Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

That cop needs to hang for murder. Nobody should die over a busted taillight. And they shouldn't be shot if they tell the police they have a carry permit and compleying with an order from a cop to show it. Where did that idiot cop think people carry their permits? In there wallet and the wallet is usually in your back pocket.

I have a feeling the big part of the problem is the cop being Chinese.
I watched the video earlier this morning. The girlfriend claims he has no criminal record and is licensed to carry, and if that proves to be true then it really was a senseless shooting. If he was legal to carry and had no warrants or record then he would have no reason to be reaching for his gun. Seeing as how the video starts after the shooting though all the facts may never come out.

more facts need to come out

she said he was reaching for his license

she corrected the cop

she said "you told him to get his license then shot him 4 times "

at this point i tend to believe her
Does one normally keep their driver's license underneath the driver's front seat?
A loaded handgun was found underneath the driver's seat.
There was NO license/wallet/papers found.
The driver DID NOT have a 'CC'.
The driver DID have a criminal record.
Before the LEO left his patrol car he had run a background check on the car.
The car's owner, the driver, had several arrests and two outstanding warrants.
When the LEO approached the vehicle he had already drawn his service weapon.
What the 'girlfriend', AKA a well known hooker, said was total fucking bullshit.
No surprise there.

Where has a single thing you claim been reported?

i guess i need to see the links to it

the things that are said during the initial moments after an dramatic incident

tend to be truthful

like i said more evidence will come out
well it is really simple, either he had a license to carry or he didn't. let's see the license.

indeed that is one thing

she said he had one

but he could have just told her that

time will tell the facts
Look at all the retards jumping to conviction before they know anything at all. This is why you morons always end up looking as stupid as you are.

I noticed you haven't said this in any of the 100 HILLARY threads .

Oh, that's the real outrage . I forgot .

Completely different animal moron. With Hillary, there has been investigations, and the facts are in. Not so, here.
But hey, continue your ignorant ways, I've never been able to stop you before. Carry on.
It's a very bad situation but the Police Officer was placed on administrative leave pending criminal investigation and certain indictment so obviously the system works in state and local government but who investigates the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the "Justice" Dept.? Why does the FBI get a pass on Ruby Ridge, the Branch Dividian fiasco, criminal negligence in the Boston Marathon bombing, operation Fast/Furious and refusing to recommend indictment of a woman who clearly violated several federal laws?
Actually, you can use deadly force against someone who is threatening you with deadly force. IE if someone is reaching for a gun, you don't have to wait until they fire on you before you can defend yourself....
Straw man argument. I just posted you, me and everyone else have a right of self defense.

There is a long legal distance between you reaching for something and you pulling a gun on someone. Police don't have to be shot at to use deadly force, but they at least have to see a gun before putting four rounds into a human being.
That's the way it was in New York City back in the fifties, which was quite a different world from what I'm seeing today

Back then the cops walked beats, carried nightsticks (even during the day) and .38 revolvers. They had no radios. There was only one car that rode around within five or six beat sectors and it had a short-range radio that sometimes worked and sometimes didn't.

Back then, to use his gun a cop had to be unquestionably certain, i.e., actually see a weapon in the hand of a subject or be absolutely certain of some other unavoidable necessity for the use of deadly force. Shooting incidents were extremely rare back then, even though the Second Amendment was in considerably stronger effect.

But again, it was a very different world. For one thing, there was no "War on Drugs." Unless one was selling or giving drugs to a minor, or the cops had some other reason to nail someone, drugs were pretty much ignored -- as long as it was kept out of the public eye. The attitude was if you are stupid enough to use something that will ruin you, then go to hell with it. Back then the cops were focused on the kind of offenses which actually harmed others. They were tough and they would kick ass without hesitation. But only and always for reasons which were acceptable to any decent person.

Different world.
Hard to feel pity for someone who's first thought is to record her dying boyfriend on Facebook. Should have shot her.
To whoever are the MODs here, I'm officially reporting this post.

