Cop Chokes Then Body-Slams Man For Recording Arrest With Cellphone

I disagree with you, Androw. You cannot taze someone because they are telling you the police are blocking her way and she cannot move her car forward. Listen to the video. They could have given her more time to move the car - they were far too quick to use that tazer thing on her and the flood of curse words was just unbelievable! Calling her a dumb blank? Really? !

Those officers should be fired. She should be given an apology for the entire event.

You have the right to be wrong.

Until you prove that there were in fact police officers standing directly in front of her car, when they told her to pull forward.... a claim not a single other person has supported or even alleged... then you are just making up crap.

I have watched the video now, a dozen times. It's not going to magically change because you keep telling me to listen to it again.

They don't need to give her 'more time'. They ordered her to pull forward. I have been stopped by police numberous times. In one such instance, I was given a direct order to pull my car over to the side, off the road. I said "Yes sir". Without needing "more time", I did exactly as I was told RIGHT THEN.

What I did not do, was say "are your telling me I can't record?" "Nobody going to tell me I can't record" "Ok I'm going to park elsewhere instead" "Ok I'm recording all of this".

I did not argue with the officer. I did not bicker with the officer. I did not just do whatever I wanted and ignored the officer. I did not taunt them with "you can't tell me...." or "I'm recording all this....".


She absolutely deserved everything she got, and in my opinion should have gotten a ton more.

You support the criminal. I support the police. I get that. You have the right to defend a criminal. I have the right defend the police.

If you can actually PROVE that crap that there was a police officer directly in front of her car when they told her to pull forward, feel free. I'd love to see it. Even then, that would only make the case both were at fault, because again, if she hadn't be parked in the middle of the road taunting the police with "no one can tell me I can't record!", none of the rest would have happened.

Oh for heaven's sakes, Androw! Fast forward the video to 1:20 please! She has a recording of the police walking in front of her car! She says, how can I move my car when the police are right here! She is letting them know that she cannot move the car until they get out of harms way! Now do you see what I am seeing? Police walking in front of her car through her front windshield you can see it. THIS is why they dropped the charges. The video proved she didn't move the car so how in the world could she have tried to run down police officers with it? They are telling a lie! She didn't try to hit anyone with her car.

I am not making anything up. I am telling you what I see on the video. Could someone please fast forward to 1:20 on this video and tell me what they see and what she says and how quickly - within seconds they are screaming at her and attacking her with a taser? I'm not wrong. This was a clear cut case of the officers involved overstepping their authority. I do not condone police acting like this and cussing at a woman! They are wrong and should be told to apologise to her!

I can't see enough in the video to say if there were police blocking her, but you can clearly hear her say, repeatedly, "I'll pull up, I'll pull up.". Then she asks how she can pull over with the police in the way, followed almost immediately by the sounds of physical altercation.

It's not conclusive, but certainly doesn't sound good.

No, the officer told her very clearly to pull forward... the light is green. Implication... she was parked in the middle of the road, at a green light, not moving.

*SHE* decided that instead of doing what she was told.... PULL FORWARD, that she was going to do her own thing, and park.

There were cops along the road. I personally do not believe there were police directly in front of her car. I believe there were cops along the road, where SHE decided she wanted to park.... instead of PULLING FORWARD.

When she refused to obey the officer, and bickered with him over 'are you telling me I can't record?'.... that's when she was ordered to park, and the problem happened.

If she had done what she was told... or better yet, not been stopped in the middle of the road to begin with... I do not believe anything would have happened.

People get this idiotic idea that if you start recording an officer, suddenly they can ignore what the officer says, and you can bicker with them. You just do what they say. If you really believe the order was wrong, or there was an issue, file a complaint or take it to court, and you generally will be treated fairly.

But in the moment.... you are dealing with an officer of the law. They have been given the authority to enforce the law, and you need to respect that... SHUT UP... DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. It's really that simple folks.

There's another video of a guy with a conceal carry, and the officer didn't know it. They pulled him over, and were talking with him, and finally he blurted out that he had conceal carry, and had a gun right on his hip.

The officer completely freaked out, and was screaming and yelling at him.

But........... he was not tazed. Was not hit. Was not cuffed. Was not attacked. Not shot, not maced, not kicked.... nothing.

Want to know why? It's real simple. The man did EXACTLY as was told. He didn't scream back. He didn't resist. He didn't taunt. He didn't provoke. He was not sitting there "nobody can tell me I can't carry" or bickering with the police. He did everything he was ordered to do, and even though the officer was completely enraged, he was not harmed, beaten, tazed, or anything.

