Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

That cop needs to hang for murder. Nobody should die over a busted taillight. And they shouldn't be shot if they tell the police they have a carry permit and compleying with an order from a cop to show it. Where did that idiot cop think people carry their permits? In there wallet and the wallet is usually in your back pocket.

I have a feeling the big part of the problem is the cop being Chinese.
He's not from China though. He's American.
I gotta say....this one bothers me. Just judging by the officers voice and demeanor....he seems like one of this panty waste hires who should NEVER have been a cop and panicked the first time he thought someone may have a gun.

Experts on scene will decide it.

But my 2 cents for now....police have a recruiting/hiring crisis. Stop hiring pansy ass recruits who panic and stop watering down police academy so everyone passes. Police academy USED TO BE more like Army boot camp....which toughens the mind to work calm under stress (it's why the military does it).

We need massive change in the hiring, recruiting and training. MORE militarized....NOT LESS....because they'll be more calm under stress.
Spot on.

Basically what this police said...: Warrensville Heights Police Officer: "How Dare You Stand Next to Me in the Same Uniform and Murder Somebody"

So she was there?
Hard to feel pity for someone who's first thought is to record her dying boyfriend on Facebook. Should have shot her.
To whoever are the MODs here, I'm officially reporting this post.

This cannot be right.

I'm doing this publicly because 1. I've never done it before. 2. I don't know where/how to report otherwise.

Same should go for the person/s that thanked him.

This is ridiculous now.
Crawl into your safe zone you freaking moonbat.
Anyone else find it odd how calm she was? Is it me?

Tragedy and it sure seems like an over zealous asshole cop.

I guess BLM did not consider the ramifications of chanting, "we want dead cops!!!"

Then, how many cops have been shot by blacks over the last two years?

Not a contributor to these paranoid cops?

No eh?

More obamerica consequences.

Let me get this right.

You're casting a shadow on the passenger because she was calm? Something fishy there

Cop was not wrong just "overzealous"

You make a sidebar about cops being shot in a thread about a cop shooting a citizen...?

Blames Paranoia....not overzealousness anymore

Blame Obama for the cops actions
I was not insinuating anything you stupid piece of race baiting shit.

I just think it is a little odd that she was so calm. I guess it is just me you patronizing left wing racist asshole.

Oh, and keep on thinking how those rallies where they chanted for dead cops does not contribute to very paranoid cops.

How many cops have been shot and killed by blacks over the last two years?

You moron

Got it...You led with something but didnt mean anything by it. Cool

You repeat again odd behavior and not the murder. Then call names

Paranoia is why cops do it. Mass paranoia for the last 60 years! Timeline? Whats a timeline?

In a thread on a cop shooting another person you ask how many cops have been killed by blacks. Did you find your answer? Or doesnt it matter? And why?

Call names hope no one notices

It's true, comparatively speaking a lot of young black men are shot and killed by police.

Maybe young black men should stop fucking around when they come in contact with police. I mean just an idea.
Check this out.....what's the odd factor?

Nobody gives a shit because he's white.

Same for the man in Paradise, California. No "White Lives Matter" protests for him.

Notice the cop shoots him trying to exit the car wreck.

I watched the video earlier this morning. The girlfriend claims he has no criminal record and is licensed to carry, and if that proves to be true then it really was a senseless shooting. If he was legal to carry and had no warrants or record then he would have no reason to be reaching for his gun. Seeing as how the video starts after the shooting though all the facts may never come out.

more facts need to come out

she said he was reaching for his license

she corrected the cop

she said "you told him to get his license then shot him 4 times "

at this point i tend to believe her
Does one normally keep their driver's license underneath the driver's front seat?
A loaded handgun was found underneath the driver's seat.
There was NO license/wallet/papers found.
The driver DID NOT have a 'CC'.
The driver DID have a criminal record.
Before the LEO left his patrol car he had run a background check on the car.
The car's owner, the driver, had several arrests and two outstanding warrants.
When the LEO approached the vehicle he had already drawn his service weapon.
What the 'girlfriend', AKA a well known hooker, said was total fucking bullshit.
No surprise there.

You seem to have info no one else has. Please link where you got your facts. The girlfriend was "a well known hooker"? Did you get that from CNN or Fox or Stormfront?
Just another day in america. Watch, the all-about-smaller-govt crowd will rush to blindly defend the power of the corporate state to murder.
Guy reached under his seat...for what?
Completely disgusting.

This is a new low for America.
How does a stop for a broken tail light escalate so quickly into this?
How does the officer open fire on the driver with a woman and child in the car?

I think what I find the most disturbing is how calm the woman is. She seemed not surprised at all with the outcome even taking the time to live stream on facebook. This is now almost to be expected by black folks in America.

