Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

It’s also how oppressive societies work.

Bullshit. You see, this is why I promote dividing this country into two countries instead. You people could have one half of the country and we'll have the other half. Both countries operate the way they wish. On your side, nobody is a suspect, you barely have police but a lot of social workers, and the police you do have will not be allowed to carry guns, arrest suspects, or even chase after them like the new regulation Mayor Lighthead made in Chicago.
Our side won`t sell handguns. See how easy that is? Eventually the police won`t need them either.

Isn't working too good in England where gun violence is exploding. They have every law you want, and more, andvyet gun violence is skyrocketing.

Looks like your anti gun fantasy is just that...fantasy.
Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I don’t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked “suspicious”, maybe you’d feel differently about the term “lawful order”. People often don’t have a problem when it’s other people treated this way.
Like this little turd hasn't been arrested before? And like he wasn't trespassing and carrying dope illegally as well?
He wasn’t trespassing.
he was----he cut through several yards trespassing......when the cops saw him and he saw them, he hid from them as per his texts. Many subdivisions in florida have homes compacted together with no fences, this doesn't mean that strangers get trespass through people's back yards as it will certainly at the very least draw cops attention. And fyi, do you wonder why the neighbors were video taping their neighbors backyard?
Sure, he was cutting through yards, ended up at a back door, and the officer only wanted to see if he was telling the truth.
Sure. And he said his girlfriend was coming out, as she did just seconds after he decided to make him ride the lightning.

Kids run between houses all the time.
You mean when she heard the criminal whatever fall in her back yard? She came out? And btw, why was he hiding in the back yard with pot and not knocking on front or back doors if he was waiting for her to come down? Sounds more like her drug dealer and her parents certainly did not give him permission to be there.
He was standing by the back door texting her stupid.

The cop could have been suspicious but had NO reason to pull his tazer out.
R the "teen" could have complied.
Gf, blacks are really stupid.

They believe they have the right to challenge authority.

And to the mother who wants "justice,: HE GOT JUSTICE
Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I don’t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked “suspicious”, maybe you’d feel differently about the term “lawful order”. People often don’t have a problem when it’s other people treated this way.
Like this little turd hasn't been arrested before? And like he wasn't trespassing and carrying dope illegally as well?
He wasn’t trespassing.
he was----he cut through several yards trespassing......when the cops saw him and he saw them, he hid from them as per his texts. Many subdivisions in florida have homes compacted together with no fences, this doesn't mean that strangers get trespass through people's back yards as it will certainly at the very least draw cops attention. And fyi, do you wonder why the neighbors were video taping their neighbors backyard?
None of that info made the police report. I don’t think you’re being accurate. Cutting between houses isn’t trespassing.
If a cop wanted a reason, they have no need to have you provide one.

Police don't get aggressive for shits and giggles. They know it could escalate into something much more serious. Police are trained to do a certain thing a certain way, and if you don't comply, you are interfering with their procedures which makes it more dangerous for them and you.

If a police officer told me to get on the ground, I would simply do so. If he wanted to put the cuffs on me, I would comply even though I did nothing wrong. If you are going to challenge authority, you don't do it on the street. After the matter settles down, you can use the many avenues to resolve your issues afterwards.

One time I got pulled over in a weigh station and they wanted to checkout my truck. They were yelling at me like drill sergeants in the Marines. The one officer was unhappy I didn't keep a log of every day I drove. I told him I was mostly local, and the law only requires me to use a log book outside of 100 air miles from where I was dispatched. Unhappy with that answer, he told me to call my employer because he wanted to talk with him. It was late and I told him the shop was closed, but I'll try to reach him at home.

While I was trying to call my boss, the same clown went back to my trailer and started to give me orders for a safety check. I wasn't paying attention, and his idiot buddy came running at me screaming his brains out. I told him I was only doing what his coworker told me to do. His face of anger fell, and he said "oh, okay."

When I got home, I emailed a letter to my state rep. I also copied it and sent the letter to the Governors office. I lied a bit and told them I had video of the entire event, and I was about to put it on Youtube to show people how our public servants treat their citizens. I only heard back from the State rep promising he would look into the matter, but that was the last of it.

A month later I had to go to that company once again, and once again had to go through that same weigh station. Both idiots were gone, and they had new officers at that weigh station.

That's how you handle things.
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.

Just imagine that he had cooperated with the trooper......he would have probably went peacefully to jail. But nope....They now want to fight with the cops. Dumbasses.
Just imagine that he had cooperated with the trooper......he would have probably went peacefully to jail. But nope....They now want to fight with the cops. Dumbasses.
Just imagine if he received the same benefit of the doubt and consideration as white kids and wasted treated as suspect.
If any white kid outright ignores a cop, that white kid should be tased. THERE.

Now get your bullshit race narrative the fuck outta here.
If any white kid outright ignores a cop, that white kid should be tased. THERE.