It's just that simple..... Officers do not just randomly attack people. You provoke them, and then cry about getting tazed.

Your argument hinges on your belief that the woman was lying about officers being in front of her car. You don't believe what she said. That's fine, but is certainly not objective evidence. Maybe there was someone in front of her car, maybe not. If things happened as Jeremiah described (officers took her phone, deleted the recording, she later retrieved it from cloud storage, all charges were then dropped against her) it does not paint a picture of proper conduct by the officers involved.

As a general rule, yes, it is best to follow the orders of a police officer. However, you come across sounding as though any order given by a police officer should automatically be followed without thought. That is absolutely not true. Police officers are fallible humans like the rest of us and perfectly capable of giving unlawful commands. The fact that a police officer tells you to do something does not automatically mean you are under legal or moral obligation to follow that command.

Do I think that, in most cases, it is better to follow the orders anyway? Probably. It's dependent upon the situation, though. If an officer wants to enter my home without a warrant, without showing any sort of probable cause, do you think I am obligated to allow it? If an officer stops my car and wants to search it, without a warrant and without offering any probable cause, do you think I should allow it? Those sorts of things do happen, and perhaps more frequently than you believe.
its like torture.. the goalpasts shifts. It used to be police brutality only if they beat you to a pulp and left you for dead- now the left wants to push the cops buttons on a daily basis, follow them, record them etc.. then wait for them to sneeze than sue. Pretty soon if the libs had their way the police could only defend themselves if they got attacked first; and only then they MIGHT be able to use the spray on em.

That's exactly right. Honestly, I think we need to eliminate tasers, and go back to clubs. In the 1930s, if you screwed with a police officer, they would swing a club, as hard as they could, at your face, and knock your dumb &&& off your feet. Shockingly, people respected police officers, and there was rarely a need to beat people.

Now, these mindless apes (known as leftists regardless of color), think they should be able to mouth off, taunt, resist, fight, argue, and provoke police all day long... and then start screamingly like spoiled brats when anything happens to them.

No pity. No sympathy. No tears shed by me for these scum sucking bits of human trash. They need shot and killed. Society as a whole would be better off without them. Once they are dead, and respect for authority is regained, we'll end up with a civil society again.

Mindless apes? We are all created in the image of God, Androw. Irregardless of race or political leanings. What a something! There is such a thing as police officers who overstep their authority. Not many but some and those are the ones that need to lose their badges. They give a bad name to the many who became police officers to serve. Not to intimidate and go on some power trip. The girl's father was a police officer. I hope they apologised to her father and mother too. They should!

What the heck does that have to do with anything? I'm created in the image of G-d. If I run around, taunting, fighting, resisting, provoking, attacking the police.... I'm a mindless ape.

If I rob people..... I'm a robber. The fact that I'm 'created in the image of G-d', doesn't change that.

If I murder people.... I'm a murderer. The fact that I'm 'created in the image of G-d', doesn't change that.

If I only eat vegitables.... I'm a vegetarian. The fact that I'm 'created in the image of G-d', doesn't change that.

You are..... whatever you are. The fact that you are 'created in the image of G-d' doesn't change what you are.

Has nothing to do with politics or race. Has to do with how you act in a civil society. You act like a mindless ape.... then that's what you are, and you have no place in civil society.

You want to repent of your mindless ape ways, and change what you are? I'm all for it. I've met many reformed thugs, who have changed who they are, and ended up highly respectable people.

The fact this chicks father was a police officer, doesn't mean she can park in the street and bicker with the police.

I'm tired of your idiotic excuses. Excuse after excuse after excuse. Police don't need to go on a power trip... THEY ALREADY HAVE POWER. THEY ARE THE AUTHORITY. What part of this is too hard for you people?

If you really think the police are out of line, then file a complaint, or take it to court, or contact the media.

Of course the media would have ignored this, because they did nothing wrong. The court would have sent you a bill for using the courts time, and the complaint would have been filed and dismissed.

We all know that.

Instead this chick had to cause a problem, and then whine about being tazed.

No... I'm sorry. You are still wrong, still defending a criminal, and still making excuses.
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I disagree with you, Androw. You cannot taze someone because they are telling you the police are blocking her way and she cannot move her car forward. Listen to the video. They could have given her more time to move the car - they were far too quick to use that tazer thing on her and the flood of curse words was just unbelievable! Calling her a dumb blank? Really? !

