Cop Chokes Then Body-Slams Man For Recording Arrest With Cellphone

Oh btw all of that information is linked if you want to follow the information you can
Androw is a low intellect person. His best defense is to ask you for proof to alter his illogical argument.

I expect in a discussion about the speed of cheetahs vs house cats he'll be asking for house cats with spots, same height and live in Africa...and yellow

I expect in a discussion about the speed of cheetahs vs house cats ClosedCraption will be claiming society is biased toward cheetas because they have spots, different height and live in Africa...and are yellow.
Oh btw all of that information is linked if you want to follow the information you can
Androw is a low intellect person. His best defense is to ask you for proof to alter his illogical argument.

And that right there, was the absolute best argument I've seen from you... illustrating you never have an argument at all.
All it illustrates is you have no clue what an argument is. You cant say I have an argument then say I dont have one. You are less intelligent than I thought.
...Why dont you believe stats? Because stats dont share all that information
Oh, to hell with the exact same conditions, et al...

Thats my opinion too

When dealing on the Macro level, with large demographics, all that micro-scale happy horseshit averages-out, and falls off the scope...

If you have macro-level stats which show that Whites are allowed to walk while Blacks are charged, on a sufficiently regular basis so as to come up on the nation's scope in a statistically significant fashion, then, by all means, produce your data (from a nonpartisan and unbiased source, if that's not too much trouble, please)...

The Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and Criminal Justice in the United States Center for American Progress

But heres the problem. Its not that you dont know these stats exist. The problem is that you dont believe these stats because if you did, then you'd have to acknowledge that these stats would have a ripple effect that affects an entire community. So instead of thinking of all that its much easier to forget all the stats and just ask "Whats wrong with black people?" as if blacks run the system. Here are some huge ones..

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. Individuals of color have a disproportionate number of encounters with law enforcement, indicating that racial profiling continues to be a problem. A report by the Department of Justice found that blacks and Hispanics were approximately three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop than white motorists. African Americans were twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.

Students of color face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated. Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement. Currently, African Americans make up two-fifths and Hispanics one-fifth of confined youth today.

According to recent data by the Department of Education, African American students are arrested far more often than their white classmates. The data showed that96,000 students were arrested and 242,000 referred to law enforcement by schools during the 2009-10 school year. Of those students, black and Hispanic students made up more than 70 percent of arrested or referred students. Harsh school punishments, from suspensions to arrests, have led to high numbers of youth of color coming into contact with the juvenile-justice system and at an earlier age.

African American youth have higher rates of juvenile incarceration and are more likely to be sentenced to adult prison. According to the Sentencing Project, even though African American juvenile youth are about 16 percent of the youth population, 37 percent of their cases are moved to criminal court and 58 percent of African American youth are sent to adult prisons.

The war on drugs has been waged primarily in communities of color where people of color are more likely to receive higher offenses. According to the Human Rights Watch, people of color are no more likely to use or sell illegal drugs than whites, but they have higher rate of arrests. African Americans comprise 14 percent of regular drug users but are 37 percent of those arrested for drug offenses. From 1980 to 2007 about one in three of the 25.4 million adults arrested for drugs was African American.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime.

Is that because they commit more severe crimes? If you have 10 purple people, and 10 yellow people live in a town, and all the yellow people murder, and all the purple people J-walk.... Statistically the yellow people are going to have a higher chance of going to prison.

Has nothing to do with some bias in the justice system, as it does actions and consequences of the people.

Students of color face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated.

Again... is that because they committed more servere crimes? I went to an upper middle class school. There were 3 black kids in my school, who never at any point did anything wrong. I was tardy to my early morning class, and was in detention several times. They must have been biased against white kids at my school.

According to recent data by the Department of Education, African American students are arrested far more often than their white classmates.

Again, were white classmates committing the same amount, and same severity of crimes as the those who were caught and arrested?

See again, without that information, the statistics are irrelevant. Because then what is your solution? Just randomly round up white kids and arrest them to equalize the statistics? Or maybe just randomly let black kids go no matter what crime they commit, to equalize the statistics?

African American youth have higher rates of juvenile incarceration and are more likely to be sentenced to adult prison.

Again, is that because they have a higher rate of committing adult crimes? If you don't know, then what's your point? Should we just let rapists go, because we want to change the statistics?

The war on drugs has been waged primarily in communities of color where people of color are more likely to receive higher offenses.

Is that because they are committing higher offenses? Further, if a person has a long history of crime, and is caught with a little pot, verses someone who has no prior criminal history caught with a little pot, which is going to go to prison? The guy with the history.

Everyone knows that blacks get imprisoned more than other ethnic groups.

