Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Move to Texas. Cops here love armed citizens. Why? Because they've been vetted and trained.

Your comment that "black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods" is a fucking lie which makes me think the rest of your post is bullshit too.

I'm sure they called and let the police know ahead of time or they'd all be dead.
You gotta love liberals though

"we don't have all the facts here, but this cop is guilty of murder"

"the facts are in and Hillary not mishandled classified material, she also lied under oath about it, but there is no violation of the law here"

You morons truly are stupid.
The FBI said not guilty. Move on.
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper

This cop made a huge mistake, it is a tragedy that I cannot imagine what the victim's family is going through.
You gotta love liberals though

"we don't have all the facts here, but this cop is guilty of murder"

"the facts are in and Hillary not mishandled classified material, she also lied under oath about it, but there is no violation of the law here"

You morons truly are stupid.
The FBI said not guilty. Move on.

No that isn't what the FBI said.

Either way it doesn't change the gist of my comment. You liberals are STUPID and hypocritical. Every fucking time this shit happens you decide the cop is guilty before the facts are known and almost every time it turns out the cop didn't do anything wrong. Maybe this time the cop did do something wrong, but so far he should be presumed innocent until at least enough evidence suggests that he is guilty.
You gotta love liberals though

"we don't have all the facts here, but this cop is guilty of murder"

"the facts are in and Hillary not mishandled classified material, she also lied under oath about it, but there is no violation of the law here"

You morons truly are stupid.
The FBI said not guilty. Move on.
No, Comey said they probably couldn't get a conviction the way the law was written but outlined numerous problems. Problems that libs can't simply dismiss away, sorry.
And here's another fucking point you stupid liberals. How come every time some negro does something stupid and gets himself shot by the police here you are crying "oh wah black lives matter, stop destroying black lives" but not one of you has ever started a thread about black lives matter when it comes to Chicago where blacks are killing each other at an epidemic rate?
Yep, the police officer definately should have waited until the negro fired at him to be sure he had a gun before firing back.....
More juvenile straw man bullshit. Do you and Danny blow each other or just rub pink swords together?

There is a lot of distance between waiting to see a weapon and waiting for them to aim and fire. If a cop can't handle the difference, they need a desk job.

If a white 11 year old girl says "I'm going to kill you!" and reaches into her backpack are you just going to put four rounds into her? Maybe walk up and put one in her head to be sure?
We all know the answer to that.

What's your point?

Did you even listen to what she said?
"Listening" to what someone said means fuck all. Anyone remotely familiar with what Hillary 'says' ought to end anyone's fantasy that what someone 'says' is necessarily even close to the truth.
Did YOU "listen" to what 'Big Mike's' bum-boy "said"? HAAAA HAAAAA!
Yep, the police officer definately should have waited until the negro fired at him to be sure he had a gun before firing back.....
More juvenile straw man bullshit. Do you and Danny blow each other or just rub pink swords together?

There is a lot of distance between waiting to see a weapon and waiting for them to aim and fire. If a cop can't handle the difference, they need a desk job.

If a white 11 year old girl says "I'm going to kill you!" and reaches into her backpack are you just going to put four rounds into her? Maybe walk up and put one in her head to be sure?

Talk about strawmen.

I've concluded that you are in fact stupid and incapable of carrying on a conversation.

Those of us in the real world know that each situation is different and blanket statements that each situation should be handled the same are stupid.
Doesn't look good for that cop who shot the guy in the car. We should wait until all the evidence is in but does not look good.

One thing that irritates me is Obama only expresses his concern or outrage when the victim is black.

Have you seen a white person treated or killed by LEO like Sterling and CastileLink.

More white people are killed by cops each year than blacks. But of course that is to be expected since blacks make up a much smaller percentage of the population.

OF COURSE white people who don't follow legal instructions from police have ended up getting shot.

