Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

Just another day in america. Watch, the all-about-smaller-govt crowd will rush to blindly defend the power of the corporate state to murder.
Guy reached under his seat...for what?
Completely disgusting.

This is a new low for America.
How does a stop for a broken tail light escalate so quickly into this?
How does the officer open fire on the driver with a woman and child in the car?

I think what I find the most disturbing is how calm the woman is. She seemed not surprised at all with the outcome even taking the time to live stream on facebook. This is now almost to be expected by black folks in America.

This one has my guts churning.
She was calm because she is not right in the head or on drugs. How does it escalate? How about you don't make a sudden move and reach under your seat when you have a police officer who is trying to do his job and come home alive that day.

How do you know he made a sudden move and reached under his seat? Do you think he was suicidal? He would have to be to reach for a gun when the LEO had a gun a couple feet from his head. Was he wanted for a capital crime so he had nothing to lose? You're nuts.
He was reaching for his back pocket where his license was

Irrelevant, he was black, thus he must have asked for it. State power is always right.
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper

This cop made a huge mistake, it is a tragedy that I cannot imagine what the victim's family is going through.
The 'victim's' family has already filed law suits against other family members so they can get all the money from the 'settlement'.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll 'off' each other like members of Trayvon's family tried to do to each other with fucking tire irons.

Got a link on that?
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.

I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
If you look at the Dallas shooting last night. People are running all over the place scared and confused............ Then you see a good guy ( I think ) running with a gun. What do you think will happen?
Security guards? LOL! You fucking idiot.

I've been a member on a LEO board for ten years and the subject comes up, the few that are not 2nd amendment supporters are rookie big city cops and get taken to the wood shed quickly. They are sworn to uphold the constitution so you either hand pick flunkies or you are outright lying.

This just show you are a ignorant. Yes LEO working as part time.
You as a LEO board member? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
Last thing a cop want to see in a shooting like in Dallas is an armed civilians. What do you think will happen if they see you with a gun?
Scream at them ........ HEY IM THE GOOD GUY...... Stupid.
I don't care what you doubt, the ignorance is all yours since LEOs are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Nor did I claim no LEO would work part time security. At least learn how to read.

Yes LEO are sworn to to uphold the constitution .......... That doesn't mean all stupid people like you want to armed all civilian criminals. And you are a LEO board member?
Nobody wants criminals armed. You are spinning like a top. And you asked all 28 security cops what they thought about the 2nd amendment, why? I doubt any cop would work in such an environment. You might have security guards working for you but I doubt any cops.
I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
Then they are violating their oath as LEOs and deserve to work for you full time.

BTW, how long did it take you to interview all 28 and find out all 28 "do NOT like armed civilians"? Was it during their hiring interview? Something like you asking them "Do you dislike American citizens being armed like I do? I only hire people who agree with me."

I/We do NOT asked those kind of question during interview.
It's not in my policy to ask applicants their religious belief or political views. I personally talk to them in a casual conversation regarding all gun issues.

No do they do not need to work full time. How long did it take me to hire 28 LEO? I have lots of employees all over the country and I cannot keep track when or how long unless I have to ask my HR.
I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
If you look at the Dallas shooting last night. People are running all over the place scared and confused............ Then you see a good guy ( I think ) running with a gun. What do you think will happen?
Security guards? LOL! You fucking idiot.

I've been a member on a LEO board for ten years and the subject comes up, the few that are not 2nd amendment supporters are rookie big city cops and get taken to the wood shed quickly. They are sworn to uphold the constitution so you either hand pick flunkies or you are outright lying.

This just show you are a ignorant. Yes LEO working as part time.
You as a LEO board member? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
Last thing a cop want to see in a shooting like in Dallas is an armed civilians. What do you think will happen if they see you with a gun?
Scream at them ........ HEY IM THE GOOD GUY...... Stupid.
I don't care what you doubt, the ignorance is all yours since LEOs are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Nor did I claim no LEO would work part time security. At least learn how to read.

