Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

From what I've read the use of a taser by police under Florida law is restricted to use on people that are physically resisting. Per officier's own story that wasn't the situation here.

I'll say teen and his mom have just won the lottery.
Still hasn't dawned on you that the teen and his mom are lying?

Still hasn't dawned on you that the only one that broke the law was the state trooper? Florida doesn't permit the police tasing somebody for refusing to get off their celll phone.
From what I've read the use of a taser by police under Florida law is restricted to use on people that are physically resisting. Per officier's own story that wasn't the situation here.

I'll say teen and his mom have just won the lottery.
Still hasn't dawned on you that the teen and his mom are lying?

Still hasn't dawned on you that the only one that broke the law was the state trooper? Florida doesn't permit the police tasing somebody for refusing to get off their celll phone.
He wasn't tased for being on his phone---he was tased because he didn't comply with being detained/arrested.
Not everyone is as comfortable with authoritarianism as you and when a population is subjected to it, they tend to get pissed.

What people are seeing is that police are far too unlimited in their power. A police for with authority is a police force that is respected. Treating people like garbage is not going to result in being respected.

Law and order is not authoritarianism. We have a civilized society where law makers create laws, and police officers enforce those laws. Police don't have unlimited power, in fact just the opposite of most countries. Here police are scrutinized for every little move they make. it's almost like being a lab rat with a scientist watching your every move. This OP is the perfect example of that.

Any city or town can vote out their police department anytime they want. There is no federal law that anybody has to have them. Why do you suppose nobody has yet? Because crime would be out of control without those officers. The more these places weaken their police departments, the less power they have to enforce laws or protect the public.
But you're white! These things only happen to blacks!

Just kidding. The reason too many blacks have trouble with the police Is because they simply dont know how to behave.

Instead of thinking their possible responses thru, they get EMOTIONAL and it comes back on them EVERY TIME

Every police shooting had one thing in common, and that is the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the officers. The solution to the left is to protest, riot, burn down their cities, cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.

To us on the right, the solution is just to obey the commands of a police officer, and we never seem to have a problem. :eusa_shhh:
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk in open areas unless specifically told not to. Dressed in black? That’s reason now to be harassed by police? Jesus, people really do love police states.
No, its the combination of looking like a criminal, while running through your property. Sorry, but you cant do both of those things at the same time and not expect people to be alarmed.
"looking like a criminal"? Is that like blaming a rape victim for the way she dresses?
No, its nothing like that since the kid wasnt raped by any home owners for dressing like that. Dont dress like a thug and run through peoples yards.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk in open areas unless specifically told not to. Dressed in black? That’s reason now to be harassed by police? Jesus, people really do love police states.
Well, you know, for today's whitey righties, how he was dressed is reason enough to shoot him. Think Trevon Martin and his hoodie.
Trayvon wasnt shot for his hoodie or skittles. He was shot because he tried to kill a stranger in the middle of the night. Thank god he is dead.
Then how did he know it happened? Why was he there in the first place?
It would appear he was just driving by.
He was just driving by and accused a dude on a porch of running through lawns? Is this the retarded theory your trying to push right now?
He was just driving by and accused a dude on a porch of running through lawns? Is this the retarded theory your trying to push right now?
That’s exactly what happened. Try reading an article explaining what actually happened, dumbfuck.
How would that help your case? You are admitting that a cop witnessed the crime.
Not everyone is as comfortable with authoritarianism as you and when a population is subjected to it, they tend to get pissed.

What people are seeing is that police are far too unlimited in their power. A police for with authority is a police force that is respected. Treating people like garbage is not going to result in being respected.

Law and order is not authoritarianism. We have a civilized society where law makers create laws, and police officers enforce those laws. Police don't have unlimited power, in fact just the opposite of most countries. Here police are scrutinized for every little move they make. it's almost like being a lab rat with a scientist watching your every move. This OP is the perfect example of that.

Any city or town can vote out their police department anytime they want. There is no federal law that anybody has to have them. Why do you suppose nobody has yet? Because crime would be out of control without those officers. The more these places weaken their police departments, the less power they have to enforce laws or protect the public.
A civilized society doesn’t abdicate rights to police in favor of security.

Police are not scrutinized for every little mistake they make. Far from it. The media gets attention for some instances but largely the majority of the abuses are swept under the rug. Nothing, zero will happen to this officer. The second things stop getting ignored, you see police bail. A cop kneeled on a man until he suffocated and police acted like it was no big deal. The nation was stunned when he was convicted because it was so out of ordinary.

Take the instance of Daniel Shaver. Poor guy was staying in a hotel when the police were called because someone saw him with what looked like a rifle. Next thing you know an officer is screaming at him at the top of his lungs that he was going to kill him for the slightest misstep. Turns out Daniel made a slight misstep and the officer made good on his promise. The officer was fired but successfully got reinstated in his job and promptly left on disability because he has PTSD from the fact that he murdered an innocent man.

I think the police know that we need them, and I feel that a lot of times they take advantage of that fact. It’s nearly blackmail, in my opinion. If we the people get too uppity about not wanting to be subject to their rule, they can make sure we suffer for it.
A civilized society doesn’t abdicate rights to police in favor of security.

Police are not scrutinized for every little mistake they make. Far from it. The media gets attention for some instances but largely the majority of the abuses are swept under the rug. Nothing, zero will happen to this officer. The second things stop getting ignored, you see police bail. A cop kneeled on a man until he suffocated and police acted like it was no big deal. The nation was stunned when he was convicted because it was so out of ordinary.