I'm not questioning that, nor do I disagree with the statistics suggesting as much.

Where the problem comes in, is you suggest that our justice system treats people of different races differently. Nothing in any of those statistics proves that claim.

In order to make that claim, you have to show that two people, doing the same crime, in the same way, with the same history, that one will got off completely because he's white, and one goes to prison because he's black.

You can't make that claim, because that doesn't happen. It's as simple as that.
Oh btw all of that information is linked if you want to follow the information you can
Androw is a low intellect person. His best defense is to ask you for proof to alter his illogical argument.

And that right there, was the absolute best argument I've seen from you... illustrating you never have an argument at all.
All it illustrates is you have no clue what an argument is. You cant say I have an argument then say I dont have one. You are less intelligent than I thought.

And once again... this is the best 'argument' you have. Not only do you not have an argument, but you failed to grasp my sarcasm, which was mocking you.

If this is the best level of intelligent discussion you are capable of, then perhaps you have proven yourself too stupid to be on a forum. Is this the best you can do? Let me know, so that I can put you on my ignore list, and never see your waste of space posts again.
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked
In fact the stats show there is no reasoning behind it. Of course to you that means there is another reason for it. ... One you just thought of.

It says right there in the first point that blacks are searched, stopped and confronted more often than whites. And you're response is "Did they commit more severe crimes? "

What crimes? It doesn't even mention a crime had been committed. It says they will be stopped, searched and abused more often than whites.
Oh btw all of that information is linked if you want to follow the information you can
Androw is a low intellect person. His best defense is to ask you for proof to alter his illogical argument.

And that right there, was the absolute best argument I've seen from you... illustrating you never have an argument at all.
All it illustrates is you have no clue what an argument is. You cant say I have an argument then say I dont have one. You are less intelligent than I thought.

And once again... this is the best 'argument' you have. Not only do you not have an argument, but you failed to grasp my sarcasm, which was mocking you.

If this is the best level of intelligent discussion you are capable of, then perhaps you have proven yourself too stupid to be on a forum. Is this the best you can do? Let me know, so that I can put you on my ignore list, and never see your waste of space posts again.
Once again you fail to realize you cant have a best argument and no argument all at the same time. You are either rambling about or providing a coherent argument. If you cant do any better please dont take up time and space from other people with intelligence posting.
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked

No ClosedCrap, I do believe the stats. I said so in my own reply. I fully accept the stats are true.

What I don't believe, is your commentary, that there can't possibly be a reason for any of it. And no, the link does not say, or even claim, that there is no reason.

And given the fact that you fully admit you have no evidence suggesting there can't be a reason for it, that suggests you are full of crap, like I said before.

You just make up stuff. No evidence at all-

ClosedCraption: "but there is no reason for it... can't prove that... have nothing suggesting it... but I know there isn't.... Why don't you believe the evidence?"
Last edited:
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked
All he is capable of is deflecting and asking asinine questions.

Well that's now six posts in a row, in which you have demonstrated that you are completely and entirely incapable of adding anything of any value to the conversation.

You have successfully proven yourself too plain stupid to be a part of this conversation with me. Your level is simply too low to be of any value.

Therefore, I have deemed you unworthy to make any communication with me. Congrats! For my own personal pleasure, you have now been banned from my world. :banned03:

You are now.... IGNORED! Forever and always, I will never again see you, or your posts, for the rest of my life... and given how you have not had anything of value to say yet, I will not be missing anything.

Goodbye and good riddance! I know my experience here will be greatly improved without you! Bye bye troll! :trolls:
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked

No ClosedCrap, I do believe the stats. I said so in my own reply. I fully accept the stats are true.

What I don't believe, is your commentary, that there can't possibly be a reason for any of it. And no, the link does not say, or even claim, that there is no reason.

I didnt say it happened for no reason maybe thats where you're lost. you cant ask if someone committed more severe crimes when a crime hasnt even been committed.

And given the fact that you fully admit you have no evidence suggesting there can't be a reason for it, suggest that you are full of crap, like I suggested before.

There is a reason, a simple one...that you ignore.

You just make up stuff. No evidence at all-

Ask for evidence...provide the evidence....then claim no evidence was provided. You can question the facts but you cannot refute them. Therefore I've made my point.

ClosedCraption: "but there is no reason for it... can't prove that... have nothing suggesting it... but I know there isn't.... Why don't you believe the evidence?"

Again, maybe you got the wrong person but I blame bias and racial discrimination for it. Feel free to once again claim that I dont have a reason tho :itsok:
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked
All he is capable of is deflecting and asking asinine questions.

