Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

I watched the video earlier this morning. The girlfriend claims he has no criminal record and is licensed to carry, and if that proves to be true then it really was a senseless shooting. If he was legal to carry and had no warrants or record then he would have no reason to be reaching for his gun. Seeing as how the video starts after the shooting though all the facts may never come out.

more facts need to come out

she said he was reaching for his license

she corrected the cop

she said "you told him to get his license then shot him 4 times "

at this point i tend to believe her
Does one normally keep their driver's license underneath the driver's front seat?
A loaded handgun was found underneath the driver's seat.
There was NO license/wallet/papers found.
The driver DID NOT have a 'CC'.
The driver DID have a criminal record.
Before the LEO left his patrol car he had run a background check on the car.
The car's owner, the driver, had several arrests and two outstanding warrants.
When the LEO approached the vehicle he had already drawn his service weapon.
What the 'girlfriend', AKA a well known hooker, said was total fucking bullshit.
No surprise there.

You seem to have info no one else has. Please link where you got your facts. The girlfriend was "a well known hooker"? Did you get that from CNN or Fox or Stormfront?
You'll know soon enough.
Does one normally keep their driver's license underneath the driver's front seat?
A loaded handgun was found underneath the driver's seat.
There was NO license/wallet/papers found.
The driver DID NOT have a 'CC'.
The driver DID have a criminal record.
Before the LEO left his patrol car he had run a background check on the car.
The car's owner, the driver, had several arrests and two outstanding warrants.
When the LEO approached the vehicle he had already drawn his service weapon.
What the 'girlfriend', AKA a well known hooker, said was total fucking bullshit.
No surprise there.
If the driver had a record how is it he had licensed CCW Permit? Someone is lying in this thread.
"Hey man! What's with the gun in the back of your waist band? You could get into some serious shit if you're caught with it. It's that like a second felony for you?"
"Don't worry baby. I've got a CCW".

so far the only "proof" of a CC permit

is the girlfriend saying so

it should be easy enough for the state

verify if her claim is true or not

Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.

certainly however

it must also be in enclosed case or the trunk of your vehicle

not under the front seat

or tucked in your waist ban

so it is relevant

True, but the CCW issue still doesn't apply, because a CCW permit does NOT allow you to hide a gun under your seat. Even if you have a CCW permit that would be illegal.
The video I saw only starts after the shooting so I don't know what happened before. What does it have to do with the 2nd amendment though?

Guy is a licensed gun owner and told the cop he had a gun on him.

Which is REQUIRED in many states.
I had a CCW permit for many years when I lived in New York. I was never stopped for anything while driving, but if I were I certainly would not announce that I was armed and licensed unless I was about to be searched for some reason. I don't know the reason for such a stupid requirement.
That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.

I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
If you look at the Dallas shooting last night. People are running all over the place scared and confused............ Then you see a good guy ( I think ) running with a gun. What do you think will happen?
If the driver had a record how is it he had licensed CCW Permit? Someone is lying in this thread.
"Hey man! What's with the gun in the back of your waist band? You could get into some serious shit if you're caught with it. It's that like a second felony for you?"
"Don't worry baby. I've got a CCW".

so far the only "proof" of a CC permit

is the girlfriend saying so

it should be easy enough for the state

verify if her claim is true or not

Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.

certainly however

it must also be in enclosed case or the trunk of your vehicle

not under the front seat

or tucked in your waist ban

so it is relevant

True, but the CCW issue still doesn't apply, because a CCW permit does NOT allow you to hide a gun under your seat. Even if you have a CCW permit that would be illegal.

CCW issue still doesn't apply, because a CCW permit does NOT allow you to hide a gun under your seat.

not true

The law provides an exception for a handgun being carried under the terms of a valid permit to carry (i.e., in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 624.714). A person with a valid permit to carry a pistol may transport one or more pistols in a motor vehicle whether as a driver or a passenger, irrespective of whether the handgun is cased or uncased, is loaded or unloaded, or is concealed or being carried openly, and whether it is kept on the person or elsewhere in the vehicle, and whether the person is inside or outside the vehicle. When the handgun is left stored in any condition within a vehicle, “constructive possession” applies.
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper
Guy is a licensed gun owner and told the cop he had a gun on him.

Which is REQUIRED in many states.
I had a CCW permit for many years when I lived in New York. I was never stopped for anything while driving, but if I were I certainly would not announce that I was armed and licensed unless I was about to be searched for some reason. I don't know the reason for such a stupid requirement.
That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.

I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
If you look at the Dallas shooting last night. People are running all over the place scared and confused............ Then you see a good guy ( I think ) running with a gun. What do you think will happen?
Security guards? LOL! You fucking idiot.

I've been a member on a LEO board for ten years and the subject comes up, the few that are not 2nd amendment supporters are rookie big city cops and get taken to the wood shed quickly. They are sworn to uphold the constitution so you either hand pick flunkies or you are outright lying.
True, but the CCW issue still doesn't apply, because a CCW permit does NOT allow you to hide a gun under your seat. Even if you have a CCW permit that would be illegal.
How fucked up is the law in your state??? What does "concealed carry" mean where you live?