Now get your bullshit race narrative the fuck outta her
The white kid would never have had interaction with the police at all. That’s the point, dope.
That is a fucking cock sucking lie and you fucking know it.

I would wager that just on numbers alone, white people have twice as many interactions with police as Black people.

The difference is that for some reason some people don't know how to interact with police.

Don't ignore cop when he's talking to you. You might be accused of something you didn't do.

Don't start yelling at the cop for no damn reason.

Don't argue with a cop. He can't control anything. He's not a judge or a legislator.

Obey the law. Pretty simple one.

I am so worn out with you motherfuckers telling me that race is the reason certain people have bad interactions with police, and not the bullshit behavior.
That is a fucking cock sucking lie and you fucking know it.
I don’t lie like you, dumbfuck.

Blacks are always seen as suspect while doing the same ordinary shit as everyone else.
There is not a thing suspect about a teen cutting through yards, wearing black, visiting their girlfriends or even being mouthy. The only possible reason to suspect him of wrongdoing was his appearance.
Gonna please stop being an absolute homo
Funny - I have been to Scotland on numerous occasions and (at least in Edinburgh) saw the same damned thugs, both black and white, as those who wander the streets in nearly every American city.

Just a few stats for your dumb ass:


Scotland is an overwhelmingly white country - the fact you claim to have seen blacks up to no good means you're actually saying that the small amount of blacks you've actually seen in Edinburgh are criminals - which actually counters your point.

Why wouldn't Scotland, a white country, have white criminals? yet in one of the whitest countries in the world the few blacks you did see, were causing it :102:

Engage your brain and think about what you're actually saying.

I'm saying - look at the stats.
It’s also how oppressive societies work.

Bullshit. You see, this is why I promote dividing this country into two countries instead. You people could have one half of the country and we'll have the other half. Both countries operate the way they wish. On your side, nobody is a suspect, you barely have police but a lot of social workers, and the police you do have will not be allowed to carry guns, arrest suspects, or even chase after them like the new regulation Mayor Lighthead made in Chicago.
Our side won`t sell handguns. See how easy that is? Eventually the police won`t need them either.

Isn't working too good in England where gun violence is exploding. They have every law you want, and more, andvyet gun violence is skyrocketing.

Looks like your anti gun fantasy is just that...fantasy.
In 2016-17 there were 31 (thirty one) fatal shootings or 1 for every 1.9 million people in England and Wales. How do we compare?
Police don't get aggressive for shits and giggles. They know it could escalate into something much more serious. Police are trained to do a certain thing a certain way, and if you don't comply, you are interfering with their procedures which makes it more dangerous for them and you.
They get aggressive all the time for all sorts of reasons. Those reasons may well be legitimate. They may not. For example, being rude to an officer is not cause for suspicion of crime but damnit wouldn’t you know some times a cop will get aggressive if you should a person do so. I’m worried about police training as it seems like some of it is intended to find the easiest way to deprive people of their rights while protecting themselves from litigation.
If a police officer told me to get on the ground, I would simply do so. If he wanted to put the cuffs on me, I would comply even though I did nothing wrong. If you are going to challenge authority, you don't do it on the street. After the matter settles down, you can use the many avenues to resolve your issues afterwards.
Not everyone is as comfortable with you about abdicating their rights. The other avenues are not exactly effective at resolving the issue. Peaceful resistance gets far more attention than passive compliance. Ask the civil rights movement about it.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
kid is lucky...sneaking around in all black in the middle of the night in people’s yards might get him shot.

thankfully the police were called instead and non-lethal force was used to detain this suspect
Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I don’t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked “suspicious”, maybe you’d feel differently about the term “lawful order”. People often don’t have a problem when it’s other people treated this way.
Like this little turd hasn't been arrested before? And like he wasn't trespassing and carrying dope illegally as well?
He wasn’t trespassing.
he was----he cut through several yards trespassing......when the cops saw him and he saw them, he hid from them as per his texts. Many subdivisions in florida have homes compacted together with no fences, this doesn't mean that strangers get trespass through people's back yards as it will certainly at the very least draw cops attention. And fyi, do you wonder why the neighbors were video taping their neighbors backyard?
None of that info made the police report. I don’t think you’re being accurate. Cutting between houses isn’t trespassing.
He Trespassed.......

Under Chapter 810 of the Florida Statutes, the crime of Trespass is committed when a person: willfully enters or remains on some form of real property without authorization, license, or invitation; or Returns to or ignores a prior warning to stay off real property.

I have a large unfenced yard on a canal---If i catch anyone in my backyard or near the canal area connected to my yard, I am calling the cops ala Karen style.
They get aggressive all the time for all sorts of reasons. Those reasons may well be legitimate. They may not. For example, being rude to an officer is not cause for suspicion of crime but damnit wouldn’t you know some times a cop will get aggressive if you should a person do so. I’m worried about police training as it seems like some of it is intended to find the easiest way to deprive people of their rights while protecting themselves from litigation.