Well that's now six posts in a row, in which you have demonstrated that you are completely and entirely incapable of adding anything of any value to the conversation.

You have successfully proven yourself too plain stupid to be a part of this conversation with me. Your level is simply too low to be of any value.

Therefore, I have deemed you unworthy to make any communication with me. Congrats! For my own personal pleasure, you have now been banned from my world. :banned03:

You are now.... IGNORED! Forever and always, I will never again see you, or your posts, for the rest of my life... and given how you have not had anything of value to say yet, I will not be missing anything.

Goodbye and good riddance! I know my experience here will be greatly improved without you! Bye bye troll! :trolls:
You sure allocated a lot of space to just simply put me on ignore. :laugh:
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked
All he is capable of is deflecting and asking asinine questions.

Well that's now six posts in a row, in which you have demonstrated that you are completely and entirely incapable of adding anything of any value to the conversation.

You have successfully proven yourself too plain stupid to be a part of this conversation with me. Your level is simply too low to be of any value.

Therefore, I have deemed you unworthy to make any communication with me. Congrats! For my own personal pleasure, you have now been banned from my world. :banned03:

You are now.... IGNORED! Forever and always, I will never again see you, or your posts, for the rest of my life... and given how you have not had anything of value to say yet, I will not be missing anything.

Goodbye and good riddance! I know my experience here will be greatly improved without you! Bye bye troll! :trolls:
You sure allocated a lot of space to just simply put me on ignore. :laugh:

He had to make it look believable. Add a touch of flare, sprinkle some drama queenery and viola
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked

No ClosedCrap, I do believe the stats. I said so in my own reply. I fully accept the stats are true.

What I don't believe, is your commentary, that there can't possibly be a reason for any of it. And no, the link does not say, or even claim, that there is no reason.

I didnt say it happened for no reason maybe thats where you're lost. you cant ask if someone committed more severe crimes when a crime hasnt even been committed.

And given the fact that you fully admit you have no evidence suggesting there can't be a reason for it, suggest that you are full of crap, like I suggested before.

There is a reason, a simple one...that you ignore.

You just make up stuff. No evidence at all-

Ask for evidence...provide the evidence....then claim no evidence was provided. You can question the facts but you cannot refute them. Therefore I've made my point.

ClosedCraption: "but there is no reason for it... can't prove that... have nothing suggesting it... but I know there isn't.... Why don't you believe the evidence?"

Again, maybe you got the wrong person but I blame bias and racial discrimination for it. Feel free to once again claim that I dont have a reason tho :itsok:

You are seriously suggesting that no crime was committed, and black people are sent to prison?

No, you said there was no reason for it. Now you are saying there is. Yes, there is a reason. They committed a worse crime, or did so in a worse way, or have a long criminal history.

You have not provided any evidence that proves that black people go to prison for offenses of the same type, severity, history as whites who are let go.

You made that claim... now you can't back it up.

You don't have a reason to justify that claim that it's bias. You have stats that show more blacks go to prison, without any proof that whites that commit the same crimes, in the same way, with the same history, do not.
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked
All he is capable of is deflecting and asking asinine questions.

Well that's now six posts in a row, in which you have demonstrated that you are completely and entirely incapable of adding anything of any value to the conversation.

You have successfully proven yourself too plain stupid to be a part of this conversation with me. Your level is simply too low to be of any value.

Therefore, I have deemed you unworthy to make any communication with me. Congrats! For my own personal pleasure, you have now been banned from my world. :banned03:

You are now.... IGNORED! Forever and always, I will never again see you, or your posts, for the rest of my life... and given how you have not had anything of value to say yet, I will not be missing anything.

Goodbye and good riddance! I know my experience here will be greatly improved without you! Bye bye troll! :trolls:
You sure allocated a lot of space to just simply put me on ignore. :laugh:

He had to make it look believable. Add a touch of flare, sprinkle some drama queenery and viola

He'll figure it out... because I'll never reply to another of his posts again. I can't even see them.

See here is what my screen shows:


There is no other post between your old post, and your new post. His posts don't even show up. Not even a "this user is ignored".

Further, it won't even show posts of his that are quoted" On my screen, it looks like you are talking to no one.

And when I quote you, it doesn't show his posts on that either.


See? It's like he doesn't exist at all. There are jerks on this forum, that I've forgotten ever existed, unless I on some rare occasion, happen to go to my 'ignore list' menu in the User Control panel. Then it's like "oh yeah! I ignored that guy ages ago! I wonder if he is still on this forum?"

Believe me, the Ignore function, is the absolute best feature of this forum. It literally from the perspective of the person who uses it, makes the trolls cease to exist. It's one of the reasons I post to this specific forum.
Last edited:
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked

No ClosedCrap, I do believe the stats. I said so in my own reply. I fully accept the stats are true.