Yes LEO are sworn to to uphold the constitution .......... That doesn't mean all stupid people like you want to armed all civilian criminals. And you are a LEO board member?
Nobody wants criminals armed. You are spinning like a top. And you asked all 28 security cops what they thought about the 2nd amendment, why? I doubt any cop would work in such an environment. You might have security guards working for you but I doubt any cops.

You said cops protect 2nd amendment and I agreed. That doesn't mean they want to armed all civilians. You brought 2nd not me. Yes I talked to them about 2nd amendment and all gun issues and violence.
Actually they love working for me because it's peaceful and safe. Their wives know that they will come home alive. I also know and met their families. I also have waiting list who wants to work as back up when someone is sick or go on vacation.
Why would they stop them from working part time because of 2nd amendment?
Oh my boss is asking me about 2nd amendment I should not work for him....... Do you realize how dumb that is?
Security guards? LOL! You fucking idiot.

I've been a member on a LEO board for ten years and the subject comes up, the few that are not 2nd amendment supporters are rookie big city cops and get taken to the wood shed quickly. They are sworn to uphold the constitution so you either hand pick flunkies or you are outright lying.

This just show you are a ignorant. Yes LEO working as part time.
You as a LEO board member? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
Last thing a cop want to see in a shooting like in Dallas is an armed civilians. What do you think will happen if they see you with a gun?
Scream at them ........ HEY IM THE GOOD GUY...... Stupid.
I don't care what you doubt, the ignorance is all yours since LEOs are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Nor did I claim no LEO would work part time security. At least learn how to read.

Yes LEO are sworn to to uphold the constitution .......... That doesn't mean all stupid people like you want to armed all civilian criminals. And you are a LEO board member?
Nobody wants criminals armed. You are spinning like a top. And you asked all 28 security cops what they thought about the 2nd amendment, why? I doubt any cop would work in such an environment. You might have security guards working for you but I doubt any cops.

You said cops protect 2nd amendment and I agreed. That doesn't mean they want to armed all civilians. You brought 2nd not me. Yes I talked to them about 2nd amendment and all gun issues and violence.
Actually they love working for me because it's peaceful and safe. Their wives know that they will come home alive. I also know and met their families. I also have waiting list who wants to work as back up when someone is sick or go on vacation.
Why would they stop them from working part time because of 2nd amendment?
Oh my boss is asking me about 2nd amendment I should not work for him....... Do you realize how dumb that is?
You said arm criminals, rights are reserved for those that haven't lost them through their own misdeeds. You are also mischaracterizing what I said. I said if you were asking them about rights they were sworn to uphold, that were absolutely none of your business I can't see a cop working there. I doubt you even have a business.
From the guys girlfriend...

Reynolds said he kept it in a thick wallet in a right-back pants pocket.

"As he's reaching, he lets the officer know, 'I have a firearm on me,'" Reynolds said. "I begin to yell, 'But he's licensed to carry.' After that, he began to take off shots — bup bup bup."

Reynolds said that "nothing in (Castile's) body said intimidation," but the officer ordered him, "Don't move, don't move."

If the guy is reaching for his wallet and says "I have a firearm on me" it could be mistaken as a statement he is reaching for a gun

He was ordered to produce ID. You don't follow the order, you die. You follow the order, you die. He didn't stand a chance. He was a black man, he had to go. The tail light probably wasn't even broken. The woman has said it wasn't.

See when was he ordered?

Before or after he told the cop he was armed

If the cop asked for the guy's license and as the guy was reaching behind his back he says I have a gun on me then the cop may well have been justified.

If the driver told the cop I have a gun on me and THEN the cop asked for the guy's license then the cop fucked up.

I have a hard time believing any cop would tell a person to produce ID after he was told the person had a gun on him.

He would have asked where the gun was and the driver should have kept his hands in plain sight
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.
A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
African Americans really do have legitimate complaints on their treatment. I have no doubt this Gestapo thug would have invented some sort of 'justification' for taking this man to jail. A Black man in a car really should fear the Police. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead.
We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.
Your hate mongering has produced results.

