Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

I don't care what you doubt, the ignorance is all yours since LEOs are sworn to uphold the Constitution. Nor did I claim no LEO would work part time security. At least learn how to read.

Yes LEO are sworn to to uphold the constitution .......... That doesn't mean all stupid people like you want to armed all civilian criminals. And you are a LEO board member?
Nobody wants criminals armed. You are spinning like a top. And you asked all 28 security cops what they thought about the 2nd amendment, why? I doubt any cop would work in such an environment. You might have security guards working for you but I doubt any cops.

You said cops protect 2nd amendment and I agreed. That doesn't mean they want to armed all civilians. You brought 2nd not me. Yes I talked to them about 2nd amendment and all gun issues and violence.
Actually they love working for me because it's peaceful and safe. Their wives know that they will come home alive. I also know and met their families. I also have waiting list who wants to work as back up when someone is sick or go on vacation.
Why would they stop them from working part time because of 2nd amendment?
Oh my boss is asking me about 2nd amendment I should not work for him....... Do you realize how dumb that is?
You said arm criminals, rights are reserved for those that haven't lost them through their own misdeeds. You are also mischaracterizing what I said. I said if you were asking them about rights they were sworn to uphold, that were absolutely none of your business I can't see a cop working there. I doubt you even have a business.

Who are you to tell its none of my business? My company my rule. I also do NOT accommodate Muslim prayers but I allow them to pray during their breaks or lunch time and not during working time.
Why in the world they I will offend them by talking about 2nd amendment? I never said I ask them directly about 2nd amendment. We talked about arming civilians and self/home defense. But they do not agree in arming all civilians.
Are you saying that they will make financial decisions based on 2nd amendment? Are you saying just bc of 2nd amendment or guns I do not have a business? Do you realize how dumb you are talking to me?
And I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not.
No, it's none of your business. It's like asking someone who they voted for. I'd tell you to go pound sand. Security guards aren't cops and no way 28 cops are going to be against the 2nd amendment, you're full of shit.
One thing is clear, the Police State will benefit from these tragedies. It gives em justification for taking more Citizen's rights away. More control and domination. A Win-Win for Big Brother.
what's he wrong about?
Many things. Being a liar is one of them. He ran from my request for facts to back up his bullshit, then he flipped around and made lying accusations against me.

I don't trust liars no matter what their political persuasion. Do you?
One thing is clear, the Police State will benefit from these tragedies. It gives em justification for taking more Citizen's rights away. More control and domination. A Win-Win for Big Brother.
Spread the hate then run and deny you are spreading hate.
One thing is clear, the Police State will benefit from these tragedies. It gives em justification for taking more Citizen's rights away. More control and domination. A Win-Win for Big Brother.
funny, still no comment on the 60 blacks shot in Chicago over the weekend. Doesn't that piss you off? I mean what's a cop supposed to do if called to one of those shootings? I'm sure there was. It's like static, I'd be afraid to touch anything for fear of getting shocked or shot in their world. But you treat them as if they aren't human and that's sick.
It is the ability of the internet to keep those racists hidden behind a keyboard. In public, they'd never do anything close to what they do in here. NEVER, they are all talk behind a keyboard filtered internet.
Agreed. Do you agree this ability exists regardless of politics, race, creed, nationality, religion or any other human differences?
It is the ability of the internet to keep those racists hidden behind a keyboard. In public, they'd never do anything close to what they do in here. NEVER, they are all talk behind a keyboard filtered internet.
Agreed. Do you agree this ability exists regardless of politics, race, creed, nationality, religion or any other human differences?
See, I believe the opposite. I believe 80% of the people who post here are in fact stupid, and that is perfectly representative of the population in general. I offer the moron members of Congress who repeatedly get elected and reelected as evidence of this.
An assumption which causes me to believe you are not only uneducated, but on the backside of this curve:


The fact remains, in this forum, we're all equal in voice, but not equal in intellect. Your proof of being right is in your ability to persuade and present a logical point of view. If all you can do is prove you're the biggest asshole, then go ahead. Prove you are the biggest asshole. If you want to present a logical, persuasive argument, then please do so because I'd be sincerely interested in reading it.
Two separate incidents. The cop who executed the innocent man in Minnesota has to be held accountable. And those who murdered the police will have to be as well. And btw, how much media time is being spent on the 5 dead officers? Quite a bit, no?
Once again you are spreading the hate and advocating violence.