This one has my guts churning.
She was calm because she is not right in the head or on drugs. How does it escalate? How about you don't make a sudden move and reach under your seat when you have a police officer who is trying to do his job and come home alive that day.

How do you know he made a sudden move and reached under his seat? Do you think he was suicidal? He would have to be to reach for a gun when the LEO had a gun a couple feet from his head. Was he wanted for a capital crime so he had nothing to lose? You're nuts.
Just another day in america. Watch, the all-about-smaller-govt crowd will rush to blindly defend the power of the corporate state to murder.
Guy reached under his seat...for what?
Completely disgusting.

This is a new low for America.
How does a stop for a broken tail light escalate so quickly into this?
How does the officer open fire on the driver with a woman and child in the car?

I think what I find the most disturbing is how calm the woman is. She seemed not surprised at all with the outcome even taking the time to live stream on facebook. This is now almost to be expected by black folks in America.

This one has my guts churning.
She was calm because she is not right in the head or on drugs. How does it escalate? How about you don't make a sudden move and reach under your seat when you have a police officer who is trying to do his job and come home alive that day.

How do you know he made a sudden move and reached under his seat? Do you think he was suicidal? He would have to be to reach for a gun when the LEO had a gun a couple feet from his head. Was he wanted for a capital crime so he had nothing to lose? You're nuts.
He was reaching for his back pocket where his license was
a routine traffic stop for a broken taillight

turns to police shooting licensed CC holder

in Minnesota very disturbing


Hard to feel pity for someone who's first thought is to record her dying boyfriend on Facebook. Should have shot her.

Someone dies and you take offense to the video recorder? And she should've been shot because...Oh right. She annoys you so shoot her.

Someone dies and the first thing you think of is to start posting on Facebook?
Yeah, I have a problem with stupid.

Actually, quite smart: live-streaming the video meant the killer couldn't shoot her to eliminate the witness.
I'm really disturbed by this increasing tendency in society to immediately grab a camera to glorify bad things over the internet. Your boyfriend was just shot and killed. How the fuck is "Oh, let's share this on facebook as a live stream" the thought that enters your mind?

Because the only defense you have against the police is to have video . And even then it's a stretch . If you don't have video , the the cops word is taken as fact .
As it should be.

What flavor is the jackboot polish today?
a routine traffic stop for a broken taillight

turns to police shooting licensed CC holder

in Minnesota very disturbing


Hard to feel pity for someone who's first thought is to record her dying boyfriend on Facebook. Should have shot her.

Someone dies and you take offense to the video recorder? And she should've been shot because...Oh right. She annoys you so shoot her.

Someone dies and the first thing you think of is to start posting on Facebook?
Yeah, I have a problem with stupid.

Actually, quite smart: live-streaming the video meant the killer couldn't shoot her to eliminate the witness.

Yeah, real smart holding up a metal object in your hand with a gun pointed at you.
Sounds like the cop may be in some serious trouble on this one.

Philando Castile: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Of course we dont know what happened before the shooting but judging by the guys past he wasnt a threat.

The guy seemed to be a real contributor to the community.

You wonder what would have happened had the guy not told the officer about his conceal and carry.

If it went down the way it's being reported the guy fucked when he didnt hand the cop his CHL along with his DL before stating he was armed.
The proper procedure is taught in CHL classes.
We all know the answer to that.

What's your point?

Did you even listen to what she said?

I dont care what she said. She wasnt there so she has no business flapping her gums.
You want to complain about a questionable shooting you should go with the Philando Castile shooting.
10 year "fiancee" with youg kid. Interesting.

Maybe in this case, they shot a good one. Unfortunately mistakes will happen. You deal with dregs of humanity all day everyday, Cop got rights to go home end of shift too. Everyone out to kill ya all day every day, you may be twitchy.
I fail to see how the officer felt threatened in broad daylight with a woman and young child in the car during a trivial traffic stop

I agree.
Somehow he made the determination that the driver was dangerous without ever identifying him or running his name.
The driver told the cop he had a gun then reached behind his back

Would you feel threatened if someone did that to you?

Not when he was honest about having a gun.
You don't know what the officer ordered or didn't order. The officer was hysterical on the video.

And you don't either. And the guy just killed someone I'm sure he didn't want to if he was calm and cool you'd criticize him for that too saying he didn't care that he killed a black guy

It seemed to be an .....oh shit, what did I do response. Followed by, I am in deep shit

Regardless, he will claim self defense and be exonerated. The force will find he broke a dozen rules in the stop and relieve him of duty. The city will settle out of court without admitting fault.

And with any luck, he will suck a shotgun. It's a less-painful death than the vivisection he deserves, but at least he'll be dead.

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