Dallas Sniper Attack: 5 Officers Killed, Downtown in Lockdown

Violence begets violence. Our Government has chose to Militarize our Police Force. It's turned them into emotionless killing machines. It's only a matter of time before the People stand up and say enough is enough. African Americans have it the worst, but our Police are abusing Citizens of all races.

It's not only a Black Citizen issue. That's just the one the MSM likes to obsess over. For instance, they just murdered a 17yr old white kid a couple days ago. They executed him while he was laying on his stomach. But that incident didn't get much attention in the MSM. So it's not just a race problem. It's a Police State problem.
I'm really disturbed by this increasing tendency in society to immediately grab a camera to glorify bad things over the internet. Your boyfriend was just shot and killed. How the fuck is "Oh, let's share this on facebook as a live stream" the thought that enters your mind?
To record the injustice.

That's going to be the new norm.

We're all armed with it.

Personally, I'm always ready to record with my cellphone.

Are you ready with yours?
nothing of the incident was recorded. You got the sequence in a video before the shot? I'm just saying that ain't accurate.
so did the dude have the conceal license or not? That seems really simple to produce if he had one, don't you think? Let's see it.
While it's an important piece of evidence being shot for not showing a gun isn't right no matter who you are or what your certification.
well I believe the cop over reacted, but the story should at least be accurate. If the dude did tell the cop he had a gun and he was licensed conceal and carry, then he ought to have his license with him. Was it? There was a gun. And if he didn't have a license on him and the gun was in the position for which he was reaching, then I think yes, it does change the severity of it all.

Again, just prove he had the conceal and carry license. PERIOD. If it was what was said to the cop, correct?
This just show you are a ignorant. Yes LEO working as part time.
You as a LEO board member? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
Last thing a cop want to see in a shooting like in Dallas is an armed civilians. What do you think will happen if they see you with a gun?
Scream at them ........ HEY IM THE GOOD GUY...... Stupid.
I don't care what you doubt, the ignorance is all yours since LEOs are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Nor did I claim no LEO would work part time security. At least learn how to read.

Yes LEO are sworn to to uphold the constitution .......... That doesn't mean all stupid people like you want to armed all civilian criminals. And you are a LEO board member?
Nobody wants criminals armed. You are spinning like a top. And you asked all 28 security cops what they thought about the 2nd amendment, why? I doubt any cop would work in such an environment. You might have security guards working for you but I doubt any cops.

You said cops protect 2nd amendment and I agreed. That doesn't mean they want to armed all civilians. You brought 2nd not me. Yes I talked to them about 2nd amendment and all gun issues and violence.
Actually they love working for me because it's peaceful and safe. Their wives know that they will come home alive. I also know and met their families. I also have waiting list who wants to work as back up when someone is sick or go on vacation.
Why would they stop them from working part time because of 2nd amendment?
Oh my boss is asking me about 2nd amendment I should not work for him....... Do you realize how dumb that is?
You said arm criminals, rights are reserved for those that haven't lost them through their own misdeeds. You are also mischaracterizing what I said. I said if you were asking them about rights they were sworn to uphold, that were absolutely none of your business I can't see a cop working there. I doubt you even have a business.

Who are you to tell its none of my business? My company my rule. I also do NOT accommodate Muslim prayers but I allow them to pray during their breaks or lunch time and not during working time.
Why in the world they I will offend them by talking about 2nd amendment? I never said I ask them directly about 2nd amendment. We talked about arming civilians and self/home defense. But they do not agree in arming all civilians.
Are you saying that they will make financial decisions based on 2nd amendment? Are you saying just bc of 2nd amendment or guns I do not have a business? Do you realize how dumb you are talking to me?
And I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not.
From the guys girlfriend...

Reynolds said he kept it in a thick wallet in a right-back pants pocket.

"As he's reaching, he lets the officer know, 'I have a firearm on me,'" Reynolds said. "I begin to yell, 'But he's licensed to carry.' After that, he began to take off shots — bup bup bup."

Reynolds said that "nothing in (Castile's) body said intimidation," but the officer ordered him, "Don't move, don't move."