Really? I mean really?
So you think the media are biased and showing most black killings?
Just another day in america. Watch, the all-about-smaller-govt crowd will rush to blindly defend the power of the corporate state to murder.
Guy reached under his seat...for what?
Completely disgusting.

This is a new low for America.
How does a stop for a broken tail light escalate so quickly into this?
How does the officer open fire on the driver with a woman and child in the car?

I think what I find the most disturbing is how calm the woman is. She seemed not surprised at all with the outcome even taking the time to live stream on facebook. This is now almost to be expected by black folks in America.

This one has my guts churning.
She was calm because she is not right in the head or on drugs. How does it escalate? How about you don't make a sudden move and reach under your seat when you have a police officer who is trying to do his job and come home alive that day.

How do you know he made a sudden move and reached under his seat? Do you think he was suicidal? He would have to be to reach for a gun when the LEO had a gun a couple feet from his head. Was he wanted for a capital crime so he had nothing to lose? You're nuts.
He was reaching for his back pocket where his license was

Irrelevant, he was black, thus he must have asked for it. State power is always right.
Which is REQUIRED in many states.
I had a CCW permit for many years when I lived in New York. I was never stopped for anything while driving, but if I were I certainly would not announce that I was armed and licensed unless I was about to be searched for some reason. I don't know the reason for such a stupid requirement.
That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.

I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
If you look at the Dallas shooting last night. People are running all over the place scared and confused............ Then you see a good guy ( I think ) running with a gun. What do you think will happen?
Security guards? LOL! You fucking idiot.

I've been a member on a LEO board for ten years and the subject comes up, the few that are not 2nd amendment supporters are rookie big city cops and get taken to the wood shed quickly. They are sworn to uphold the constitution so you either hand pick flunkies or you are outright lying.

This just show you are a ignorant. Yes LEO working as part time.
You as a LEO board member? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
Last thing a cop want to see in a shooting like in Dallas is an armed civilians. What do you think will happen if they see you with a gun?
Scream at them ........ HEY IM THE GOOD GUY...... Stupid.

You assumed that armed civilians are smart. Stupid.
Castile had cc permit . Did he do the right thing when he say he has a GUN? Is that a smart thing to say when a cop stop you?
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I had a CCW permit for many years when I lived in New York. I was never stopped for anything while driving, but if I were I certainly would not announce that I was armed and licensed unless I was about to be searched for some reason. I don't know the reason for such a stupid requirement.
That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.

I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
If you look at the Dallas shooting last night. People are running all over the place scared and confused............ Then you see a good guy ( I think ) running with a gun. What do you think will happen?
Security guards? LOL! You fucking idiot.

I've been a member on a LEO board for ten years and the subject comes up, the few that are not 2nd amendment supporters are rookie big city cops and get taken to the wood shed quickly. They are sworn to uphold the constitution so you either hand pick flunkies or you are outright lying.

This just show you are a ignorant. Yes LEO working as part time.
You as a LEO board member? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
Last thing a cop want to see in a shooting like in Dallas is an armed civilians. What do you think will happen if they see you with a gun?
Scream at them ........ HEY IM THE GOOD GUY...... Stupid.
I don't care what you doubt, the ignorance is all yours since LEOs are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Nor did I claim no LEO would work part time security. At least learn how to read.
Yep, the police officer definately should have waited until the negro fired at him to be sure he had a gun before firing back.....
More juvenile straw man bullshit. Do you and Danny blow each other or just rub pink swords together?

There is a lot of distance between waiting to see a weapon and waiting for them to aim and fire. If a cop can't handle the difference, they need a desk job.

If a white 11 year old girl says "I'm going to kill you!" and reaches into her backpack are you just going to put four rounds into her? Maybe walk up and put one in her head to be sure?
You've obviously never even held a hand gun.
Someone high on PCP can grab a gun, point and pull the trigger literally in the blink of an eye.
That's the law in Michigan. One time my ccw buddy announced he had a gun and the cops got real weird.

And I have cop friends. They don't like civilians having guns.

