Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

From what I've read the use of a taser by police under Florida law is restricted to use on people that are physically resisting. Per officier's own story that wasn't the situation here.

I'll say teen and his mom have just won the lottery.
Not true. An officer in Florida can and should use a taser for many reasons including a subject refusing to comply.
Of just obey their commands. Gee, that's too simple. :eusa_shhh:
The arbitrary commands of officers are not the law.
Not even in the military, when it comes right down to it.
It is the law that must be obeyed, not every shouted command in the confusion of a riot or war.

Even you know that is not true. It only further damages your already ailing credibility.

There was no confusion. The kid simply refused to comply with the lawful orders.
It’s also how oppressive societies work.

Bullshit. You see, this is why I promote dividing this country into two countries instead. You people could have one half of the country and we'll have the other half. Both countries operate the way they wish. On your side, nobody is a suspect, you barely have police but a lot of social workers, and the police you do have will not be allowed to carry guns, arrest suspects, or even chase after them like the new regulation Mayor Lighthead made in Chicago.
Our side won`t sell handguns. See how easy that is? Eventually the police won`t need them either.

Why would you want the violent crime rate to skyrocket on your "side"?
That isnt true. Ive never been suspicious of someone watering their lawn.
You could be if you wanted to be.
Saying that it isnt suspicious for a stranger dressed in black to be running through peoples backyards is fucking dumb and a waste of everyones time. You know its suspicious. If someone did it in a black neighborhood in a black persons yard, they would lose their shit, so dont give me that.
Why are you all so obsessed with the color of his clothes. People wear black clothes.
Nope, its just one more thing to add to the pile. Someone going through my yard is enough, even if he is wearing a fucking suit. NO ONE likes seeing strangers run through their yards. If someone does and a cop sees it happen, i want him to stop that motherfucker.
We cut between houses all the time when I was growing up. No one called the cops on us. People weren’t so hell bent on harassing each other.

My mother has called the police repeatedly for kids cutting through her yard because there's woods behind her property. They damage things while going through, turn on the garden hose, hung around behind the garage smoking dope. Because it was their regular path, were out at midnight ringing her doorbells.
That isnt true. Ive never been suspicious of someone watering their lawn.
You could be if you wanted to be.
Saying that it isnt suspicious for a stranger dressed in black to be running through peoples backyards is fucking dumb and a waste of everyones time. You know its suspicious. If someone did it in a black neighborhood in a black persons yard, they would lose their shit, so dont give me that.
Why are you all so obsessed with the color of his clothes. People wear black clothes.

Yes they do, when they rob people. The only other ones that wear all black clothing on a regular basis are Catholic priests.
Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I don’t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked “suspicious”, maybe you’d feel differently about the term “lawful order”. People often don’t have a problem when it’s other people treated this way.

I complied. Why would you not?
It sounds like he witnessed suspicious behavior, right?
Anything can be suspicious.

Okay, so you come home one night and find your home ransacked. You call the police for them to fill out a report. They come out and tell you earlier, an officer seen a suspicious character on your street cutting through yards, but didn't bother with him. Would you be okay with that?
Oh lord. You sure? The courts never try it wrong, huh? The courts believe black teenagers with a record over the city’s finest uniformed officers? Give me a break.

What's to believe or not to believe. The officer didn't violate any rights of his. Apparently he wasn't obeying the orders of the trooper and he tased him. Where is this right written that nobody has to comply with the orders of a police officer?

Chauvin sat on his back without one iota of interest as to whether he was alive or dead until it was too late. Inexcusable.

Meanwhile a cop is so stinking drunk ON DUTY he passes out in his car at a stoplight with his cruiser still in drive. People call the police and his brothers pull him out and take him to the hospital. Guess who is never prosecuted for his drunkenness? That’s right. The police, despite saying he smelled like alcohol as they yanked his drunk ass out of the car, didn’t “suspect” he was drunk so they never got a blood alcohol level.

But yeah, a kid looks at a cop wrong and happens to be wearing the wrong color is a suspect.

The country doesn’t treat people equally. That’s all I’m asking for.

The country doesn't treat people equally because people are not equal. We never have been, or didn't you know that already. If we were equal, we'd all be making the same money. There would be no need for elections because we'd all vote for the same person. We'd all have 2 kids only. But we are not equal. Blacks commit the most crimes per capita than any other group in our country. Black males commit 53% of the murders in our country even though they are 7% of our population. No other group of people comes close to those metrics.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

Of course he wasnt a black teenager in Klan country.
Guilty complex or what, Tommy? I didn't mention his criminal record-----at all. My comments were about how the article was obviously bias as they didn't provide actual facts---just the boo-hoo of the you now admitted criminals mother. I find when they leave out pertinent info, and quote the mother of the suspect---that the article is pure manipulation and that they are hiding the truth.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

I didn't mention his criminal record at all. I only pointed out that quoting the suspects mother instead of checking other sources like the police report---CLEARLY shows manipulation on the articles part. Mother a pot head? Dad not around? the article didn't even ask the girl if this guy was her boyfriend (for all you know she doesn't even know him) should be giving you a hint that something is amiss.
Your innate racism causes you to project on an awesome scale.

There is no proof that the Mother is a pothead.
There is no proof that the father is not present.
Why would he claim he was visiting his girlfriend if he wasnt ? That is easily disproved.