You claim a cop executed an innocent man in Minnesota. This is a lie. We don't know all the facts. It looks bad, but at worst, an over-exuberant cop shot an innocent man. This is, at worst, second degree murder, definitely not the bullshit hate crime you are wailing about. You are a fucking liar and advocator of violence.
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the cop says he was going for something

the girl says he was going for his license

in a still photo though

you can see what looks like his billfold and a paper
"Going for something" is not sufficient reason to use deadly force.

or is it

it certainly was good enough in the lavoy finnicum shooting earlier this year

in fact it was also cool to shoot at him and his occupants as they drove down the road
some sites are saying the victim was a gang member

the crips
That's correct and the LEO knew this fact when he ran the tags.
That's why he had drawn his gun.
The average person has no clue how much information comes up on a LEO's screen. Now thousands of patrol cars are equipped with highly sophisticated 'black boxes' which record hundreds of pieces of information about where the patrol vehicle is, it's speed, cornering speeds, stopping speeds, acceleration 'Gs'. Everything you can think of.
There are cameras which take a photo of every oncoming vehicle's license plate. If the car's owner has any warrants, if the insurance has expired, if the vehicle is stolen, if the vehicle's owner has been reported missing etc etc.

the cops also suspected the driver in an armed robbery that just happened

Police scanner audio
Guy in mn is crips gang member and possible suspect in armed robbery night he still may have been shot wrongly but that goes to police training.....not racism
not all states but true in minnesota

the cop would normally ask if the CC was currently carrying

however was it his car or the girls

My state is not a must inform sate but I would tell any cop who pulled me over anyway.
And if I'm carrying I hand my CC Permit to him along with my license

yes indeed i agree

from what i gathered it may be dated

but the cop approached the vehicle with his pistol already drawn

is that true and if so why
The LEO had run the vehicle's tag and that's why he approached the vehicle with his gun drawn.

but why

in Minnesota do they approach all CC holders with gun drawn
No. But when the screen shows the vehicle owner has gang affiliations, a criminal record AND has a CCW any LEO is going to approach that vehicle with an extra sense of possible danger.

true according to Minnesota CC statutes anyone that makes the gang list

is disqualified from obtaining a CC permit

What are the requirements for getting a permit to carry?
  • Must be at least 21 years of age
  • Must complete an application form
  • Must not be prohibited from possessing a firearm under Minnesota Statute 624.714
  • Must not be listed in the criminal gang investigation system
  • Must be a resident of the county from which you are requesting a permit, if you reside in Minnesota. Non-residents may apply to any Minnesota county sheriff.
  • Must provide certificate of completed authorized firearms training. Training by a certified instructor must be completed within one year of an original or renewal application. (624.714, Subd. 2a)
Administrative Services - Permit to Carry FAQ
or is it

it certainly was good enough in the lavoy finnicum shooting earlier this year ..
Doesn't it strike you as odd or funny that RWers bitch and moan about "state's rights" and "let each state decide" the jump back to a Federally mandated and controlled government when it suits them?

Finnicum: Oregon

Castile: Minnesota

Sterling: Lousiana

Yet assholes on this forum justify shooting 11 police officers, murdering 5, in Dallas, Texas? How fucked up are those people who advocate this?

paulitician, as a "revenge" leader, do you have an answer?
or is it

it certainly was good enough in the lavoy finnicum shooting earlier this year ..
Doesn't it strike you as odd or funny that RWers bitch and moan about "state's rights" and "let each state decide" the jump back to a Federally mandated and controlled government when it suits them?

Finnicum: Oregon

Castile: Minnesota

Sterling: Lousiana

Yet assholes on this forum justify shooting 11 police officers, murdering 5, in Dallas, Texas? How fucked up are those people who advocate this?

paulitician, as a "revenge" leader, do you have an answer?

not one of the 11 officers alive or dead

had anything to do with the shootings in Minnesota and Texas

been a couple more today in St Louis

the left would love a federal police force
the cops also suspected the driver in an armed robbery that just happened

Police scanner audio
Doesn't matter. I don't give a shit if he was suspected of machine gunning a busload of nuns and assfucking every dog in a pound, the fact remains you can't shoot American citizens simply because you suspect them.
Amendment V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
the cops also suspected the driver in an armed robbery that just happened

Police scanner audio
Doesn't matter. I don't give a shit if he was suspected of machine gunning a busload of nuns and assfucking every dog in a pound, the fact remains you can't shoot American citizens simply because you suspect them.
Amendment V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

obviously you can

that is exactly what happened to lavoy finnicum

and the left cheered

the leftards want due process done away with

you heard them on the hill calling for it loudly and clearly

they even had a sit in at the capital pouting about

not getting due process shut down

the idea of individual rights is going out the window fast
obviously you can

that is exactly what happened to lavoy finnicum

and the left cheered

the leftards want due process done away with

you heard them on the hill calling for it loudly and clearly

they even had a sit in at the capital pouting about

not getting due process shut down

the idea of individual rights is going out the window fast
IMHO, the extremists on both ends regularly seek to violate the rights of others, but are quick to complain on perceived violations of their own rights. They are fucking hypocrites and liars which means they can't be trusted.

This transcends mere differences of opinion. It's one thing to have a differing point of view, but a completely different issue when partisan assholes seek to force others to accept their point of view. Force either with violence as paulitician dances around or by law as both LWLs and RWNJs often advocate.

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