In Texas it means keeping the weapon concealed; under a seat, in waist band, whatever.
Doesn't look good for that cop who shot the guy in the car. We should wait until all the evidence is in but does not look good.

One thing that irritates me is Obama only expresses his concern or outrage when the victim is black.

Have you seen a white person treated or killed by LEO like Sterling and CastileLink.

More white people are killed by cops each year than blacks. But of course that is to be expected since blacks make up a much smaller percentage of the population.

OF COURSE white people who don't follow legal instructions from police have ended up getting shot.
When you have a race of people with an average IQ in the low eighties living in a society where the other races have average IQ in the 115-120 and higher range there is always going to be problems.
If someone driving a vehicle isn't capable of processing simple commands from a LEO sometimes things go bad.
That's the reality we live in.
"There goes another vehicle with a broken tail light. Whoops! There is a negro driving the vehicle. Better not pull him over though. Wouldn't ever want to be accused of being a racist".
Calling people "racist" is actually 'code' for "We always have to remember these people aren't able to function equally in our society so we must look the other way. We must make jobs available to them whether they can do the job properly or not. We must feed and house and provide free college, healthcare, transportation and even free cell phones for them".
Have you seen a white person treated or killed by LEO like Sterling and CastileLink.
Present similar white victims.
Newly released footage shows Paradise police shooting from new angle | Action News Now
The footage shows the moments after Paradise Police Officer Patrick Feaster shot a drunken driving suspect last month, and the exact moment Feaster admits to firing his weapon.

In the recording, and featured first in the edited video above, Feaster tells his commander, Officer John Alvies that his gun went off, but he didn't think he shot 26-year-old Andrew Thomas.

“I don’t think I shot at him. I wasn’t even pointing at him, but the gun did go off,” Feaster said.

Alvies responds by saying “Oh my ‘expletive’ God, are you serious”?

Obrigado.......... How often that African Americans are so pissed?
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

Yep, the police officer definately should have waited until the negro fired at him to be sure he had a gun before firing back.

OR , and I'm just spit balling here, the negro when told "stop reaching" could have stopped reaching.

Now again, just to beat the stupid to the punch, I am NOT saying that shooting the negro was the appropriate response in this case, I AM saying that at some point all you idiots who cry about the cops shooting people need to start saying "why the fuck do these people keep ignoring LAWFUL commands when they KNOW the likely result?"

This is just more of the dumbing down of our country. We're teaching school children how to put a condom on a fucking banana, but not teaching them how to sit the fuck still when a cop tells them to?

Surely you can put politics aside for 2 minutes and admit that yes, given the current environment of cops being shot coupled with terrorist activity happening around the country that it is perfectly reasonable to expect that cops aren't going to take any chances when they think someone is reaching for a weapon.

What happens when some terrorist gets pulled over and is reaching under his seat to detonate a bomb and a police officer who is right there just shrugs and says "well he's just reaching for his wallet" and the fucker blows up an entire neighborhood?

See, as an armchair QB you have the luxury of not considering such possibilities, as someone actually out doing the job,, they do not.

If you get pulled over , sit still with your hands on the steering wheel until the police tell you to do otherwise. If you get a ticket you feel you didn't deserve, don't fight with the cop, sign the fucking ticket and go to court. That's how our system works.
The video I saw only starts after the shooting so I don't know what happened before. What does it have to do with the 2nd amendment though?

Guy is a licensed gun owner and told the cop he had a gun on him.

Which is REQUIRED in many states.
I had a CCW permit for many years when I lived in New York. I was never stopped for anything while driving, but if I were I certainly would not announce that I was armed and licensed unless I was about to be searched for some reason. I don't know the reason for such a stupid requirement.
That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.
Why was he shot? The cop shot too soon. Admit it.
Guy is a licensed gun owner and told the cop he had a gun on him.

Which is REQUIRED in many states.
I had a CCW permit for many years when I lived in New York. I was never stopped for anything while driving, but if I were I certainly would not announce that I was armed and licensed unless I was about to be searched for some reason. I don't know the reason for such a stupid requirement.
That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.
Why was he shot? The cop shot too soon. Admit it.
I have no idea, so far all the information we have is jerkoffs making claims they know nothing about.
You gotta love liberals though

"we don't have all the facts here, but this cop is guilty of murder"

"the facts are in and Hillary not mishandled classified material, she also lied under oath about it, but there is no violation of the law here"

You morons truly are stupid.
I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
Then they are violating their oath as LEOs and deserve to work for you full time.

BTW, how long did it take you to interview all 28 and find out all 28 "do NOT like armed civilians"? Was it during their hiring interview? Something like you asking them "Do you dislike American citizens being armed like I do? I only hire people who agree with me."

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