You are a car crash of a racist shit. You should join the police.
But there is------posting that the teen stole the moms pot indicates that she is a pot head....daddy lives in another state. Why would he claim something that isn't true---someone being arrested? Why would they lie? Seriously tommy?
Many many most if not all criminals when hoping for a sue the cops lawsuit like this idiot woman and son are---all of the race incidents--all of them --have lawyers and mamas that lie their asses off for the media in order manipulate weakminded morons to get on their side. This is why I have been trying to teach you, that when they don't present both sides and only quote the mama and the mama's attorney that they are lying. It's insanity to not question their story when it leaves such big holes indicating deception.
Nope. Iys your racism shining through. Your attempts to paint this youngster as a public enemy are laughale.
This teen is a thief stealing multi-thousands golf carts btw, druggie, and sneaking around darting in bushes when cops see him...........he aint the angel that you are pretending. Not even close.
He probably knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried as well. You probably think chauvin was innocent as well.


Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I don’t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked “suspicious”, maybe you’d feel differently about the term “lawful order”. People often don’t have a problem when it’s other people treated this way.
Like this little turd hasn't been arrested before? And like he wasn't trespassing and carrying dope illegally as well?
He wasn’t trespassing.
he was----he cut through several yards trespassing......when the cops saw him and he saw them, he hid from them as per his texts. Many subdivisions in florida have homes compacted together with no fences, this doesn't mean that strangers get trespass through people's back yards as it will certainly at the very least draw cops attention. And fyi, do you wonder why the neighbors were video taping their neighbors backyard?
None of that info made the police report. I don’t think you’re being accurate. Cutting between houses isn’t trespassing.

As you know, cutting through back yards is trespassing. How would it not be trespassing?
You are admitting that a cop witnessed the crime.
It is if he has a weapon of any kind on him, even a legal weapon. The cop needed to search him at that point.

Whether you watch police episodes on television, see it in real life, the very first thing an officer needs to do is secure the suspect. Anything else can be worked out later on. This is standard with all police work. When the suspect doesn't allow the officer to safely do that, they need to take other actions with the suspect to secure him or her.
The country doesn't treat people equally because people are not equal. We never have been, or didn't you know that already.
Hold on. Let me grab my Declaration of Independence.

Let’s see…

We hold these truths to be self evide…

Im sorry. It appears you don’t adhere to self evident truths. The equality of each is paramount to the nation. Some people are not more equal than others.
Where is this right written that nobody has to comply with the orders of a police officer?
The constitution limits the ability for the police to order us around.

Us living in a free society and all. We don’t have to submit to authoritarianism.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk in open areas unless specifically told not to. Dressed in black? That’s reason now to be harassed by police? Jesus, people really do love police states.
Well, you know, for today's whitey righties, how he was dressed is reason enough to shoot him. Think Trevon Martin and his hoodie.
Trevon is dead because he decided to pick a fight with somebody who was armed.

And that's exactly what would happen to somebody who fucks with me. I won't hold back. I won't let them pound my head into the concrete. If they even act like they're gonna do anything dangerous, I am putting five holes in them before they can even take the next breath.

I used to have sympathy for people. Now I am praying for some motherfucker with an attitude to come with me. I will fucking blow his goddamn fucking brains out, and sleep like a baby that night, like it never happened.
Oh lord. You sure? The courts never try it wrong, huh? The courts believe black teenagers with a record over the city’s finest uniformed officers? Give me a break.

What's to believe or not to believe. The officer didn't violate any rights of his. Apparently he wasn't obeying the orders of the trooper and he tased him. Where is this right written that nobody has to comply with the orders of a police officer?

Chauvin sat on his back without one iota of interest as to whether he was alive or dead until it was too late. Inexcusable.

Meanwhile a cop is so stinking drunk ON DUTY he passes out in his car at a stoplight with his cruiser still in drive. People call the police and his brothers pull him out and take him to the hospital. Guess who is never prosecuted for his drunkenness? That’s right. The police, despite saying he smelled like alcohol as they yanked his drunk ass out of the car, didn’t “suspect” he was drunk so they never got a blood alcohol level.

But yeah, a kid looks at a cop wrong and happens to be wearing the wrong color is a suspect.

The country doesn’t treat people equally. That’s all I’m asking for.

The country doesn't treat people equally because people are not equal. We never have been, or didn't you know that already. If we were equal, we'd all be making the same money. There would be no need for elections because we'd all vote for the same person. We'd all have 2 kids only. But we are not equal. Blacks commit the most crimes per capita than any other group in our country. Black males commit 53% of the murders in our country even though they are 7% of our population. No other group of people comes close to those metrics.
i'm starting to come around on this critical race theory. Because it teaches exactly the same thing.

It teaches that Black people suck so they need more help. But at the same time, if they're going to be treated like children then they were going to have the rights of children. We need to let CRT be taught. Then we need to treat all Black people like they are children.

Doesn't that sound great?
Okay, so you come home one night and find your home ransacked. You call the police for them to fill out a report. They come out and tell you earlier, an officer seen a suspicious character on your street cutting through yards, but didn't bother with him. Would you be okay with that?
No houses were broken into.

Philando Castile was pulled over in Minneapolis because a cop thought he and his girlfriend looked like some people who robbed a store four days earlier. Actually, the cop didn’t see the passenger but they looked “just like” them. The resemblance? He had a wide set nose. That’s it.

Dude was pulled over because his nose resembled the nose of someone who robbed a store. You can be a suspect for basically any reason.

And sometimes it results in your death.

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