Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

Violence begets violence. A more oppressive violent Police State will result in more violence being directed at it. It's just an inevitability.
No, that's just you advocating violence AGAIN.

Why? Because you're the one saying police are Gestapo, that we live in a Police State" and claiming that all black men are in danger from the police.

I'm content to let the FBI figure out if you are a true threat or just another gutless, loudmouth nutjob with a keyboard. My best guess is they'll do a little research and come up with the same conclusion I have: you are a spineless, loudmouth coward.
I'll ask you again politely. Don't say it again. I have never advocated violence. Thank you.
I'll ask you again politely. Please stop lying and please stop advocating violence.

BTW, I did send links to your posts to the FBI. I don't know if they'll ignore you, interview you or just spy on your email. Either way, have a really nice fucking day. ;)

[email protected]

Uh, you're a nutter. They'll probably be showing up at your house real soon. Enjoy.
Violence begets violence. A more oppressive violent Police State will result in more violence being directed at it. It's just an inevitability.
No, that's just you advocating violence AGAIN.

Why? Because you're the one saying police are Gestapo, that we live in a Police State" and claiming that all black men are in danger from the police.

I'm content to let the FBI figure out if you are a true threat or just another gutless, loudmouth nutjob with a keyboard. My best guess is they'll do a little research and come up with the same conclusion I have: you are a spineless, loudmouth coward.

It isn't 'advocating' anything ya dumb twat. It's pointing out a logical inevitability. A more violent oppressive Police State will lead to more violence. It is what it is.
He was ordered to produce ID. You don't follow the order, you die. You follow the order, you die. He didn't stand a chance. He was a black man, he had to go. The tail light probably wasn't even broken. The woman has said it wasn't.

See when was he ordered?

Before or after he told the cop he was armed

If the cop asked for the guy's license and as the guy was reaching behind his back he says I have a gun on me then the cop may well have been justified.

If the driver told the cop I have a gun on me and THEN the cop asked for the guy's license then the cop fucked up.

I have a hard time believing any cop would tell a person to produce ID after he was told the person had a gun on him.

He would have asked where the gun was and the driver should have kept his hands in plain sight
The LEO repeatedly ordered the negro to "STOP REACHING!".
The negro apparently was unable mentally to process the words and act accordingly.
BTW for all you LIB pussies when a LEO runs a license plate part of the information about the car owner is whether the owner has a 'CCW' and whether there are any outstanding warrants and whether the owner has a criminal past.

Doesn't justify executing a Citizen. This cop will have to be arrested and prosecuted. That won't help the victim's family much, but they should receive justice for their loved one.

Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get

Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.
I bet when the normal sane peace loving honest decent American Patriots have had enough they will go into the negro shitholes and exterminate all the sub-human useless vermin.
I predict this will take about a month.
The biggest mistake America ever made was to buy the slaves from the negro chiefs in Africa.
It was only a matter of time before the 'garbage' needs to be taken out!
Thanks to the sub humans murdering the cops in Dallas that day has been fast forwarded.
Make no mistake. Once the all-in race war begins it won't end until the last boat of negro survivors leaves the US for Darfur and Chad.
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper

This cop made a huge mistake, it is a tragedy that I cannot imagine what the victim's family is going through.
The 'victim's' family has already filed law suits against other family members so they can get all the money from the 'settlement'.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll 'off' each other like members of Trayvon's family tried to do to each other with fucking tire irons.

Got a link or just more nonsense, because so far you have been wrong on many so called "facts" you have been presented.
Let's try an experiment

Stand in front of someone you do not know. Say, "I have a gun" while reaching behind your back to get your wallet out of your back pocket and then tell me what kind of reaction you get

Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.

This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.
Sadly, you Authoritarian Goose Steppers will justify anything your beloved Gestapo does. There's always a convoluted justification. It's exactly why the People are lashing out.

Violence begets violence. The Militarization of our Police has created emotionless killing machines. And it will result in much more violence. Bet on it.

This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
Irrelevant. In MN you do NOT need a CCW to transport a gun in your vehicle. BUT the gun must be unloaded.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper

This cop made a huge mistake, it is a tragedy that I cannot imagine what the victim's family is going through.
The 'victim's' family has already filed law suits against other family members so they can get all the money from the 'settlement'.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll 'off' each other like members of Trayvon's family tried to do to each other with fucking tire irons.