Funny those Bundy ranchers can open carry but a black guy can't legally conceal even though they live in the most dangerous neighborhoods.

This cop should get 20 years up for parole in 10 and $10 million clear to the family
Most cops are pro 2nd amendment, maybe the ones you know don't trust you. With modern equipment the police probably already know if the auto registered owner is licensed. But the narrative that the guy was shot for being black is exactly what led to the Dallas massacre. You are part of the problem.

I have a total of 28 LEO working as a part time security guards. None of them will agree with you. They do NOT like armed civilians..........
If you look at the Dallas shooting last night. People are running all over the place scared and confused............ Then you see a good guy ( I think ) running with a gun. What do you think will happen?
Security guards? LOL! You fucking idiot.

I've been a member on a LEO board for ten years and the subject comes up, the few that are not 2nd amendment supporters are rookie big city cops and get taken to the wood shed quickly. They are sworn to uphold the constitution so you either hand pick flunkies or you are outright lying.

This just show you are a ignorant. Yes LEO working as part time.
You as a LEO board member? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it.
Last thing a cop want to see in a shooting like in Dallas is an armed civilians. What do you think will happen if they see you with a gun?
Scream at them ........ HEY IM THE GOOD GUY...... Stupid.
I don't care what you doubt, the ignorance is all yours since LEOs are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Nor did I claim no LEO would work part time security. At least learn how to read.

Yes LEO are sworn to to uphold the constitution .......... That doesn't mean all stupid people like you want to armed all civilian criminals. And you are a LEO board member?
Doesn't look good for that cop who shot the guy in the car. We should wait until all the evidence is in but does not look good.

One thing that irritates me is Obama only expresses his concern or outrage when the victim is black.

Have you seen a white person treated or killed by LEO like Sterling and CastileLink.

More white people are killed by cops each year than blacks. But of course that is to be expected since blacks make up a much smaller percentage of the population.

OF COURSE white people who don't follow legal instructions from police have ended up getting shot.

Really? I mean really?
So you think the media are biased and showing most black killings?

of course they fucking are you moron. There have been MANY articles on this and all prove that out. Here is but ONE example.

In 2015 500 whites were shot and killed by police in this country, and 250 blacks were. DESPITE the fact that statistics PROVE that blacks proportionately commit WAY more crimes in this country than whites.

Ignoring basic facts is a poor way to debate friend.
some sites are saying the victim was a gang member

the crips
That's correct and the LEO knew this fact when he ran the tags.
That's why he had drawn his gun.
The average person has no clue how much information comes up on a LEO's screen. Now thousands of patrol cars are equipped with highly sophisticated 'black boxes' which record hundreds of pieces of information about where the patrol vehicle is, it's speed, cornering speeds, stopping speeds, acceleration 'Gs'. Everything you can think of.
There are cameras which take a photo of every oncoming vehicle's license plate. If the car's owner has any warrants, if the insurance has expired, if the vehicle is stolen, if the vehicle's owner has been reported missing etc etc.
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

not all states but true in minnesota

the cop would normally ask if the CC was currently carrying

however was it his car or the girls

My state is not a must inform sate but I would tell any cop who pulled me over anyway.
And if I'm carrying I hand my CC Permit to him along with my license

yes indeed i agree

from what i gathered it may be dated

but the cop approached the vehicle with his pistol already drawn

is that true and if so why
The LEO had run the vehicle's tag and that's why he approached the vehicle with his gun drawn.

but why

in Minnesota do they approach all CC holders with gun drawn
No. But when the screen shows the vehicle owner has gang affiliations, a criminal record AND has a CCW any LEO is going to approach that vehicle with an extra sense of possible danger.
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper

This cop made a huge mistake, it is a tragedy that I cannot imagine what the victim's family is going through.
The 'victim's' family has already filed law suits against other family members so they can get all the money from the 'settlement'.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll 'off' each other like members of Trayvon's family tried to do to each other with fucking tire irons.

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