Take the instance of Daniel Shaver. Poor guy was staying in a hotel when the police were called because someone saw him with what looked like a rifle. Next thing you know an officer is screaming at him at the top of his lungs that he was going to kill him for the slightest misstep. Turns out Daniel made a slight misstep and the officer made good on his promise. The officer was fired but successfully got reinstated in his job and promptly left on disability because he has PTSD from the fact that he murdered an innocent man.

I think the police know that we need them, and I feel that a lot of times they take advantage of that fact. It’s nearly blackmail, in my opinion. If we the people get too uppity about not wanting to be subject to their rule, they can make sure we suffer for it

Anybody who's had their rights violated can get redemption in the court of law.

As for Chauvin, he used a move that's been used by police officers all across the country. I used to be an avid fan of the show COPS, and I've seen police do that all the time. But for some reason, this suspect died. Forget the fact he had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Forget the fact he mixed that with meth, forget the fact he had clogged arteries and a heart problem. Forget the fact he had hypertension. Forget he had covid. Blame the police officer because he died. And now, that officer is in jail.
Anybody who's had their rights violated can get redemption in the court of law.
Oh lord. You sure? The courts never try it wrong, huh? The courts believe black teenagers with a record over the city’s finest uniformed officers? Give me a break.
As for Chauvin, he used a move that's been used by police officers all across the country. I used to be an avid fan of the show COPS, and I've seen police do that all the time. But for some reason, this suspect died. Forget the fact he had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Forget the fact he mixed that with meth, forget the fact he had clogged arteries and a heart problem. Forget the fact he had hypertension. Forget he had covid. Blame the police officer because he died. And now, that officer is in jail.
Chauvin sat on his back without one iota of interest as to whether he was alive or dead until it was too late. Inexcusable.

Meanwhile a cop is so stinking drunk ON DUTY he passes out in his car at a stoplight with his cruiser still in drive. People call the police and his brothers pull him out and take him to the hospital. Guess who is never prosecuted for his drunkenness? That’s right. The police, despite saying he smelled like alcohol as they yanked his drunk ass out of the car, didn’t “suspect” he was drunk so they never got a blood alcohol level.

But yeah, a kid looks at a cop wrong and happens to be wearing the wrong color is a suspect.

The country doesn’t treat people equally. That’s all I’m asking for.
Not everyone is as comfortable with authoritarianism as you and when a population is subjected to it, they tend to get pissed.

What people are seeing is that police are far too unlimited in their power. A police for with authority is a police force that is respected. Treating people like garbage is not going to result in being respected.

Law and order is not authoritarianism. We have a civilized society where law makers create laws, and police officers enforce those laws. Police don't have unlimited power, in fact just the opposite of most countries. Here police are scrutinized for every little move they make. it's almost like being a lab rat with a scientist watching your every move. This OP is the perfect example of that.

Any city or town can vote out their police department anytime they want. There is no federal law that anybody has to have them. Why do you suppose nobody has yet? Because crime would be out of control without those officers. The more these places weaken their police departments, the less power they have to enforce laws or protect the public.
A civilized society doesn’t abdicate rights to police in favor of security.

Police are not scrutinized for every little mistake they make. Far from it. The media gets attention for some instances but largely the majority of the abuses are swept under the rug. Nothing, zero will happen to this officer. The second things stop getting ignored, you see police bail. A cop kneeled on a man until he suffocated and police acted like it was no big deal. The nation was stunned when he was convicted because it was so out of ordinary.

Take the instance of Daniel Shaver. Poor guy was staying in a hotel when the police were called because someone saw him with what looked like a rifle. Next thing you know an officer is screaming at him at the top of his lungs that he was going to kill him for the slightest misstep. Turns out Daniel made a slight misstep and the officer made good on his promise. The officer was fired but successfully got reinstated in his job and promptly left on disability because he has PTSD from the fact that he murdered an innocent man.

I think the police know that we need them, and I feel that a lot of times they take advantage of that fact. It’s nearly blackmail, in my opinion. If we the people get too uppity about not wanting to be subject to their rule, they can make sure we suffer for it.
What the officer did was wrong and needs to be brought to the attention of all. I don’t think we are abdicating our rights to law enforcement, we are still a free society. I do think the police are under a microscope and it is helping to get rid of bad cops however it is also creating problems when an officer justly uses force and the gets hell for it. Floyd was a perfect example of abuse by cop and Ferguson was a perfect example of the public overreacting to justified force.

ln Portland, OR is an example of cops no longer volunteering for extra duty because of fear of unfair reprisal. We need to keep alert however we also need to realize in some situations such as riots and when lives are in danger that cops may make decisions That not all agree with and maybe cut them slack.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
kid is lucky...sneaking around in all black in the middle of the night in people’s yards might get him shot.

thankfully the police were called instead and non-lethal force was used to detain this suspect
yeah, cuz all black in the middle of the DAY is super suspicious.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
kid is lucky...sneaking around in all black in the middle of the night in people’s yards might get him shot.

thankfully the police were called instead and non-lethal force was used to detain this suspect
yeah, cuz all black in the middle of the DAY is super suspicious.
going in and out of yards...certainly...especially in sunny florida

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
kid is lucky...sneaking around in all black in the middle of the night in people’s yards might get him shot.

thankfully the police were called instead and non-lethal force was used to detain this suspect
yeah, cuz all black in the middle of the DAY is super suspicious.
going in and out of yards...certainly...especially in sunny florida
at noon.

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