Police only get aggressive when they have to. They don't talk orders, they scream them. That's how they were trained. By screaming, it gives them the more authoritative figure they need to have to get the suspect to comply. They don't scream at them because the suspect my not be able to hear them.

The only time police get aggressive is when you give them a hard time.

Not everyone is as comfortable with you about abdicating their rights. The other avenues are not exactly effective at resolving the issue. Peaceful resistance gets far more attention than passive compliance. Ask the civil rights movement about it.

So challenging the police officer resolves such issues? I don't know about that. My reading of police matters is it only will get you hurt or killed, or bring more charges against you. Not smart at all.

If your rights were violated, you can take that up with the chief, you can take it up with the Mayor, you can take it up with the city prosecutor, and if all else fails, you can take your story to the media.
Police only get aggressive when they have to. They don't talk orders, they scream them. That's how they were trained. By screaming, it gives them the more authoritative figure they need to have to get the suspect to comply. They don't scream at them because the suspect my not be able to hear them.
Cool. We are ruled by threats and intimidation. Who wouldn’t love this country?
Police only get aggressive when they have to. They don't talk orders, they scream them. That's how they were trained. By screaming, it gives them the more authoritative figure they need to have to get the suspect to comply. They don't scream at them because the suspect my not be able to hear them.
Cool. We are ruled by threats and intimidation. Who wouldn’t love this country?
everybody seems to...they have been flocking here for centuries.
Cool. We are ruled by threats and intimidation. Who wouldn’t love this country?

Apparently not many since so many people are trying to get in legally and illegally. What I never could understand is this objection to authority. It's just so simple. I've done it all my life and I've likely had more interactions with them than most anybody here. Look what's going on in all these Democrat anti-cop cities. Police officers leaving in droves, violent crime up double digits, murder up double digits, and if I recall a report a few weeks ago, 40% increase in Chicago murders.

These are just all great examples of what takes place when you have no authority in your city. It's what criminals love.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know. about they show us what led up to the initial deployment of the taser......I notice they left that out of your video.
If a cop wanted a reason, they have no need to have you provide one.

Police don't get aggressive for shits and giggles. They know it could escalate into something much more serious. Police are trained to do a certain thing a certain way, and if you don't comply, you are interfering with their procedures which makes it more dangerous for them and you.

If a police officer told me to get on the ground, I would simply do so. If he wanted to put the cuffs on me, I would comply even though I did nothing wrong. If you are going to challenge authority, you don't do it on the street. After the matter settles down, you can use the many avenues to resolve your issues afterwards.

One time I got pulled over in a weigh station and they wanted to checkout my truck. They were yelling at me like drill sergeants in the Marines. The one officer was unhappy I didn't keep a log of every day I drove. I told him I was mostly local, and the law only requires me to use a log book outside of 100 air miles from where I was dispatched. Unhappy with that answer, he told me to call my employer because he wanted to talk with him. It was late and I told him the shop was closed, but I'll try to reach him at home.

While I was trying to call my boss, the same clown went back to my trailer and started to give me orders for a safety check. I wasn't paying attention, and his idiot buddy came running at me screaming his brains out. I told him I was only doing what his coworker told me to do. His face of anger fell, and he said "oh, okay."

When I got home, I emailed a letter to my state rep. I also copied it and sent the letter to the Governors office. I lied a bit and told them I had video of the entire event, and I was about to put it on Youtube to show people how our public servants treat their citizens. I only heard back from the State rep promising he would look into the matter, but that was the last of it.

A month later I had to go to that company once again, and once again had to go through that same weigh station. Both idiots were gone, and they had new officers at that weigh station.

That's how you handle things.
But you're white! These things only happen to blacks!

Just kidding. The reason too many blacks have trouble with the police Is because they simply dont know how to behave.

Instead of thinking their possible responses thru, they get EMOTIONAL and it comes back on them EVERY TIME
Cool. We are ruled by threats and intimidation. Who wouldn’t love this country?

Apparently not many since so many people are trying to get in legally and illegally. What I never could understand is this objection to authority. It's just so simple. I've done it all my life and I've likely had more interactions with them than most anybody here. Look what's going on in all these Democrat anti-cop cities. Police officers leaving in droves, violent crime up double digits, murder up double digits, and if I recall a report a few weeks ago, 40% increase in Chicago murders.

These are just all great examples of what takes place when you have no authority in your city. It's what criminals love.
Not everyone is as comfortable with authoritarianism as you and when a population is subjected to it, they tend to get pissed.

What people are seeing is that police are far too unlimited in their power. A police for with authority is a police force that is respected. Treating people like garbage is not going to result in being respected.

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