Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

Not true. An officer in Florida can and should use a taser for many reasons including a subject refusing to comply.

It might not be true in your world but in our system of justice, police use of force is only acceptable when used against somebody exhibiting threatening behavior. Smart money is on the family and against the trooper.
Not true. An officer in Florida can and should use a taser for many reasons including a subject refusing to comply.

It might not be true in your world but in our system of justice, police use of force is only acceptable when used against somebody exhibiting threatening behavior. Smart money is on the family and against the trooper.
Sorry, but it is true in the REAL WORLD, though perhaps not in your world. Why tell stories like that, it only makes you look ignorant?

Sure, the family will get some money but not because the trooper did anything wrong.
It might not be true in your world but in our system of justice, police use of force is only acceptable when used against somebody exhibiting threatening behavior. Smart money is on the family and against the trooper.

No. Police can use force if the subject is being non-compliant. If an officer tells you to put your hands behind your back, and you tell him you're not going to, what's the officer supposed to do, say "okay, maybe next time!" What kind of society would we have if police were powerless? Well, we're finding that out now in commie cities all across the country where violent crime and murders are up by double digits compared to this time last year.

Will these lowlifes get money from the city? That remains to be seen. Money is doled out to lowlifes based on public opinion.
Police can use force if the subject is being non-compliant.

You and Markle fail to understand the absurdity of your position that a police officer can be the initiator of physical confrontation through use of a taser towards an individual showing no threat to anybody's safety. Seems to me that common sense should be self-evident, but since it's not.....


So sure, police can use force. But it sure isn't the case that their option of force is carte blanche.
To recap.....

Ashli Babbitt wasn't just cutting across someone's lawn or dressed in black....but if she was --would the same folks arguing that police are justified to do whatever they want have the same energy for her??
You and Markle fail to understand the absurdity of your position that a police officer can be the initiator of physical confrontation through use of a taser towards an individual showing no threat to anybody's safety. Seems to me that common sense should be self-evident, but since it's not.....

You don't understand how police perform their duties. When they have a questionable suspect, their first and top priority is to secure the suspect. If the suspect is not complying, then what do you want the officer to do?

You anti-cop people complain when officers use their firearm, you complained when they used their night sticks, and now you're complaining they are using much less lethal methods such as a taser.

It seems to me what you want is the suspect to decide if he will go with the officer or not. If that's not what you are looking for, then please explain to me what you want a police officer to do when somebody is disobeying their orders or resisting police.
If it can happen to white cops, surely it can happen to black cops or are only white cops allowed to make those mistakes.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
So in your mind that’s the only thing that should matter? Do you wear concrete shoes to bed with your party label etched in? If so, I get your remark.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.

He had not trespassed at all, on any property.
He had pot on him, which never was a drug and should never have been illegal.
Those acting as if pot were a crime are the real criminals.
Law can only be about defense of the rights of others, and pot harms no one's rights.
He was on probation, not parole, for taking a golf cart for a short ride.
He did not steal it and had no intentions of harming it or keeping it.
He correctly did not obey police instructions because he was trying to call the owner of the house, to verify he was not there illegally.

However, the cop committed attempted murder, for using a taser when not threatened.
Tasers are DEADLY force, and therefore can ONLY be used in response to a weapon.
It is illegal to use a taser to force compliance.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Well, there you have it. He should have just apologized, which is what innocent people do. He had the demeanor of a criminal so he was treated as such. Im glad they caught him.

He committed no crime and was not a criminal.
The only thing he got charged with was the pot, which was an illegal search, since the cop had no probable cause.
Not true. An officer in Florida can and should use a taser for many reasons including a subject refusing to comply.

It might not be true in your world but in our system of justice, police use of force is only acceptable when used against somebody exhibiting threatening behavior. Smart money is on the family and against the trooper.
Sorry, but it is true in the REAL WORLD, though perhaps not in your world. Why tell stories like that, it only makes you look ignorant?

Sure, the family will get some money but not because the trooper did anything wrong.

No, you are totally and completely wrong.
Yet a few weeks ago, Paul Howard, the Fulton County district attorney whose office will try Rolfe, acknowledged in a separate matter that, according to Georgia law, “a taser is considered . . . a deadly weapon.” That means, generally speaking, cops can use deadly force in countering their hostile use.
This is true in ALL states.
The fact a taser usually does not kill, does not alter the fact it can and has sometimes killed.
It can NOT be use to force compliance any more than torture can be used.
The use of a taser when not in self defense, is a felony assault.
Police are only authorized to use a taser if the person is attacking them with a weapon or is attacking them physically and is larger than they are.
So being that he’s a boyfriend on her porch then he is granted immunity
Lib 101

He violated no law.
Yes he did.

I think the term is 'Contempt Of Cop' which is a misdemeanour. Basically refusing to obey Police instruction.

There is no such offense.
The only time it is illegal to refuse to obey a police instruction is when it causes a risk of harm to someone else.
This kid was actually trying to help the police end their confusion, by proving he had authorization to be there.
Police do not by themselves have any extra authority over anyone.
Their only authority comes from them defending the rights of others, which this cop was not doing.
He was not defending anyone.
He was the offender, in that he was harming welcomed visitors to the house.
So being that he’s a boyfriend on her porch then he is granted immunity
Lib 101

He violated no law.
Yes he did.

I think the term is 'Contempt Of Cop' which is a misdemeanour. Basically refusing to obey Police instruction.

There is no such offense.
The only time it is illegal to refuse to obey a police instruction is when it causes a risk of harm to someone else.
This kid was actually trying to help the police end their confusion, by proving he had authorization to be there.
Police do not by themselves have any extra authority over anyone.
Their only authority comes from them defending the rights of others, which this cop was not doing.
He was not defending anyone.
He was the offender, in that he was harming welcomed visitors to the house.
Yeah but the Police doesn't know he's not a harm or risk to anyone else (including himself) he needs to establish that by issuing instructions - which he refused to comply with,

and I disagree it's not an offence. I looked on Google before I made the post and it's mentioned a few places. It comes up right at the top with a Wiki link next to it.

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