If the guy is reaching for his wallet and says "I have a firearm on me" it could be mistaken as a statement he is reaching for a gun

He was ordered to produce ID. You don't follow the order, you die. You follow the order, you die. He didn't stand a chance. He was a black man, he had to go. The tail light probably wasn't even broken. The woman has said it wasn't.

See when was he ordered?

Before or after he told the cop he was armed

If the cop asked for the guy's license and as the guy was reaching behind his back he says I have a gun on me then the cop may well have been justified.

If the driver told the cop I have a gun on me and THEN the cop asked for the guy's license then the cop fucked up.

I have a hard time believing any cop would tell a person to produce ID after he was told the person had a gun on him.

He would have asked where the gun was and the driver should have kept his hands in plain sight
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.

Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get
From the guys girlfriend...

Reynolds said he kept it in a thick wallet in a right-back pants pocket.

"As he's reaching, he lets the officer know, 'I have a firearm on me,'" Reynolds said. "I begin to yell, 'But he's licensed to carry.' After that, he began to take off shots — bup bup bup."

Reynolds said that "nothing in (Castile's) body said intimidation," but the officer ordered him, "Don't move, don't move."

If the guy is reaching for his wallet and says "I have a firearm on me" it could be mistaken as a statement he is reaching for a gun

He was ordered to produce ID. You don't follow the order, you die. You follow the order, you die. He didn't stand a chance. He was a black man, he had to go. The tail light probably wasn't even broken. The woman has said it wasn't.

See when was he ordered?

Before or after he told the cop he was armed

If the cop asked for the guy's license and as the guy was reaching behind his back he says I have a gun on me then the cop may well have been justified.

If the driver told the cop I have a gun on me and THEN the cop asked for the guy's license then the cop fucked up.

I have a hard time believing any cop would tell a person to produce ID after he was told the person had a gun on him.

He would have asked where the gun was and the driver should have kept his hands in plain sight
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.

Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get

Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.
He was ordered to produce ID. You don't follow the order, you die. You follow the order, you die. He didn't stand a chance. He was a black man, he had to go. The tail light probably wasn't even broken. The woman has said it wasn't.

See when was he ordered?

Before or after he told the cop he was armed

If the cop asked for the guy's license and as the guy was reaching behind his back he says I have a gun on me then the cop may well have been justified.

If the driver told the cop I have a gun on me and THEN the cop asked for the guy's license then the cop fucked up.

I have a hard time believing any cop would tell a person to produce ID after he was told the person had a gun on him.

He would have asked where the gun was and the driver should have kept his hands in plain sight
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.

Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get

Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.

This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get
hey, wasn't that old white dude,Lavoy Finicum, in Oregon chased by FBI got out of his truck in the snow started to run surrounded by cops, he reached, they claimed, for his gun and they shot him like ten times or something. No gun exposed, no aiming of any gun. So are there double standards to outrage? seems there is. I'm just saying. I don't think cops wait for someone to point a gun at them before they fire.
See when was he ordered?

Before or after he told the cop he was armed

If the cop asked for the guy's license and as the guy was reaching behind his back he says I have a gun on me then the cop may well have been justified.

If the driver told the cop I have a gun on me and THEN the cop asked for the guy's license then the cop fucked up.

I have a hard time believing any cop would tell a person to produce ID after he was told the person had a gun on him.

He would have asked where the gun was and the driver should have kept his hands in plain sight
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.

Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get

Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.

This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
I've concluded that you are in fact stupid and incapable of carrying on a conversation.
Of course you do. That's what racist dumb ass liars do. What other recourse do they have? Admit they are wrong for advocating shooting someone for what they might do? Admit they were fucking stupid for conflating the difference between waiting to see a weapon before shooting and waiting until a weapons is not only seen, but aimed and fired? Of course such racist dumb ass liars won't admit these truths. That would involve being both honest and having a spine. Lord knows such fuckwads have neither.
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.

Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get

Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.

This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop
Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
So when do you plan on following Micah Xavier Johnson's example or are you just a spineless coward who is all talk and simply goads others to do things you won't do yourself?
Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.

Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get

Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.

This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.

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