Those officers should be fired. She should be given an apology for the entire event.

You have the right to be wrong.

Until you prove that there were in fact police officers standing directly in front of her car, when they told her to pull forward.... a claim not a single other person has supported or even alleged... then you are just making up crap.

I have watched the video now, a dozen times. It's not going to magically change because you keep telling me to listen to it again.

They don't need to give her 'more time'. They ordered her to pull forward. I have been stopped by police numberous times. In one such instance, I was given a direct order to pull my car over to the side, off the road. I said "Yes sir". Without needing "more time", I did exactly as I was told RIGHT THEN.

What I did not do, was say "are your telling me I can't record?" "Nobody going to tell me I can't record" "Ok I'm going to park elsewhere instead" "Ok I'm recording all of this".

I did not argue with the officer. I did not bicker with the officer. I did not just do whatever I wanted and ignored the officer. I did not taunt them with "you can't tell me...." or "I'm recording all this....".


She absolutely deserved everything she got, and in my opinion should have gotten a ton more.

You support the criminal. I support the police. I get that. You have the right to defend a criminal. I have the right defend the police.

If you can actually PROVE that crap that there was a police officer directly in front of her car when they told her to pull forward, feel free. I'd love to see it. Even then, that would only make the case both were at fault, because again, if she hadn't be parked in the middle of the road taunting the police with "no one can tell me I can't record!", none of the rest would have happened.

Oh for heaven's sakes, Androw! Fast forward the video to 1:20 please! She has a recording of the police walking in front of her car! She says, how can I move my car when the police are right here! She is letting them know that she cannot move the car until they get out of harms way! Now do you see what I am seeing? Police walking in front of her car through her front windshield you can see it. THIS is why they dropped the charges. The video proved she didn't move the car so how in the world could she have tried to run down police officers with it? They are telling a lie! She didn't try to hit anyone with her car.

I am not making anything up. I am telling you what I see on the video. Could someone please fast forward to 1:20 on this video and tell me what they see and what she says and how quickly - within seconds they are screaming at her and attacking her with a taser? I'm not wrong. This was a clear cut case of the officers involved overstepping their authority. I do not condone police acting like this and cussing at a woman! They are wrong and should be told to apologise to her!

I can't see enough in the video to say if there were police blocking her, but you can clearly hear her say, repeatedly, "I'll pull up, I'll pull up.". Then she asks how she can pull over with the police in the way, followed almost immediately by the sounds of physical altercation.

It's not conclusive, but certainly doesn't sound good.

No, the officer told her very clearly to pull forward... the light is green. Implication... she was parked in the middle of the road, at a green light, not moving.

*SHE* decided that instead of doing what she was told.... PULL FORWARD, that she was going to do her own thing, and park.

There were cops along the road. I personally do not believe there were police directly in front of her car. I believe there were cops along the road, where SHE decided she wanted to park.... instead of PULLING FORWARD.

When she refused to obey the officer, and bickered with him over 'are you telling me I can't record?'.... that's when she was ordered to park, and the problem happened.

If she had done what she was told... or better yet, not been stopped in the middle of the road to begin with... I do not believe anything would have happened.

People get this idiotic idea that if you start recording an officer, suddenly they can ignore what the officer says, and you can bicker with them. You just do what they say. If you really believe the order was wrong, or there was an issue, file a complaint or take it to court, and you generally will be treated fairly.

But in the moment.... you are dealing with an officer of the law. They have been given the authority to enforce the law, and you need to respect that... SHUT UP... DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. It's really that simple folks.

There's another video of a guy with a conceal carry, and the officer didn't know it. They pulled him over, and were talking with him, and finally he blurted out that he had conceal carry, and had a gun right on his hip.

The officer completely freaked out, and was screaming and yelling at him.

But........... he was not tazed. Was not hit. Was not cuffed. Was not attacked. Not shot, not maced, not kicked.... nothing.

Want to know why? It's real simple. The man did EXACTLY as was told. He didn't scream back. He didn't resist. He didn't taunt. He didn't provoke. He was not sitting there "nobody can tell me I can't carry" or bickering with the police. He did everything he was ordered to do, and even though the officer was completely enraged, he was not harmed, beaten, tazed, or anything.

It's just that simple..... Officers do not just randomly attack people. You provoke them, and then cry about getting tazed.