Got a link or just more nonsense, because so far you have been wrong on many so called "facts" you have been presented.
There's going to be another BLM march in a few days in Chicagoland.
If I send you the busfare will you go march?
You might need to make some final personal arrangements first. Just saying.
If you believe White people are going to sit back and not react you're fucking delusional.
This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
That there is funny asshole!
This afternoon I'm driving my old Mass. to the local private airport and taking my grandkids for a flight in my 180. I'm letting my ten year old granddaughter fly for the first time. I need to bring a cushion for her to see over the controls.
I have NEVER been stopped by ANY LEO in my life. I worked in HR in LE for years.
Pro Tip: Make sure your fucking tail lights are working!
NO ONE has ever dominated me.
Only low IQ people are dumb enough to happily let themselves be dominated by anyone.
Such is the case with the negro race.
Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
That there is funny asshole!
This afternoon I'm driving my old Mass. to the local private airport and taking my grandkids for a flight in my 180. I'm letting my ten year old granddaughter fly for the first time. I need to bring a cushion for her to see over the controls.
I have NEVER been stopped by ANY LEO in my life. I worked in HR in LE for years.
Pro Tip: Make sure your fucking tail lights are working!
NO ONE has ever dominated me.
Only low IQ people are dumb enough to happily let themselves be dominated by anyone.
Such is the case with the negro race.

Who said 'happily?'
This was an average everyday patrol officer not SWAT

No you go ahead and try my proposed experiment and let me know the reaction you get

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?
Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?

No offense, but your logic is a bit twisted. You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him? The cop executed him. He's a victim. The two incidents are separate incidents. The cop still has to be arrested and prosecuted.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?

No offense, but your logic is a bit twisted. You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him? The cop executed him. He's a victim. The two incidents are separate incidents. The cop still has to be arrested and prosecuted.
You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him

I did, post up that quote. I posted for accuracy here, that 60 blacks were shot by blacks in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend, and no cops were murdered as a result and no protests were set off either. Then I stated that one dude gets shot by a cop and 5 Dallas cops are dead as a result of that one dude, his death, people are outraged, why are they outraged at that dude's death and not outraged that 60 blacks were shot by blacks over a weekend in one city? Why? I'm sorry, I don't get it.
No one who saw the MN video could say tat cop was emotionless.
Hell the girlfriend was emotionless not the cop

Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?

No offense, but your logic is a bit twisted. You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him? The cop executed him. He's a victim. The two incidents are separate incidents. The cop still has to be arrested and prosecuted.
BTW, I still need to see the evidence of the dude's conceal carry license that was stated he had on him prior to the shooting. I need that before I make any comment on the cop.
1) It is relevant because, allegedly, it was the victim telling the police officer that he had a CCW that set the cop off.

2) In this case, it isn't relevant whether he had a CCW or not nor if he had a gun or not nor if the gun was loaded or not. The police officer never saw a gun before pumping four rounds into the victim.

the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper

This cop made a huge mistake, it is a tragedy that I cannot imagine what the victim's family is going through.
The 'victim's' family has already filed law suits against other family members so they can get all the money from the 'settlement'.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll 'off' each other like members of Trayvon's family tried to do to each other with fucking tire irons.

Got a link or just more nonsense, because so far you have been wrong on many so called "facts" you have been presented.
There's going to be another BLM march in a few days in Chicagoland.
If I send you the busfare will you go march?
You might need to make some final personal arrangements first. Just saying.
If you believe White people are going to sit back and not react you're fucking delusional.

What does Chicago having a BLM march have to do with you being wrong on all your so called "facts"?

Man up, either put up the link or be what we all know you to be, a racist liar that is insecure about his heredity.
the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper

This cop made a huge mistake, it is a tragedy that I cannot imagine what the victim's family is going through.
The 'victim's' family has already filed law suits against other family members so they can get all the money from the 'settlement'.
Maybe if we're lucky they'll 'off' each other like members of Trayvon's family tried to do to each other with fucking tire irons.

Got a link or just more nonsense, because so far you have been wrong on many so called "facts" you have been presented.
There's going to be another BLM march in a few days in Chicagoland.
If I send you the busfare will you go march?
You might need to make some final personal arrangements first. Just saying.
If you believe White people are going to sit back and not react you're fucking delusional.

What does Chicago having a BLM march have to do with you being wrong on all your so called "facts"?

Man up, either put up the link or be what we all know you to be, a racist liar that is insecure about his heredity.
what's he wrong about?
Violence begets violence. A more violent Police Force will result in more violence being directed against it. It's a bloody vicious circle. This rapidly expanding Police State is creating a lot of anger and frustration.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?

No offense, but your logic is a bit twisted. You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him? The cop executed him. He's a victim. The two incidents are separate incidents. The cop still has to be arrested and prosecuted.
You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him

I did, post up that quote. I posted for accuracy here, that 60 blacks were shot by blacks in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend, and no cops were murdered as a result and no protests were set off either. Then I stated that one dude gets shot by a cop and 5 Dallas cops are dead as a result of that one dude, his death, people are outraged, why are they outraged at that dude's death and not outraged that 60 blacks were shot by blacks over a weekend in one city? Why? I'm sorry, I don't get it.

Two separate incidents. The cop who executed the innocent man in Minnesota has to be held accountable. And those who murdered the police will have to be as well. And btw, how much media time is being spent on the 5 dead officers? Quite a bit, no?
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?

