Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
Cut through bushes it sounds like, instead of walking on the sidewalk. There was no reason that cop should’ve administered that second taser absolutely zero reason ….everyone needs to watch that video closely. I’ll wait for the professional cops to weigh in on this matter, and it is under review by that particular department.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
And of course there is no evidence whatsoever that race was a factor. You just assume it was because you're fucking moron.
On that account from the side angle the boy looks more white than black. Cops who think they need to apply a second round of tasering need an evaluation when the potential perp is flat on the ground. They might determine if he’s fully capable of single duty beat. Seriously, that teen was already on the ground and was acting scared -give me a break.
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He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Resisting being detained and searched is illegal. The cop had every reason to search him.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Resisting being detained and searched is illegal. The cop had every reason to search him.
Is there a video or evidence that he resisted arrest? Did the cop’s body cam show that the boy ran is what I’m asking. Thanks.
So being that he’s a boyfriend on her porch then he is granted immunity
Lib 101

He violated no law.
Yes he did.

I think the term is 'Contempt Of Cop' which is a misdemeanour. Basically refusing to obey Police instruction.

There is no such offense.
The only time it is illegal to refuse to obey a police instruction is when it causes a risk of harm to someone else.
This kid was actually trying to help the police end their confusion, by proving he had authorization to be there.
Police do not by themselves have any extra authority over anyone.
Their only authority comes from them defending the rights of others, which this cop was not doing.
He was not defending anyone.
He was the offender, in that he was harming welcomed visitors to the house.
Yeah but the Police doesn't know he's not a harm or risk to anyone else (including himself) he needs to establish that by issuing instructions - which he refused to comply with,

and I disagree it's not an offence. I looked on Google before I made the post and it's mentioned a few places. It comes up right at the top with a Wiki link next to it.

Whether or not he could be harm to someone in the future, is irrelevant.
He was not harmful to anyone while just standing there texting.
The worst the cop can claim is that he was wasting the cop's time by not complying.

In the US, the government is not a source of authority.
The government is just a hired hand who is paid to defend rights only.
So unless the kid was harming the rights of someone, then the cop has zero authority to demand anything at all.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Resisting being detained and searched is illegal. The cop had every reason to search him.

Absolutely not.
You can only search someone if you saw them commit a crime or if there is a warrant out for them so they can be arrested.
The cop violated half a dozen laws.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Resisting being detained and searched is illegal. The cop had every reason to search him.
Is there a video or evidence that he resisted arrest? Did the cop’s body cam show that the boy ran is what I’m asking. Thanks.

No, the video shows the kid on the porch standing still.
The cop then arrives and starts ordering the kid around.
The kid ignores the cop and continues texting, without moving.
The cop then illegally fires a taser from 2' away, and the kid fall on to a concrete wall, sustaining injuries.
The kid never committed any crime, and the cop was trespassing, committed attempted murder, and false arrest.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Resisting being detained and searched is illegal. The cop had every reason to search him.
Is there a video or evidence that he resisted arrest? Did the cop’s body cam show that the boy ran is what I’m asking. Thanks.

No, the video shows the kid on the porch standing still.
The cop then arrives and starts ordering the kid around.
The kid ignores the cop and continues texting, without moving.
The cop then illegally fires a taser from 2' away, and the kid fall on to a concrete wall, sustaining injuries.
The kid never committed any crime, and the cop was trespassing, committed attempted murder, and false arrest.
According to that OP article, the boy’s mom contacted the same defense attorney who defended Chauvin. That is a good choice I would imagine.
Cut through bushes it sounds like, instead of walking on the sidewalk. There was no reason that cop should’ve administered that second taser absolutely zero reason ….everyone needs to watch that video closely. I’ll wait for the professional cops to weigh in on this matter, and it is under review by that particular department.

Police do it all the time. Obey their orders or they have the authority to force you to obey their orders. If an officer tells you to put your hands above your head and you don't, you are refusing his orders and he will make you obey his orders whether you're on the ground or standing up. If you refuse orders, get hit with a taser, continue to refuse orders, you get the taser again.
Not true. An officer in Florida can and should use a taser for many reasons including a subject refusing to comply.

It might not be true in your world but in our system of justice, police use of force is only acceptable when used against somebody exhibiting threatening behavior. Smart money is on the family and against the trooper.
Sorry, but it is true in the REAL WORLD, though perhaps not in your world. Why tell stories like that, it only makes you look ignorant?

Sure, the family will get some money but not because the trooper did anything wrong.

No, you are totally and completely wrong.
Yet a few weeks ago, Paul Howard, the Fulton County district attorney whose office will try Rolfe, acknowledged in a separate matter that, according to Georgia law, “a taser is considered . . . a deadly weapon.” That means, generally speaking, cops can use deadly force in countering their hostile use.
This is true in ALL states.
The fact a taser usually does not kill, does not alter the fact it can and has sometimes killed.
It can NOT be use to force compliance any more than torture can be used.
The use of a taser when not in self defense, is a felony assault.
Police are only authorized to use a taser if the person is attacking them with a weapon or is attacking them physically and is larger than they are.
Yeah, because according to you people, a taser is only deadly if used by a cop. These idiot SJW’s have been caught claiming the taser was NOT a deadly weapon when a (surprise surprise) black criminal stole a cop’s taser and tried to use it against him. The not a week later claiming it WAS a deadly weapon when the cop used it. More criminal coddling. Here’s an idea. Listen to the cop and comply. Or like this idiot, play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
Cut through bushes it sounds like, instead of walking on the sidewalk. There was no reason that cop should’ve administered that second taser absolutely zero reason ….everyone needs to watch that video closely. I’ll wait for the professional cops to weigh in on this matter, and it is under review by that particular department.