Your argument hinges on your belief that the woman was lying about officers being in front of her car. You don't believe what she said. That's fine, but is certainly not objective evidence. Maybe there was someone in front of her car, maybe not. If things happened as Jeremiah described (officers took her phone, deleted the recording, she later retrieved it from cloud storage, all charges were then dropped against her) it does not paint a picture of proper conduct by the officers involved.

As a general rule, yes, it is best to follow the orders of a police officer. However, you come across sounding as though any order given by a police officer should automatically be followed without thought. That is absolutely not true. Police officers are fallible humans like the rest of us and perfectly capable of giving unlawful commands. The fact that a police officer tells you to do something does not automatically mean you are under legal or moral obligation to follow that command.

Do I think that, in most cases, it is better to follow the orders anyway? Probably. It's dependent upon the situation, though. If an officer wants to enter my home without a warrant, without showing any sort of probable cause, do you think I am obligated to allow it? If an officer stops my car and wants to search it, without a warrant and without offering any probable cause, do you think I should allow it? Those sorts of things do happen, and perhaps more frequently than you believe.

And his argument hinges on taking her statement as divine truth without objective evidence.

"However, you come across sounding as though any order given by a police officer should automatically be followed without thought."

If it is a legal order........... YES. Of course! Dude... what part of "Police are given authority" do you not grasp?

I'm not a big fan of the ACLU, but read what they say.....

What to Do If You re Stopped By the Police ACLU of Maryland ACLU-MD

Your Responsibilities:

  • Do stay calm and be polite.
  • Do not interfere with or obstruct the police.
  • Do not lie or give false documents.


Stay calm. Don't run. Don't argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if
you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands
where police can see them.

Ask if you are free to leave. If the officer says yes and you wish to
leave, calmly and silently walk away. If you are under arrest, you have
a right to know why.



If you are given a ticket, you should sign it if directed to do so by a police
officer. Signing a ticket is not an admission of guilt, and you can contest
the ticket in court later.



Do not resist arrest, even if you believe the arrest is unfair.

The safest course of action is to obey the officer's directives. Not every
order by a police officer is lawful, and police may not lawfully arrest
you in Maryland for failing to obey an order unless the order is lawful,
and aimed at averting some imminent illegal conduct. It is difficult to
know at the scene whether the order is proper, and failing to obey may
result in an arrest, even though the arrest may not be proper.



Police may order you to stand a sufficient distance away so that you
are not interfering with their activities.



Remember: police misconduct cannot be challenged on the street.
Don't physically resist officers, complain on the scene, or threaten to
file a complaint.

File a written complaint with the agency's internal affairs division or civilian
complaint board. In most cases, you can file a complaint anonymously
if you wish, though doing so may make difficult or impossible
to conduct a thorough investigation. If you have been charged with a
crime in connection with the incident about which you are complaining,
speak to your lawyer in your criminal case before filing a complaint.


Again... I'm not a huge fan of the ACLU, but even they can figure this one out. You don't screw with police officers on the street. You will lose. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD TO DO, and if there really is some big issue with their conduct, file a complaint, or civil court suit later.

This chick, no matter how many ways you look at it, was asking for a problem, and created it herself. That's all there is to it.
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When cops can charge you with anything and then you have to pay your way to prove your innocence its no wonder why the prison population is out of control
Yes... I'm sure that the prisons are full of innocent minority males who did not do it.

Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?
When cops can charge you with anything and then you have to pay your way to prove your innocence its no wonder why the prison population is out of control
Yes... I'm sure that the prisons are full of innocent minority males who did not do it.

Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?
I don't know that cops let White Folk walk while they charge Black Folk, for starters.
Cop Chokes Then Body-Slams Man For Recording Arrest With Cellphone

A Virginia man’s run-in with Baton Rouge cops has sparked an investigation after he filed a police brutality complaint that he’d been choked and thrown onto the ground by an officer while he was filming an arrest.

This incident happened just outside the Varsity Theatre near LSU. Paramedics were called because a women attending a holiday party inside the theatre had become unconscious. Police were then requested “in reference to EMS and Fire needing assistance with a large hostile crowd making threats and not letting them do their jobs,” according to a police report.

Daniel Clement, 22, had been visiting Baton Rouge when police officers arrived at the Varsity Theatre and was filming an arrest when a police officer became physically aggressive with him. Surveillance footage from the theatre captured the event, and you can see Clement – wearing red – recording the officers on his phone before the altercation. Watch what happened next:

In the surveillance footage, you can see a Baton Rouge cop approach Clement, taking his phone away. Within seconds, the officer began choking Clement and body-slammed him onto the cement, causing him to fall on another officer.

