Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

You gotta love liberals though

"we don't have all the facts here, but this cop is guilty of murder"

"the facts are in and Hillary not mishandled classified material, she also lied under oath about it, but there is no violation of the law here"

You morons truly are stupid.
The FBI said not guilty. Move on.
FBI didn't say she was not guilty. Wait until Attry General Christie indicts her. BTW? It will not be double jeopardy.
I've listen to Milwaukee Sherrif for years, he is impressive. Dallas Police chief impressed me what little I saw.

Simply pointing out good people in all colors. I wish they were president and VP.
How is the leader of the BLM protest in Dallas (who said GD white America), any different than a Charles Manson ? I just saw this cat on the Kelly file, and he is a sick human being. Then he was back peddling on his rhetoric in which he was boldly speaking at the protest (when Megan Kelly asked him did he regret what he was saying after the cops were shot down like they were).

Charles Manson didn't actually kill anyone, but they locked him up for influencing his followers to kill others.
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What should have been done, is that the protestors (if they felt that compassionate about the events that had taken place recently), should have went to the city where the rogue cop in which they figured had committed a murder, and they would have done this in order to protest the precinct in which the officer was a member of... They would do this until justice was served to their satisfaction against the officer in which they had a beef with was met. To kill innocent people was the most ignorant and stupid thing to do. I mean who is leading these people complete "Idiots" ? That rabbi looking feller (the so called leader ?) was one strange acting cat.
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the cops also suspected the driver in an armed robbery that just happened

Police scanner audio
Doesn't matter. I don't give a shit if he was suspected of machine gunning a busload of nuns and assfucking every dog in a pound, the fact remains you can't shoot American citizens simply because you suspect them.
Amendment V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Oh my! Wait for the facts
Oh my! Wait for the facts
In the particular case of the OP, yes, but in the general scenario of police dealing with a suspect, the fact remains they can't shoot American citizens simply because they suspect them of a crime.
You gotta love liberals though

"we don't have all the facts here, but this cop is guilty of murder"

"the facts are in and Hillary not mishandled classified material, she also lied under oath about it, but there is no violation of the law here"

You morons truly are stupid.
The FBI said not guilty. Move on.
FBI didn't say she was not guilty. Wait until Attry General Christie indicts her. BTW? It will not be double jeopardy.

the FBI said she didn't do anything for which she should be charged. what on earth should she be found not guilty of if she didn't do anything chargeable.

seriously....give it up already.
Oh my! Wait for the facts
In the particular case of the OP, yes, but in the general scenario of police dealing with a suspect, the fact remains they can't shoot American citizens simply because they suspect them of a crime.
Look, these folks go into harms way daily. They are different than normal citizens. Normal citizens flip burgers, empty trash cans, design material we use daily. For anyone to say they should be the same are not intelligent. It's called harms way for a reason.
Look, these folks go into harms way daily. They are different than normal citizens. Normal citizens flip burgers, empty trash cans, design material we use daily. For anyone to say they should be the same are not intelligent. It's called harms way for a reason.
Are you saying this allows them to shoot American citizens based on suspicion only or not?
Look, these folks go into harms way daily. They are different than normal citizens. Normal citizens flip burgers, empty trash cans, design material we use daily. For anyone to say they should be the same are not intelligent. It's called harms way for a reason.
Are you saying this allows them to shoot American citizens based on suspicion only or not?
Nope, I'm saying they deserve respect when confronting someone. Punks who can't follow directions don't get my sympathy.
Nope, I'm saying they deserve respect when confronting someone. Punks who can't follow directions don't get my sympathy.
Straw man argument. While I agree all First Responders deserve respect, my comments have repeatedly stated police can't shoot people based solely on suspicion. Why you keep dancing around that point is a mystery to me.
Shooting that guy in front of his wife and daughter was a sick thing to do, and it leads me to think that some cops just don't need to be cops, and they should be fired or layed off before anything like this happens, happened or ever happens again. He best hope that he can prove whether or not the civilian pulled his gun on him, and then threatened him with it or he should be toast.
Shooting that guy in front of his wife and daughter was a sick thing to do, and it leads me to think that some cops just don't need to be cops, and they should be fired or layed off before anything like this happens, happened or ever happens again. He best hope that he can prove whether or not the civilian pulled his gun on him, and then threatened him with it or he should be toast.

And how upset was the cop? He looked way out of his league. Maybe they need to strengthen their recruitment criteria...
Wait 4 facts. Cops lives matter. They are allowed to try to make it home end of shift.

They tazed the LA guy, they wrestled him. He was reportedly with a gun. Apparently trying to pull from pocket. 310 lbs. You go try to reason with him.
Nope, I'm saying they deserve respect when confronting someone. Punks who can't follow directions don't get my sympathy.
Straw man argument. While I agree all First Responders deserve respect, my comments have repeatedly stated police can't shoot people based solely on suspicion. Why you keep dancing around that point is a mystery to me.
Good for you, we all don't agree
Shooting that guy in front of his wife and daughter was a sick thing to do, and it leads me to think that some cops just don't need to be cops, and they should be fired or layed off before anything like this happens, happened or ever happens again. He best hope that he can prove whether or not the civilian pulled his gun on him, and then threatened him with it or he should be toast.
Maybe you should wait for the facts you have no idea what happened. No conceal and carry license means stated comments are false making everything false
Today I missed the divider in chief speak on Dallas massacre. How can I go on? Was he on golf course in Poland?
Oh my! Wait for the facts
In the particular case of the OP, yes, but in the general scenario of police dealing with a suspect, the fact remains they can't shoot American citizens simply because they suspect them of a crime.
Look, these folks go into harms way daily. They are different than normal citizens. Normal citizens flip burgers, empty trash cans, design material we use daily. For anyone to say they should be the same are not intelligent. It's called harms way for a reason.

what i thought was his billfold on his lap

it appears that it is a pistol

Ramsey County sheriff says they didnt issue

the guy a CC permit

Hmmm, isn't this the way that things usually work in the justice system - If I was found at the scene of a break in, and I was suspected of being involved in the break in, then wouldn't I be taken to the station for questioning, and then if I couldn't clear my name at that point, then wouldn't I be held until a judge sets bail for my release? Then when I am released, I get a lawyer who will listen to what I say about it, and then I would carry that lawyer with me to the pre-trial hearing where the charges will either be dropped or either they will stand after all the investigations on both sides are complete ?

Now in a case like this above, where does my presumption of innocence begin in a situation or where does it end ? Otherwise depending on the strength of the immediate evidence at the scene of the crime, either I will be let go there by the determination of the evidence that suggest my innocence or either I will be hauled in because of the evidence that is determined at the scene to suggest my guilt. If hauled in then the evidence suggest that I should be taken in for further questioning, and maybe even held in order to further establish my innocence or guilt by way of more trained individuals who will review that evidence again, but this time with my attorney present.

So could it be said that the presumption of innocence is actually a 1,2,3 step process or something to that affect ? Is it that we are seeing that the movement against the cop shooting the man in the car, that they are "frustrated", because they feel that due to the video evidence obtained or released to the public, that the officer should have been arrested based on that evidence ? Should it be that then the officer should have to clear his name through the 2nd step process ? 2nd step process should be bail set by a judge, the release, and then the officer obtaining a lawyer, and then onto the pre-trial hearing where he will either be cleared or returned to jail as based upon the evidence being found as to be to strong in the case after all investigations have been conducted on both sides right ? What's missing in all of this ? Are white cops to afraid to police black people in areas in which they are assigned to if happens to be the case, and so they react out of fear doing very stupid things in which cause tragic events to take place ?
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