Police do it all the time. Obey their orders or they have the authority to force you to obey their orders. If an officer tells you to put your hands above your head and you don't, you are refusing his orders and he will make you obey his orders whether you're on the ground or standing up. If you refuse orders, get hit with a taser, continue to refuse orders, you get the taser again.
Police do what all the time? Zap a teen a second round while he or she has already been zapped and is lying on the ground from it, and barely moves after that knee-jerk reactive cop zaps him a second round anyway for “non-compliance”?

What is it exactly that bothers you about this case? I’ve read a lot of your posts and actually I agree with you a lot of the time. I am pro cop but that would mean pro good cop. That guy might be better suited for a desk job- not meant as a put down just a fact some people aren’t cut out to do the beat, particularly alone.

In my area, there’s been a change from the type of cops we used to have to the type that we have now - who often demonstrate going overboard. That’s not a professional cop doing his job, that is something else.
Smyrnios saw the teen cut through the shrubs that day and followed him because he looked suspicious, according to arrest reports reviewed by WINK News. Smyrnios wrote he “has personal knowledge that this neighborhood has had several burglaries.” But the Lee County Sheriff’s Office crime map doesn’t show any crimes in that specific neighborhood in the past year, according to WINK.

The day after the initial arrest, additional charges were filed against Jack Rodeman, according to his mother. She said that Smyrnios pulled Jack out of the detention center, put him in a patrol car, and drove him to the juvenile assessment center, where additional charges were filed for loitering and prowling. Initial charges were failure to obey an officer, under criminal traffic citation statute — which only applies to streets and roads, not to cutting through yards on foot, according to his attorney. Jack was also charged with possession of a small amount of medical marijuana — his mother’s prescription, according to her.

Jesus. The kid "crimes" were taking a joy ride in a golf cart and cutting through yards...and after tazing the shit out of him they pilled on bullshit loitering and prowling charges so they could lock him away for three fucking weeks

And the cop LIED

Can you say LAWSUIT?
Not true. An officer in Florida can and should use a taser for many reasons including a subject refusing to comply.

It might not be true in your world but in our system of justice, police use of force is only acceptable when used against somebody exhibiting threatening behavior. Smart money is on the family and against the trooper.
Sorry, but it is true in the REAL WORLD, though perhaps not in your world. Why tell stories like that, it only makes you look ignorant?

Sure, the family will get some money but not because the trooper did anything wrong.

No, you are totally and completely wrong.
Yet a few weeks ago, Paul Howard, the Fulton County district attorney whose office will try Rolfe, acknowledged in a separate matter that, according to Georgia law, “a taser is considered . . . a deadly weapon.” That means, generally speaking, cops can use deadly force in countering their hostile use.
This is true in ALL states.
The fact a taser usually does not kill, does not alter the fact it can and has sometimes killed.
It can NOT be use to force compliance any more than torture can be used.
The use of a taser when not in self defense, is a felony assault.
Police are only authorized to use a taser if the person is attacking them with a weapon or is attacking them physically and is larger than they are.

Sorry but you are talking about the CIVILIAN use of a taser. In addition, I live in Florida, not Georgia.
Police do what all the time? Zap a teen a second round while he or she has already been zapped and is lying on the ground from it, and barely moves after that knee-jerk reactive cop zaps him a second round anyway for “non-compliance”?

What is it exactly that bothers you about this case? I’ve read a lot of your posts and actually I agree with you a lot of the time. I am pro cop but that would mean pro good cop. That guy might be better suited for a desk job- not meant as a put down just a fact some people aren’t cut out to do the beat, particularly alone.

In my area, there’s been a change from the type of cops we used to have to the type that we have now - who often demonstrate going overboard. That’s not a professional cop doing his job, that is something else.

What police do all the time is force a suspect to obey their orders. Now I asked this question early in the discussion so perhaps you didn't see it. But nobody has yet to answer: if a suspect is not complying with police commands, what do you want an officer to do, say "okay, you don't have to comply, maybe another time when you're in a better mood?"

The more cities cater to criminals and weaken their police departments, the worse the crime gets, or hasn't anybody noticed?

If authority has to capitulate to the criminal element, then we no longer have any authority or a lawful society.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Resisting being detained and searched is illegal. The cop had every reason to search him.
Is there a video or evidence that he resisted arrest? Did the cop’s body cam show that the boy ran is what I’m asking. Thanks.
Every single time its the same story. He refused to follow the cops orders. The left taught this kid to hate and disobey cops and look where it led him. SMH.

He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Resisting being detained and searched is illegal. The cop had every reason to search him.

Absolutely not.
You can only search someone if you saw them commit a crime or if there is a warrant out for them so they can be arrested.
The cop violated half a dozen laws.
That isnt true.

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