No offense, but your logic is a bit twisted. You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him? The cop executed him. He's a victim. The two incidents are separate incidents. The cop still has to be arrested and prosecuted.
You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him

I did, post up that quote. I posted for accuracy here, that 60 blacks were shot by blacks in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend, and no cops were murdered as a result and no protests were set off either. Then I stated that one dude gets shot by a cop and 5 Dallas cops are dead as a result of that one dude, his death, people are outraged, why are they outraged at that dude's death and not outraged that 60 blacks were shot by blacks over a weekend in one city? Why? I'm sorry, I don't get it.

Two separate incidents. The cop who executed the innocent man in Minnesota has to be held accountable. And those who murdered the police will have to be as well. And btw, how much media time is being spent on the 5 dead officers? Quite a bit, no?
so again, why no outrage to the 60 shootings in Chicago? Can't answer that can you? And yet you ignore it. funny how the left thinks. You have no respect for black lives, you only care if there is white officer involved. That's sick.
Last edited:
The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?

No offense, but your logic is a bit twisted. You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him? The cop executed him. He's a victim. The two incidents are separate incidents. The cop still has to be arrested and prosecuted.
You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him

I did, post up that quote. I posted for accuracy here, that 60 blacks were shot by blacks in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend, and no cops were murdered as a result and no protests were set off either. Then I stated that one dude gets shot by a cop and 5 Dallas cops are dead as a result of that one dude, his death, people are outraged, why are they outraged at that dude's death and not outraged that 60 blacks were shot by blacks over a weekend in one city? Why? I'm sorry, I don't get it.

Two separate incidents. The cop who executed the innocent man in Minnesota has to be held accountable. And those who murdered the police will have to be as well. And btw, how much media time is being spent on the 5 dead officers? Quite a bit, no?
so again, why no outrage to the 60 shootings in Chicago? Can't answer that can you? And yet you ignore it. funny how the left thinks. You have no respect for black lives, you only care if there is white officer involved. You're sick.

Is there not massive media coverage of the 5 officers being killed? I'm betting there will be far more coverage of it, than of those recently killed by the police. So there's plenty of outrage being expressed. But i will agree, blacks killing other blacks doesn't seem very important to most. The Race-Baiting stuff does sell. I have to admit that. It is what it is.
Let's see. Thirteen percent of the population is negro with an average IQ in the low eighties.
They own illegal guns that may or may not fire.
The rest of the population own millions of finest quality guns and multi-million rounds of ammunition.
It is only going to take the smallest spark and if you are sitting in a cafe in Paris France you'll be able to smell the stench of hundreds of thousands of dead negroes wafting across the Atlantic.

The Police State doesn't see it in terms of individual races. It's about absolute control and domination of all the People. And that includes you.
what I don't get, and I'm not the only one, is how 60 blacks can be shot in Chicago, 4 died, in one weekend by blacks and no national news and outrage happens. None. One dude in his car gets shot and 5 Dallas police are dead as a result of that one dude. Sorry, I don't get it. It seems to me, and this is only an observation because I hear it nightly here in Chicago, that blacks don't care that other blacks are killing their families. They, blacks, only care if it's a white police officer who's risking his life that seems to set them off. Am I reading that right or what?

No offense, but your logic is a bit twisted. You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him? The cop executed him. He's a victim. The two incidents are separate incidents. The cop still has to be arrested and prosecuted.
You just blamed the innocent murdered victim in Minnesota for the 5 police officers being killed. How is that on him

I did, post up that quote. I posted for accuracy here, that 60 blacks were shot by blacks in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend, and no cops were murdered as a result and no protests were set off either. Then I stated that one dude gets shot by a cop and 5 Dallas cops are dead as a result of that one dude, his death, people are outraged, why are they outraged at that dude's death and not outraged that 60 blacks were shot by blacks over a weekend in one city? Why? I'm sorry, I don't get it.

Two separate incidents. The cop who executed the innocent man in Minnesota has to be held accountable. And those who murdered the police will have to be as well. And btw, how much media time is being spent on the 5 dead officers? Quite a bit, no?
and he will be if the facts line up that the dude actually had a conceal and carry license. without that, the issue seems weak at best. Again, there is no cop walking a beat today that will just let someone draw on them. Just isn't. A cop will always fire before the weapon is pulled. I already presented as evidence the dude in Oregon shot by the FBI LaVoy Finicum. Shot him as he reached for his gun. You must think cops are just supposed to stand and put their own life in jeapordy. Way too many nut jobs out there for that to be expected. I mean in Dallas, those cops were protecting those dudes that ended up shooting them. How fkd up is that? Those cops kissed their wives and kids and went out to protect that scum that shot them. fkd up. And you bad mouth them. That's sick.
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