Another man – a friend of Clement – grabbed the arm of the officer who choked Clement. He was arrested after being tackled by police. The man claimed the officers also maced him.

According to the offending officer, Clement was ordered to leave the scene – along with the rest of the crowd – but would not. In his report, he claimed that “The crowd was not moving and another officer grabbed someone next to the defendant (Clement) to arrest them” and said Clement “jumped on that officer and began pushing that officer off of his friend.”

Clement denies those allegations, and because the surveillance footage disagrees with what the officer claimed, the matter is being investigated further. However, Clement was charged with public intoxication, battery on police, resisting an officer and remaining after forbidden.

Clement’s cell phone has not been returned to him, after being confiscated by the police. The young man, who recently graduated from college and applied to the Peace Corps, said he doesn’t want to go back to Virginia until his story is heard.

This is common practice. Collecting cell phones after the cops shoot somebody.
It's how the documentary, "Fruitvale Station" came to be created.
The shooting in Miami in 2011 was even worse.
When cops can charge you with anything and then you have to pay your way to prove your innocence its no wonder why the prison population is out of control
Yes... I'm sure that the prisons are full of innocent minority males who did not do it.

Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?

Really. In which crime, and what example would show to support that claim? Which white guy having done EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE EXACT SAME CRIMINAL HISTORY as a black guy, was allowed to walk, while the black was tossed in prison?

I look forward to your evidence.
When cops can charge you with anything and then you have to pay your way to prove your innocence its no wonder why the prison population is out of control
Yes... I'm sure that the prisons are full of innocent minority males who did not do it.

Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?

Really. In which crime, and what example would show to support that claim? Which white guy having done EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE EXACT SAME CRIMINAL HISTORY as a black guy, was allowed to walk, while the black was tossed in prison?

I look forward to your evidence.

I want to know, do you believe stats or does everything you compare have to be alike in every way or else nothing is comparable?
Yes... I'm sure that the prisons are full of innocent minority males who did not do it.

Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?

Really. In which crime, and what example would show to support that claim? Which white guy having done EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE EXACT SAME CRIMINAL HISTORY as a black guy, was allowed to walk, while the black was tossed in prison?

I look forward to your evidence.

I want to know, do you believe stats or does everything you compare have to be alike in every way or else nothing is comparable?
That is not an answer.

The challenge is to serve-up data supporting your claim that the police let White Folk walk, and charge Black Folk.

Please confine your answer to the challenge.

Or oblige your colleagues to set aside your earlier assertion as partisan, biased and un-founded; lacking merit.
Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?

Really. In which crime, and what example would show to support that claim? Which white guy having done EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE EXACT SAME CRIMINAL HISTORY as a black guy, was allowed to walk, while the black was tossed in prison?

I look forward to your evidence.

I want to know, do you believe stats or does everything you compare have to be alike in every way or else nothing is comparable?
That is not an answer.

I know, its a question...There is no answer because its an impossible bar

The challenge is to serve-up data supporting your claim that the police let White Folk walk, and charge Black Folk.

Please confine your answer to the challenge.

No the challenge seeks to find exactly the same circumstances, events, background etc...which is impossible.

Or oblige your colleagues to set aside your earlier assertion as partisan, biased and un-founded; lacking merit.

Why dont you believe stats? Because stats dont share all that information
...Why dont you believe stats? Because stats dont share all that information
Oh, to hell with the exact same conditions, et al...

When dealing on the Macro level, with large demographics, all that micro-scale happy horseshit averages-out, and falls off the scope...

If you have macro-level stats which show that Whites are allowed to walk while Blacks are charged, on a sufficiently regular basis so as to come up on the nation's scope in a statistically significant fashion, then, by all means, produce your data (from a nonpartisan and unbiased source, if that's not too much trouble, please)...
Yes... I'm sure that the prisons are full of innocent minority males who did not do it.

Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?

Really. In which crime, and what example would show to support that claim? Which white guy having done EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE EXACT SAME CRIMINAL HISTORY as a black guy, was allowed to walk, while the black was tossed in prison?

I look forward to your evidence.

I want to know, do you believe stats or does everything you compare have to be alike in every way or else nothing is comparable?

You answer my question, and I'll answer yours.
...Why dont you believe stats? Because stats dont share all that information
Oh, to hell with the exact same conditions, et al...