What I don't believe, is your commentary, that there can't possibly be a reason for any of it. And no, the link does not say, or even claim, that there is no reason.

I didnt say it happened for no reason maybe thats where you're lost. you cant ask if someone committed more severe crimes when a crime hasnt even been committed.

And given the fact that you fully admit you have no evidence suggesting there can't be a reason for it, suggest that you are full of crap, like I suggested before.

There is a reason, a simple one...that you ignore.

You just make up stuff. No evidence at all-

Ask for evidence...provide the evidence....then claim no evidence was provided. You can question the facts but you cannot refute them. Therefore I've made my point.

ClosedCraption: "but there is no reason for it... can't prove that... have nothing suggesting it... but I know there isn't.... Why don't you believe the evidence?"

Again, maybe you got the wrong person but I blame bias and racial discrimination for it. Feel free to once again claim that I dont have a reason tho :itsok:

You are seriously suggesting that no crime was committed, and black people are sent to prison?

Is your computer broke? That's the 2nd time you're asking me about something that was never said.

No, you said there was no reason for it. Now you are saying there is. Yes, there is a reason. They committed a worse crime, or did so in a worse way, or have a long criminal history.

Know what? That's not what the stats say. Are we going on stats or the story you make up make up justify the stats?

You have not provided any evidence that proves that black people go to prison for offenses of the same type, severity, history as whites who are let go.

Once again the stats disagree with you. If you want to discuss stats, fine. But I'm not discussing made up claims of "more severity" when the stats say otherwise. Hell, they even address same crimes

You made that claim... now you can't back it up.

You don't have a reason to justify that claim that it's bias. You have stats that show more blacks go to prison, without any proof that whites that commit the same crimes, in the same way, with the same history, do not.

The stats disagree with you. Sorry you're refusing to read it. Not Sorry
So you ignored the paragraph, the stats and information to ask rhetorical questions.

I told you you don't trust what do you believe? Your own preconceived thoughts. I'm shocked

No ClosedCrap, I do believe the stats. I said so in my own reply. I fully accept the stats are true.

What I don't believe, is your commentary, that there can't possibly be a reason for any of it. And no, the link does not say, or even claim, that there is no reason.

I didnt say it happened for no reason maybe thats where you're lost. you cant ask if someone committed more severe crimes when a crime hasnt even been committed.

And given the fact that you fully admit you have no evidence suggesting there can't be a reason for it, suggest that you are full of crap, like I suggested before.

There is a reason, a simple one...that you ignore.

You just make up stuff. No evidence at all-

Ask for evidence...provide the evidence....then claim no evidence was provided. You can question the facts but you cannot refute them. Therefore I've made my point.

ClosedCraption: "but there is no reason for it... can't prove that... have nothing suggesting it... but I know there isn't.... Why don't you believe the evidence?"

Again, maybe you got the wrong person but I blame bias and racial discrimination for it. Feel free to once again claim that I dont have a reason tho :itsok:

You are seriously suggesting that no crime was committed, and black people are sent to prison?

Is your computer broke? That's the 2nd time you're asking me about something that was never said.

No, you said there was no reason for it. Now you are saying there is. Yes, there is a reason. They committed a worse crime, or did so in a worse way, or have a long criminal history.

Know what? That's not what the stats say. Are we going on stats or the story you make up make up justify the stats?

You have not provided any evidence that proves that black people go to prison for offenses of the same type, severity, history as whites who are let go.

Once again the stats disagree with you. If you want to discuss stats, fine. But I'm not discussing made up claims of "more severity" when the stats say otherwise. Hell, they even address same crimes

You made that claim... now you can't back it up.

You don't have a reason to justify that claim that it's bias. You have stats that show more blacks go to prison, without any proof that whites that commit the same crimes, in the same way, with the same history, do not.

The stats disagree with you. Sorry you're refusing to read it. Not Sorry

Really? So the stats show that two people, one white, and one black, both committing the exact same crime, in the exact same manor, with the exact same criminal history.... and the white one walks, and the black one is imprisoned?

If not... then no, the stats don't disagree with me. Thanks.

If they do.... then post those stats, because none of the ones you posted thus for make that claim.
At the link...but you won't read it tho

8. Once convicted, black offenders receive longer sentences compared to white offenders. The U.S. Sentencing Commission stated that in the federal system black offenders receive sentences that are 10 percent longer than white offenders for the same crimes. The Sentencing Project reports that African Americans are 21 percent more likely to receive mandatory-minimum sentences than white defendants and are 20 percent more like to be sentenced to prison.

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