too! They are not above the law. Period!
Look at this video, Androw, and tell me this is permissable. It is not. They didn't give her a chance to move the car. She would not move the car because there were cops in front of it and she didn't want to hit anyone. Hello?

They tazed her while she was in the car telling her get out of the F word car and said that F word repeatedly. Then they called her the B word and said you are a Dumb Blank! ( B Word ) And then they put her in the clink all night when she had only taken a video tape and didn't move her car? What in the world is going on here? They did wrong and they know they did wrong or they would not have erased her video taping of the event on her cell phone. They had no right to touch her personal property and erase that video. Thank God she was able to retrieve it off of cloud app because when they found out that she had that video back?

They dropped all charges against her. Please explain that.

I watched it several times. They told her very clearly pull forward, the light is green, you can't just sit in the middle of the street blocking traffic.

What does she do? "Are you telling me I can't record?"

FAIL!!!! RIGHT THERE >>> FAIL<<< The officer said pull forward. You claim there were officers directly in front of her car, when they told her to pull forward? PROVE IT. Why is it that you take the word of some mouthy chick who thinks she can stop in the middle of the street, over officers of the law?

Even after she grasps the concept that she can't sit in the middle of the road, instead of saying "Yes officer, I'll pull forward", She says "Ok I'll park and I'm recording all this"..... FAIL!!! RIGHT THERE!!! >>>FAIL<<<. You don't just make up your own commands. She was ordered to PULL FORWARD. This is not a hard concept! IF she had kept her dumb mouth SHUT, and PULLED FORWARD... nothing else would have happened. Instead she was mouthing off, and got herself tazed.

And no. Nothing in that video proves the police did wrong. But clearly, I can see that the chick was doing something wrong.

Further, she doesn't shut up. Again, the simple solution, the right thing to do was.... wait for it.... PULL FORWARD!

She could have rolled through the light... AS SHE WAS DIRECTED... pulled over and parked, waddled her butt back to where they were, and recorded everything.... and you and I would not be bickering about it now.

*SHE* caused this problem. Not the police. *SHE* instigated the situation. If *SHE* had done what she was told, nothing would have happened. And no, I don't believe that there was an officer standing in front of her car, when they told her to pull forward. I don't believe you, or her. Sorry, both of you now have no credibility, and must prove your claims, not just demand we take your word for it.

If that were true, there would have been dozens of people stepping up to verify it. You can clearly see other civilians in the video, and hear other civilians in the video.

Once again, another clear cut case, with video as proof, that this chick was asking for a problem, and got a problem... and somehow it's not the criminals fault, but the police that were wrong.... no, you are wrong. Period.

Lastly, the reason why they dropped the charges was very clear. Not enough evidence. That doesn't 'prove' anything, anymore than the fact there was wasn't enough evidence to convict Al Capone of murder, means he didn't do anything wrong either.

The evidence on the video itself, is proof enough, that the idiot "you can't tell me I can't record while blocking traffic" chick screwed up, and police were right.
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