Thats my opinion too

When dealing on the Macro level, with large demographics, all that micro-scale happy horseshit averages-out, and falls off the scope...

If you have macro-level stats which show that Whites are allowed to walk while Blacks are charged, on a sufficiently regular basis so as to come up on the nation's scope in a statistically significant fashion, then, by all means, produce your data (from a nonpartisan and unbiased source, if that's not too much trouble, please)...

The Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and Criminal Justice in the United States Center for American Progress

But heres the problem. Its not that you dont know these stats exist. The problem is that you dont believe these stats because if you did, then you'd have to acknowledge that these stats would have a ripple effect that affects an entire community. So instead of thinking of all that its much easier to forget all the stats and just ask "Whats wrong with black people?" as if blacks run the system. Here are some huge ones..

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime. Individuals of color have a disproportionate number of encounters with law enforcement, indicating that racial profiling continues to be a problem. A report by the Department of Justice found that blacks and Hispanics were approximately three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop than white motorists. African Americans were twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.

Students of color face harsher punishments in school than their white peers, leading to a higher number of youth of color incarcerated. Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement. Currently, African Americans make up two-fifths and Hispanics one-fifth of confined youth today.

According to recent data by the Department of Education, African American students are arrested far more often than their white classmates. The data showed that96,000 students were arrested and 242,000 referred to law enforcement by schools during the 2009-10 school year. Of those students, black and Hispanic students made up more than 70 percent of arrested or referred students. Harsh school punishments, from suspensions to arrests, have led to high numbers of youth of color coming into contact with the juvenile-justice system and at an earlier age.

African American youth have higher rates of juvenile incarceration and are more likely to be sentenced to adult prison. According to the Sentencing Project, even though African American juvenile youth are about 16 percent of the youth population, 37 percent of their cases are moved to criminal court and 58 percent of African American youth are sent to adult prisons.

The war on drugs has been waged primarily in communities of color where people of color are more likely to receive higher offenses. According to the Human Rights Watch, people of color are no more likely to use or sell illegal drugs than whites, but they have higher rate of arrests. African Americans comprise 14 percent of regular drug users but are 37 percent of those arrested for drug offenses. From 1980 to 2007 about one in three of the 25.4 million adults arrested for drugs was African American.
Did not do what?
Whatever they were accused of, to land them in prison, of course.

Well since they can charge you for anything, and they most often charge blacks with crimes while letting whites walk I have to wonder why you think their guilt is worst than whites guilt?

Really. In which crime, and what example would show to support that claim? Which white guy having done EXACTLY THE SAME WITH THE EXACT SAME CRIMINAL HISTORY as a black guy, was allowed to walk, while the black was tossed in prison?

I look forward to your evidence.

I want to know, do you believe stats or does everything you compare have to be alike in every way or else nothing is comparable?

You answer my question, and I'll answer yours.

Your question is impossible to answer...but thats why you asked it. If you want stats I can show you that. If you want examples I can show you that also. But asking for the same of everything is impossible because no two things can ever be alike in every way...not even twins lol.
Oh btw all of that information is linked if you want to follow the information you can
Oh btw all of that information is linked if you want to follow the information you can
Androw is a low intellect person. His best defense is to ask you for proof to alter his illogical argument.

I expect in a discussion about the speed of cheetahs vs house cats he'll be asking for house cats with spots, same height and live in Africa...and yellow
...Why dont you believe stats? Because stats dont share all that information
Oh, to hell with the exact same conditions, et al...

When dealing on the Macro level, with large demographics, all that micro-scale happy horseshit averages-out, and falls off the scope...

If you have macro-level stats which show that Whites are allowed to walk while Blacks are charged, on a sufficiently regular basis so as to come up on the nation's scope in a statistically significant fashion, then, by all means, produce your data (from a nonpartisan and unbiased source, if that's not too much trouble, please)...

Even so.... which generally I'd agree with you on that.... I would be more than happy with one extremely clear cut case, where a white guy and black guy are caught J-walking, and the white guy get's a warning, the black guy goes to prison. Or a case where a white guy and black guy both break into a home, shoot a guy, rape his wife, and kidnap their daughter, and bury her in their back yard... and the white guy gets community service, and the black guy gets the electric chair.

You claim the white guys walk, and black guys get slammed.... Then surely there is some clear cut documented proof.... or at least ONE case.

But there isn't. At least not that I've seen.
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