Cop murders man gets acquitted.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Pennsylvania Cop Who Killed Man by Shooting Him in Back While Tasering Him Acquitted - PINAC

Oh let me guess. The cop suckers are gonna say its his fault for running but between him running and being murdered he was tazed SEVERAL times then shot in the back twice...oh and he was unarmed. Just amazing...what kind of MORONS you must have on a jury to find a murderer not guilty..damnit I need a badge and gun and go kill people I hate....sure my badge will protect me.
Oh and for the HORRIBLE CRIME of an expired inspection sticker. So guy gets murdered by thug with badge because he hadn't paid the state extortion money for his new sticker
The moral of the story (again) don't RUN, stuff happens. For some reason I don't even care? Wait yes I do. How much is this going to cost taxpayers?
The moral of the story (again) don't RUN, stuff happens. For some reason I don't even care? Wait yes I do. How much is this going to cost taxpayers?
Doesn't matter if he had run or not. That idiot cop has no self control,no self esteem and no confidence in her ability to take down an UNARMED,NON PHYSICALLY THREATENING person. Absolutely no business being a cop. I swear they give ANYONE a damn badge nowadays.
Hopefully this thread will die a quick death
You would like that wouldn't you. Hide the facts from the people. Another dangerous criminal back on the streets only this time trained and allowed to carry a loaded weapon to threaten people with by the state of Pennsylvania in a small town....
I have watched the video. I tried three four posts but erased them all. All I can do is crack jokes. you won't like it. So I go on self imposed posting ban. I have bad attitude. At least Cop did not get hurt.
what if runner had been black guy? looked like 59yr old white guy with freakin' ponytail. no media?

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