This cannot be right.

I'm doing this publicly because 1. I've never done it before. 2. I don't know where/how to report otherwise.

Same should go for the person/s that thanked him.

This is ridiculous now.
I'm really disturbed by this increasing tendency in society to immediately grab a camera to glorify bad things over the internet. Your boyfriend was just shot and killed. How the fuck is "Oh, let's share this on facebook as a live stream" the thought that enters your mind?
To record the injustice.

That's going to be the new norm.

We're all armed with it.

Personally, I'm always ready to record with my cellphone.

Are you ready with yours?
If by your own standards the cop overreacted, then why do you continue to demean and maligne the victim?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
This man was not a victim.[/QUOTE]What is he then?
As of this moment no more is known than last nite.....after listening to local radio all day.....Gov Goofie gave his usual goofie assessment
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so did the dude have the conceal license or not? That seems really simple to produce if he had one, don't you think? Let's see it.
While it's an important piece of evidence being shot for not showing a gun isn't right no matter who you are or what your certification.
Completely disgusting.

This is a new low for America.
How does a stop for a broken tail light escalate so quickly into this?
How does the officer open fire on the driver with a woman and child in the car?

I think what I find the most disturbing is how calm the woman is. She seemed not surprised at all with the outcome even taking the time to live stream on facebook. This is now almost to be expected by black folks in America.

This one has my guts churning.
I have heard that she was a prostitute which would explain her emotional detachment
Where did you hear that?
Already cover this. Scroll back.
REad the entire thread up to now...the only thing is superdemocrat continuously calling her a "hooker". So, you are relying on superdemocrat? :rofl:

It is dannyboy, not superdemocrat. bad...on phone.
Pretty sure the cop didnt just walk up to the guy and shoot him.
He obviously did something stupid.

Did he or did the cop do something stupid?
How did a stop for a broken tail light escalate to the driver being shot four times before a license was even produced?

Because the guy obviously did something stupid.

You're right. The cop acted stupidly.

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I"
Bet you had to dig deep for that gem.

You made a dumb statement so I responded in kind.

Pointing out that the cop didnt just walk up and shoot the guy is a dumb statement?
I guess in the mind of retarded liberal such as yourself thats feasible.
Did he or did the cop do something stupid?
How did a stop for a broken tail light escalate to the driver being shot four times before a license was even produced?

Because the guy obviously did something stupid.

You're right. The cop acted stupidly.

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I"
Bet you had to dig deep for that gem.

You made a dumb statement so I responded in kind.

Pointing out that the cop didnt just walk up and shoot the guy is a dumb statement?
I guess in the mind of retarded liberal such as yourself thats feasible.
No, placing the blame on the guy without knowing more is dumb.
I gotta say....this one bothers me. Just judging by the officers voice and demeanor....he seems like one of this panty waste hires who should NEVER have been a cop and panicked the first time he thought someone may have a gun.

Experts on scene will decide it.

But my 2 cents for now....police have a recruiting/hiring crisis. Stop hiring pansy ass recruits who panic and stop watering down police academy so everyone passes. Police academy USED TO BE more like Army boot camp....which toughens the mind to work calm under stress (it's why the military does it).

We need massive change in the hiring, recruiting and training. MORE militarized....NOT LESS....because they'll be more calm under stress.
Spot on.

Basically what this police said...: Warrensville Heights Police Officer: "How Dare You Stand Next to Me in the Same Uniform and Murder Somebody"
Because the guy obviously did something stupid.

You're right. The cop acted stupidly.

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I"
Bet you had to dig deep for that gem.

You made a dumb statement so I responded in kind.

Pointing out that the cop didnt just walk up and shoot the guy is a dumb statement?
I guess in the mind of retarded liberal such as yourself thats feasible.
No, placing the blame on the guy without knowing more is dumb.

Just using common sense.
I know you liberals think cops walk up and shoot random black people all the time so I can see where you might get confused.

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